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Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28287339     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir emphasizes specifications in the discourse of Alquran and Interpretation Studies. JIQTA invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related. That aims to encourage and promote the study of the Qur’an from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. The journal focuses on Al-Qur’an dan Interpretation studies. It covers the discuss various matters relate to the Qur’anic Studies, the Exegesis Studies, the Living Qur’an, The Quranic Hermeneutic, the Qur’an and Social Culture, The Qur’an and Science, thoughts of figures about the Qur’anic Studies, and the Exegesis Studies. This journal warmly welcomes to any contributions from scholars of the related disciplines. JIQTA, with registered number ISSN 2828-7339 (On line).
Articles 5 Documents
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JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 2 No 1 (2023): JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36769/jiqta.v2i1.291


This study aims to explore various values ​​of Islamic teachings that can be used as a code of ethics for the character of a leader in the perspective of the Koran according to Tafsir al-Misbah by M. Quraish Shihab. This research is a qualitative research in the form of library research (Library Research). The primary data sources used are the Koran and the book of Tafsir al-Misbah by M. Quraish Shihab. While the secondary data sources used are various scientific literature relevant to the core object of this research. This research includes conceptual research with a philosophical-normative approach. While the nature of this research approach is descriptive-analytic and prescriptive. The results of this study indicate that there are various characters that must be instilled by a leader which can be used as leadership character values, such as Siddiq (honest), Amanah (trustworthy), Tabligh (delivering), and Fatahan (intelligence). Efforts to form leaders with character can be done by cultivating the soul, habituation, exemplary, and the environment.
JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 2 No 1 (2023): JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36769/jiqta.v2i1.330


Seeing the reality of Indonesian society, there are very many people who are educated but they are not yet close to noble character. This is a serious step for the nation to fix deficiencies in education, one of which is through learning and memorizing the holy verses of the Koran from an early age. This is expected to be able to improve the quality of education and create a generation of people with noble character. This is also so that children are happy with the Qur'an as a guide for human life, if the way it is conveyed is also fun, of course this requires a learning method for tahfidz al-Qur'an to support success. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach by taking the background of the Tahfidz Baytul Huffadz House. The research was conducted starting in February 2017 in Ledug Village 02/06 Kel. Keroncong Kec. Jatiuwung Tangerang City. The informants were 3 students, 1 Al-Qur'an teaching staff, and 1 head of the Tahfidz House. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation and interviews. Then the data is transcribed into complete data. Data transcripts were analyzed using deductive, inductive methods.The results of the study show that the method applied in learning the tahfidz of the Qur'an is very useful for improving the performance of the Baytul Huffadz Tahfidz House and its role as an educational institution in improving the quality of education and creating a generation of noble people.
JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 2 No 1 (2023): JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36769/jiqta.v2i1.340


Islam, a religion embraced by hundreds of millions of Muslims in the world, is a way of life that guarantees the happiness of life for its adherents in this world and in the hereafter. It has one essential joint which functions to guide the straight path. Where the instructions are globally covered in the Qur'an. The formulation of the problem that the author examines is how is the pattern of human personality in the Qur'an Surah Al Baqarah verses 2-14 and how is the character of each human personality in the Qur'an Surah Al Baqarah verses 2-14. While the purpose of this research is to to know, the patterns of human personality according to the Qur'an Surah Al Baqarah verses 2 – 14 and to understand the character of each pattern of human personality according to the Qur'an Surah Al Baqarah verses 2 – 14. While the use of research is to make a contribution thoughts about personality and character that are appropriate and not in accordance with Islamic teachings, and are used as an effort for self-understanding which is expected to foster a noble personality and change a despicable personality. The research method used by the author is a data source, divided into two, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. Methods of data collection, in this case to obtain data obtained by way of literature study which is pursued by the method of reading source books and analyzing and comparing for further identification and grouping and classified according to their respective characteristics in the form of chapters per chapters to facilitate data analysis. The results showed that the patterns of human personality in the perspective of the Qur'an (Study of Surah Al Baqarah verses 2 – 14) are personality classifications, humans are based on the aspect of aqidah, namely their willingness or rejection of the Qur'an as a way of life. The patterns of human personality in this verse are divided into three forms, namely the personality of the believer, the personality of the disbeliever and the personality of the hypocrite. Each has a different character. A believer is always obedient to Allah and willing to accept the Qur'an as his guide in life, an unbeliever is a person who denies Allah and the existence of the Qur'an. Meanwhile, a hypocrite person is a person who is difficult to identify. Outwardly, he appears to be a believer but inwardly he is a disbeliever.
PEMAHAMAN CADAR, HIJAB, DAN BURQA DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM Muhammad Syihab Al Faruqi; Maulana Muzayyin Al Kahf; Maulida Fitria Rahmah
JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 2 No 1 (2023): JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36769/jiqta.v2i1.343


Some people think that Islam is a religion that originated from the Arabs. This statement arises because Islam requires all Muslim women to always cover their genitals and wear the headscarf. This is because the clothing that is obligatory for Muslim women contains elements of the culture of the Arabian peninsula. In fact, these clothes have been around since the ancient Persians who were included in the clothing of choice. This is caused by an understanding that is not in accordance with the history of civilization about the hijab from time to time. Through this research explores Islamic sources, such as the Qur’an, Hadith, and related interpretations, to understand the legal basis and traditional understanding of the headscarf, veil, and burqa. By using qualitative methods and a narrative study approach that includes recordings of life history, as well as researching issues that are basically general, then gets a focus on things that are more specific. This scientific writing aims to research about promoting culture, the issue which states that Islam has changed the customs that exist in Indonesia, and the laws of the veil, headscarf and burqa. So that in this research it has been found about the history of the development of the veil, headscarf, and burqa, as well as the law. The use of the headscarf is basically just to cover the nakedness and protect them from social evils.
JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 2 No 1 (2023): JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36769/jiqta.v2i1.351


This article aims to conduct a philosophical review of the concept of High Politics initiated by Amien Rais and offered to be a reference for Muhammadiyah in 1986 in organizing. The aim is to address political dynamics in Indonesia to have a moral framework in the context of following the dynamics of political progress. This paper questions the extent of this insight when viewed from the perspective of Buya Hamka’s, which is also a critical Muhammadiyah actor. Buya Hamka and Amien Rais were involved in determining Muhammadiyah to have a political view as a responsive attitude to the political dynamics of the time. This study is a literature study using Karl Menheim's sociology of knowledge approach to philosophically examine the ideas of High Politics with Hamka's political ideas when interpreting verses that contain values ​​contained in high politics. This article concludes that there is no significant difference between the high politics framework and Hamka's idea of ​​the verses used as a foothold in the high politics formula, only when Amien Rais formulates the framework, there is no opinion that refers to buya Hamka. Likewise, with Hamka there is no serious tendency in his interpretation of formulating political cases. However, both of them have the same orientation regarding the essence of politics and da'wah as a means of creating the general good and amar maruf nahi munkar. Likewise with the state system, both of them also have in common that they see the state system as taught by Islam as prioritizing deliberation or democracy and not being centralized. These two views that were born in different eras are equally intertwined with the dynamics in the Muhammadiyah organization, which is faced with an unstable political atmosphere.

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