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Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
ISSN : 3032520X     EISSN : 30323428     DOI : -
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE) is an academic international journal published by Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Indonesia (ADPISI) in collaboration with the Sub-Directorate of Islamic Religious Education at Public Higher Education, Directorate of Islamic Religious Education, Directorate General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Republic of Indonesia. The journal publishes academic articles with high quality from researchers and lecturers who study Islamic religious education that contribute to the development of Religious Education, Islamic Education, and Religious Moderation.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 30 Documents
Paradigma Islam dalam kewajiban menuntut ilmu bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus Muhamad Parhan; Mulyana Abdullah; Ganjar Eka Subakti
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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Seeking knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim, both men and women, including children with special needs, without exception. Children with special needs who have limitations should also learn because the current phenomenon is that there are still many children with special needs who do not get the opportunity to receive education. Therefore, this research aims to see how Islam views the obligation to study for children with special needs. The method used in this research is a qualitative method, which will produce some descriptive data. The data collection technique used is a literature study where the sources obtained come from books, journals, articles, and the al-Quran and Hadith. This research shows that by learning, children with special needs can continue their lives as independent human beings and become servants of Allah who are devout and have noble character.
Sikap Moderasi Beragama mahasiswa di Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto Muhamad Baedowi; Musmuallim; Muhamad Riza Chamadi
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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This research aims to determine the religious moderation attitudes of students at Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto. Students at these universities are very heterogeneous and come from various ethnicities, religions, and races, which makes it necessary to have a moderate attitude toward student activities that are religious in nature. This type of research is field research and qualitative descriptive research where data is taken through closed interview methods via Google Form surveys and observations. The results of this research are that the researchers obtained data that there were still 4.5% (27 students) who answered that there were campus organizations affiliated with radicalism and 95.5% (550 students) who responded that there were no organizations affiliated with radicalism. The researchers distributed a total of 576 respondents. Students participated in banned organizations in Indonesia. It turned out that three students (0.5%) answered that they followed, and 573 students (99.05%) did not participate. Students' perceptions regarding the existence of suicide bombings turned out that 0.5% (3 students) answered that they agreed with the presence of suicide bombings, and 99.05% (573 students) responded that they disagreed. So, students at Jenderal Soedirman University still need to increase their national insight and religious moderation to understand better the meaning of unity and difference within the nation and state.
Tren penggunaan metode penelitian pendidikan pada Jurnal Internasional Asep Abdurrohman
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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The use of methods and origins of researchers in international journals is very diverse. Both journals published in the western and eastern parts of the world. This research aims to examine trends in the use of methods and researchers' origins in international journals through the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) media as the search center. In ERIC, there are two journals studied by researchers, namely the European Journal of Educational Research (EU-JER) which has 30 journals and the Turkish Online Journal (TOJ) which has 29 journals. To study it, researchers used Content Analysis. Content Analysis is a scientific analysis of the message content of a communication. Technically, the scope of content analysis includes; classification of signs used in communication, using criteria as a basis for classification, and using certain analytical techniques as a prediction maker. There are three conditions in content analysis, namely; objectivity, systematic approach, and generalization. The research results show that the trend in using research methods in the European Journal of Educational Research (EU-JER) is 50% using qualitative methods. Meanwhile, in TOJ, the trend in using research methods is the opposite of EU-JER, namely 48% quantitative. Meanwhile, 100% of the researchers at EU-JET come from Indonesia. Meanwhile, in TOJ the authors are a mixture of domestic and foreign writers. Domestically 69% and overseas 31%.
Penguatan nilai Moderasi Beragama pada Kurikulum Merdeka  di Sekolah Dasar Anik Sunariyah; Imam Mawardi
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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Islamic Religious Education in the independent curriculum has an important role in shaping the character of students who are tolerant and respectful of diversity. Therefore, the values of religious moderation should be instilled in students from an early age. Through an independent curriculum can help children understand and accept differences, which in turn builds a strong social foundation. This type of research is qualitative research where researchers describe the findings obtained related to strengthening the values of religious moderation through the implementation of the independent curriculum. The results of this study indicate that strengthening the values of religious moderation through the implementation of the independent curriculum is carried out in Islamic Religious Education learning to form good attitudes and personalities with noble character and carry out religious teachings. The learning is referring to the Pancasila student profile, where there are six dimensions related to religious moderation, namely; faith and piety in God Almighty and noble character; independent; mutual cooperation; global diversity; critical reasoning; and creative.
Rethinking keberagamaan generasi Z: integrasi komunitas aktivis Dakwah Kampus melalui sikap toleransi untuk penguatan Moderasi Beragama Muhammad Ihsanul Arief; Najmi Pakhruji Hidayatullah
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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The da'wah community in Indonesia has the power to influence religious life. The da'wah community provides social change, especially for students who will become leaders in the future. On the other hand, a big challenge for the Republic of Indonesia is the emergence of radical movements from the da'wah movement, which threatens stability. In this article, the author focuses on how religion is related to the tolerant attitude of the student missionary activist community at Lambung Mangkurat University and Antasari State Islamic University, South Kalimantan, to encourage the strengthening of religious moderation. The researcher also wants to explore how the da'wah community responds to aspects of life in the form of tolerance and attitudes towards culture that align with the spirit of strengthening moderate religious perspectives. This research was conducted through observation, interviews, and documentation related to the study's focus. The author's findings, who is actively involved in the da'wah community at PTU and PTI in South Kalimantan, regarding an attitude of tolerance that is in line with the religious typology, is included in the inclusive category. Other findings include integration between missionary activists through the imagination of brotherhood even though they do not know each other. This gives birth to patterns of religious attitudes that strengthen religious moderation.
