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Journal Of Economic Sciences (Ekuisci)
Published by Ann Publisher
ISSN : 3046837X     EISSN : 30470579     DOI : https://10.62885/ekuisci.v1i1
Core Subject : Economy,
is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles in the field of economics. Articles published in the Ekuisci Journal include original scientific research results (top priority), new scientific review articles (not priority), and the results of studies in the field of economics.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1 No 1 (2023): vol 1 no 1 2023" : 5 Documents clear
Employee Competence and Attachment Impact against Employee Performance at PT.Vincent Sheppard Indonesia Santi Firda Sari; kartono kartono; Sunimah Sunimah
Jurnal Ekuisci Vol 1 No 1 (2023): vol 1 no 1 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/ekuisci.v1i1.47


Employee performance is significant to note since employees are crucial to the organization'sability to achieve its objectives and advance to compete successfully. Organizations or businesses withhigh employee performance will have more human resources available. Competence and employeeengagement are two elements that must be considered while attempting to improve employeeperformance. Competence is a characteristic that aids in achieving strong performance, and employeeengagement is a feature that employees receive for what they accomplish or obtain, with the desires ofemployees being met to ensure high motivation and morale at work. This study sought to ascertain howcompetency and employee engagement impacted workers' performance at PT. Vincent SheppardIndonesia. A quantitative research method was adopted for the study. The 275 participants in this studywere all PT. Vincent Sheppard Indonesia employees. The Slovin method was used in this investigationwith a 74-person sample and a tolerance level or error of 10%. The proportionate stratified randomsampling approach is the one that is employed. Multiple linear regression is the method of data analysisthat has been applied. The findings indicated that the factors of competence and employee engagementhad a favorable and significant impact on employee performance, either partially or concurrently.
The Influence of Product Quality, Packaging, and Promotion on Purchasing Decisions Tempeh Chocolate Awicho Ngawi Juni Trisnowati; Nurul Anisa Yumarti
Jurnal Ekuisci Vol 1 No 1 (2023): vol 1 no 1 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/ekuisci.v1i1.49


This research aims to determine the influence of product quality, packaging, and promotion on the purchase decision of Awicho Ngawi tempeh chocolate both partially and simultaneously. The population in this study is consumers of Awicho Ngawi tempeh chocolate, where the number cannot be known with certainty. Sampling in this study used accidental sampling technique. The research data was obtained by distributing questionnaires and interviews about product quality, packaging, and promotion, as well as purchasing decisions to 70 respondents. The analytical techniques used include a multiple linear regression analysis, F test, t-test and coefficient of determination (R2), as well as using SPSS applications. The results showed that product quality, packaging, and promotion had a significant effect on the purchase decision of Awicho Ngawi tempeh chocolate, both partially and simultaneously. Nilai adjusted R square (R 2) of 0.654, meaning that independent variables consisting of product quality, packaging, and promotion affect the purchase decision of Awicho Ngawi tempeh chocolate by 0.638 or 65.4%, while the remaining 0.362 or 36.2% is influenced by other variables that were not studied in this study.
The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Employment Status on the Commitment of Ar-Royan Tasikmalaya Confection Production Department Employees Ledi Rosmaya; Indi Ramadhani; Alfin Nur Fahmi Mufreni
Jurnal Ekuisci Vol 1 No 1 (2023): vol 1 no 1 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/ekuisci.v1i1.50


The objectives of this study were to determine and analyze work-life balance, employment status, employee commitment and the effect of work-life balance and employment status on employee commitment in the production division of Ar-royan Tasikmalaya Confectionery. The research method used was the survey method, while the sampling method uses the census method. Data collection techniques were used for primary data through questionnaires from 63 respondents and interviews, secondary data from literature review and the company. The analysis tool uses path analysis. The results showed that work-life balance was included in the high classification, employment status in the high classification, and employee commitment in the high classification. Partially, work-life balance and employment status positively affect employee commitment. Work-life balance and employment status simultaneously affect employee commitment.
The Influence of Leadership and Supervision on Employee Performance in Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) Surya Madani Ngemplak Branch Boyolali Regency Kim Budiwinarto
Jurnal Ekuisci Vol 1 No 1 (2023): vol 1 no 1 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/ekuisci.v1i1.52


The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of leadership on employee performance, and the influenceof insight on employee performance at BMT Surya Madani Ngemplak Branch, Boyolali Regency. The method used in this study is quantitative method. The sample inthis study was employees at BMT Surya Madani Branch Ngemplak Kabupatent Boyolali as many as 30 respondents. The data analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test, and coefficient of determination. The results showed that leadership and supervision had a significant effect on the performance of employees at BMT Surya Madani Ngemplak Branch of Boyolali Regency, both partially and simultaneously. The amount of influence of leadership and supervision has a significant effect on employee performance at BMT Surya Madani Ngemplak Branch, Boyolali Regency is 86.4%.
Implementation of The Balanced Scorecard in Measuring The Performance of A Company Pipit Fitria
Jurnal Ekuisci Vol 1 No 1 (2023): vol 1 no 1 2023
Publisher : Ann Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62885/ekuisci.v1i1.53


This research aims to determine the company's performance at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah, Tbk. Which is used to measure and evaluate with the balanced scorecard method approach. This study uses the balanced scorecard method which evaluates in four important perspectives at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah, Tbk which includes a financial perspective, internal business process perspective, customer perspective, and growth and learning perspective from the 2019-2020 period.

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