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Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
Published by Universitas Indonesia
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The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for social awareness, development, and change. We welcome any submission of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors are invited to submit scholarly works on communication such as International Relations, Media Management, Film and Media Arts, Game Studies, Digital Education and Communities, Communication and Policies, Globalization and Social Impact, Youth and Media, Audience and Perception Analysis, Democracy and Integration, Media Literacy and Education, Media and Development, Health Communication, Political Communication, Hegemony and the Media, Gender and Sexuality, Queer and Media, Social Media and Subcultures, Popular Culture and Society, Media and Religion, Media and Identity, War/Peace Journalism, Conflict and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication and Information Management, Digital Media, Advertising and Persuasive Management, Public Relations and Crisis Management, Global Journalism and relevant areas from the standpoint of media and communication.
Articles 202 Documents
Peran Gender Perempuan Militer dalam Majalah Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat "Melati Pagar Bangsa" Putriana, Ika
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Tulisan ini membahas tentang bagaimana peran gender perempuan militer yang tergabungdalam institusi Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat (Kowad) digambarkan melalui majalah MelatiPagar Bangsa. Penulis membongkar ideologi dominan di balik penggambaran tersebut dengan standpoint theory, didukung kajian feminisme eksistensialis untuk memperkuat dasar pemikiran peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam memproduksi sebuah wacana tentang peran gender, perempuan masih terpengaruh oleh ideologi dominan, patriarki. Di sisi lain, mereka juga mencoba untuk membebaskan diri dari belenggu budaya patriarki dengan berusaha untuk menjadi subjek atas dirinya sendiri. This article discusses about the gender role played by female military officers members of the Army Women’s Corps (Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat/Kowad) represented by the magazine Melati Pagar Bangsa. The writer reveals the dominant ideology behind such representations by employing standpoint theory supported by existentialist feminism to strengthen the basic assumptions of this article. The research findings show that to produce a discourse on gender roles, women are still influenced by dominant ideology, being patriarchy. On the other hand, they also try to emancipate themselves from the binds of patriarchic culture by being subjects for themselves.
Resistensi Pekerja Perempuan terhadap Dominasi Pekerja Laki-Laki dalam Film North Country Tumakaka, Nur Aini
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Penelitian ini membahas resistensi pekerja perempuan terhadap dominasi pekerja lakilakidalam film North Country, bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana ideologi patriarki berperan dalam menentukan identitas serta mitos kehidupan perempuan pekerja yang muncul lewat tanda dan bahasa dalam film. Pertama, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pekerja perempuan mengalami ketidakadilan gender seperti kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, stereotip, dan marginalisasi. Kedua, industri Hollywood bukan hanya mewacanakan persamaan hak gender, tetapi juga sebagai media sosialisasi mengenai masa depan ekonomi tanpa batas dalam sistem kapitalisme. Ketiga, diskriminasi terhadap perempuan dalam pekerjaan disebabkan karena peran biologis dan peran ‘masyarakat’ yang dilekatkan pada perempuan. Penilaian peran yang berbeda diantara laki-laki dan perempuan tidak terlepas dari masalah relasi kekuasaan yang timpang antara laki-laki dan perempuan, yang dikukuhkan dalam sebuah tatanan sosial (budaya). This research discusses the resistance of female workers against male workers in the film North Country. This research tries to explain how patriarchy ideology plays a role in identity shaping as well as the life myth of female workers that emerge through signs and language in film. Research findings show that, firstly, female workers experience gender inequality such as domestic violence, stereotyping, andmarginalization. Secondly, it is revealed that the Hollywood industry both shapes a discourse on equal gender rights, as well as becomes a socialisation media for borderless economy within a capitalistic system. Thirdly, discrimination against women’s equality in the work space is caused by biological roles and ‘social’ roles embedded on women. Role assessment that differs between men and women are attached to the unequal power relation between men and women. This unequal power relation is reinforced through a social (cultural) system.
