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Journal of Law and Social Politics
ISSN : 29886740     EISSN : 29886740     DOI :
The Journal Of Law and Social Politic provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be examined empirically. The Journal Of Law and Social Politic will publish scientific articles in the fields of education, including education, economics, history education, geography education, Pancasila and citizenship education and other fields of social science education that have not been listed. Published articles are articles from critical and comprehensive research, scientific studies or studies on important and current issues, or reviews of scientific books.
Articles 10 Documents
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Digital Literacy Learning Through School TV In PAUD Rahayu, Tutin; Nofrianto, Robby; Sunarto, Angel Nathania; Hakim, Annisa; Watini, Sri
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.7


Digitalization of early childhood education has targeted learning media. Palform TV Sekolah is present as an alternative to digital-based learning media. This study aims to explore the potential use of TV School media as a medium in increasing digital literacy in early childhood at PAUD Cinta Kasih Ibu Cengkareng Timur, West Jakarta. The research method used is a qualitative description involving 18 early childhood children in PAUD Cinta Kasih Ibu with 6 girls and 12 boys. Data collection techniques used in this study are through observation, interviews and documentation. The research findings show that the use of TV media can increase digital literacy in early childhood. Children demonstrate an increased understanding of the use of technology and electronic media, and their ability to access, evaluate and use information effectively.
Implementation Of Implementation Of Providing Legal Assistance For Disappointed Communities In The View Of Islamic Law Aini, Rinda Kuratul
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.9


The purpose of this study is to describe the application of 3 character values through planning analysis, learning implementation and learning evaluation as well as to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors of the application of 3 character values in grade IV SDN Tiwu Asem. This research includes qualitative descriptive data taken through in-depth interviews with resource persons, in addition to data collection techniques through field observation and documentation. The validity of the data used is by source triangulation, technical triangulation and theory triangulation. Data analysis techniques are carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the application of the character values of SDN Tiwu Asem has been integrated into learning through the process of planning, implementation and evaluation as well as through applicable habituation. The supporting factor is the content of character education in the curriculum and also the driving teacher as a support in the application of character values. While the inhibiting factors are the lack of aspects of teacher understanding, student behavior, learning implementation and the lack of school culture to support character education.
Development Of Picture Storybooks Based On Scientific Approaches In Science Lessons Class V Sdn 36 Mataram Academic Year 2023 RIZKI KARIMA, BAIQ NIDYA
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.10


The main target of education is to improve quality human resources. Quality human resources will be achieved if they have the ability, namely broad knowledge, mastery of knowledge involved and a professional mental attitude and have the spirit or motivation to achieve. This research is a type of development research (Research and Development). What was developed in this study is a scientifically-based picture story book in grade V elementary school science lessons. This research is a research on the development of picture storybooks based on a scientific approach for grade V elementary school. The process of developing picture storybooks based on a scientific approach for grade V elementary school includes the type of Research and Development (R&D) development with a 4D model, namely: (1) Define which consists of (a) conducting a needs analysis, (b) determining learning objectives, and (c) determining the learning content and sequence of storybook stories
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.12


This study aims to analyze the effect of Leverage, Rupiah Exchange Rate, Panic buying and VAT incentives borne by the government on stock prices in properties & real estate sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The period of this study was carried out for 4 years starting from 2018 to 2021. This study used secondary data in the form of annual reports and financial statements. The technique used in sampling is purposive sampling. This study shows that leverage has a calculated value of -3.495 and a signific value of 0.001 which means that leverage has a significant negative effect on stock prices. The rupiah exchange rate has a calculated value of 0.855 and a signific value of 0.396 this can be interpreted to mean that the rupiah exchange rate has a positive and insignificant influence on the stock price. Panic buying has a calculated value of 4,158 with a significance of 0.000, which can be interpreted to mean that panic buying has a significant positive effect on stock prices. The vat incentive borne by the government has a calculated value of 3.826 and a signific value of 0.000 which means that the vat incentive borne by the government has a significant positive effect on the stock price in the pre-covid-19 period. Research during the Covid-19 period showed that leverage had a calculated value of -0.804 and a signific value of 0.424, which means that leverage has no effect on stock prices. The rupiah exchange rate has a calculated value of -0.002 and a signific value of 0.998, this can be interpreted to mean that the rupiah exchange rate does not have an effect on the stock price. Panic buying has a calculated value of 7,426 with a significance of 0.000, which can be interpreted to mean that panic buying has a significant positive effect on stock prices. The vat incentive borne by the government has a calculated value of 7,261 and a signific value of 0.000 which means that the vat incentive borne by the government has a significant positive effect on the stock price.
Authority of the Executive Board in Appointing Acting Substitutes for Regional Heads in a Presidential Government System According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Bakhri, M Said
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.13


