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Raymundus I Made Sudhiarsa
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Perspektif, Jurnal Agama dan Kebudayaan diterbitkan untuk menjadi medium diskusi dan kajian ilmiah atas isu-isu agama dan kebudayaan, dengan mengedepankan perspektif toleransi dan dialog lintas agama dan budaya untuk membangun harmoni sosial. Jurnal ini menerbitkan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah baik yang merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan maupun kajian pustaka, terbuka untuk kalangan akademisi, peneliti, pemerhati sosial dan agama serta masyarakat umum.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 9 N.º 2 (2014): Desember 2014" : 6 Documents clear
Misi Evangelisasi: Beberapa Catatan dalam Kerangka Teologi Alkitabiah dan Dogmatik Sudhiarsa, Raymundus I Made
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 2 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i2.55


Mission evangelization is at the heart of the Church, since ‘the pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature’ (AG 2; LG 1). It logically means that mission cannot be treated as a function among other tasks God has entrusted to his people, the Church. This article tries to present a general analysis on the concept of mission evangelization based on the biblical grand narrative and doctrine of the Church since Vatican II. Mission of the Church, which characterises the Church as missional community, originates from God’s mission (missio Dei) – mission of the Most Holy Trinity: God the Father sent the Son, and God the Father and the Son sent the Spirit. It would describe that mission essentially has a Trinitarian foundation as well as a Christological, Soteriological, and Pneumatological foundation. Since the Church is the seed, sign and instrument of God’s kingdom, surely mission also has an ecclesiological foundation. From the biblical grand narrative, mission derives four theological themes: creation, fall, redemption, and eschatological restoration. From these four plot movements, focusing on God’s mission, the Church is called and sent to participate actively. Mission of the Church, therefore, is basically a ‘participation in and representation of’ the mission of God.
Gereja Misioner: Sebuah Pembacaan Atas Arah Dasar Keuskupan Surabaya 2010-2019 Berek, Yanuarius
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 2 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i2.56


The source and purpose of mission as a unity is to participate in the mission of God (missio Dei). Participating in God’s mission means that mission is basically not the work of the Church but rather God’s action. God himself is the primary actor in mission itself. Within this mission concept this article tries to highlight mission dimensions of the local Church of the diocese of Surabaya. The diocese of Surabaya has formulated its vision as “Christ’s disciples who increasingly grow and become mature in faith, communion, service, and mission”. Formulating its vision in this way is surely assuming both a call to actively build communio within the Christian communities, namely the basic communities, as well as to reach out for missio The writer believes that both communion and mission are equally important aspects for being the Church of Christ.
Wayang Wahyu sebagai Media Evangelisasi dalam Budaya Jawa Fantaw, Jemmy
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 2 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i2.57


Every local Church has her own way of expressing her faith, both in celebrating it within the Christian community and in doing mission outreach within the society at large. It is exactly what it means to be authentic. Being authentic is one of main concerns in the Christian communities of the Javanese cultural context. This article describes the way the Javanese Christian communities expressing and celebrating their faith, using their local genius, particularly in the case of wayang wahyu (biblical puppets). Traditionally wayang is performed not just for social and cultural entertainment but mostly for moral and spiritual education and guidance. Within this traditional style the puppet masters or puppeteers adopt biblical figures and narratives and Christian theology for the performance. Wayang wahyu could be regarded as a missiological breakthrough, since it is an alternative way of doing mission evangelization and catechism for Christians, which is also quite acceptable among the public and non-Christians who enjoy cultural performances. This article argues that wayang wahyu is not designed as a new paradigm of inculturation, but rather it is primarily an alternative way of doing mission evangelization, catechisis, and making the Christian faith closer to the people of the Javanese taste and background. Honestly, wayang wahyu is also another way to preserve the Javanese culture and promote its richness in this globalized era of high technology and advanced communications. For the Javanese, wayang is not only an art, it is precisely their identity.
Ritus Lodong Ana’ dalam Masyarakat Lamaholot dan Sakramen Baptis: Pengantar Sebuah Perbandingan Lio, Zakeus Daeng
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 2 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i2.58


For the ethnic society of Lamaholot, East Flores, a baby is a gift of Lera Wulan Tana Ekan (God), therefore the people have to perform a special ritual called Lodong Ana’. The ritual is performed with double intentions, namely for thanking the almighty God spiritually and for incorporating the baby into the society socio-culturally. As any common ethnic ritual of agricultural society around the globe, the Lodong Ana’ rite is performed with its various symbols representing the society and prayers uttered by the kepala adat (ethnic chief). This ritual has some similarities with the Sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church. This article, then, tries to describe parallelism between the two. The writer argues that the dialogue between the two rites is of paramount importance, particularly for the people of Lamaholot who are Catholics. The constructive and critical dialogue is mostly possible, which can contribute for strengthening the bond of family life in the society at large as well as Christian community as people of God with its local flavour.
Upacara Wuad Wa’i di Manggarai, Flores, dalam Perspektif Evangelisasi Tamur, Martin
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 2 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i2.59


Being a migrant people is not a new phenomenon at all in the world of today. People are relatively easy moving from one place to the other, leaving their birthplace for studying, working, and for a betterment of life. Manggarainese of West Flores is one ethnic group of these migrant peoples, leaving their region and province to another islands in Indonesia, such as Bali, Jawa, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, even crossing the border to Malaysia, to become TKIs (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Indonesian workers) abroad. The article describes an important rite performed for the would be migrants, either for their further study or for some work. The rite is called Wuad Wa’i, which is basically a kind of ‘mission rite’: thanking God (Mori Kraeng, Mori Jari Agu Dedek/ Pencipta) for his divine providence as well as imploring his guidance for the faithfuls. The main intention of the rite is actually to support the would be migrant: offering him/her some advise for the success in the near future and reminding him/her of their being Christian. It is culturally and spiritually very important, because he/she will be living among people of other faiths, who are mostly the majority. The writer is suggesting that it might be also possible to give the Wuad Wa’i rite the spirit of new evangelization, particularly, in reminding the would be migrant not only to become a successful student or worker but also to be witness of Christian faith to his/her new neighbours, whatever the new environment would be like.
Tinjauan Buku: ISIS Jihad atau Petualangan Sarbini, Peter Bruno
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 2 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i2.60



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