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Journal of Community Empowerment
ISSN : 29619459     EISSN : 29637090     DOI : -
Journal of Community Empowerment is multidisciplinary scientific journal in the field of empowerment and community Service, published by the English Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram with a publication period of two times in one year, namely in June and December. This journal covers some general problems from the results of research implemented to the community services including (1) social humanities, science, applied science, economic, health, cultural, ICT Development, and administration services, (2) Training and improvement in the results of educational, agricultural, information and communication, and appropriate technology, (3) community empowerment, students community services, local food security, marketing, and less developed region. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of service to the community. This journal accepts manuscript in Bahasa or English.
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Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Journal of Community Empowerment

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ABSTRAK                                                                                     Sociopreneurship atau kewirausahaan sosial mengacu pada usaha bisnis yang berfokus pada menciptakan perubahan sosial yang positif. Bagi para pelajar, karakter sociopreneurship tersebut sangat penting karena dapat membantu pencapaian potensi penuh diri mereka serta menghasilkan perubahan sosial yang positif bagi masyarakat. Namun karakter sociopreneur sulit untuk dikembangkan karena keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh para pelajar terutama dalam melihat masalah yang ada disekitar, merumuskan ide, memberikan solusi, dan mengemukakan gagasan dari solusi kedalam bentuk rancangan visual. Universitas Ciputra telah berkomitmen turut serta dalam memupuk karakter entrepreneur sejak dini. SMAK Frateran sebagai mitra secara khusus menjadikan pendidikan entrepreneurship diajarkan sejak dini melalui pembelajaran dengan materi bertahap khususnya dengan metode design thinking. Pada program pelatihan ini dengan menggunakan metode lokakarya dan demonstrasi secara berkelanjutan yang diterapkan di SMAK Frateran, melatih pelajar menjadi seorang sociopreneur dikembangkan melalui pola pikir design thinking. Metode design thinking yang disampaikan dalam lokakarya memberikan hasil dimana peserta didik mampu memecahkan masalah-masalah sosial di masyarakat yang langsung dapat memberikan solusi berdasarkan project based learning serta mampu merumuskan ide-idenya ke dalam bentuk visual agar mudah dipahami. Kata kunci: sociopreneurship; design thinking; project based learning.  ABSTRACTSociopreneurship, or social entrepreneurship, refers to business ventures that focus on creating positive social change. For students, the character of sociopreneurship is very important because it can help them achieve their full potential and produce positive social change for society. However, the sociopreneur character is difficult to develop because of the limitations that students have, especially in seeing problems around them, formulating ideas, providing solutions, and presenting ideas from solutions in the form of visual designs. Ciputra University has committed to participating in fostering entrepreneurial character from an early age. SMAK Frateran as a partner specifically makes entrepreneurship education taught from an early age through learning with gradual material, especially with the design thinking method. In this training programme, which uses the workshop and demonstration method on an ongoing basis and is applied at SMAK Frateran, training students to become sociopreneurs is developed through a design-thinking mindset. The design thinking method presented in the workshop produced results in which students were able to solve social problems in society that could immediately provide solutions based on project-based learning and were able to formulate their ideas in a visual form so that they were easy to understand. Keywords: sociopreneurship; design thinking; project based learning.
Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Journal of Community Empowerment

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ABSTRAKRemaja rentan mengalami permasalahan kesehatan reproduksi yang disebabkan karena kurangnya informasi yang diterima. Saat ini jumlah remaja yang mengalami permasalahan kesehatan reproduksi dan menderita infeksi menular seksual mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan Kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi pada remaja, melalui kelompok remaja di Desa Tlogomuyo mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dan infeksi menular seksual sehingga akan mengurangi permasalahan terkait dengan kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan kepada kelompok remaja Desa Tlogomulyo yang berjumlah 16 orang. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan, maka dilakukan pretes dan postes, sebelum dan sesudah pemberian materi edukasi. Hasil rata-rata pretes adalah 58,75 dan rata-rata postes meningkat menjadi 90. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa setelah diberikan edukasi mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dan infeksi menular sesksual, terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan peserta. Diharapakan setelah kelompok remaja mengetahui mengenai informasi ini, dapat memberikan informasi yang tepat kepada remaja lain di lingkungannya sehingga akan menurunkan permasalahan mengenai kesehatan repoduksi pada remaja. Kata kunci: remaja; edukasi; kesehatan reproduksi; infeksi menular seksual ABSTRACTAdolescents are vulnerable to reproductive problems caused by a lack of information received. Currently, the number of adolescents experiencing reproductive health problems and suffering from sexually transmitted infections has increased. This service activity aims to provide education to adolescents, through youth groups in Tlogomuyo Village regarding reproductive health and sexually transmitted infections so that it will reduce problems related to adolescent reproductive health. The method used in this activity was to provide counseling to a group of 16 youths in Tlogomulyo Village. To determine the effect of counseling on the level of knowledge, pretest and posttest were carried out, before and after the provision of educational materials. The average pre-test result was 58.75 and the post-test average increased to 90. This shows that after being given education about reproductive health and sexually transmitted infections, participants' knowledge increased. It is hoped that after the youth group knows about this information, it can provide appropriate information to other adolescents in their environment so that it will reduce problems regarding reproductive health in adolescents. 
Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Journal of Community Empowerment

