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Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic
Published by Insight School Academy
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Linguanusa is a journal that aims to be a peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information. We publish original research papers, review articles, and case studies focused on the Social Humanities and Languages ​​disciplines. The social humanities discipline is related to topics of study related to cultural themes, public policy, social society. While linguistic disciplines are related to topics of language and culture, language education, linguistics, phonology, phonetics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and other studies that are still allied and included in the topic and objectives of the journal.
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Articles 35 Documents
Management of Learning of English Subjects Based on Ministry of Education Number 371/M/2021 At Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Susilo Surahman
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Linguanusa : April 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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Introduction to The Problem : The syllabus is the primary reference in preparing the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). The readiness of the syllabus will also impact the preparedness of the RPP because the syllabus first shows the purpose of learning to be implemented. Purpose : This research aims to explain the management of English learning in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Walikukun Academic Year 2022/2023 through syllabus preparation. The research was conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Pojok Walikukun Widodaren Ngawi East Java. Design/methods/approach: This research is a qualitative research with a field approach (Field Research). Sources of primary data obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. Respondents amounted to 10 people from 5 schools in Central Java. Data analysis by triangulation through data reduction, presentation; and conclusion. Findings: Research results show that the management functions applied in English learning subjects are learning planning, organization of learning, and mentoring-evaluation-development. Second, the syllabus compiled at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Walikukun in the Academic Year 2022/2023 is divided into 2 (two), namely: Thematic Syllabus of English Class and Thematic Syllabus of English Outside the Classroom. Research : implications/limitations: This research provides suggestions for future researchers to deepen research, especially related to the evaluation of the implementation of management in English subjects at school. Originality/value: This study found an important finding that the management of English subjects for students has two important things, namely the existence of a good learning system and a good syllabus that contains material in class and outside the classroom.
The Effect Of Pandemic On Human Character As An-Nass In Students Of Pai Uin Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Arif Wijaya; Fina Aulika Lestari; Ichsan Djalal; Nur Saidah
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Linguanusa : April 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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Introduction to The Problem: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on society. not only physical changes, but psychological changes in the form of character become a serious problem. Purpose: The presence of this research is to find out the response to the pandemic disaster, whether it will then make humans, especially students, strengthen mutual cooperation, help others as a social human being in the Al-Quran called An-Nass. Through communities, student organizations, or community groups in participating in social humanity during a pandemic disaster. Design/methods/approach: This research is a quantitative research, where the data collected is the result of data obtained through a questionnaire (questionnaire). Sampling used a cluster sampling technique with 70 PAI student respondents, while the research location was at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaire through the Google form. Data analysis techniques used simple linear regression analysis with the help of SPPS version 25 software. Findings: The results showed that in the presence of a pandemic disaster, the average student with social human character (An-Nass) showed a significant negative effect of 16.6%, while 84.4% of PAI students improved their social character by helping each other, one each other not only during the pandemic. Research implications/limitations: The results of this research can be a simple guide for future researchers regarding human character, especially related to the impact of the Covid pandemic. Originality/value: This study found important findings that human character when facing problems together, the attitude of helping each other and helping each other is a character that appears a lot.
Communication Development People in the Revolutionary Era Industry 4.0 & Covid-19 Muhammad Rizal Akbar; Dawami; Windayani
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Linguanusa : April 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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Introduction to The Problem: The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic caused the government to implement various policies, these policies were relevant to the Industrial revolution 4.0, which in this era was the main characteristic of information systems in software, in this era the main objects were humans and technology. Purpose: Therefore this research aims to discuss the development of human communication in facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and Covid-19. Design/methods/approach: This research is a document or library study. data collected through documentation. Literature review method through literature relevant to research. Then the data were analyzed using content analysis based on the theme. Findings: The results of the study show that in the face of the industrial revolution era, human communication development can be done by improving communication, improving digital skills. Research implications/limitations: This study recommends that the next researcher further develop research, especially in the type of research, research subjects and data analysis techniques. Originality/value: this research provides new information about communication in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 about how communication was formed during Covid- 19.
The Role of Pesantren Kilat in Enriching Life Skills, Creativity, and Religious Students of Al Kautsar Yogyakarta M.Wagio
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Linguanusa : April 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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The negative impact of the times leads humans to three situations, namely the lack of life skills and creativity and moral damage caused by religious weakness; we must handle this situation through education, starting with children, so this study aims to solve this problem by describing an extramural education program called pesantren overnight in madrassas implemented by the Al Kautsar Foundation Yogyakarta. This research uses a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. At the same time, the data collection method is documentation to see the concept of the event through the schedule, observation to see praxis in the field, and finally, an interview; the respondents are an educator and homeroom teacher for grade 6, namely Mrs. Wildi, Mr. Fani as the chief executive, and Mrs. Iin as the person in charge of the activity, through a variety of information that has been collected, leading to the big themes of the series of activities, namely efforts to solve people's problems related to morals and provide survival competence for children, by fostering their creativity, So that the results of the research that the overnight pesantren program in madrasah, have a series of activities that can play a role in enriching the life skills, creativity, and religion of students through, 1) Ecoprint training activities. 2) Review of wisdom films, 3) Habituation of worship through reading, memorization, and practice.
