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Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital
Published by Goodwood Publishing
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29867312     DOI : 10.35912/jisted
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital (JISTED) is a national, open-access and peer-reviewed journal welcoming high-quality manuscripts of original articles, reports and literature reviews in the field of software engineering and information technology. Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital (JISTED) aims to mediate the fresh ideas of researchers and practitioners to accelerate technology and cyber development.
Articles 20 Documents
Model Klasifikasi Berbasis Multiclass Classification dengan Kombinasi Indobert Embedding dan Long Short-Term Memory untuk Tweet Berbahasa Indonesia Thariq Iskandar Zulkarnain Maulana Putra; Suprapto Suprapto; Arif Farhan Bukhori
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i1.1509


Purpose: This research aims to improve the performance of the text classification model from previous studies, by combining the IndoBERT pre-trained model with the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture in classifying Indonesian-language tweets into several categories. Method: The classification text based on multiclass classification was used in this research, combined with pre-trained IndoBERT namely Long Short-Term Memory (LTSM). The dataset was taken using crawling method from API Twitter. Then, it will be compared with Word2Vec-LTSM and fined-tuned IndoBERT. Result: The IndoBERT-LSTM model with the best hyperparameter combination scenario (batch size of 16, learning rate of 2e-5, and using average pooling) managed to get an F1-score of 98.90% on the unmodified dataset (0.70% increase from the Word2Vec-LSTM model and 0.40% from the fine-tuned IndoBERT model) and 92.83% on the modified dataset (4.51% increase from the Word2Vec-LSTM model and 0.69% from the fine-tuned IndoBERT model). However, the improvement from the fine-tuned IndoBERT model is not very significant and the Word2Vec-LSTM model has a much faster total training time.
Peran Computer Assited Test dalam Implementasi Penilaian di SD Negeri 005 Palaran Karyo Budi Utomo; Amiril Azizah; Muhammad Aji Pangestu
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i1.1529


This research raises the problem of teachers' difficulties in assessing elementary school units, where it is still inefficient to have to multiply or duplicate questions for the exam, the lack of transparency of grades directly by parents, the hope of class teachers in this case wants to create an application that can help in the assessment process in the education unit with one of them being able to analyze answers and questions so that the teacher automatically knows the level of those who answered correctly and answered incorrectly, then a web-based application called the Computer Assisted Test was created. This application was designed using the PHP and MySql programming languages ??and then tested using the black box method. After that, the publication was carried out publicly using a domain and hosting with the site name With a very good response, they even want this application to be used continuously in their school and hope that it can help and answer the problems experienced by schools, especially SDN 005 Palaran. Purpose: Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah membantu dalam solusi yang dialami oleh pihak sekolah, baik itu kepala sekolah, guru, murid, dan orang tua dalam sistem penilaian di sekolah terkhusus SD Negeri 005 Palaran Methodology: Dalam penelitian ini merancang aplikasi Computer Assited Test (CAT) dengan menggunakan pemrograman PHP dan MySql dengan pengujian dengan metode blackbox. Results: Dalam penelitiani ini tanggapan mulai dari pihak guru kelas VI, siswa, dan orang tua mendapat respon yang sangat bagus bahkan mereka bahkan berterima kasih dengan adanya aplikasi Computer Assited Test ini bisa membnatu dalam memantau akademik anak didik dan guru bisa mengambil kebijakan kebijakan dan dapat memantau akademik pesera didiknya. Limitations: Dalam penelitian ini akan terus dikembangkan mulai dari pengembangan aplikasi yang berlanjutan. Contribution: Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap masalah yang dialami oleh satuan pendidikan SD Negeri 005 Palaran yang dalam aplikasi Computer Assited Test ini bisa diterapkan dan bisa membantu dalam memecahkan masalah tersebut.
Sistem Informasi Pariwisata Pantai Glory Melur Berbasis Web Abdul Halim Husnul; Nurhatisyah Nurhatisyah; John Friadi
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i1.1799


