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Articles 106 Documents
Penatalaksanaan Holistik Pasien Wanita dengan Dermatitis Seboroik Melalui Pendekatan Dokter Keluarga Dinah Zhafira Qubro; Azelia Nusadewiarti
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Chronic skin diseases significantly affect the patient's quality of life, one of those diseases is seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis affects 2-5% of the population, can affect infants in the first three months of life and adults aged 20-50 years. Data from the Riset Kesehatan Dasar Indonesia (2008) shows a dermatitis prevalence of 6.8%. Lampung Province is included in the top 10 provinces with the most prevalence of dermatitis. It takes the role of a family doctor who can manage patients holistically from various aspects of life. This study is a descriptive study of case report. Primary data were obtained through alloanamnesis, physical examination, and home visits. Secondary data were obtained from patient’s medical record. Patient Mrs. N, 41 years old, looks scaly on her scalp, yellowish in color, and smells with intense itching since the last 1 month. Complaints of itching worsen if the patient sweats. The patient had experienced the same symptoms 1 year ago. Patients often wash her hair to reduce the itching feeling and immediately wear the hijab when the hair is not completely dry. The patient likes to eat coconut milk. Pharmacologic and non-pharmacological interventions were carried out in the form of education about seborrheic dermatitis in patients and her families. The result of the evaluation of the intervention is an increasing the disease knowledge in patient and there is family involvement in the patient's treatment process.
Efek Penggunaan Earphone sebagai Faktor Resiko Kejadian Noise Induced Hearing Loss Eka Susiyanti; Mukhlis Imanto
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a type of sensorineural deafness type of hearing loss caused by months or years of cumulative exposure to high levels of noise that can cause permanent hearing loss. Noise is a sound that is unwanted and can cause health problems and comfort within a certain period of time. Noise that is 85 decibels (dB) or more can cause damage to Corti's hearing receptors in the inner ear. The use of earphones for a long time and at high volume levels can mediate the increase in damage to hair cell structures such as mitochondria, lysosomes which can cause hearing loss. This is because the noise intensity produced by the earphones is 121 dB with a high volume level and the resulting noise peak can reach 139 dB. Research by Widen et al with a sample of 280 adolescents who listened to music using earphones for 3 hours or more on each occasion per day, 14.0% reported having poor hearing subjectively. Furthermore, 7–8% reported frequent or constant hearing problems, such as tinnitus, voice sensitivity or sound fatigue. The high prevalence of hearing loss in individual earphone users is related to noise intensity, noise frequency, length of time of exposure, noise spectrum, and individual susceptibility factors. Based on the studies that have been done, exposure to noise generated by earphones can increase the risk of hearing loss due to noise or Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).
Laporan Kasus : Trauma Tusuk Abdomen Dengan Eviserasi Usus Pada Anak Laki-laki Usia 16 Tahun Tassya Fatimah Taufik; Faisol Darmawan
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Abdominal trauma is an injury that occurs to organs in the stomach, such as the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas, bile and kidneys, damage to the structures located between the diaphragm and pelvis. Abdominal trauma is divided into two types, namely blunt abdominal trauma and abdominal puncture trauma. Injuries to the intestines and liver are most common in penetrating and gunshot trauma to the abdomen. In this case report, it was reported that a 16 year old boy came to the Emergency Room at Abdul Moeloek Hospital with the main complaint of a knife wound to the stomach with the intestine bursting out through the wound at the stab site. On physical examination, there was a sign of fourth degree bleeding shock, in the abdominal region there was a stab wound, right in the middle, five centimeters below the center, there was a transverse open wound measuring five centimeters by four point five centimeters, elliptical wound shape, firm boundaries, flat edge, second acute angle, with the base of the abdominal cavity, the tissue bridge is absent, there is active bleeding from the intraabdominal cavity, with a portion of the intestine and omentum expelling out of the abdominal cavity. In the patient undergoing an emergency exploration laparotomy, bleeding from the ileocaecal artery, branches of the right colic artery, perforation in the ileum measuring 3x1 centimeters, the location of the perforation 20 centimeters proximal to the ileocaecal border, performed artery ligation and stoma at the perforation site. In this case, it was a case that came to the hospital late, because there had been fourth-degree bleeding shock for a long time, so the patient could not be saved. Massive bleeding originating from the ileocaecal arteries and branches of the colica artery causes hemodynamic instability, it should be handled more quickly so as not to cause high morbidity and mortality.