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ABSTRAKPada tanggal 21 November 2022, gempa bumi berkekuatan 5,6 magnitudo terjadi di Kab.Cianjur, Jawa Barat SDN Cibulakan merupakan salah satu sekolah dasar yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Cugenang, Kabupaten Cianjur yang terkena dampak gempa Cianjur cukup parah. Pasca gempa Cianjur, banyak siswa SDN Cibulakan yang murung, tidak percaya diri dan tidak mau belajar di tenda sekolah darurat. Merujuk pada situasi tersebut, pendampingan pengajaran yang direalisasikan melalui kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis kompetensi sosial-emosional yang dikenal sebagai program SICITA (Siswa Cibulakan Tangguh) merupakan salah satu solusinya. Program SICITA ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan kompetensi social-emosional siswa SDN Cibulakan pasca gempa bumi Cianjur. Program SICITA tersebut dilaksanakan melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu: 1) persiapan program SICITA, 2) implementasi program SICITA, 3) evaluasi program SICITA. Melalui observasi selama program SICITA berlangsung (7 pertemuan) serta melalui wawancara terhadap sejumlah siswa, data dianalisis untuk mengeksplorasi capaian kompetensi social-emosional siswa melalui program SICITA tersebut. Setelah program SICITA diselenggarakan, hasil temuan menunjukan bahwa 80% dari seluruh jumlah siswa memiliki kondisi mental yang lebih baik dan penguasaan kompetensi social-emosional yang lebih optimal. Kini, banyak siswa yang memiliki semangat untuk belajar meskipun belajarnya di tenda darurat, banyak siswa yang tampil lebih percaya diri dan mandiri saat proses pembelajran di kelas, juga saat bermain dengan teman-temannya, banyak siswa yang kini punya mimpi dan mau berusaha untuk meraih cita-citanya meskipun mereka tidak punya rumah atau orangtuanya meninggal akibat gempa bumi Cianjur. Namun 10% dari seluruh siswa yang masih membutuhkan bimbingan lanjutan karena emosinya belum stabil. Kata kunci: program SICITA, kompetensi sosial-emosional siswa.ABSTRACTOn November 21, 2022, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 occurred in Cianjur Regency, West Java. SDN Cibulakan is ane of elementary schools located in Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency which was badly affected by the Cianjur earthquake. After the Cianjur earthquake, many students of Cibulakan Elementary School were insecure, unconfident and did not want to study in the emergency school tents. Referring to this situation, teaching assistance realized through social-emotional competency-based learning activities known as the SICITA program (Cibulakan Tangguh Students) is one of the solutions. The SICITA program aims to optimize the social-emotional competencies of Cibulakan Elementary School students after the Cianjur earthquake. The program is carried out through three stages: 1) SICITA program preparation, 2) SICITA program implementation, and 3) SICITA program evaluation. The data were gained and analyzed to investigate the achievements of the SICITA program through observation during the SICITA program (7 meetings) and interviews posed to several students. Having conducted the SICITA program, the results indicate that 80% of the total number of students of Cibulakan own better mental conditions and master social-emotional competencies optimally. Now, many students are willing to learn even though they study in an emergency tent; many students are more confident and independent during the learning processes in the tent as well as when playing with their friends; many students build their dreams and are willing to study hard to achieve their goals even though they do not have a home, or their parents died as a result of the Cianjur earthquake. However, 10% of all students still need further guidance because of unstable emotions. Keywords: SICITA program, sosial-emosional competencies
Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Journal of Community Empowerment

