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English Education Journal
ISSN : 20870108     EISSN : 25024566     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
English Education Journal is a quarterly journal published by Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, in the months of March, June, September, and December.
Articles 16 Documents
Teacher’s Problems and Strategies in Teaching Writing for the Seventh Grade Students at MTs Al-Hidayah Egi Raputri; Rahma Widi
English Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/7qksj891


Generally, teaching writing is not an easy thing. This is because writing is more complex than other skills in English. This research aimed to find out the Indonesian English teachers’ problems and the strategies used in teaching and learning writing skills in the classroom. This research was conducted in MTs Al-Hidayah. The researchers occupied descriptive qualitative research as the research design. The data were collected by interviewing an English teacher and some students in the seventh grade, and by observing their classroom during teaching and learning writing skill activities. Besides, the researchers collected some documentation and video recordings to support the data and additional information. There were several results that the researchers found while conducting the research. The first result is about the problem faced by the English teacher which is related to the students’ ability. It consisted of the students' lack of vocabulary mastery, grammatical rules, low motivation, and lack of teachers’ class management. Then, the teaching strategy used by the teacher was the Grammatical Translation Method (GTM). Shortly, the problems faced by English teachers in teaching writing are mostly because of students’ lack of vocabulary and understanding of grammatical rules. To overcome those problems, the teacher applied the GTM. The function of this research is to give additional information to the teachers and readers about teachers’ problems and strategies of teaching writing.
Techniques Used by Students in Translating Report Text from Indonesian into English Annisa Tasyakurna M; Aulia Andhini; Eggi Pratama
English Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/hgvgm350


Due to the different aspects of the source language and the target language, there are some techniques involved in the translation process to achieve the equivalence of the translation result. This study is aimed at analyzing the dominant translation techniques as proposed by Molina and Albir (2002) used by the third year students of the English Department in translating report text from Indonesian into English. Descriptive research was used to examine this research and also translation test and interview were used to collect research data online. The sample of this research was 36 students who learned translation study. There were several results that the researchers found while conducting the research. The results of this research that have obtained in this study were the most dominant technique used by students in translating report text was established equivalent.The function of this research is to give additional information to the readers about the techniques used in translating the texts.
A Narrative Inquiry into an EFL Teacher: How is the ICT Used to Optimize Project-based Learning? Hana Azmi Zakiyyah Mustaqimah; Puji Astuti; Sri Wahyuni
English Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ey719546


Internet and technology innovation has traditionally been employed in education as a learning and teaching tool. Research and publications also have been examined and found to be associated with significant outcomes. In today’s age, technology and the internet have its own place in education, forcing students to employ 21st-century technology skills. Meanwhile, the other research reports that project-based learning (PjBL) is open-ended, allowing students to incorporate even more technology. This narrative inquiry research reports the stories based on the teacher’s experience in integrating technology and the internet in PjBL. The stories were collected through written (i.e., narrative frame) and oral narratives (i.e., face-to-face semi-structured interviews) and conducted using Bahasa Indonesia to explore the stories in detail. The open-ended questions adequately facilitated our exploration of the teacher’s stories. We found that learning activities in “Local Wisdom” PjBL incorporate technology and the internet under two themes: technology and the internet are used to access knowledge and information and to create media products. The stories told could remind teachers that the use of technology and the internet in PjBL is not only limited to a mediator for delivering the material; this could galvanize the teachers into involving students to be more active in using technology and the internet.
The Effectiveness of A Task-Based Learning Strategy Through The Quizizz Application On To Enhance Students’ Achievement And Motivation In Reading Classroom Anik Hidayati; Sri Wuli Fitriati; Katharina Rustipa
English Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/5n4z9e52


