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The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies
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The focus is to provide readers with a better understanding of Quranic studies and interpretation, hadith and Prophetic tradition, religious studies, and mysticism and present developments through the publication of articles and book reviews. Jalsah specializes in Quranic and sunnah studies and interpretation, hadith and prophetic tradition, religious studies, and mysticism.
Articles 25 Documents
Inkonsistensi Pemikiran Nashir al-Din al-Bani: Analisis Kritis atas Kitab al-Ajwibah al-Nafi’ah ‘an Mas’alah Masjid al-Jami’ah Arif Nuh Safri
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): October
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v1i1.126


The science of the criticism of the Prophet's hadith is likely to continue to develop. Starting from criticism of sanad, matan, ma'ani and others. From various aspects of hadith criticism, each character or expert has its own tendency. Muhammad al-Gazali, for example, is known as a person who focuses on matan criticism. Nusantara Hadith figure, Syuhudi Isma'il is known for his Ma'anil Hadith knowledge. On the other hand, a modern figure, Nasir al-Din al-Albani is known as a very productive person in producing works in the field of hadith. He is known as a person who is very focused on sanad criticism. In the context of science, the expertise of a character cannot be separated from sharp criticism. The criticism that gives rise to dialectic, so that science progresses. Through this article, the author tries to understand and analyze al-Albani's thoughts. Specifically in the book entitled al-Ajwibah al-Nafi'ah 'an Mas'alah Masjid al-Jami'ah. In this work, the author concludes that there is an inconsistency in al-Albani's thinking because it is often contradictory. Therefore, the author will describe the inconsistency of these thoughts.
Hadis dalam Perspektif Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Fahrudin
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): October
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v1i1.127


This article discusses the thoughts of Hizb ut -Tahrir (HT) on the hadith of the Prophet, especially in relation to the Khilafah. In HT's belief that the hadith of the Prophet related to the baiat and the caliphate is an Islamic teaching that must be fought for, because the Islamic caliphate system has been applied by the Prophet and the khulafaurasyidin and is a concrete proof of the welfare of human life and harmony experienced by society in his time because of upholding Islamic law in kaffah. To be able to describe how HT's view of the hadith, the author collected good literary data from the writings of Taqiyudin al Nabhani himself who was a central figure in the HT group and did not miss the thoughts of his followers or those who opposed HT's own thoughts. . After the author collected some of the necessary data, the author then read and analyzed the thought flow of Hizb ut -Tahrir. By using descriptive analytical methods that eventually produce conclusions based on the results of studies on existing data
Analisa Unsur-unsur Tafsir Jalalain sebagai Teks Hipogram dalam Tafisr Al-Ibriz: Kajian Intertekstual Julia Kristeva QS. Maryam: 1-15 Aaviy Lailaa Kholily
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): October
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v1i1.128


This paper will try to examine al-Ibriz's interpretation and Jalalain's interpretation with an intertextual approach, but within the scope of the researcher, the researcher will only try to examine the Surah Maryam verses 1 to 15 with the formulation of the problem, first: What are the elements of Jalalain's interpretation contained in the interpretation al-Ibriz on the interpretation of the letter Maryam verses 1 to 15? Second: What are the principles used by K.H Bisyri Mustafa in processing Jalalain's interpretation as his hypogram text on the interpretation of Maryam verses 1 to 15? From the results of the analysis, the researchers found the elements of Jalalain's interpretation contained in al-Ibriz contained in verses 1,3,5,6,7,12, and 13. As for the principles used to process the hypogram, several principles were found, namely the principle of transformation , haplology, expansion and parallel.
Mitologi dalam QS. Al-Kafirun Perspektif Semiotika Roland Barthes Muhamad Jamaludin; Nur Aini; Ahmad Sihabul Millah
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): October
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v1i1.129