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ABSTRAK                                                                                     Pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui penyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan kinerja pada Distro Heartbreak Project selama pandemi Covid-19, upaya-upaya yang dilakukan Distro Heartbreak Project untuk mempertahankan going concern dalam menghadapi pandemi, dan mengetahui kelebihan dan kekuatan yang dimiliki Distro Heartbreak Project berdasarkan analisis SWOT. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis dengan menggunakan value chain analysis untuk menilai dan meninjau kegiatan perusahaan dan analisis SWOT untuk mengetahui strategi maupun kekuatan dan kelemahan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Hail pendampingan ini adalah value chain analysis Distro Heartbreak Project telah melakukan kegiatan perusahaan dengan baik mulai dari proses pra-produksi (pemilihan bahan baku) hingga distribusi produk sampai ke tangan konsumen. Peningkatan penjualan dan posisi keuangan yang cenderung lebih stabil selama masa pandemi dikarenakan manajemen keuangan yang diterapkan selama kegiatan produksi, promosi hingga distribusi berjalan dengan baik. Selain itu proses promosi selama mas pandemi dilakukan dengan fokus kepada media online dengan menentukan target pasar yang tepat. Oleh karena itu selama masa pandemi Distro Heartbreak Project masih tetap eksis bahkan mengalami kenaikan kinerja dan keuangan lebih stabil.Kata kunci: UMKM, Kinerja UMKM, Value Chain, Pandemi Covid-19 ABSTRACTDevotion was conducted with the aim of knowing what caused the increase in performance of the Distro Heartbreak Project during the Covid-19 pandemic, how the efforts were made by the Distro Heartbreak Project to maintain going concern in pandemic, and knowing what the advantages and strengths of the Distro Heartbreak Project were based on SWOT analysis. The research method used is descriptive analysis using value chain analysis to assess and review the company's activities and SWOT analysis to determine the strategies and strengths and weaknesses of the company. The results showed that based on the value chain analysis, the Heartbreak Project Distro has carried out the company's activities well, starting from the pre-production process (selection of raw materials) to product distribution to consumers. The increase in sales and financial position which tends to be more stable during the pandemic is due to the financial management implemented during production, promotion and distribution activities that went well. In addition, the promotion process during the pandemic is carried out with a focus on online media by determining the right target market. Therefore, during the pandemic, the Heartbreak Project distribution still exists and even experiences an increase in performance and more stable finances.Keywords: MSMEs, MSME Performance, Value Chain, Covid-19 Pandemic
PELATIHAN APLIKASI CITATION MANAGER MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE ENDNOTE X9 Rustam Efendi; Herlina Herlina; Arjal Tando; Darwin Darwin; Welly Liku Padang; Irwansyah Irwansyah
Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Journal of Community Empowerment

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ABSTRAK                                                                                     Endnote X9 merupakan salah satu software citation manager yang dapat mempermudah penulis dalam melakukan sitasi dan penulisan daftar pustaka secara otomatis. Pelatihan Endnote X9 yang diadakan oleh Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara bertujuan untuk berbagi kepada para akademisi kampus agar dapat melakukan sitasi dengan benar pada saat menuliskan artikel ilmiah serta mendapatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang cara menggunakan software Endnote X9. Metode yang digunakan adalah pelatihan secara langsung tentang Endnote X9 kepada peserta kemudian diadakan sesi tanya jawab untuk mengetahui pemahaman peserta. Hasil dari pelatihan Endnote X9 terlihat bahwa para peserta yang hadir begitu antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari berbagai pertanyaan yang disampaikan oleh para peserta. Kata kunci: citation manager, daftar pustaka, Endnote X9. ABSTRACTEndnote X9 is a citation manager software that can make it easier for writers to do citations and write bibliography automatically. The Endnote X9 training held by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southeast Sulawesi aims to share with campus academics so they can do citations correctly when writing scientific articles and gain understanding and knowledge about how to use the Endnote X9 software. Some of the participants who attended were so enthusiastic in participating in the activity. This can be seen from the various questions submitted by the participants. Keywords: biobliography, citation manager, Endnote X9.

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