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Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability
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Core Subject : Economy,
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability (JOEMBAS) is published by the El-Emir Institute helping academics, researchers, and practitioners to disseminate their research results. Joebmas is a blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing quality research results in the fields of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting. All publications in the Joebmas Journal are open access which allows articles to be available online for free without any subscription. JOEMBAS is a national journal with e-ISSN: 3047-8391 , and is free of charge in the submission process and review process. Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting publishes articles periodically four times a year, in February, May, August, November. Joembas uses Turnitin plagiarism checks, Mendeley for reference management and supported by Crossref (DOI) for identification of scientific paper.
Articles 10 Documents
Factors Influencing Consumers' Decisions To Visit Asia Farm Tourism Objects In Pekanbaru City Merry Meilany
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i1.1


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the factors that influence consumer visits to the Asia Farm tourist attraction in Pekanbaru City. The population in this study was all visitors to the Asia Farm tourist attraction in 2023, totaling 60,106 people. Through Slovin formula calculations, a sample size of 100 adult visitors to the Asia Farm tourist attraction was obtained. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis. From the results of filling out the questionnaire by the respondents of this research who are consumers of the Asia Farm tourist attraction in Pekanbaru City, it was concluded that consumers strongly agree, which means that consumers agree to visit the Asia Farm tourist attraction in Pekanbaru City because there are many types of games and games. tourist attraction in it. Based on the results of the hypothesis test carried out, it is known that the three research variables are promotion factors, satisfaction factors and service factors, where the most dominant variable influencing consumer decisions is service (X2). This is proven by the tcount value being smaller than ttable (5,277 > 1.984) and a significance level of 0.05 > 0.000. Thus, it can be concluded that the service factor variable (X2) has a positive and significant effect on consumer decision variables when visiting the Asia Farm tourist attraction in Pekanbaru City
The Effect Of Career Development On Employee Performance In Smart Fast Global Education Pekanbaru Mohd Winario; Filtra Candra; Rifqil Khairi; Muhammad Zakir
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i1.2


The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of career development on employee performance on Smart Fast Global Education Pekanbaru.. Its data analysis using descriptive and correlational methods with quantitative approaches, to determine the influence of independent variables (career development) on dependent variables (employee performance) is analyzed with simple linear regression using the SPSS program. The Effect of Career Development on Employee Performance at Smart Fast Global Education Institute Pekanbaru had a significant effect with a coefficient of determination of R2 of 0.358. This means that the employee performance variable (Y) is influenced by the career development variable (X) by 35.8%, , while the remaining 64.2% is explained by faktor-other factors that were not studied by the author. Variable career development (X) has a positive influence on employee performance (Y) with aregression coefficient of 0.414 indicating that if career development increases by 1 unit then employee performance variables will increase by 0.414,this means that thehigh career development will behigher. The results of the hypothesis test showed a calculated t value (4.60 1) > ttable (1,,685)) which means Ho was rejected and Ha accepted. It can be concluded that career development has a significant effect on employee performance
The Influence Of Leadership Style And Work Motivation On The Performance Of Angkasa Garden Hotel Pekanbaru Employees Teresa Lukina; Diany Mairiza; Nilam Erman
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i1.3


The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of leadership style and work motivation on employee performance at Angkasa Garden Hotel Pekanbaru. The sample in this research was 44 employees of Angkasa Garden Hotel Pekanbaru. Meanwhile, the variables examined in this research are leadership style, work motivation and employee performance. Data analysis uses the multiple linear regression method using validity, reliability, normality tests, multicollinearity tests, heteroscedasticity tests, t tests, f tests, and R2 tests. This test is carried out to determine the relationship between the independent variable and the related variable (dependent variable). Based on the research results, service quality simultaneously influences student satisfaction with a correlation value of R = 0.387, which shows that there is a close relationship between leadership style and work motivation and the performance of Angkasa Garden Hotel Pekanbaru employees. Meanwhile, R square was found to be 0.150, which means leadership style and work motivation contributed 38.7% to the performance of Angkasa Garden Hotel Pekanbaru employees. Partially, it was found that the leadership style and work motivation variables had a positive and significant effect on the performance of Angkasa Garden Hotel Pekanbaru employees with t count 2.810> t table 2.018 with a significance level of 0.000 which is smaller than alpha 0.05. The simple linear regression equation is as follows: Y= -3.249 + 0.063X1 + 0.088X2 + e
The Influence Of Service Quality On Consumer Loyalty In Cafe Jseven Pekanbaru Roza Fitriani; Zubaidah Assyifa
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i1.4