In 2023 there are 17 governors, 38 mayors and 115 regents vacant, 2 year vacancy, limited authority (running programs are constrained), Echelon 1, TNI and Polri officials are active in concurrent positions, sociology issues do not involve the community. This writing is about the position of the executive branch in appointing Acting Regional Heads in the 2024 simultaneous elections, and determining the mechanism for appointing Government Officials in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The conclusion of this writing is that the appointment of Regional Heads of the executive branch creates a shift in the ideology of the four Pancasila precepts, and a shift in the interpretation of the executive branch of the Article 18 paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as Law no. 23 of 2014. The mechanism for appointing government officials according to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, is a by-election which is the format of the theory of people's sovereignty, participatory democracy, representative democracy, tricameral system, and Law no. 23 of 2014. The first writing recommendation is that the President approves a Presidential Regulation concerning the implementation of Law no. 6 of 2020, because the span of control from the President was handed down to the Ministry of Home Affairs to determine Regional Heads. The second recommendation involves the General Election Commission, DPRD, and customary institutions registered with the National Unity and Political Agency of the Ministry of Home Affairs. This is in accordance with Law no. 1 of 2014 and Law no. 17 of 2014 the authority of the legislature to monitor the law.
The Influence Of Deviant Workplace Behavior And Work Commitment On Millennial Employee Performance With The Implementation Of Anti-Fraud Strategies As A Mediating Variable In Pt Permodalan Nasional Madani Larasati, Andini Ayu; Kurniawan, Deden
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.14


The future of Indonesia is determined by the quality of human resources, especially the millennial generation. In the context of facing the problem of fraud cases in Indonesia, of course we hope that the millennial generation is relatively more sterile from permissive values towards fraud behavior. A negative work environment (deviant workplace behavior) can affect employee performance in an organization. Fraudulent behavior will have an impact on the poor performance of millennial employees. This can also affect organizational performance in a company. Survey fraud conducted by AFCE (2019), that the biggest fraud perpetrators were employees with a percentage of 31.8% and 20% with an age group of 20 - 35 years. This means that most fraud perpetrators come from the millennial age group. This study aims to analyze the effect of deviant workplace behavior and work commitment on millennial employees with the implementation of anti-fraud strategies as a mediating variable at Permodalan Nasional Madani. This study uses quantitative research methods and this research data is taken using purposive sampling, meaning that the sample is based on certain characteristics, traits or characteristics. The number of samples in this study were 140 millennial employees at PT Permodalan Nasional Madani. The results showed that the performance of millennial employees has a significant effect on deviant workplace behavior and work commitment through the implementation of anti-fraud strategies.
Implementation Of Standard Operational Procedure (Sop) In Improving Service Efficiency In The Banking Industry Rukmana, Febi Indriyanti
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.15