Use Of Websites And Social Media As Information Systems At Smp Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta Arifani Maulida Rahman; Yulia Luthfiyani Azizah; Abdul Hopid
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Linguanusa : April 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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Not all educational institutions can maximize social media and school websites to the fullest to support the continuity of education as a media system in the digital era. Seeing the importance of the media system in education, in this article, we will describe the types and uses of social media, and websites in educational institutions, especially at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method—data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation. The findings of this study are; SMP Muhammadiyah 9 has several media systems; website, Instagram, Facebook, and youtube. However, the media is not managed well and maximally, and it is proven that the school does not update the system regularly. Even if it is done, it will greatly contribute to the progress of the school
Design of the Application of Religious Tolerance and Its Relevance to the Psychology of Religion Elementary School, Junior High School , Senior High School and PT Assyfa, Ratu Bilqis
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Linguanusa : August 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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Indonesia is a country that has a variety of cultures, ethnicities, languages, and religions. To appreciate these differences, it is necessary to have a sense of tolerance. The problems that often occur in Indonesia are related to religious tolerance. Implementing religious tolerance at the level of children is certainly different. This study aims to design the concept of implementing religious tolerance at the elementary, junior high, high school, and university levels. This study uses a qualitative method with a psychological approach involving many references to related articles. Research data sources are research results and existing theories. data collection using documentation with content analysis as the analysis technique. The results of this study are the design of the concept of tolerance at the elementary, junior high, high school, and university levels. This research is recommended for teachers to carry out strategies and understand that religious tolerance is very important to learn. A suggestion for further study is to implement the designs made at each level.
Analysis of the Development of the Psychology of Religion About Online Game Addiction in Students at The Elementary School Level Sulistia, Ulmi; Latipah, Eva; Suharsono
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Linguanusa : August 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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The characteristics of a person's development vary, depending on the factors that influence a person's story. The developmental aspects of school-age children differ from those of adolescents and adulthood. This study aims to determine the psychological development of children at the elementary level addicted to online games. This research is classified as qualitative research with a field research approach and data collection techniques obtained from observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Data sources were acquired from students and counseling teachers in class V at SDN Natah Wetan . The data analysis technique uses data triangulation, including data collection ( data collecting ), data reduction ( data reducing), data presentation ( data displaying ), and conclusion . The results of this study state that the characteristics of the development of school-age children include cognitive, physical, language, social, and emotional aspects. Many factors affect development that will cause problems in development. These factors include genetic factors and environmental factors. The process of developing these four aspects sometimes needs fixing.
Aqidah Education in the Perspective of Developmental Psychology : Case Study of Student in Kajen Hamlet, Giri Village, Kebomas District, Gresik Regency, East Java Rafiqah Dwi Rahmah
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Linguanusa : August 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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Introduction to the Problem: Life in today's era is increasingly undergoing changes – changes that are very significant and so fast.  Religious styles also undergo changes, of course, will have an impact on the value of religion itself. The importance of religious education in this global era to fortify society from the negative effects of globalization. As an effort made can be through Aqidah education.  Purpose: This article aims to discuss the understanding of Aqidah education for children today and Aqidah education in the perspective of developmental psychology.  Design/method/approach: this research is a qualitative research case study that is described critically. Data collection techniques with semi-structured interviews by making interview guidelines as an outline. Analyzing data using triangulation techniques so as to make the results of this study richer with treasures in it. This technique can also be used to test the credibility of data. Findings: The results of this study state that the understanding of Aqidah education from the four female students has a tiered level of understanding. In the perspective of developmental psychology by analyzing existing theories there are conditions for different understandings of Aqidah education according to age, intellectual improvement, religious interests, family background and living environment.  Implications/Limitations of Research: This study provides suggestions for future researchers to increase the number of respondents interviewed, especially to male students.  Originality/value: This study found an important finding that the higher the level of education and age, the more understanding and aware of the importance of understanding Aqidah correctly.
Stages of Faith Development According To The Theory of James W Fowler On The Process of Human Religious Development (Analysis of The Development of Religion In Elementary-Adult Children) Faizah Naily
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Linguanusa : August 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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We need to instill faith basics in children from an early age . Allah commands everyone to believe in Him. This study aims to analyze the development of religion that occurs in human life from elementary school age to adults. The author uses James W Fowler's theory for this research regarding the stages of human faith from an early age to adulthood. Therefore, the writer intends to analyze the development of human religion. This study used a qualitative approach, which emphasized descriptive analysis based on the documents obtained and the results of interviews with respondents. The data sources for this research consisted of primary and secondary data, which were then analyzed using various papers and interview results. The findings from this study indicate that the development of religion and diversity in humans has existed since birth . And humans will continue to develop in the social, educational, and religious fields. This study focuses on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development in religion.
Awarness Of Prayer Worship In A Psychological Perspective (Analysis of the Development of Elementary School Children to Adults) Mita Kurnia Ningrum
Linguanusa : Social Humanities, Education and Linguistic Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Linguanusa : August 2023
Publisher : Insight School Academy

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The younger generation, which is starting to get stuck with the busyness of technology, makes them unaware that they have been stuck in a pattern that, among other things, actually takes up their time and energy. Several school assignments, work, and interest in contemporary technology often trigger a loss of balance between the world and the afterlife. Awareness of praying is essential because it directly impacts the mentality of every Muslim; this is also supported by Fawler's statement that faith and firmness are crucial points without which humans are useless. The purpose of this research is to discover the psychological development of prayer awareness from elementary school age to adulthood, which in his research refers to the theory of faith formation. In this study, the method used was qualitative research with a psychological approach which took 8 participants, each representing each level of elementary, junior high, high school, and early adulthood. The data collectiontechnique used by researchers used interview and observation techniques and continued analyzing the data through data reduction procedures, presenting data, and providing conclusions. The results of this study show that the understanding related to prayer awareness in each participant that the researcher met shows that they have an understanding that is appropriate for each age, whereas, for elementary school age, they still understand prayer related to allusions and also rewards for its implementation, while at junior high school age up to the age of Early adults already fully understand the concept of prayer awareness. With this in mind, the research conducted includes the development of a person's faith according to the stages, making it easier for parents and teachers to provide age appropriate stimuli. This is to give a positive impression of the worship activity, especially on one's understanding of the implementation of prayer.

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