The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of service quality on consumer loyalty at Cafe Jseven Pekanbaru. This research method uses a quantitative analysis method by means of which the data obtained is analyzed using statistical analysis techniques. The analytical technique used to test this research hypothesis is simple regression analysis. This technique is used to analyze independent variables against the dependent variable and can also show the direction of the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable using the SPSS application. Based on the research results that have been explained regarding the influence of service quality on consumer loyalty, it can be concluded that product quality with a calculated t value of 4.841 and a t table value of 1.984 so that t calculated 4.841 > t table 1.984 and a significant level of 0.000 < 0.05 means that the quality variable service partially influences consumer loyalty.
The Influence Of Entrepreneurial Learning On Interest In Entrepreneurship Students Of The Master's Institute Of Technology And Business Ikanov dwiputri; Fahmi Iqbal Firmananda; Dewi Yasra
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i1.5


The study aims to investigate the extent to which entrepreneurship learning affects student entrepreneurship interest of management degree and accountancy degree program of Master’s Institute of Technology and Business.The study uses quantitative methods. The research variables were entrepreneurship learning as the independent variable and entrepreneurship interest as the dependent variable. The data that used in this study were the primary data and the secondary data. The primary data obtained by using a quesionnaire with student respondent totaling 93 people and the secondary data obtained by using pre research and documentation data. This study used purposive sampling technique. The result or the study shows that entrepreneurship learning positively dan significantly affects entrepreneurship interest of student, indicated by tobtained =11,035 with significance value of 0,000 and R2 = 0,572.
Kajian Ekonomi Islam Tentang Kesesuaian SMS Berhadiah Dengan Prinsip-Prinsip Syariah Irmawanti Irmawanti
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Mei 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i2.22


This research aims to examine the compliance of prize-winning SMS programs with Sharia principles from an Islamic legal perspective. In the rapidly developing digital era, promotions through prize-winning SMS have become a popular strategy among telecommunications companies. However, it is crucial to ensure that these programs do not violate Sharia principles such as the prohibitions against riba (usury), gharar (uncertainty), and maysir (gambling). This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive-analytical method, gathering primary data through in-depth interviews and questionnaires, as well as secondary data from relevant literature and documents.The results of the study indicate that although there are efforts by telecommunications companies to comply with Sharia principles, there are still some obstacles such as unclear costs and non-transparent drawing mechanisms. Muslim consumer perceptions of prize-winning SMS programs tend to be skeptical due to the lack of transparency and perceived unfairness in these programs. Fatwas and guidelines from scholars, as well as regulations in several Muslim countries, emphasize the importance of transparency, fairness, and the absence of maysir elements in any promotional program. This research suggests improving transparency, implementing Sharia audits, educating consumers, and developing stricter regulations to ensure the compliance of prize-winning SMS programs with Sharia principles. With these measures, prize-winning SMS programs can be conducted more fairly and transparently, enhancing the trust and satisfaction of Muslim consumers.
Etika Bisnis Islami Dalam E-Commerce: Mengintegrasikan Teknologi Dan Nilai-Nilai Syariah Qonita Hidayati; Rifqil Khairi
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Mei 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i2.23