In an organization, industry, or situational activity, there are always rules or procedures that are correct for doing every job in an organization, industry, or event. This is known as an SOP (STANDARD Operational Procedure), according to the meaning SOP is used to manage employees or remind employees of good and correct operational procedures. SOPs are often heard in technology industries such as machinery, electricity, mining, and other technical issues. However, in fact SOPs are implemented in all areas of industry including banking. The banking industry certainly has SOPs for its employees, SOPs are carried out so that employees carry out work as they should, starting from behaving towards customers to financial calculations. The application of SOPs is also expected to be able to help improve service efficiency because SOPs are the best performance guidelines that are expected to be carried out by every employee. Efficiency is related to time, the indicator of achieving the word efficient is whether or not time is used. This study focuses on the influence of SOPs in increasing service efficiency in the banking industry. This study uses a qualitative method of literature study approach. This research resulted in an understanding that the application of SOPs can improve service efficiency in the banking industry because by adhering to SOPs, of course work can be completed in the best way and results.
Conflict Management Counseling For Community Leaders In West Kaduara Village After Village Head Election Dinillah, Annisa Izzah; Sasabela, Abelda Fauzia; Nizar, Ahmad; Islam, A. Syaiful
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.16


The existence of social conflict in the election of village heads affects all aspects of people's daily life which as a whole has an impact on social relations between communities. Family values and blood relations have faded and are very concerning. Knowing conflict management after the election of Kaduara Barat Village Head. The research method is the method used by researchers in collecting research data, such as interviews, observations, tests and documentation (Arikunto, S. 2002). The method used in this research is qualitative method. The following is an overview of indicators of conflict resolution carried out by the village head and community leaders to resolve and handle village head election conflicts in Kaduara Barat Village. Persuasion first, accommodation second, compromise third. When the Village Head Election goes smoothly and in an orderly manner, it results in an elected village head. Every candidate and his supporters must respect and honor the outcome of the decision. If there is a conflict between a candidate and his supporters, then the conflict is limited to a debate of ideas and opinions, not blind fanaticism and occurs before the election. After the election life returned to normal.
Training on Increasing the Use Value of Used Cooking Oil into Aromatherapy Candles for Bekasi Jaya Indah Housewives Cahyaputri, Bunga; Hasibuan, Bernard
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.17


There are many types of household waste. One of the wastes associated with cooking and trading activities is used cooking oil. Oil waste own impact bad for health body and environment. Therefore, that need done effort utilization oil waste become something useful for minimize waste oil waste as well as reduce pollution environment by converting into products that have added value. This is one of the goals from activity devotion this, incl increase knowledge public to impact use and disposal oil waste to health body and environment. The type of method used that is with give counseling in form socialization and description information about oil cooking. Participant looks enthusiastic with knowledge management of used cooking oil and motivate them to manage used cooking oil. Participants also add Skills in utilization oil waste become product that is candle aroma therapy as well as inspired For use it in life every day, even for help economy family.
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Job Stress on Job Satisfaction and Their Impact on Employee Performance Monica Poetrie, Anandra; Handaru, Agung Wahyu; Ahmad, Gatot Nazir
Journal of Law and Social Politic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Law and Social Politic
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jlsp.v1i2.19


The rapid and increasingly intense economic competition has driven companies from various sectors, including the banking sector, to actively compete in providing the best services and adopting the latest technologies. This is closely related to the utilization of available resources, one of which is human resources. The role of human resource management is crucial for the sustainability of an organization, influencing organizational performance, strategy implementation, and the achievement of established goals. Human resources become a primary factor in driving companies towards achieving high performance. Performance serves as an indicator of how well actions or policies can attain the company's goals and manifest the vision and mission of the organization. This concept is grounded in the strategic planning of the organization or company. This study employs a quantitative approach and aims to investigate the level of job satisfaction and its impact on employee performance as an intervening variable. Participants in this study are employees working at PT X, with a total sample size of 105 respondents. Data analysis is conducted using SPSS and Smart PLS version 3 software. The findings from this research demonstrate noteworthy effects: emotional intelligence holds a notable impact on job satisfaction, emotional intelligence significantly affects employee performance, job-related stress significantly influences job satisfaction, work-related stress significantly impacts employee performance, and job satisfaction significantly affects employee performance.

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