Disiplin dan nilai-nilai religius dalam membentuk perilaku tagguh dan tanggung jawab Yudo Handoko Yudo Handoko
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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This research explores the roles of discipline and religious values in shaping the resilience and responsibility of students at SMP Nidaul Quran in Kabupaten Sarolangun. Employing a qualitative approach and a case study design, data were gathered through interviews, observations, and document analysis. The findings indicate that discipline plays a crucial role in molding students' character, emphasizing an educational approach focused on character development. SMP Nidaul Quran successfully aligns discipline with religious values, cultivating students who are resilient and responsible. The role of teachers as moral guides and the active support of parents are also crucial factors. This research contributes to the development of knowledge and practices in Islamic education. The integration of religious values not only produces academically competent students but also in stills strong moral integrity. The holistic approach involving teachers, parents, and religious values serves as a model for other Islamic educational institutions. These practices promote the understanding that Islamic education shapes the hearts and souls of students to be resilient, responsible, and prepared to face life's challenges.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) dalam pendidikan Islam: trends, persepsi, dan potensi pelanggaran akademik di kalangan mahasiswa Nuraliah Ali; Mulida Hayati; Rohmatul Faiza; Alfi Khaerah
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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This research explores the impact of rapid artificial intelligence (AI) growth within education, focusing on trends, perceptions of AI usage, and the potential for academic misconduct in Islamic Religious Education. The research design employs a concurrent embedded mixed-method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data is gathered through electronic surveys, while qualitative data is obtained through interviews and content analysis of documents. The findings indicate that most students have heard about AI, viewing AI-based applications as tools that can save time and effectively assist their academic assignments. However, some students express doubts regarding the effectiveness and accuracy of AI. Regarding academic integrity, the study highlights challenges associated with ensuring honesty and preventing academic misconduct. Issues such as plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct remain significant problems. This study emphasizes the relevance of AI in higher education, where educators need to provide guidance on the ethical use of AI within an academic context, ensuring that AI complements rather than replaces students' deep understanding, creativity, and critical thinking.
Membangun karakter unggul: urgensi pengajaran Akhlak dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalmeri Dalmeri; Yuyun Nuriah; Supadi; Mohd Roslan Mohd Nor
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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Islamic religious education in higher education is considered to have failed because it cannot make students have good character and good performance with al-Akhlak al-Karimah. Various parties are trying to develop Islamic Religious Education through teaching morals in higher education. This article explains the orientation of developing Islamic Religious Education through teaching morals in higher education. This research uses a qualitative model to study actual events according to intrinsic categories. There are two models with two approaches to implementing moral teaching, including the aim of Islamic Religious Education to educate students to become religious experts (ulama) and equip them to understand their obligations as Muslims through forming morals. The approach to teaching Islamic Religious Education is to study "Islam" to understand how to teach morals correctly and study "Islam" as a treasure of knowledge.
Tren Jilbab di kalangan milenial: motivasi pemakaian Jilbab dan pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku sosial keagamaan Riza Hadikusuma; Hafiduddin Hafiduddin; Darul Nurjannah; Maryono Maryono
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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The phenomenon of wearing the hijab among Muslim women in Indonesia has experienced a rapidly increasing trend over the last two decades. The use of the hijab, which was initially only limited to certain circles, has now become a fashion model in almost all circles of society, including students and students. This research aims to explore and photograph the motivation of Jakarta State Polytechnic students to wear the hijab and their social and religious behavior. The objects of this research were Muslim students at the Jakarta State Polytechnic who wore the hijab, with a sample of 100 people. The data collection method uses a questionnaire. The incoming data is processed, analyzed, and presented descriptively. The results of this study show that Muslim female students at the Jakarta State Polytechnic generally wear the hijab more because of intrinsic encouragement than extrinsic encouragement, respectively getting approval levels of 89% and 41%. They also have good religious and social behavior, as shown by an approval level of 80% for religious behavior and 70% for social behavior
Dinamika hegemoni kuasa pada pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Ahmad Baedowi
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Religious Education (INJIRE)
Publisher : ADPISI (Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Se-Indonesia)

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In history, power is something that is needed and able to influence human life. On the other hand, power sometimes uses various methods, both aggressive, agitative and subtle, in order to perpetuate the dominance and hegemony of its power. Likewise with the world of education. It cannot be separated from power. In fact, educational practices in Indonesia are still characterized by the hegemony of power, this is proven by the dichotomy and dualism of religious education and general education. This article tries to reveal the phenomenon of inequality and discrimination in education, especially religious education in Indonesia from an institutional perspective, using Antonio Gramsci's power hegemony approach. By using library research methods, this research shows that there are problems related to the dichotomy and dualism of religious education and general education, namely the tendency for the government to pay attention to general education and ignore religious education.

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