This research aims to explore and analyze the application of Islamic business ethics in e-commerce with a focus on how technology can be integrated with sharia values. Using qualitative research methods with a descriptive-analytical approach, data was collected through in-depth interviews with Muslim e-commerce business people, sharia experts, and consumers, as well as direct observation and documentation analysis. The research results show that although there is a fairly good understanding of sharia principles such as honesty, justice and transparency, their implementation in e-commerce still faces various challenges. These challenges include a lack of in-depth understanding among business people, technological obstacles, and low consumer acceptance. However, this research also found that strategies such as education and training, development of sharia-supporting technology, and consumer awareness campaigns can overcome these challenges. Overall, the integration of technology with sharia values ​​in e-commerce not only enables businesses that comply with Islamic principles, but also opens up great opportunities for wider market development and increased consumer confidence. This research provides practical insights for Muslim business people and policy makers in implementing Islamic business ethics in the digital era.
Fiqih Perjudian: Analisis Terhadap Lotere dan Undian Dari Perspektif Syariah Nurmaini Nurmaini
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Mei 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i2.24


This research aims to analyze lotteries and sweepstakes from a sharia perspective. The main focus is to understand how Islamic law views this activity, examine the opinions of ulama, as well as evaluate the social and economic impact of lotteries and raffles in the context of Muslim society. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive and comparative approach. A descriptive approach is used to provide a detailed description of the practice of lotteries and lotteries, while a comparative approach is used to compare the views of various schools of thought in Islam regarding lotteries and lotteries. Data was collected through literature studies from primary and secondary sources, such as fiqh books, interpretations of the Al-Quran, Hadith, and contemporary fatwas. The research results show that lotteries and raffles are categorized as a form of gambling (maysir) which is prohibited in Islam. This prohibition is based on sharia principles which prioritize benefit and avoid damage. The Koran and Hadith explicitly mention that gambling is an act of Satan that can cause hostility and hatred. The views of scholars such as Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Wahbah Al-Zuhayli, and Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Utsaimin agree that lotteries are haram because they contain elements of speculation and uncertainty which are contrary to sharia. From a socioeconomic perspective, gambling brings more harm than good, including financial loss, family breakdown, and negative impacts on social well-being. Strict implementation of sharia law and education and public awareness efforts are essential to reduce the negative impacts of gambling.
Strategi Pemasaran Multilevel Marketing Dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Global Dwi Anisa Delia
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Mei 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i2.25


This research aims to examine the transformation of Multi Level Marketing (MLM) marketing strategies in facing global challenges caused by developments in digital technology, changes in consumer behavior and globalization. In this context, this research focuses on how MLM companies adapt and implement new marketing strategies to remain relevant and competitive. The research method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with executives, marketing managers, and main distributors from several different MLM companies. In addition, content analysis was carried out on the digital marketing materials used by these companies. Data analysis was carried out using thematic analysis techniques to identify main patterns and themes that emerged from the data. The research results show that MLM companies that are successful in transforming their marketing strategy tend to integrate digital technology such as social media, mobile applications and e-commerce platforms in their operations. Additionally, they emphasize transparency and building trust with customers and distributors through open and honest communication. This research also found that adapting to local needs and preferences is very important in global marketing strategies. Innovation in products and services as well as compliance with regulations and business ethics are key factors that support the successful transformation of MLM marketing strategies.
Analisis Syariah Terhadap Praktik Trading Forex Online: Identifikasi Masalah Dan Solusi Elen Sri Ega Putri
Journal of Economic, Management, Business, Accounting Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Mei 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/joembas.v1i2.26


This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of online forex trading practices from a sharia perspective. This research uses qualitative research methods as its main design, which has a very important role in this research. In research regarding sharia analysis of online forex trading practices, the research method used involves a qualitative approach. This approach was chosen because this research aims to understand and analyze concepts, views and interpretations from an Islamic sharia perspective regarding forex trading. The results of this study show that although there are various challenges in ensuring sharia compliance in online forex trading, solutions such as swap-free accounts, education, transparency and careful use of leverage can help overcome these problems. Muslim traders must be careful in choosing brokers and trading strategies that comply with sharia principles to ensure that their trading activities are halal and ethical.

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