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English Language and Literature in Education Journal (ELLINE Journal)
Published by Nexus Publishing NXP
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English Language and Literature in Education Journal (ELLINE Journal) ELLINE Journal is a scholarly publication dedicated to advancing knowledge and discourse in the field of English Language and Literature education. It serves as a platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners to explore innovative pedagogical approaches, theoretical insights, and empirical studies that enhance the teaching and learning of English language and literature. Scope: ELLINE Journal welcomes original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers that significantly contribute to the understanding and improvement of English language and literature education across all educational levels. Aims: ELLINE Journal aims to foster a community of scholars dedicated to excellence in English language and literature education. By promoting rigorous research and innovative practices, the journal seeks to empower educators and contribute to the ongoing evolution of teaching methodologies and educational policies in these fields.
Articles 6 Documents
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Assessment of Project-Based Learning: Evaluating Its Impact on Students' Writing Proficiency and Academic Outcomes Dewi Hidayati
English Language and Literature in Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): ELLINE Journal
Publisher : Nexus Publishing NXP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.63011/ep6nnx37


Project-based learning (PjBL) has been extensively studied, with numerous theoretical and empirical investigations concluding that it promotes significant growth in students. This study aimed to examine the influence of the PjBL approach and its assessment on students' writing skills in an Academic Writing (AW) course. A pre-experimental design was employed, involving 30 sixth-semester students from STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung, selected through purposive sampling. Pre- and post-tests were used to measure the students' writing skill outcomes. The findings suggest that PjBL can encourage educational practices such as project completion, data presentation, and self-reflection, as well as foster general educational attitudes like teamwork and problem-solving. However, the practical application of driving questions, student-set learning goals, and the use of projects to address essential subjects needs improvement. While scientific procedures were integral to the projects, the extent of student inquiry was unclear. The research indicated that various PjBL components attract the attention of both students and educators. These findings enhance our understanding of PjBL’s potential and the challenges of implementing the proposed assessment in educational settings. The study's insights and the framework of key qualities derived from it can guide research-based implementation and the design of the PjBL approach and related educational areas.
Utilization of Advanced Organizers in Teaching Reading of Narrative Texts for Eighth Grade Students at SMP PGRI Wringinanom Nur Kalim
English Language and Literature in Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): ELLINE Journal
Publisher : Nexus Publishing NXP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.63011/66t5pr85


The advance organizer model is designed to strengthen students’ cognitive structures and their knowledge of certain subjects and how to manage, clarify, pay attention and maintain. This study was aimed to describe implementation of advance organizer technique in teaching reading English narrative text at SMP PGRI Wringinanom and the students’ response of the implementation of Advance Organizer technique in teaching reading English narrative text at SMP PGRI Wringinanom. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this research are a teacher and students of A VIII class of junior high school PGRI Wringinanom, Gresik in the academic year 2020/2021. The instruments of this study were the researcher, the observation field note, and questionnaire. The data collection procedures in this study were observation and questionnaire. The steps of data analysis were observation and questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the advance organizer technique was successfully implemented. This method had both advantages and disadvantages. Based on students’ responses, the advance organizer is an interesting method that can be applied in teaching English especially Narrative text.
The English Subtitle of “Pertempoeran Soerabaja 1945” by Aris Production’s at Museum 10 Nopember Surabaya Riesta Deria Supriyabudi
English Language and Literature in Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): ELLINE Journal
Publisher : Nexus Publishing NXP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.63011/wv53jg19


This project focuses on the process followed in the production of the English subtitles for the movie “Pertempoeran Soerabaja 1945” with a focus on transcription techniques and translation methods. Subtitles are a meant to provide a translation that allows one who does not understand the original content of the film by rendering it into their own language. Movies are an audio-visual format. They are a form of media that conveys information in order to make viewers aware of that information, and also often to entertain them simultaneously. Advanced by technological support, movies contain frames and sounds that are synchronized; they thus easily attract the viewers’ attention. However, there are differences between languages that create difficulties in finding the best equivalent in the target language (TL) to represent the meaning of the source language (SL). The results of this study of the English subtitles of “Pertempoeran Soerabaja 1945” movie reveal that the procedures applied by the translator involved structural processes, a free translation method, as well as subtraction procedure and adaption method, transposition, and semantic procedures. The History of Surabaya in 1945 subtitled in English been included in this project to further clarify the content under study for both native and non-native speakers.
Improving the Ability of the 6th Grade Students at SDN Petemon X/358 Surabaya to Write Descriptive Texts Using Four-Square Technique Ani Musafa'ah
English Language and Literature in Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): ELLINE Journal
Publisher : Nexus Publishing NXP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.63011/byn00j25


