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Ignatius Ario Sumbogo
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KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi
ISSN : 23386088     EISSN : 29881676     DOI :
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi adalah jurnal akses terbuka akademik yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan integrasi sains, bisnis dan teknologi. Fokusnya adalah menerbitkan makalah tentang sains, bisnis dan teknologi. Makalah yang dikirimkan akan ditinjau oleh komite teknis jurnal. Semua artikel yang dikirimkan harus merupakan artikel asli, hasil penelitian yang sebelumnya tidak pernah dipublikasikan, eksperimental atau teoritis, dan akan ditinjau oleh reviewer. Artikel yang dikirimkan ke jurnal harus memenuhi kriteria ini dan tidak boleh sedang dipertimbangkan untuk publikasi di tempat lain. Naskah harus mengikuti gaya jurnal dan dapat ditelaah dan diedit.
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Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Relationship Marketing Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Ngemil Banana Chips Miftahul Jannah; Vina Meliana
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of this research to understand the effect of quality product and relationship marketing towards customer satisfaction Ngemil Banana Chips. The data on this research is using quantitative metods with saturated sampling with the criteria that consumed product and as reseller Ngemil Banana Chips. A sample this research is 60 respondents. Multiple regression analysis and hypothesis test which is done by using SPSS 25 is applied as the data technique. The result of this research show that the quality product has effect customer satisfaction with significant score of 0.001 < 0.05, relationship marketing has effect customer satisfaction with significant score of 0.027 < 0.05, and also quality product and relationship marketing simultaneously effect the customer satisfaction with fscore >ftable or 38.514 > 3.16.
Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru di SMP Negeri 150 pada Saat Pandemi Covid-19 Niken Gayatri Puteri; Ika Suhartanti Darmo
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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This research is aimed to know if there are any influences between teacher competency and workload on the teacher performance at the SMP Negeri 150 during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to 51 teachers. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. This research uses validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, hypothesis test, and multiple regression test and is processed using the IBM SPSS Statistic 20 program. The results of this study indicate that the teacher competency variable has an affect on teacher performance. Workload affects teacher performance. Teacher competency and workload affect teacher performance.
Pengaruh Penempatan Karyawan, Beban Kerja, Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT. Pionir Beton Industri Feby Nur Janah; Hendy Tannady
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of employee placement, workload, and compensation on employee performance at PT. Industrial Concrete Pioneers. The number of samples as many as 125 respondents with purposive sampling method. IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program for multilinear regression analysis. This study uses a quantitative method through a questionnaire survey distributed from google form. The results in the study can be seen that each independent variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT. Partially Pioneer of Industrial Concrete and guidelines by conducting training and job development programs, holding a morning briefing before work to ensure and evaluate the work that has been done, reviewing employee bonuses that are in accordance with employee performance, and paying attention to enthusiasm and providing more motivation to employees to complete the task on time.
Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Lingkungan Kerja dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) Alifah Mutiara Safitri; Hendy Tannady
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of this study is to describe the influence of organizational culture, work environment and work discipline on employee at PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN). This study uses quantitative methods by conducting a survey to 125 respondents. The sampling method is purposive sampling and uses the SPSS 20.0 data processing assistance program. This study has a very influential variable, namely organizational culture with a. regression coefficient of 0.249. from the result of this study it can be concluded that there is a partial and simultaneous influence oof the organizational culture variable, work environment and work discpline on employee performance at PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) and also held socialization about The Toyota Way to improve good insight, evaluate employees, as well as conduct mentoring, culture learning in career development to support good performance optimal.
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Remunerasi Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Kantor PT. XYZ Andi Ray; Ignatius Ario Sumbogo
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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This research aims to determine the effect of leadership style and remuneration on work productivity of office employees of PT. XYZ. The variables used in this research are leadership style, remuneration, and work productivity. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire. This research is a quantitative study with a total sample size of 45 respondents who work in the PT. XYZ. The technique used in this research is purposive sampling which is part of the non-probability sampling. This study uses SPSS version 22 as a data processing tool. Data processing was analyzed by validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis test, t test, f test, and determination coefficient test. Based on the results of the f test, F count > F table (91,544 > 2.11). This concludes that the variable leadership style and remuneration together have a significant effect on work productivity.