After the Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia, the government through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) formulated several new policies to restore the tourism economy in Indonesia. The government also believes that this policy can attract foreign tourists to visit Indonesia, especially Bali, Batam and Bintan. Tourists can enjoy various tourist destinations in Batam. Glory Melur Beach is also one of the tourist attractions visited by many local and foreign tourists. Glory Melur Beach has various facilities that can be rented, but information regarding the rental of facilities is still limited. Purpose: For this reason, this study aims to create a web-based information system that can manage and disseminate information on Glory Melur beach tourism. Methodology: The system development method used is waterfall modeling. With this system, it is hoped that visitors can easily find out information about entrance ticket prices, rental rates for facilities and can find out information on the availability of halls at Glory Melur Beach because it can be accessed anywhere and anytime in any place that is connected to the internet. For this reason, in the future, Glory Melur beach management must always update the existing database with the latest tourism development information and complete this system according to technological developments by adding more complete features according to the needs of visitors. Results: The results of this study are to attract foreign and local tourists, the authors will create an information system on Glory Melur Beach. With this information system, it can make it easier for visitors to find information about the facilities and rental prices available at Glory Melur Beach. With this online Hall ordering system, it can make it easier for visitors and officers of Glory Melur Beach to easily order and manage the Hall, because it can be accessed anywhere and anytime in an internet-connected place.
Pengontrolan Bahaya Kebakaran Berbasis IOT pada Ruang Server SMFR Balai Monitor Spektrum Frekuensi Radio Kelas II Batam Eko Setiawan; Nurhatisyah Nurhatisyah; Suwadi Nanra
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i1.1800


Monitoring the security of the SMFR server room is one of the problems at the Batam Class II Radio Frequency Spectrum Monitoring Center, especially against fire hazards. Purpose: To control hazards that can interact with the internet as part of the IoT (Internet of things) so that early detection of fires can be carried out at any time and via a smartphone that displays data from fire sensors, smoke sensors and sensors, while the control measures are activation of alarms, exhausts, openings doors and windows as well as LEDs as fire extinguisher activation indicators so as to minimize equipment damage in the SMFR server room. Methodology: The implementation method used is the design and manufacture of server room miniatures, the design and manufacture of a control system using the Arduino Mega 2560, the design and manufacture of IoT monitoring and control as well as tool testing. Results: From the test results, when the input sensor data, namely fire, temperature and smoke, do not meet these conditions, there will be no fire, all fire handling actions are not active. However, if all the conditions for the input sensor data are met and the threshold value is determined, i.e. there is a smoke fire >37 ppm and a temperature >37? then these conditions will trigger a fire so that all fire handling actions in the form of alarms, exhausts, doors, windows, and LEDs will active. As well as sending fire notifications to Smartphones so that fire events can be detected and handled early. IoT-based testing is carried out using a 4G network, The test results show that Blynk supports capable IoT but depending on the type of real-time connection, the type of network connection used provides varying delay effects. The average delay that 4G produces isĀ  1 to 5 seconds.
Pengenalan Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia menggunakan Mediapipe dengan Model Random Forest dan Multinomial Logistic Regression Imam Suyudi; Sudadio Sudadio; Suherman Suherman
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i1.1899


Purpose: This research aims to create a random forest machine learning model and logistic regression that can perform the sign language recognition of the Indonesian Sign Language System (SIBI) using a regular RGB camera with the MediaPipe framework. Research methodology: Both variables in this study are measured using Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) Scale from Janssen (2000) and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) from Connor & Davidson (2003) that was distributed through Google Form link. The data analysis is done with the support of the 25th version of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). Results: Resilience has a significant correlation with innovative work behavior among college students. Limitations: No strict controls of questionnaire administration, the questionnaire consists of 6 different measurements from the research team, and can't be fully generalized to the college students population. Contribution: New findings of correlation between two variables among new samples.
Pengukuran Tingkat Capability IT Governance pada PT. Sarana Citranusa Kabil Menggunakan Framework Cobit 2019 Suroto Suroto; John Friadi
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i1.1915