The purpose of this research was to increase students' achievement in writing descriptive text by implementing the Four-Square Writing Technique (FSWT) to the 6th grade students at SDN Petemon X/358 Surabaya in the academic year 2020/2021. Each cycle of classroom action research consisted of three meetings and included four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data were gathered through the use of two instruments: observation and test. The results indicated that students made great progress in their ability to write descriptive texts. Pre-test mean score was only 62.42, but improved to 71.10 in cycle I and 77.30 in cycle II. The pre-test score was only 74 and improved to 82 to 88 in subsequent cycles. Meanwhile, the lowest pre-test score was 50, and the highest post-test score ranged from 62 to 68. In case of the students who passed the tests, while only five students (16.67%) passed the pre-test, there were significant improvements in post-tests, with 18 students (60%) passing in post-test cycle I and 27 students (90%) passing in post-test cycle II. This research was stopped in cycle II due to the fact that the criteria for success were met in a percentage of 90%, with 27 students passing the post-test in cycle II, based on the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) standard of > 70.
Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing Used in Joko Widodo’s Statement Iddun Muhammad Hattory; Sulistyaningsih; Kani Sulam Taufiq; Endah Harumi
English Language and Literature in Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): ELLINE Journal
Publisher : Nexus Publishing NXP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.63011/h0semk21


Code switching is a part of sociolinguistics which explains about switching the language from one language to others. Code mixing was a part of sociolinguistics which has meaning about mix the words, phrases or clauses. This study was aimed to describe the type of code switching and code mixing. This study was applied descriptive qualitative method. The instruments of this study were the researcher and documentation. The subject of this study was Joko Widodo. The data of this study were all words that contain Code mixing and code switching. Steps of collecting data were: (1) reading the statement president of republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, (2) Observing directly by writing the utterances which is contain code switching and code mixing and (3) marking the switched phrases or sentences and mixed words on the utterances. Steps of data analysis were identifying code switching and code mixing, classifying the types of code switching and code mixing, analyzing the types of code switching and code mixing, and drawing the conclusion. The results of this study showed that there was two types code switching that were inter-sentential code switching and also intra-sentential code switching. There were three types of code mixing that were insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization.
Analyzing Figurative Language Utilized in Chosen Song Lyrics by Eminem Muhammad Faiz Kholilullah
English Language and Literature in Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): ELLINE Journal
Publisher : Nexus Publishing NXP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.63011/8bhwgy39


Figurative language offers expressive alternatives to literal expression, enriching communication through non-literal phrases that convey deeper meanings. This study explores the analysis of figurative language within Eminem’s song “Mockingbird”, aiming to identify various types of figurative language and their contextual significance. The data source comprises the lyrics of “Mockingbird”, a rap song released on November 12, 2004. Employing a descriptive qualitative research design, the study utilizes document analysis to categorize and interpret figurative language types and their meanings in the song. The research identifies nine types of figurative language present in “Mockingbird”: metaphor, simile, symbol, personification, metonymy, allegory, hyperbole, and irony. Supporting the analysis are pertinent references and theoretical frameworks related to figurative language. Twenty-five instances from the song were selected for in-depth analysis: 2 metaphors, 5 similes, 3 symbols, 1 personification, 4 metonymies, 1 allegory, 6 hyperboles, and 3 instances of irony. The findings classify and thoroughly examine each type of figurative language used by Eminem in the song. This study aims to contribute significantly by enhancing readers’ understanding of figurative language, thereby elucidating contextual meanings and introducing new English vocabulary applicable in everyday conversations. It endeavors to facilitate fluency in English language usage among learners and enthusiasts alike, fostering a deeper appreciation for the artistry and communicative power of figurative expression.

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