Penatalaksanaan Holistik Hiperkolesterolemia pada Ibu Rumah Tangga Semadela Solichin Putri; TA Larasati
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Hypercholesterolemia is a common metabolic condition and is characterized by a high level of plasma cholesterol, also a risk factor for developing cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases is included in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD). The highest proportion of deaths from NCD are cardiovascular diseases (39%), followed by cancer (27%), other NCD (30%) and diabetes mellitus (4%). The incidence of hypercholesterolemia is associated with risk factors due to unhealthy lifestyle. Proper management besides pharmacological therapy is balanced with lifestyle interventions, such as diet, exercise, smoking cessation and weight loss. Implementation of family doctor services based on evidence based medicine in patients by identifying risk factors, clinical problems, and providing holistic and comprehensive management with patient centered and family focused approach. This study is a case report with primary data sources is obtained through anamnesis (autoanamnesis and alloanamnesis), physical examination and laboratory test. Activities that this study carried out are home visits and completing family fostered sheets, from the data obtained determined a holistic diagnosis and appropriate management. A 48-year-old housewife with hypercholesterolemia, functional degree one, lack of knowledge about her illness, poor diet and exercise patterns and her treatment pattern is still curative. Identification of internal factors, i.e genetic, overweight, lifestyle and psychological. External factors, the cultural aspects of the family that do not depend with the medicine prescribed by doctors as well as environmental aspects that do not support physical activity. The patient and her family have been educated about the disease, medicine, lifestyle, and proper diet. After evaluation, found that there are changes in lifestyle and patient perceptions regarding the disease. Patient management with the principles of family medicine care is helpful to reduce health problems in patients with hypercholesterolemia.
Penatalaksanaan Holistik Ibu Hamil Usia Remaja dengan Anemia Melalui Pendekatan Dokter Keluarga Ramadirga Thio Saba; TA Larasati
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Adolescent pregnancy is a global problem that occurs throughout the world. Pregnancy in adolescents poses a high risk to the health of both mother and baby. One of the risks of adolescent pregnancy is anemia. The state of anemia in adolescent pregnancy requires holistic management including patient's physical and psychological condition.This study is a case report. Primary data is obtained through anamnesis, physical examination, and home visits. Secondary data is obtained from the patient's medical records. Assessment based on holistic diagnosis from the beginning, process, and end of the study in a quality and quantitative way. Female patients in their teens conceived the first child at 27 weeks pregnant with body complaints felt limp, nausea, lack of appetite and dizziness felt early in pregnancy. Food intake during pregnancy is reduced due to frequent nausea and vomiting and can only eat with small portions and a rare frequency. Weight loss is ideal based on the calculation of the patient's BMI and the nutritional status of the patient based on LILA including normal. In patients there is an anemis conjunctiva. The patient's hemoglobin (Hb) levels are 9 g/dL which is relatively low for the II trimester. Enforcement of diagnosis and management in these patients has been done holistically, patient centered, family approach and in accordance with national guidelines and based on evidence based medicine. Changes in patient and family knowledge and behavior occur after patient centre and family approach interventions.
Bronkopneumonia pada Bayi Usia 5 Bulan dengan Klinis Sindrom Down dan Suspek Hipotiroid Kongenital Febriy Firizki S; Elvi Suryati
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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A baby boy, 5 months old with complaints shortness of breath since 2 days was getting heavier over time. Previously, the patient had a persistent fever since 5 days. The patient also had a cough with phlegm since 4 days. Physical examination revealed compos mentis awareness; temperature 38.5 0C; pulse 128x / minute, breathing 64x / minute; weight 5.1 kg, good nutritional status. The occiput head is flat, the face is dysmorphic; the eye shows bilateral medial epicanthic folds, upward oblique palpebral fissures. The ears are small and low lying, the nose is small, the nasal bridge is flat, the nostrils breath, the tongue macroglossia. The chest examination showed suprasternal and substernal retraction and additional breath sounds could be heard soft wet crackles. The abdomen shows an umbilical hernia. The superior extremities show short and wide hands, simian crease, clinodactyly at 5th finger, hypotonia. The inferior limb shows a wide gap of the 1st and 2nd toes, hypotonia. Routine blood laboratory tests showed 13000 / μl leukocytes and a diff.count value of 0/0/0 /45/49/6. Two times the chest X-rays showed bronchopneumonia results. This patient was diagnosed bronchopneumonia with Down's syndrome clinic and suspected congenital hypothyroidism.
