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Al-Murabbi Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
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Core Subject : Religion, Education,
The scope of the Journal (but not limited) is the Philosophy of Islamic Education; History of Islamic Education; Theological Education Foundation; Islamic Education Policy; Islamic Education Politics; Islamic Education Management; Islamic Education Professionalism; Islamic Education Curriculum; ICT in Islamic Education; E-Learning in Islamic Education; Islamic Education Institutions; Teaching and Learning in Islamic Education; Ethnography of Islamic Education; Local Wisdom-Based Islamic Education; Theory Development and Learning Design; Psychology of Islamic Education; Islamic Education Paradigm; Character of Islamic Education; Gender in Islamic Education
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 1 (2024): Vol. 2, No. 1 Tahun 2024" : 6 Documents clear
Strategi Kepemimpinan Kepala KUA dalam Meningkatkan Kedisplinan Pegawai pada Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) di Desa Napa Kecamatan Batangtoru Subuh Waldo Huakbar
Al-Murabbi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2024): Vol. 2, No. 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Al-Ahliyah Al-Islamiyah Aek Badak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62086/al-murabbi.v2i1.505


Employee discipline can be seen as a kind of training intended to shape and improve employee knowledge, attitudes, and behavior to encourage other staff members to take an active role in raising their performance standards. The purpose of this research is to determine the leadership approach used by the head of the KUA Office of Religious Affairs in Napa Village, Batangtoru District in improving employee discipline. This research is qualitative in descriptive form. What this means is that the research conducted seeks to understand phenomena such as motivation, behavior, and perceptions encountered by study participants. The motivation for this research stems from the researcher's interest in the leadership approach of the head of the KUA in improving the discipline of employees at the Napa Village Religious Affairs Office, Batangtoru District. Research results: The Head of the KUA of Napa Village, Batangtoru District, uses three strategies to improve employee discipline, namely by giving instructions to employees, giving them examples, and holding sharing sessions. The first three supporting criteria are: (1) effective leadership; (2) receive compensation; and (3) punishment. The first two barriers are a lack of personal awareness and work procrastination.
Penerapan Metode Kisah dalam Penanaman Akhlak Mulia Peserta Didik Kelas V SD Gabena Yolanda Nasution
Al-Murabbi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2024): Vol. 2, No. 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Al-Ahliyah Al-Islamiyah Aek Badak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62086/al-murabbi.v2i1.549


A lack of discipline in certain children was the impetus for the study, which found that instructors and classmates were not greeted with sufficient morality. Of all the learning strategies, the fourth grade teacher at SD Negeri 200119 Batang Ayumi Julu, Padangsidimpuan City uses a narrative approach in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) to help students develop high morals. The questions asked in this research are how to use narrative techniques to help children develop high moral standards and what those standards should look like. The purpose of this research is to ascertain the moral picture of students and learn how to use narrative techniques to influence students' moral development. A qualitative descriptive research design was used. Interviews and observations function as data collection tools. Reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions are components of data analysis. Three methods were used to assess the validity of the data: triangulation, time extension, and persistence of observation. The findings of this research, accompanied by the use of narrative techniques with appropriate planning, implementation and assessment procedures, will form students' high moral standards towards Allah SWT, their teachers and other students.
Penerapan Ilmu Tasawuf dalam Membentuk Akhlak Mulia di Pondok Pesantren Darul Hadits Huta Baringin Kecamatan Siabu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Manahan Efendi; Zainal Efendi Hasibuan
Al-Murabbi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2024): Vol. 2, No. 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Al-Ahliyah Al-Islamiyah Aek Badak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62086/al-murabbi.v2i1.460


The application of Sufism in forming noble morals is an approach based on spiritual and ethical values in Islam. Sufism, or Sufism, is a branch of Islamic religious knowledge that focuses on inner aspects and spirituality, with the main aim of achieving closeness to Allah and forming a nobler character. The science of Sufism, in this case, contributes significantly in forming noble morals. This research aims to investigate the system of applying Sufism in forming noble morals at the Darul Hadits Huta Baringin Islamic Boarding School, Siabu District, Mandailing Natal Regency, as well as identifying factors that can support or hinder its application by students. A qualitative approach with data collection methods through observation, interviews and documentation is the approach used in this research. By combining observations, interviews and document analysis, this is able to achieve a more holistic understanding of the system of applying Sufism in forming noble morals. The results of this research show that it is still less effective in its implementation, because there is a barrier factor in the form of students' laziness in studying their lessons, especially in their application, and supporting factors can be applied in the form of a teacher's approach by explaining the importance of Sufism and the threat approach. The implementation of classroom management by teachers at the Darul Hadits Huta Baringin Islamic Boarding School is still less effective
Model Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Program Sarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan Aswar Harahap
Al-Murabbi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2024): Vol. 2, No. 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Al-Ahliyah Al-Islamiyah Aek Badak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62086/al-murabbi.v2i1.550


