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Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
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The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for social awareness, development, and change. We welcome any submission of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors are invited to submit scholarly works on communication such as International Relations, Media Management, Film and Media Arts, Game Studies, Digital Education and Communities, Communication and Policies, Globalization and Social Impact, Youth and Media, Audience and Perception Analysis, Democracy and Integration, Media Literacy and Education, Media and Development, Health Communication, Political Communication, Hegemony and the Media, Gender and Sexuality, Queer and Media, Social Media and Subcultures, Popular Culture and Society, Media and Religion, Media and Identity, War/Peace Journalism, Conflict and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication and Information Management, Digital Media, Advertising and Persuasive Management, Public Relations and Crisis Management, Global Journalism and relevant areas from the standpoint of media and communication.
Articles 202 Documents
Framing the Fact of Extraordinary Events Atmadi, Gayatri
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The very apprehensive fact of disease outbreaks of measles and malnutrition which led to dozens of children die in Asmat, Papua is mentioned as the extraordinary events (KLB) by the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. The reports from journalists about the health disaster in Asmat deep concerns for the readers of the daily Kompas for several days. This research aims to find out how framing the news conducted by editor Kompas which acts as a good watchdog in overseeing the health disaster management in Asmat. By using social construction of mass media theory as the main thought, this research also uses theory of agenda setting and issues management. This type of research is qualitative with constructivism paradigm and research method is text analysis. In constructionist view, daily Kompas is seen as the construction agent of the news and the news published by Kompas is the result of construction of the reality. This study uses framing model analysis from Pan and Kosicki which includes four structures, namely: (1) Syntax, (2). Script, (3). Thematic,(4). Rhetorical. The results show that in framing the fact of extraordinary incident, Kompas already worked hard to gain qualified journalism so that can be a differentiation factor of trusted news in facing the challenge of sustainability mass media business.
Cyberbullying Involvement: Impacts of Violence Exposure in The Media, Family, Society, and School Yuliati, Reny; Saptyasari, Andria
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Cyberbullying is a severe problem which may occur in adolescents during online communication. They may become a perpetrator or victim. This research investigates the violence exposure in several contexts, such as media, family, society, and school, and its relationship to the students’ involvement, whether they are the cyberbullying perpetrator or victim. A survey of senior high school students (N total = 201) was conducted. The study found that violence exposure, especially in the media and schools, significantly segregated the students’ cyberbullying involvement status. Youngsters, who are exposed to the violence in the media and schools, tend to be the cyberbullying perpetrator-victim. Additional analysis of the participants’ genders showed a significant difference, where female was more likely to be the cyberbullying victim and male was inclined to be the perpetrator (p < 0.05). Finally, the implications for practice and suggestions for future research are briefly addressed.
The Persuasiveness of France’s Far-right Movement: The Case of Marine Le Pen Karawita, Amali Kartika
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Social and economic issues coupled with the growing social discontentment have led to a surge in popularity of far-right movements. In France, the far-right represented by Marine Le Pen and her party, the Front National (FN) were predicted to have a fair chance of winning the 2017 election. The rebranding of Marine Le Pen’s image and the strategy of persuasion used have helped her rise as a serious candidate and imposed the far-right in the French landscape. The present study offers an analysis of the strategy of persuasion used which includes an analysis of the discourse and the image of Marine Le Pen during the 2017 elections. The study employs qualitative method and is based on desk research, primarily speeches and social media postings. The findings of the research have shown that behind Marine Le Pen’s success lies a strategy of persuasion which first started with the policy of dédiabolisation. This policy aimed at rebranding Marine Le Pen and the FN’s image in order to create a friendly representation of the far-right and make its message acceptable. Marine Le Pen heavily relies on the use of pathos to establish her credibility and convince the public. The second part of the findings demonstrated how Marine Le Pen’s narratives and the rhetoric aimed at framing issues to create an emotional response and ultimately influence the audience in her favour. This emotional response is created through the use of sensational examples, words, generalities and scapegoating.
Sufism’ Channels of Communication in Contemporary Era Putro, Zaenal Abidin Eko; Nurhayati, Ida; Utami, Pradiptia Wulan
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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It is widely known that Sufi order group (kelompok tarekat) has grown in many areas of Indonesia since the influx on Islam in archipelago several centuries ago. The religious group is currently still persistence elsewhere in Indonesia until nowadays. Usually, a Sufi order member has a special obligation to recite some sort of Quranic verses given by their Sufi teacher. Generally, the goal they want to achieve by joining sufi order is to calm their mind over worldly problems. Here, this is the importance to look at how they communicate with one another, especially delivering a message from the teacher to the member. In the rising of Islam of the Archipelago discourses (Islam Nusantara) among scholars as well as the undergo modernization within the Muslim community, the existence of the Sufi order needs to be more explained. Data from the research show that the persistent of this group is a result from continuously transferring tenets from the old generation to new generations one. In this regard, it is reasonable to see that channels of communication are very much used in this group so that they could still exist today. This article is steamed from qualitative research aiming at studying channels of communication operated in Sufi order group. Overall, although Sufi order is regarded as a rather traditional group, but its adaptation and adoption to modern communication technology could help it to continue its existence until the contemporary era.