Pengaruh Ekonomi Hijau dan Kepemilikan Manajerial Terhadap Pengembalian Saham Masa Depan dan Persistensi Laba dengan Volume Perdagangan sebagai Pemoderasi Celia Darmasaputra; Nera Marinda Machdar
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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This research aims to show the influence of green economy and managerial ownership to future returns stock and earnings persistence with and without volume trading stock as moderator. The sample used in this research are 55 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2013-2018. This research uses the method of data analysis with 2 regression models, the method is multiple regression analysis and moderated regression analysis (MRA), the data processed using Eviews 9. The results of this study shows that: (a) green economy has negative significant effect to future returns stock; (b) green economy has no significant effect to earnings persistence; (c) managerial ownership has no significant effect to future returns stock; (d) managerial ownership has no significant effect to earnings persistence; (e) volume trading stock does not moderate the effect of green economy and managerial ownership to future returns stock; and (f) volume trading stock does moderate the effect of green economy and managerial ownership to earnigs persistence.
Pengaruh Kesadaran Merek dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Kopi Kenangan Nadia Priskila Angelin; Anjar Dwi Astono
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of this research, to know and analyze the influence of brand awareness and service quality on the interest of buying Kopi Kenangan. This research uses a quantitative method with purposive sampling with the criteria that consumers have bought and tried Kopi Kenangan products and are at least 17 years old. The questionnaire survey was distributed via google form to 150 respondents which was then processed using SPSS version 25.0. Based on the results of hypothesis testing (t test) that brand awareness has a significant effect on buying interest, service quality has a significant effect on buying interest and brand awareness and service quality simultaneously have a significant effect on buying interest.
Aplikasi Visualisasi Kamar Kost Menggunakan Teknologi Virtual Reality Berbasis Android Thio Philoes; Alexander Waworontu
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of this research is to produce room visualization application for kost using virtual Reality (VR) technology, in order to make it easier for someone not to come to room kost. This application is used by some people who want to see the room kost and the items used in the visualization room kost. Researchers develop applications using the multimedia development Life cycle (MDLC) method. Application development uses unity, the SDK to support virtual reality into unity and Google SketchUp. The result of this research is an Android based application with APK file format that can be run on a smartphone (smartphone) with a gyroscope sensor and a minimum operating system Android 4.4 KitKat and above.
Analisis Resepsi Komunitas Esports Mengenai Caster pada Konten Piala Menpora Esports 2020 Abdurrahman; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Electronic technology development in Indonesia can be utilized for various aspects, one of the aspects is the existence of esports. Messages or informations that delivered by the caster in the esports match has various responses or reactions from the audiences. This research aims to determine Squad Hawk Eyes’ reception in interpreting the information given by the caster in Piala Menpora Esports 2020 at the grand final qualification. This research uses Stuart Hall's encoding- decoding theory and constructivism paradigm with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique uses in-depth interviews. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses the audience reception analysis with Stuart Hall's three categories: Dominant Hegemony, Negotiation, and Opposition. The results showed that informants who are in the position of Dominant Hegemony can receive messages from caster Pak Pulung and Kornet on the Menpora Esports Cup, related to the importance of the function of caster in esports matches, responses regarding esports matches must be equipped with caster and gimmick performed by caster Kornet and Pak Pulung. And informants who are in a negotiating position regarding caster esports are better for men.
Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Antara Orang Tua dan Anak dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Julius Bintang Saputra; Satya Candrasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Communication in the family is something that can affect the behavior of children in society. Communication that occurs in the family changes greatly influenced by several factors, including the length of time to meet and also how to communicate. Interpersonal communication within the family has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Communication changes as the time or intensity of meeting increases. This study aims to find out how communication occurs during the covid 19 pandemic and also the obstacles that occur when communicating during the covid 19 pandemic, and also to see the violence that occurs in children both verbally and physically. In this study, researchers used the theory of symbolic interactionism. This research uses constructivism paradigm as well as qualitative approach, and interview method. Data were obtained using observation and interview techniques. The result of this study is that communication within the family does not change, only the time of meeting changes. The obstacle faced during communication within the family during a pandemic is saturation, where they meet for 24 hours every day, besides that, there are also obstacles faced by gadgets.

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