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Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
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Core Subject : Education,
The aim of Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review (IJALR) is to promote a principled approach to research on language and language-related concerns by encouraging enquiry into relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The editorial board welcomes high-quality research or review papers focusing on teaching, researching, and applied work in the field of Applied Linguistics. The journal publishes research papers in the all the fields of language teaching, language learning, language acquisition, and language studies such as discourse analysis, linguistic ethnography, cognitive linguistics, generative linguistics, systemic functional linguistics, contrastive linguistics, computational linguistics, forensic linguistics, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, translation, lexicography, multilingualism, bilingualism, multilingual communication, computer-aided communication, media discourse and media communication, and other related studies of language.
Articles 37 Documents
Penerjemahan Novel Anak dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia: Analisis Kesalahan Penerjemahan dalam Novel Diary Si Bocah Tengil yang Diterjemahkan oleh Ferry Halim Dewi Susanti Siahaan
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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This study aimed to analyze the forms of unequivalence, translation procedures andtypes of translation error in Diary of a Wimpy Kid Noveltranslated from English to Bahasa Indonesia. It was a qualitative research with content analysis method conducted in 2015. The data were collected through a thorough reading and analyzing as well both source text and target text that the sentences that has error(s) in it. The data analysis and interpretation indicates that the deviation found to be the most (64,3%), followed by modification (12,8%), omission (12,8%),addition (5,72%), inversion (4,3%) and The findings lead to the recommendation to understand things beyond the text, practice continuous critic analysis learning method with various texts in the class in order to sharpen the ability to translate.
Kualitas Terjemahan Teks Ilmiah Hasil Penerjemahan Mesin Google Translate dan Bing Translator Abdullah Achmad
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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The research purpose is to show the quality of the translated scientific text by Google Translate and Bing Translator. This research method is qualitative content analysis with comparative model. The title of the scientific text on educational is Students Perception of University Teaching Behaviours, published in Teaching in Higher Education Journal (Routledge in 2009). This research data are 279 sentences taken from the translated scientific text from English to Indonesian. All items are analysed by using assessment instruments of translation quality. The criteria are accuracy, readability, acceptability. The results of the research show that the quality of translated scientific text by Google Translate is less accurate, fairly readable, and less acceptable. Meanwhile, the translation by Bing Translator is less accurate, fairly readable, and not acceptable. The translation quality of scientific text by Google Translate is better than Bing Translator.
Campur Kode dalam Narasi dan Dialog pada Novel Revolt in Paradise Karya K'tut Tantri: Penelitian Analisis Isi Bayu Firmansyah
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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The purpose of this study is to get in-depth understanding of the code-mixing: (1) based on the form of code-mixing, (2) the functions of code-mixing, (3) factors of code-mixing and, (4) effect of code-mixing. The method that used in this research was content analysis method (content analysis). The approach that used was a qualitative approach. Research steps was (a) reading intensively and repeatedly novel to be studied, (b) make a record in the form of abstraction or description of any sentence that experienced code-mixing in the novel, (c) identify the aspects contained in the purpose of the study and (d) the analysis and interpretation of data. Results of the data analysis of this study was, there were as many as 353 code-mixing. From the data, the researcher found 276 code-mixing was a form of the word element, then looping back said as many as six words, phrases such as mixed code 61, code-mixing in the form of a clause as much as two sentences, and code-mixing in the form of idioms as many as 1 time. Then mixed code based functions include; to affirm a specific purpose as much as 29 times, to explain / define certain words back 16 times, to show the identity / being educated as much as 53 times, to respect the hearer as much as 119 times, and to meet the needs of lexical much as 75 times. While the code-mixing based on the factors researchers found; identification of the role as much as 58 times, the identification of varieties as many as 135, the desire to explain, interpret and clarify as much as 24 and as many as 75. Further limitations lexical latter is due to code-mixing. Researchers found that as a result of codemixing is interference languages.
Perbandingan Struktur Klausa Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Indonesia: Penelitian Analisis Kontrastif dalam Koran As-Syarq Al-Awsath dan Koran Republika Dedi Supriyanto
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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The objectives of this research are to explain the Indonesian clause structure, the Arabic clause structure, and the similarities and the differences between clause structure in Arabic and in Indonesian. This research also include the prediction of the learning difficulties of Arabic for Indonesian learners. The data was collected through Arabic Newspaper “AlAsyraq AlAwsath Online” and Indonesian Newspaper “Republika Online”. This research used a qualitative approach using Content Analysis methods. Through the research there are found more differences than similarities between Arabic clause structure and Indonesian. The result of the reserach are: 1). Indonesian and Arabic have the same clause structure in Subject-Predicate (S-P) and Predicate-Subject (P-S), 2). The differences are in gender, tenses, number, and i’rab. Based on the research, it is predicted that Indonesian students will find difficulties in learning Arabic.