Teori Spiral Kesunyian dan Negara Transisi Demokrasi: Sebuah Pengujian di Indonesia Eriyanto, Eriyanto
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Studi berasumsi bahwa teori spiral kesunyian tidak sesuai dalam konteks negara transisidemokrasi karena lahir dalam konteks negara maju yang berasumsi bahwa warganegaranya memiliki akses media dan telah mencapai pendidikan tinggi. Hasil dari tigakasus yang dipelajari, korupsi Bibit-Chandra, meledaknya tabung gas, dan minoritasAhmadiyah, menunjukkan bahwa teori tersebut hanya nyata dalam kondisi tertentu.Beberapa kondisinya adalah pengetahuan politik, muatan moral, dan konformitas.Studi juga menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan politik dan prediksi opini dominan adalahvariabel penting dalam menjelaskan kesediaan seseorang mengekspresikan opininya. This study assumes that spiral of silence is not suitable in the context of democratictransition countries as it emerged in the context of developed countries that assumesits citizens have media access and have achieved high education. Results fromthe three cases studied, the Bibit-Chandra corruption case, the explosion of gascylinders, and the Ahmadiyah minority, show that the theory is only proven in specificcircumstances. Several of these conditions are political knowledge, moral content, andconformity. The study also shows that political knowledge and prediction of dominantopinion are important variables in explaining one’s willingness to express opinions.
Konstruksi Realitas Keotoriteran Presiden Sukarno dalam Novel: Analisis Framing Teks Novel The Year of Living Dangerously Chrisanty, Priscilla
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Makalah ini berargumen bahwa novel The Year of Living mengkonstruksi realitas melalui framing image Sukarno sebagai seorang pemimpin otoriter. Hal ini diteliti melalui analisis dialog yang terjadi antara tokoh-tokoh fiktif dan narasi-narasi yang berkaitan dengan Sukarno dan Indonesia di tahun 1965. Penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pengarang melakukan framing image otoriter terhadap Sukarno melalui metafora dan julukan negatif sehingga mengarahkan khalayak kepada sudut pandang yang diinginkan pengarang. Exemplars yang menceritakan kondisi Indonesia di tahun 1965 juga turut memperkuat framing image otoriter Sukarno. This article argues that the novel The Year of LivingDangerously constructs reality through framing an image of Sukarno as an authoritarian leader. The means of such are examinedthrough analysing dialogues between fictitious characters and narration regarding Sukarno and Indonesia in 1965. Findings show that the author framed an authoritarian image of Sukarno through emplying metaphors and negative terms that may direct the readers to a standpoint preferred by the author. Exemplars explaining the condition of Indonesia in 1965 also enforces the framing of an authoritarian image of Sukarno.
“Persinggungan yang Riskan”: Bahasa, Permainan Kata, dan Politik Budaya dalam Opera Van Java di Trans7 Prince, Liam Merrifield
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Dalam acara televisi Opera Van Java (OVJ), sekelompok aktor mementaskan riskyencounters atau “persinggungan yang riskan” (istilah yang dipinjam dari GoenawanMohamad) dengan bahasa dan idiom budaya yang baru. Daya tarik OVJ bagi para penontonIndonesia terpusat pada cara sekelompok aktor yang menjelajahi bahasa dan idiom baruyang --melalui permainan kata dan komedi lisan-- bisa mencapai sebuah rekonsiliasi antaraunsur budaya lama dan unsur budaya baru melalui --misalnya-- dialek. Beberapa dialekini bersaing untuk hadir dan berekspresi di ruang publik. Proses sosio-budaya berupa alihbahasa merupakan sumber ketegangan dan kecemasan sosial di Indonesia sekarang. OVJmerupakan wujud budaya “baru” yang mengizinkan sebuah proses penyesuaian antara unsurbudaya tradisional dengan unsur budaya modern di Indonesia. Beberapa istilah maupungagasan kunci yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini dipinjam dari Mohamad, termasuk istilah“persinggungan yang riskan” dan konsep pokok bahwa panggung teater dapat dijadikansitus, tempat para aktor bereksperimen dengan perpaduan bahasa dan budaya yang baru. The television show Opera Van Java’s (OVJ) performances involve actors on stageengaging in “risky encounters” (to borrow a term from Goenawan Mohamad) with newlanguages and cultural idioms. A key source of OVJ’s appeal for Indonesian audienceshas been the spectacle of actors modelling and indeed discovering, through verbal humourand wordplay, a reconciliation of the old and the new through, for instance, dialects.Several of these dialects compete with each other to exist and express itself in a publicspace. So too does the struggle for public expression of numerous regional variants ofthe national language in a public space. OVJ is the latest incarnation of a process bywhich, through the medium of theatre, tradition is reconciled with modernity in Indonesia.Several terms and key ideas used in this article are borrowed from Mohamad, includingthe term “risky encounters” and key concepts on how the theatre stage can become acite for actors to experiment with the blending between new language and culture.