Symbolic Violence Towards Precarious Worker of E-Commerce Company of Transportation Services Firdaus, Risya Zahrotul; Agustin, Sari Monik
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This research is motivated by the lack of research on the symbolic violence that raised the precarious workers as their subjects. Most studies on symbolic violence that occur in organizations are focused on hierarchical organizations, where obviously dominant and dominated positions are already visible. The phenomenon of precarious workers in Indonesia is widely discussed in the various field of academic, especially the field of law that discusses the unavailability of laws governing online transportation business. The absence of such laws, then becomes a chance for online transportation companies to gain profit by abusing the interests of others (in this case, their partners). Precarious workers in the online transportation business are recruited with a partnership agreement, which should place their position equal to the e-commerce transportation company. But in reality, precarious workers are dominated by e-commerce transportation companies. This study aims to determine the symbolic violence received by precarious workers in the online transport business. This study used the concept of symbolic violence from Pierre Bourdieu, where symbolic violence is closely related to doxa, habitus, capital and arena. This research uses the paradigm of critical constructivism and is descriptive qualitative research. This study also used in-depth interviews of 4 informants as the data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate the occurrence of symbolic violence towards precarious worker in the cooperative relations (partnership agreement) with the e-commerce company in the form of bonus gains policy, tariff policy, and punishment policy. This study has identified the doxa, habitus, capital and arena that encourage symbolic violence towards precarious workers. This study also found that there are two types of precariat workers and differing acceptance of symbolic violence. The differences are influenced by factors such as gender and the motive of the precarious workers when they join the e-commerce company.
Influence of Use of Social Media of Government Agencies on Trust to the Government: Study on Social Media Owned by Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Provinsi DKI Jakarta Marpianta, Dina Anggia; Hendriyani, Hendriyani
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This research examines the influence of social media usage in government agencies toward trust in the government. This study focuses on the social media owned by the Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Provinsi DKI Jakarta [the Office of Investment and One Stop-Intergrated-Services]; namely Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook account @layananja-karta. This is a quantitative survey that takes a sample from followers of those social media accounts, conducting in Jakarta byasking the respondent to fill out an online questionnaire. PLS Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is used to analyse obtained data, to test and estimate relationships with the integration of factor analysis and path analysis. This study finds that using social media could increase trust toward the government as long as the public perceives transparency and interactivity in social media communication.
Construction of Single mother Blogger towards Attached Negative Label Fatimah, Anggun Nadia; Nirmalasari, Andi; Puspitaningrum, Deby; Erawaty, Dyah Permana; Lumeta, Putri Neva
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article is intended to understand how single mother bloggers construct the single mother blogger constructs the acceptance of negative labels given by society. The negative label was inherent in women who held the status of single mother. This study was compiled based on the results of in-depth interviews conducted by researchers on the single mother bloggers and supported by a review of the blog contents written by the single mother bloggers. The research method used in this journal is hollistic single case study design with constructivism paradigm. Social interactions between the single mothers and their surrounding environment or a supporting system is emphasized in this study. An internal factor of the single mothers’ intrapersonal communication and external factor of interpersonal communication between the single mothers and supporting system, such as family, community, close friends or even people in the digital world who give positive comments, has a self-healing mechanism. The single mother bloggers used this to shape a new reality on the single mother label.
Fighting over Meaning: Occupy Wall Street in American Mass Media and Occupiers’ Media Saputra, Muhammad Beni
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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In late 2011, Occupy Wall Street (OWS) grabbed the attention of American mass media. Media coverage on the anti-capitalist movement was mixed, some was positive and the majority was negative. Using Robert Entman’s framing theory, this paper provides a framing analysis of the OWS movement from mass media and occupiers’ media. Content analysis of news articles published by three different media platforms demonstrates that media framing of the OWS by both mass and occupiers’ media differs in terms of reporting and news focus. The difference results from the ideological streams of the three media in connection with respective political and socioeconomic interests. Despite the help of the internet that enables social movements to create alternative media for message distribution and follower mobilization, yet they are still lack of loyal fans and legitimacy. Nonetheless, alternative media such as that of the OWS are able to fight over meaning of social movement issues through the creation and dissemination of counter frames and disrupt the hegemonic power of mass media in framing social movements
International Students’ Accommodation and Politeness Strategies for Dealing with Communication Conflicts: A Case Study at a State University in Surabaya Sari, Yanuarita Kusuma Permata; Widita, Anindya; Zunaidah, Asih
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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There must be quite a number of international students leaving their homelands and living in a foreign country to study. This case study is expected to provide useful insights into social adaptation strategies used by international students. The theory used in the framework is the Communication Adaptation Theory (CAT) and Politeness Strategies Theory. This research is a case study, in which a descriptive-qualitative approach was employed, it was conducted in UNAIR (University of Airlangga), Surabaya. The data were collected through interviews and observation. The informants were selected by using the purposive technique. The results revealed that most of the students applied the negative politeness strategy, which went in line with the divergence strategy in accommodation theory, as they tried to maintain their identity in a foreign place.
Social Media in the Anticorruption Movement: Social Network Analysis on the Refusal of the “Koruptor Boleh Nyaleg” Decision on Twitter Zempi, Chairun Nisa; Rahayu, Rahayu
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article aims to reveal the social network of an anticorruption movement via social media by showing the key actors, exchange of messages, and dynamics of the inter-temporal communication network. The anticorruption movement seems to be developing in line with increasing public awareness and the support of information and communications technology. By applying social network analysis on Twitter with the hashtag #koruptorkoknyaleg, study results indicated that a social network was formed in order to facilitate public voices pertaining to the issue of corruption. Actors possessing a track record in fighting against corruption in Indonesia became pioneers in establishing a social network. The research findings also indicated that the social network structure was dynamic. Although the social network seems to facilitate the spread of the anticorruption movement, it has limitations in altering political decisions relating to cases of corruption.