The study aims to investigate how using the Quizizz application to apply a task-based learning technique will improve the achievement and motivation of students in teaching reading. This study will use sequential explanatory designs that combine quantitative and qualitative methods. It only has one eighth-grade class at one school: SMPN N 1 Bawen Kab. Semarang. Thirty-six pupils were to participate. Pre and post-tests, observations, and questionnaires are used to gather data. Students' reading comprehension achievement was estimated using their pre-and post-test results. A questionnaire and observation were utilized to assess the impact on student motivation. A questionnaire and observation were utilized to assess the impact on student motivation. Pre-test and post-test data will be used to conduct the analysis. The researcher will be using SPSS 22 for Windows. The study's significance level is 0.000, which is less than 0.05. If the sig. is <0.05. The average pre-test score was 58.89, whereas the post-test score was 74.58. It grew by 15.69. The questionnaire revealed that 86% of respondents thought it had a favorable effect, while 14% didn't. The observation supports the facts. This study demonstrated that TBL, using a Quizizz application, might improve the achievement and motivation of students in teaching reading.
‘I Like Group Pods’: EFL Students’ Preferences Towards Seating Arrangement in Advanced Speaking Class Wa Ode Zulhidjah Awalyah; Sri Wuli Fitriati; Rudi Hartono
English Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/81jg3e21


  This study discussed an EFL student's preferences in using seating arrangements in advanced speaking classes. The lecturers implemented seating arrangements to motivate students and encourage participation. The researcher collected the data through a closed-ended and open-ended questionnaire consisting of two types of classes: basic and advanced speaking classes. This qualitative research used a case study (Heigham & Croker, 2009) as the research design. Data were analyzed using Kember's, theory of motivation and thematic analysis. Then, the data was processed and interpreted qualitatively through the following stages: data transcript, categorizing the codes, analyzing the data, and producing the reports. The findings of this study revealed that from the six types of seating arrangements, the students prefer group pod seating as the type of seating that can build their motivation and active participation in speaking class. Lecturers always use group pod-style seating arrangements in speaking classes. Group pods encourage students to study in class and allow them to collaborate and discuss the topic provided by the lecturer. The seating arrangements make students appear more active when looking in groups. Using this seating type, the students demonstrate their enthusiasm, interact with their classmates by being active participants, pay attention to the lecturer, and understand the lecture's material. This study highlights the necessity for lecturers, higher education institutions, and students to consider various strategies during the learning process.
Enhancing Teacher-Students Interaction in Urban and Rural Schools in Pekalongan Indah Handayani; Zulfa Sakhiyya; Abdurrahman Faridi
English Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/2162cv23


Urban and rural contexts often present different challenges and dynamics in education. There is a gap in terms of infrastructure, resources, teacher training and student backgrounds between urban and rural schools. The research focuses on understanding the differences and similarities in teacher-student interactions between urban and rural schools in Pekalongan, Indonesia. The research uses a qualitative approach and employs the SETT framework proposed by Walsh (2006) for data analysis. Two schools, one from an urban setting and another from a rural setting in Pekalongan, were selected as the research settings. The findings indicate that all four classroom modes (managerial, material, skill and system, and classroom context) are present in both urban and rural school lesson. Teachers in both settings engage in various interactional features. However, the use of interactional features in urban school needs to be improve to enhance student engagement. The study's significance lies in providing valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and curriculum developers in Pekalongan and similar settings. It highlights the importance of teacher-student interactions in improving English language learning experiences and outcomes for students. By addressing the disparities in education quality between urban and rural contexts, this research can contribute to enhancing the overall quality of education in both settings. In summary, this research sheds light on the crucial role of teacher-student interactions in urban and rural schools, offering a pathway to address educational disparities and improve learning experiences for students in Pekalongan and similar environments.
The Metafunction Meaning of Systemic Halliday to Analyze the Interpersonal Meaning in the Adele Album Prahita Isnaini Ningtyas; Dwi Rukmini; Hendrikus Joko Yulianto
English Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/r66crt12


Music is a pattern of sounds made by musical instruments, voices, or computers, or a combination of these, intended to give pleasure to people listening to it. Interpersonal meaning, the strand of meaning that is the focus of this study, deals with how language is used in an interaction including in maintaining social relations, expressing attitudes and influencing others. In this study, the writers analized interpersonal meaning and using descriptive qualitative research. The writers searched the song of “21” album by Adele and only focus on Some One Like You song. The writers analyzed the clauses of the song based on that there are five types of deixis: spatial, temporal, person, social and discourse. After the researcher tries to interpret and interpret the lyrics, it can be concluded that the song Someone Like You tells about Adele's sick feelings, seeing her beautiful ex marry another woman, and having a happy life with her. Even though Adele still loves her ex-boyfriend very much and still can't forget his ex-girlfriend. Someone Like You is an amazing song. From the verses the lyrics teach the things that are really important. The following are some of the moral messages contained in Adele's Someone Like You lyrics is Learn to let go and Don't regret what happened.    
The Implementation and Reflection of Genre-Based Writing in Online Learning to Enhance Writing Achievement Aulia An Nafik
English Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/bbzjed57