The interpretation of Surah al-Kafirun today is found to be a little disturbing for religious people, both among religions and between religious communities. Especially after the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, namely Nahdatul 'Ulama which issued bahtsul masail results about non-Muslims who are not infidels. Netizens are busy blaspheming and identifying non-Muslims as not even infidels to the point of stating that the meaning of the letter al-Kafirun today is no longer relevant. To answer this question, the author compiles Roland Barthes' theory of semiotics into this letter of al-Kafirun. The author interprets this letter of al-Kafirun using two levels of semiotics. The first level of semiotics analyzes linguistics or language. Meanwhile, the second level semiotics analyzes the connotative meaning in the text by revealing the mythical characteristics of the verse as stated in Roland Barthes' semiotic theory.
Kritik Ibn al-Jauzi Terhadap Hadis dalam Kitab Ihya Ulum ad-Din dan Pembelaan Abu al-Fadl al-Iraqi A’an Mujibur Rohman
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): October
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v1i1.130


In the world of Islamic intellectuals, Al-Ghazali is one of the Sufistic figures who understands Islam very well. Arguments and ways of thinking about philosophy, monotheism and others were able to become a bridge for Muslims in that era. But apart from the intellectual prowess of al-Ghazali can not be separated from the criticism of his thinking. Some scholars at that time tried to criticize al-Ghazali's thoughts, especially about the hadith arguments that he used in Islamic law. Some scholars' considered that al-Ghazali used the hadith maudlu'. This is as seen in one of his monumental works, Ihya 'Ulum ad-Din, both for the purpose of at-targhib (providing motivation) and at-tarhib (scaring), and/or fadhail al-a'mal (the virtue of attitude/ behavior). It is interesting to briefly examine the epistemological framework of hadith in al-Ghazali's thought, which according to some scholars' has a tasahhul (loose) attitude in terms of hadith transmission, thus drawing criticism from some scholars and even orientalists, and the basis held by al-Ghazali in narrating and using hadiths that are af and even willing' quality, especially those related to haram and halal. However, this monumental book by al-Ghazali is considered a very great book in its era until now because it includes various types of knowledge.
Disabilitas Menurut al-Quran: Tafsir Kontekstual QS. ’Abasa (80) : 1-10 Anshori
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v2i1.170


This paper examines disability according to the Qur'an in QS. ‘Abasa (80): 1-10 which is focused on the term a’m? (blindness). The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of QS. 'Abasa (80): 1-10 at the time of revelation which was then associated with the present context. The author uses a qualitative research method of library research type, which collects related data and then elaborates and then analyzes it (descriptive-analysis). The theory used is Abdullah Saeed's contextual interpretation theory, which in the process tries to reveal the meaning of the verse at the time of revelation (macro 1) and the contextual meaning of the verse (macro 2). The results show that there are three meanings of QS. 'Abasa (80): 1-10 that need to be known and applied in contemporary times. First, is the right to equality that should be realized for people with disabilities as obtained by other communities. Second, attention to literacy or learning rights should be given to people with disabilities. Third, rights are considered as part of society that can exist and have the same potential to take part in activities related to social society.
Makna Thagut dalam Al-Quran: Analisis Semiotika Julia Kristeva pada Tafsir fi Zhilail Quran dan Tafsir Al-Azhar Mira Fitri Shari
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v2i1.188


This paper discusses the definition of Thagut using the semiotics theory of Julia Kristeva. The method used in this research is library research or library research is research whose data is obtained through literature related to the theme being studied. From this study, it was found that the word Thagut in the Koran has various definitions when analyzed using the semiotic theory of Julia Kristeva. Thagut has many meanings such as arbitrariness, deviant belief, transgressing, transgressing truth, transcending consciousness. Regarding the implied meaning of the word Thagut, Mufassirs such as Sayyid Qutb and Buya Hamka have different views according to the experience and environment of each Mufassir. The Mufassir from Indonesia, namely Buya Hamka in the Al-Azhar commentary, stated that Thagut is believing in superstitious things such as sacrificing certain scholars, which is sometimes done by the Indonesian people. Buya Hamka also gave an example that the government of Thagut is like the government of Pharaoh and King Namrud, where these two leaders are recognized and acknowledge themselves as God and must be worshipped by their people. Sayyid Qutb interprets the word Thagut as all actions that are not guided by the teachings of Islam. -the teachings set by Allah, are not ruled by sharia law or Allah’s law. And this definition is used by terrorist groups to justify their heinous deeds.
Salat Sahun dalam Al-Qur’an : Studi Komparatif Penafsiran Al-Qurthubi dan Sayyid Qutb atas Surah Al-Maun ayat 4-5 Maulidatur Rofiqoh
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v2i1.202