Abstract The bad quality of schooling in Indonesia is a well-established conversation. In any case, as of recently the issue of the nature of training is likewise wrapped up. Quality schooling is the assumption and request of all partners in training. Everybody will unquestionably really like to request science at an organization that has a decent quality. On this premise, schools/instructive organizations ought to have the option to offer great assistance and quality together not to be deserted and incapable of rivaling other instructive foundations. From different perspectives, rules, and markers that we can take that quality instruction could be improved assuming the school has one) support from the public authority, 2) Administration Chiefs compelling, 3) Execution great educators, 4) an important educational program 5) graduates quality, 6) culture and environment of viable association, 7) the help of the local area and guardians. Execution of the board in working on the nature of schooling is a genuine arrangement to be trusted to deal with the signs of the nature of training to make cooperative energy in endeavors to work on the nature of instruction.Keywords: Quality Improvement, Education Quality Management
Manajemen Kesiswaan dalam Membentuk Budaya Religius di MTs. S Teupah Barat Yunita Gibon
Al-Murabbi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2024): Vol. 2, No. 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Al-Ahliyah Al-Islamiyah Aek Badak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62086/al-murabbi.v2i1.509


This research examines how the management of implementing religious culture can be realized in building a neat and structured culture at various levels of education, especially at MTs. S Teupah Barat. The aim of this research is to find out how students plan to form a religious culture at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Suwasta Teupah Barat, to find out how students organize religious cultural activities at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Suwasta Teupah Barat. find out how students carry out activities in forming religious culture at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Suwasta Teupah Barat. The research results, (1) Planning in forming a religious culture from the family and community environment, schools also have a very important role in forming religious culture, although not significantly. (2) Implementation of religious culture, namely: a. Dhuha prayer in congregation, b. Congregational midday prayer, c. Friday prayers, d. Recitations of the Qur'an, e. implementation of 5S (Smile, Greeting, Greeting, Polite and Courteous (3) Religious cultural activities that are formed through a long and tiring process. There are many violations that still occur, which is not an obstacle for the head of the Madrasah and his staff to improve the intelligent life of the nation more motivation and encouragement to keep going.
Peranan Guru Akidah Akhlak Dalam Meningkatkan Akhlakul karimah Siswa Mts Negeri 4 Mandailing Natal Muhammad Asro'i Rambe; zainal efendi hasibuan
Al-Murabbi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2024): Vol. 2, No. 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Al-Ahliyah Al-Islamiyah Aek Badak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62086/al-murabbi.v2i1.494


Tujuan dari artikel ini ialah untuk memahami apa saja Peranan guru dalam meningkatkan akhlakul karimah siswa dan apa-apa saja faktor pendukung dan faktor hambatan guru dalam meningkatkan akhlakul karimah siswa Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang apa yang terjadi. Metode pendekatan deskriptif adalah menggambarkan peristiwa yang terjadi. penelitian deskriptif merupakan jenis penelitian yang bermaksud memberikan gambaran yang terstruktur, akurat, dan faktual mengenai fakta situasi dan peristiwa. Hasil penelitian ini adalah peranan guru dalam meningkatkan akhlakul karimah siswa yaitu dengan guru sebagai model, guru sebagai pembimbing, guru sebagai penasehat, guru sebagai fasillisiator, adapun faktor pendukungnya ialah, a)Lembaga pendidikan yang mencerminkan keagamaan sehingga muridnya lebih agamais dan islami, b)Pengajar agama yang selalu berpartisipasi dalam usaha pengembangan dan bimbingan siswa. c)Banyak materi pembelajaran dan aktivitas membangun moral, yang meningkatkan jiwa akhlakul karimah nya siswa seperti apel pagi, sholat dzuhur berjamaah, yasinan dan tahlilan setiap hari jum’at, interaksi yang harmonis di antara lingkungan sekolah, humanis, dan saling memberikan nasehat, adapun faktor penghambatnya ialah, a)         Dampak keadaan rumah tangga tidak harmonis dan tenang, b)  Dampak dari kondisi lingkungan tempat tinggal masyarakat peserta didik yang tidak mendukung, c)Dampak berkembang pesatnya peningkatan pengetahuan dan teknologi yang semakin maju, Dampak dari permainan dan sahabat sebaya yang akan merugikan peserta didik

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