This study aimed to investigate the implementation and reflection of a genre-based writing approach in synchronous online learning to enhance the writing achievement of EFL students. It involved the lecturer and students in the third semester of the three-year diploma in English, which employed a mixed-method research design. The inter-rater evaluation was used in scoring the students’ pre-test and post-test. All the paired t-test results revealed a significant difference in writing achievement before and after the intervention, with the average mean value of the pre-test (M= 70.5) and post-test (79.75). On the other hand, the qualitative data analysis from the students’ diaries and reflective journals revealed that connection-related issues were the major hindrance to having GBW in an online environment. However, the students claimed that online learning offered flexibility, which did not decrease the effectiveness and essence of the lesson itself. In the reflection, the lecturer justified the flexibility of online learning, yet he tended to choose the offline mode for teaching writing in consideration of academic integrity. In summary, implementing genre-based writing in synchronous online learning for university students showed much potential for enhancing students’ writing achievement. Through the benefits of remote learning, the adaptation to the unique needs of learners, and the integrity of academics, teachers and educators can effectively conduct educational or academic activities. The implications of this study go beyond the boundaries. It influences the current discourse about the role of technology in education and its future.    
The Implementation of Blended Learning in Teaching Reading at English Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Semarang Dinda Rahmadhani Putri; Frimadhona Syafri; Zulfa Shakiyya
English Education Journal Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): march 2024
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/m7r18a40


The advancement of technology, communication, and data, particularly the internet, has attracted the attention of Indonesian educators. Blended learning has become popular across all school levels in this quickly changing manner of teaching. In the context of teaching English as a foreign language, teachers must adapt to the use of technology in their instructional activities to successfully fulfil the learning objectives. This study describes the use of blended learning in an Engagement Reading class at Universitas Negeri Semarang Language Education Department. The researchers collected data through observation, interviews, and documentation. The study's findings indicate that the stages of field knowledge building, text modelling, joint text creation, and autonomous text construction are used in the reading class. Elena, WhatsApp, Zoom, Google, and Chrome are used to help with the teaching and learning process. Blended learning can make students become active learners because the students can get the other additional information from the internet during the online learning it is effective to make the students enjoy the learning process and do not feel bored with the monotonous learning situation. In addition, the virtual class has easy access anywhere and anytime in different places at the same time and makes it easier for teachers to create archives in digital form. Due to the multi-sources in blended learning, it helps the students to develop their daily reading activity. However, they continue to encounter a difficulty that many students in Indonesia face: internet access and credit quota.
Exploring Reading – Viewing Element in the Learning Outcomes of Emancipated Learning Curriculum Implemented in English Textbook of VII Grade Junior High School Anindya Pangestika; Zulfa Sakhiyya; Dwi Rukmini
English Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/3hy1wr60


This study explores the reading–viewing element in the learning outcomes of the Emancipated Learning curriculum in the English textbook of VII grade Junior High School. Among the three elements mentioned in the learning outcomes, the reading-viewing element is used as the focus of this research. The data were gathered through an instrument that was developed based on The Decree of the Head of the Education Standard, Curriculum, and Assessment Agency, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Number 008/KR/2022 About Learning Outcomes (Capaian Pembelajaran). This qualitative research employs a textbook analysis (Graves & Graves, 2003) as the research design. The data was processed and interpreted qualitatively through the following stages: content analysis, critical review, summarizing the findings, drawing conclusions, and providing recommendations. The findings of this study reveal that the reading – viewing element of the Emancipated Learning curriculum is implemented completely in the English textbook of VII grade Junior High School. The outcome is integrated into the activities and assessments. Therefore, the activities in the textbook related to the reading – viewing element are relevant to the learning outcomes.

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