One of the central themes of the Qur'an is worship. It is one of the pillars of Islam that is most widely mentioned in the Qur'an, which it shows that prayer is one of the pillars of Islam that has an important role and function in the lives of Muslims. Therefore negligence (s?h?n) in prayer is prohibited, a person in establishing prayer is required to always remember that he is praying. The focus of this paper then is on the interpretation of surah al-M?’?n  (107): 4-5 about negligence in prayer in the eyes of al Qurtubi and Sayyid Qutb. This type of research uses library research and the method used is comparative analysis, by analyzing and comparing the interpretation of Al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an and the interpretation of fi Zilal al-Qur'an. The results show that in terms of the meaning of s?h?n is relatively same, both mufassir interpret equally that the meaning of s?h?n is negligence (not focused on praying). This is because they only pray with the aim of riya'. The difference between the two interpretations is that al-Qurthubi prefers to deal with it in the context of its implementation, such as praying outside the time limit, wasting prayer and even leaving prayer. Meanwhile, Sayyid Qutbin interpreting of surah al-M?’?n  (107): 4-5, is more revealing in the spirit of the verse by prioritizing the problems of society to be solved through the al-Qur’an, namely the implications of praying s?h?n on human behaviour.
Penggunaan Ayat Al-Quran dalam Produk Pakaian Muslimah: Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce pada Akun Instagram @Biabyzaskiamecca Salehudin Pole
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v2i1.213


The change to the digital era is an extraordinary evolution of human civilization, which involves technological resources. This can be proven by the ease with which anyone can access anything through digital media. At the same time, it gave birth to various activities. One of them is the emergence of a variety of selling Muslim clothing products with modern and classic concepts which later became a market field. From 1980-1990, syar'i clothing was discriminated against. The change in the political system in 1998 had an impact on freedom of dress, especially expressing religious symbols in the use of the hijab. Muslim clothing products are also growing rapidly and become the lifestyle of the Indonesian Muslim middle-class community. In popular culture, the hijab is not merely a cover for their genitals, but also a commodity and "fashion" for them. This in the end eliminates the value of spirituality, as well as presents a new meaning of piety in religious symbols.
Analisis Wacana Kritis Adopsi Bahasa Asing dalam Al-Quran dalam Buku Arthur Jeffery (The Foreign Vocabulary of The Quran) Ismi Wakhidatul Hikmah; Lianfin Safira Aulia
Jalsah : The Journal of Al-quran and As-sunnah Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuludin Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/jqs.v2i1.228


Arthur Jeffery in his book The Foreign Vocabulary of The Quran states that there are non-Arabic language (foreign languages) in the Qur'an. This raises doubts about the authenticity of the language of the Koran wherein the Koran itself says that the language of the Koran in Arabic. This study uses critical discourse analysis promoted by Norman Fairclough where this theory focuses on how language is formed and shaped from social relations and certain contexts with three dimensions of Fairclough's critical discourse analysis, namely text (text dimension), discourse practice (discursive practice), and sociocultural practice (socio-cultural practice). The results of this study are doubts about the authenticity of the language of the Qur'an were broken by Muslim scholars and Arthur Jeffery's opinion that the existence of a foreign language in the Qur'an has clearly been proven wrong with the available data from Muslim scholars. Therefore, we conclude that the language of the Qur'an is Arabic

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