Naturalization of Masculinism: How Female Journalist Leaders in Local Media Resist it Sunarto, Sunarto
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The number of male journalists still dominates the media industries, either print or electronic. This phenomenon also happens in local print media. This condition does not give positive opportunities to female journalists to improve their career to a top position in editorial management. This research focuses on female journalists’ experiences as an editorial management staff of a local print media in Semarang. This research has a main objective to describe significances of the female journalists’ experiences. This qualitative descriptive research used a critical constructionism paradigm as a general guidance to the whole research processes with a critical phenomenology research design. A gender structuration theory was used to understand the phenomenon. Research subjects were four female journalists of a local print media in Semarang who were chosen purposively. All subjects were editorial management staff. Data was analyzed by phenomenological procedures. The result showed that a naturalization of masculinism process took place on female journalist in a local media as part of daily professional activities. All female journalists had to absorb masculinism values as media culture such as courageous, independent, responsible, taking risk, leadership and getting perfection in their professional activities as part of their new personal attribute. Although female journalist adopted the masculinism values such as leadership in the editorial management, they applied female journalism values to be resistant to the dominant ideology. It is suggested to develop internal media policy which can be conducive to female journalists to improve naturally in egalitarian organization.
Retracted: Ethno-pedagogy Perspective on Ethnic Minority Discourse of Education Sulistyani, Hapsari Dwiningtyas; Rahardjo, Turnomo; Suprihatini, Taufik; Rahmiaji, Lintang Ratri
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article has been retracted as it contained duplicate material that was originally published in Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 214, 2nd International Conference on Educational Science (ICES 2018), pp. 223-230. The Editorial Board understands that this misconduct may have been unintentional. The authors provided us a clarification letter stating that they have not received confirmation regarding the publication of their article in the proceeding, and this was the basis of the authors’ submission to the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia. However, as an accredited journal under the Ministry of Education and Culture, we are obliged to follow the existing protocols and have decided to retract this article. The document and its content have been removed from Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia, and reasonable effort should be made to remove all references to this article.
When Lying Becomes An Ordinary Thing: Ethics in The Post-Truth Era Rianto, Puji
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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In Indonesia, the post-truth phenomenon is usually seen more often as a literacy or legal problem. In fact, when understood as new forms of political dishonesty, post-truth must be seen as an ethical problem. This study examines the post-truth phenomenon that takes place in the political reality in Indonesia using communication ethic. The study uses two methods, rhetorical analysis to analysis of Hoax spread on social media and participatory observations in WhatsApp groups. This study found that post-truth basically occurs because of the low ethics of media users in producing, consuming, and sharing social media content. They intentionally created “dishonest facts” in order to achieve their own goals. People involved in post-truth are very ideological and lack social sensitivity. They only care about the narratives they want to build and receive. So, the truth becomes less important. This research suggests that political communication in the post-truth era must be based on the ethics of communication in order to build a strong and stable democracy, and people who use social media must consider the ethics of communication
The Many Faces of Wonderful Indonesia: Tourism Brand in 16 Countries Online News Sites Salamah, Ummi; Yananda, Muhammad Rahmat
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Media portrayal has implications for the position of places in the growing regional and international competition for various resources such as tourism, investments and businesses. Public relations campaigns are one of the instruments to counter negative perception and proactively promote a positive image of a place. This research aims to analyze the image of Indonesian tourism brand ‘Wonderful Indonesia’. It focuses on the news from online mainstream media in 16 countries; namely the main target market of Indonesian tourism. News saliency in terms of visibility and sentiment indicate how the media see the tourism brand ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ and the destinations as well. Content analysis was conducted on 336 news articles posted in 4 (four) months. This research also compared ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ with tourism brands belonging to Malaysian (‘Truly Asia’) and Thailand (‘Amazing Thailand’). Less than half of the online news is relevant with the country’s tourism brand and is concentrated within 3 (three) countries: Singapore, Australia and the United Kingdom. The same tendency was also found in other brands, indicating that news placement and news making was not the game in town when it comes to marketing and PR–ing tourism brand
Reading in Communication Perspective Fatimah, Angggun Nadia
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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As a part of daily activities, the concept of reading is often used without referring to its conceptual meaning. The meaning of reading is simplified, to be only associated with the activity of scanning textual literatures. This simplified meaning does not only occur in the context of popular conversation, but can also be found in academic literature. By utilizing the literature review method, this conceptual article seeks to find a more relevant definition of reading that can explain the activity of reading in a communication perspective, especially related to the development of communication technology. Result of this study shows that the concept of reading in the field of communication is not limited to written script reading. In communication perspective, reading is more properly seen as an activity of scanning codes, symbols, and other forms of representation that contain patterns, including written scripts. Data and information can be seen as messages, while the five senses and technology as an extension of the sensory system,can be seen as sensors that receive the messages.

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