Peran Kurkumin Sebagai Pengembangan Terapi Untuk Otitis Media Akut Agtara Liza Asthri
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Acute Otitis Media (AOM) is an inflammation of the middle ear that lasts less than three weeks (acute) accompanied by local and systemic symptoms. The highest prevalence of AOM in West and Central Africa (43.37%). The prevalence of AOM in Indonesia in 2013 found that the most AOM were in the toddlers group (40.4%), boys (52%), children with parent jobs housewives (48.1%). The causes are aerobic bacteria such as Streptococus aures, Pneumococci, Hemolyticus influenza, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. AOM treatment uses antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, currently the role of curcumin is being developed as an anti-inflammatory of AOM. Curcumin (Diferuloylmethane), the orange-yellow component of turmeric which is a natural polyphenol product isolated from the rhizome of the Curcuma longa plant. In recent years, extensive in vitro and in vivo research has shown that curcumin has anticancer, antiviral, antiarthritic, antiamyloid, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. The use of curcumin against otitis media in suppressing the inflammatory process and repairing the damaged tissue structure. In addition, curcumin has the ability to weaken Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation and inhibit angiogenesis and also reduce the expression of various proangiogenic growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and epidermal growth factor.
Penggunaan Klinis Substansi Bioaktif Nigella sativa (Jintan Hitam) sebagai Alternatif Pengobatan Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Ikhlas Taufik
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia caused by deficiency of insulin production, decreased insulin function, or both. There are two main forms of Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 DM) or Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 DM). Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas gland and transport glucose from the bloodstream to body cells. Lack of insulin production or the inability of cells to respond insulin cause high blood glucose levels or Hyperglicemia which can lead to complication and organ failure. Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus has been carried out by pharmacological, nutritional, lifestyle modification, and complement therapy. So far, effective therapeutic methods have been developed to prevent and resolve Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, one of which is by utilizing ethnobotany or herbal plants such a black cumin or Nigella sativa in Latin. Several studies have stated that Nigella sativa (NS) is a bioactive substance that has a therapeutic effect on the metabolic parameters of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Further studies are needed to determine its potential as a supplement for preventive efforts and herbal therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Pendekatan Diagnosis pada Sindrom Sezary Fitri Nadia Silvani
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Sezary syndrome is a rare, aggressive leukemia variant of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL) that performs clonal proliferation of malignant T lymphocytes with a predisposition to cutaneous erythroderma. The incidence of CTCL in the United States during 2000-2010 reached 10 cases per one million people per year. Sezary syndrome is a rare form of CTCL, accounting for 3% of all cutaneous lymphomas. In Indonesia, lymphoma together with Hodgkin's lymphoma and leukemia ranks the 6th malignancy. Besides Sezary syndrome being a rare case, Sezary syndrome is an aggressive case so it has a poor prognosis with an average survival of 5 years. The aim of this literature review is to increase knowledge in constructing the prompt diagnosis of Sezary's syndrome based on subjective and objective findings. In conclusion, the diagnosis of Sezary syndrome can be made immediately on subjective and objective grounds, known as the Sezary syndrome triad, that are 1) generalized exfoliative dermatitis (affecting> 80% of body surface area), 2) lymphadenopathy, and 3) the presence of 5% or more malignant T cells with a cerebriform nucleus (known as Sezary or Lutzner cells) in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
Diagnosis Prenatal dan Penatalaksanaan Omfalokel Hasna Hamidah
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Omfalocele is a congenital defect in the presence of herniation of part of the intra-abdominal contents through the umbilical ring that opens into the base of the umbilical cord on the abdominal wall with incidence rate is 1 per 3.000–5.000 during pregnancy, decreasing to 2,5–4 per 10.000 for live births. The survival rate of isolated omphalocele is as high as 96%, but the percentage drops significantly in the presence of associated anomalies or an abnormal karyotype. The complexity of the defect became challenging. Knowledge about the defect will improve prenatal diagnosis which is crucial for delivery management including timing and route of delivery. Addition assessment is also done to determine whether there is associated anomalies that show severity and determine postnatal prognosis. The recommended labor time is aterm. The recommended route of delivery is depend on defect size, section caesarea is indicated in the setting of a giant omphalocele. Neonatal management includes delivery in tertiary health facilities and management of postnatal surgery namely primary closure, staged delayed with silo bag and prosthetic patch, and conservative management with topical agents.

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