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Anita Nurgufriani
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Published by STKIP Taman Siswa Bima
ISSN : 20880316     EISSN : 26850133     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa STKIP Taman Siswa Bima, terbit 2 kali setahun dengan edisi Januari–Juni dan Juli-Desember. Jurnal ini merupakan wadah bagi pegiat pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia. Redaksi menerima artikel dan laporan penelitian mengenai inovasi dan perkembangan dalam pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia, seperti: Pendidikan bahasa Indonesia; Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA); Pengajaran dan pembelajaran; Bahasa dalam pendidikan; Linguistik; Pengembangan kurikulum bahasa; Tes bahasa; Sastra dalam dunia pendidikan dan pengajarannya.
Articles 4 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 8 No 2 (2018): JURNAL PENDIDIKAN BAHASA" : 4 Documents clear
The Analysis Of Students’ Motivation In Learning English (A Case Study Inside Classroom) Of The Eleventh Grade Students Of SMKS Taman Madya Baiturrahman Bima 2018 Annisah; Waliyudin; Julia Anggraini
Publisher : STKIP Taman Siswa Bima

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The thesis is written aimed to know how are the students’ motivations in learning English (a case study inside classroom) of the eleventh grade students of SMKS Taman Madya Baiturrahman Bima in academic year 2017/2018. This research was descriptive research. The subjects of this research were the students of Computer Program (TKJ) of eleventh grade in SMKS Taman Madya Baiturrahman Bima. To collect the data, the researchers used questionnaire that has been made based on criteria and condition of students. The researchers also used video recording to support the questionnaire data. The result of the data analysis, there are two important kinds of motivation in this research, based on 4 criteria and condition of questionnaire were internal and external motivation. In internal motivation, the researchers was taken 61,9% the high percentage of students have good attention in positive statements and more than 38,0% students attention in negative statements. In external motivation, the percentage of positive statements was 61,9% students and more than 28,5% students in negative statements. That’s mean the students’ motivation in Learning English (a case study inside classroom) of the eleventh grade students of SMKS Taman Madya Baiturrahman Bima in academic year 2017/2018 stay in a middle were the researchers took the high percentage of internal and external motivation in positive statements was 61,9% students.
Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Learning Cell Method At Eleventh Grade SMAN 1 Palibelo Fitri Ningsi; Rangga Armansyah
Publisher : STKIP Taman Siswa Bima

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The objective of the study is to improve students’ speaking skill at eleventh grade students especially in class XI IPA2 of SMA N 1 Palibelo in academic year 2017/2018 through the learning cell method. The research designed was Classroom Action Research which has four procedures, namely: Planning, Implementing, Observing, and Reflecting. The subjects in this research were the eleventh grade students especially in class XI IPA2 of SMA N 1 Palibelo which has 30 students consisting of six males and twenty-four females students. The researcher used two kinds of research instruments, namely: Observation sheet and Speaking test. This research applied in two cycles. The data shown that both of teacher and students activities were in active level the students’ speaking skill, based on the result observation data gained mean score class of first cycle were 73 and total of students were fulfil the criteria of individual only 17 from 30 students, so that, precentage of learning result were 66,6%. This score have not fulfilled the (KKM) of SMAN I Palibelo, it means that the research was unsuccessful because the target of the success in this study was 85% among the whole member of the eleventh grade of SMAN I Palibelo. So, the researcher should arrange for the second cycle, after doing improvement in second cycle the result of observation data gained mean score of the class were 85,33 and total of students were fulfill the criteria of individual 27 from 30 students, so that, percentage of learning result were 90%. It means that the application of the learning cell method is suitable especially to improve students’ speaking skill.
Students’ Ability in Translating English Active and Passive Sentences Into Indonesian Sholihin; Kurniawan
Publisher : STKIP Taman Siswa Bima

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The researcher described about there was one problem of this study namely: (1) how is the students ability in translating english active and passive sentences into indonesian. While the purpose of this study namely: to know the student s ability in translating english active and passive sentences into indonesian. The method used in the study was a descriptive method. While the subject of this study was the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 2 Woha, the researcher used english test as an instrument in collecting the data, the type of test was essay. The researcher anlyzed the data was descriptive statistics namelyideal mean score and ideal standard deviation for measured students ability in translating english active and passive into indonesian. Based on the result of data used test was essay test, the test consisted of 15 items. The highest score was 13 and lowest was 8. The mean score was obtained in this examination was 10,96 and standar deviation was categories into average level. The result of discussion that students ability in translating english active and passive sentences into indonesian was still in average level in translating english active and passive sentences. In can be conclue that can be more active in the translating class in which concern to get the high target in learning english translating achievement and the subject the other especially for translating active and passive sentence.
The Effectiveness of Reading Activity To Improve Vocabulary Mastery of The Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri I Madapanga-Bima Suratman
Publisher : STKIP Taman Siswa Bima

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The objectives of this research are to describe the effectiveness of reading activity to improve vocabulary mastery of the eight grade students of SMP Negeri I Madapangga-Bima and to find out whether there is a significant difference between the vocabulary mastery of the students who are taught through reading activity and the students who are taught without reading activity. This research was an experimental research study that was held in SMP Negeri I Madapangga. The research subject was the eighth grade students in the academic year of 2017/2018. The number of students was 214. The experimental research involved one experimental group compared with the control group. Class B belongs to the experimental group taught through reading activity and class A belongs to the control group taught without reading activity. Both classes were given a pre-test at the beginning. The post-test were given at the end of the meeting. For collecting the data the researcher applied multiple choice test and the data were analyzed by applying t-test computation, descriptive and inferential analysis. The research findings indicate that the mean score of the experimental group is 23.08, and the mean score of the control group is 19.94. It means that the hypothesis alternative (ha) is accepted. It can be said that there is a significant difference in vocabulary mastery between the students who are taught through reading activity and the students who are taught without reading activity. The result of t-test shows that t-observed value is higher than t-value of the table (3.928 > 1.990)at the significance level of 5 %. In conclusion, improving the students’ vocabulary mastery through reading activity is more effective than improving the students’ vocabulary mastery without reading activity.

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