Penerjemahan Klausa Pasif dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia: Analisis Isi Novel The Fault in Our Stars Karya John Green dan Terjemahannya oleh Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno Ummy Hani
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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The purpose of this study is to obtain an overall view of translation of passive clause from English to Bahasa Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach using a content analysis method. The data used in this study is passive clause, including translation equivalence, translation accuracy, translation strategies and translation error. The data source in this study is The Fault in our Stars novel by John Green in English as the source text, and the translation in Bahasa Indonesia as the target text translated by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno. The findings of this study show the following: First, the passive clauses found are as many as 149 data, and as many as 118 data are formal equivalence and 22 data are textual equivalence. Second, the translation accuracy found are 140 data accurate and 9 data inaccurate. Third, there are 10 strategies found and used by translators: literal translation 86 data, transposition 24 data, modulation 21 data, naturalization 8 data, cuplet 4 data, transference 2 data, translation by a more general word 1 data, translation by a more specific word 1 data, paraphrasing 1 data, and descriptive 1 data. Fourth, the translation error found are deviation of meaning 4 data and modification of meaning 5 data.
Kesalahan Morfologis dalam Kemampuan Wawancara Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas VIII SMP IT Cahaya Islam: Penelitian Analisis Isi Wilda Istiana Nasution
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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This research aims to describe morphological errors in Skill of Indonesian Interview of Class VIII Cahaya Islamic School. The Method used is content analysis. Data were collected throught 18 student’s word of Indonesian interview. The results showed that classification lingustic category, 3 classification of errors morphological in word of Indonesian interview students among other types of errors are : 36 affix, 5 reduplication, and 1 composation. In surface category in the word of Indonesia interview these types of errors : 30 omission, 5 addition, 41 misformation. In comparative category in word of Indonesian interview these types of errors : 23 interlingual errors and 42 intralingual errors. In communicative effect category in word of Indonesian interview these type of errors : 42 local errors. The cause errors morphological of student is the dominat Intralinguage.
Kesalahan Penerjemahan Aspek Waktu dari Bahasa Jepang ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia Dewi Sari Sumitro
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 2 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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ABSTRACT. The objective of this research is to analyze the errors translation of the fifth semester students of Japanese Language Department of the Faculty of Arts and Languages of Jakarta State University and described by the form of errors, the cause of errors, and the impact of errors translation in aspects of time from Japanese to Indonesian. This study uses a qualitative approach with content analyze method, where the researcher analyzes the results of students’ translation and then determines the type of errors that appeared. in this case, the researcher also tries to find the causes, the effects, and how to cope with common errors of translation often done by students. In this analysis, the researcher finds some conclusions, such as: the forms of common errors often done by students is an errors of abstract noun form, irregularities of passive construction, irregularities of illocutionary potency and irregularities of denial, are caused by interlingual (transfer), formal misselection and misanalysis in translating Japanese into Indonesian so that it causes a major impact on the quality of the translation, an understanding of the methods or rules in translating a language and also in understanding the timing aspect of Japanese into Indonesian. These things can be overcome by improving the teachers in providing learning Honyaku and Bunpou. The results of the findings research found from the student errors translation in the aspect of time Japanese into Indonesian, expected to be useful for some people, such as students, Japanese teachers at home and abroad who want to learn Japanese, especially in the field of Japanese translation. Keyword: Errors, Translation, Aspect Of Time, Japanese, Content Analysis, Qualitative Approach Abstrak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kesalahan penerjemahan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa semester V Jurusan Bahasa Jepang Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Jakarta, yang dijelaskan dalam bentuk-bentuk kesalahan, penyebab kesalahan, serta dampak kesalahan penerjemahan aspek waktu dari bahasa Jepang kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi, dimana peneliti menganalisis hasil terjemahan mahasiswa kemudian menentukan bentuk-bentuk kesalahan yang muncul serta mencari penyebab, serta dampak kesalahan penerjemahan yang sering dilakukan oleh mahasiswa. Hasil yang ditemukan di dalam analisis ini adalah peneliti menemukan bahwa bentuk-bentuk kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh mahasiswa adalah bentuk kesalahan penyimpangan nomina abstrak, penyimpangan konstruksi pasif, penyimpangan daya ilokusi, dan penyimpangan pengingkaran, disebabkan oleh adanya interlingual (transfer), formal misselection, dan misanalysis dalam menerjemahkan bahasa Jepang ke dalam bahasa Indonesia sehingga menimbulkan dampak yang besar pada kualitas hasil penerjemahan, dan juga pemahaman mengenai metode atau kaidah-kaidah dalam menerjemahkan sebuah bahasa dan pemahaman mengenai penerjemahan aspek waktu dari bahasa Jepang ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hal-hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan cara perbaikan pada pengajar dalam memberikan pembelajaran Bunpou maupun Honyaku. Hasil-hasil temuan penelitian yang ditemukan dari hasil analils kesalahan mahasiswa di dalam menerjemahkan aspek waktu bahasa Jepang ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, diharapkan dapat berguna bagi beberapa pihak, seperti mahasiswa, pengajar bahasa Jepang, di dalam maupun di luar negeri yang ingin mempelajari bahasa Jepang, khususnya dalam bidang penerjemahan bahasa Jepang. Kata Kunci: Kesalahan, Penerjemahan, Aspek Waktu, Jepang, Analisis Isi, Kualitatif
Penerjemahan Novel Anak dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia Dewi Susanti Siahaan
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 2 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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This study aimed to analyze the forms of unequivalence, translation procedures andtypes of translation error in Diary of a Wimpy Kid Noveltranslated from English to Bahasa Indonesia. It was a qualitative research with content analysis method conducted in 2015. The data were collected through a thorough reading and analyzing as well both source text and target text that the sentences that has error(s) in it. The data analysis and interpretation indicates that the deviation found to be the most (64,3%), followed by modification (12,8%), omission (12,8%),addition (5,72%), inversion (4,3%) and The findings lead to the recommendation to understand things beyond the text, practice continuous critic analysis learning method with various texts in the class in order to sharpen the ability to translate. Keywords: Errors In Translation, Translation Procedures, Forms Of Equivalence And Content Analysis. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk ketidaksepadanan yang terjadi,prosedur penerjemahan danjenis kesalahan penerjemahan yang terdapat dalam novel Diary si Bocah Tengil. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode anaisis isi yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015.Data dikumpulkan dengan membaca dan membandingkan teks sumber dan teks sasaran secara bersamaan dan dianalisis untuk memastikan memang terjadi kesalahan menunjukkan bahwa penyimpangan makna yang paling banyak (64,3%),diikuti oleh perubahan makna (12,8%), penghilangan makna (12,8%),penambahan makna (5,72%)danpembalikan makna (4,3%). Temuan membuat penulis sampai kepada rekomendsi untuk memahai sesuatu dibalk sebuah teks, prraktek metodebelajar analisis kritis yang berkelanjutan dengan menggunakan teks yang beragam supaya kemampuan menerjemah semakin tajam. Kata Kunci: Kesalahan Dalam Penerjemahan, Prosedur Penerjemahan, Bentuk Kesepadanan Dan Analisis Isi.
Interferensi Gramatikal Bahasa Korea ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia Leeeunjung
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 2 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang interferensi gramatikal bahasa Korea ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Pada data ditemukan gejala penghilangan awalan (meN-),(ber-), (ter), atau konfiks (ke-an), penghilangan akhiran (-an), penambahan (-nya). Hal itu terjadi karena dalam bahasa Korea tidak ada perubahan awalan, konfiks, akhiran pada verba. Oleh karena itu, siswa JIKS bingung dalam menggunakan afiks bahasa Indonesia. Pada data juga ditemukan interferensi morfologis akibat pengaruh morfem bahasa Korea, seperti pada penggunaan bentuk terikat –nya yang sangat produktif dalam bahasa Indonesia, tetapi digunakan secara salah. Hal itu terjadi karena pengaruh jeda dalam bahasa Korea, yang oleh siswa SMP, diasumsikan jeda harus diisi dengan –nya. Proses morfologi afiksasi cenderung menghasilkan kata turunan berupa verba, nomina, dan ajektiva. Namun, yang paling banyak dihasilkan afiksasi adalah verba turunan. Dalam hal sintaksis, dalam data ditemukan interferensi yang terjadi pada susunan kalimat sebagai akibat pengaruh struktur bahasa Korea ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Penerjemahan Teks Humor dari Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dalam Film The Dictator Rini Failah
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review Vol 1 No 2 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Review
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan UNJ

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeksripsikan penerjemahan humor verbal dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dalam film The Dictator. Penelitian dalam kajian penerjemahan ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Ada empat simpulan yang merupakan hasil dari penelitian ini. Pertama, analisis terjemahan blok dialog humoristis yang ditinjau dari pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama menunjukkan bahwa strategi penerjemahan harfiah tidak dapat mencapai pesan yang sepadan bila teks sumber mengandung permainan kata dan penggabungan kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang membentuk makna baru tak terdefinisi. Kedua, analisis terjemahan blok dialog humoristis ditinjau dari ketidaksesuaian gagasan menunjukkan bahwa strategi penerjemahan harfiah dapat digunakan untuk mencapai pesan yang sepadan. Ketiga, penggunaan strategi penerjemahan harfiah, parafrasa, dan transposisi dapat mencapai padanan ungkapan.

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