Purpose: This research aims to measure the capability level of IT Governance at PT Sarana Citranusa Kabil (SCN) - Batam, and then provide recommendations related to IT processes that have not reached the target capability level. This research is expected to assist companies in realizing the level of IT Governance capability in accordance with the targets set by the company. Method: The data obtained directly from the respondents were obtained from the results of questionnaires, interviews and observations. The COBIT 2019 framework was developed to measure the level of process capability using the Process Assessment Model (PAM). Result: This research found that the Capability level of 40 IT processes for all domains in IT Governance at PT. SCN is currently at level 3.5 or the specified level. This means that IT Governance based on COBIT 2019 at PT. SCN has been standardized, documented, communicated and implemented. Conclusion: The results found that the level of IT Governance measurement capability of 40 IT processes for all domains in the SCN is currently at level 3.5 or the specified level. This means that IT Governance based on COBIT 2019 at SCN has been standardized, documented, communicated and implemented. Contribution: This research is expected to assist companies in realizing the level of IT governance capability in accordance with the targets set by the company.
Analisis Informasi Jaringan Homogen dan Heterogen pada Liga Champions UEFA Rahman Taufik; Muhaqiqin Muhaqiqin; Igit Sabda Ilman; Ridho Sholehurrohman
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i2.1928


Purpose: The interpretation of network analysis research can be challenging today. The aim of this study is to analyze the homogeneous and the heterogeneous network information that occurred in the UEFA Champions League 2017-2018. Research Methodology: To obtain an interpretation of the results of network information analysis, centrality measurements and community detection were performed, where the centrality measurements methods used are Degree centrality, Betweenness centrality, Eigencentrality, PageRank, while community detection method used is performed using the Louvain. Result: The homogenous and heterogeneous network analysis was conducted using dataset of 17980 players, 32 teams, and 128 matches in Champions League 2017-2018. In this analysis, homogenous and heterogeneous network schemes were used to represent objects and relationships between objects in the network. The analysis was based on centrality measurements to identify influential nodes and community emergence within the network. The result is an interpretation of network analysis in the form of information about the roles of players, teams, countries, locations, formations, and skills that affect the performance of UEFA Champions League. Limitation: the use of diverse data sources, the application or development of data analysis techniques, and the formation of a broader network scheme Contribution: Obtaining information related to the UEFA Champions League based on the interpretation result of the analysis of homogeneous and heterogeneous networks
Analisis Determinasi Minat dan Penggunaan Financial Technology Payment Menggunakan Theory of Planned Behavior: Studi pada Mahasiswa Unsosed Zalfadiena Rahma Antika; Oman Rusmana; Rini Widianingsih
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i2.2097


Purpose: This study aims to examine the effect of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls on the behavioral intention and behavior of using financial technology payments in Unsoed students. Method: The type of data used is primary data in the form of answers from questionnaires. The number of samples used in this study amounted to 100 research samples. The sampling technique uses the proportional random sampling method from students of Jenderal Soedirman University who are interested and use financial technology payments. Result: The results of the study using SmartPls show that: (1) Attitudes toward behavior have a positive effect on behavioral intention in using fintech payments on Unsoed students, (2) Subjective norms have a positive effect on behavioral intention on using fintech payments on Unsoed students, (3) Perceived behavioral control has a positive effect on behavioral intention in using fintech payments for Unsoed students, (4) Behavioral intention has a positive effect on fintech payment usage behavior for Unsoed students, (5) Perceived behavioral control has a positive effect on fintech payment usage behavior for Unsoed students.
Perancangan Pemodelan Unified Modeling Language Sistem Antrian Online Kunjungan Pasien Rawat Jalan pada Puskesmas John Friadi; Dodi. P Yani; Muhammad Zaid; Alexsandri Sikumbang
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i2.2298


Purpose: Puskesmas is the technical implementation unit of the district/city health service responsible for administering health services in its working area. One of the services at Puskesmas is the polyclinic for outpatient visits, where patients come and register at the designated polyclinic and obtain a visit queue number. Currently, registration of outpatient visits at the Puskesmas is still mostly done conventionally by coming to the Puskesmas to take a queue number so that the patient's time is wasted waiting to be called, which is burdensome for the patient's condition when the patient is sick. To overcome this, it is necessary to create an online queuing system for outpatient visits to make the queuing process less time-consuming and help patients save time, especially when they are sick. Methodology: This study focuses on developing a modeling method for designing information systems using unified Modelling Language (UML) diagrams. Results: The results of this study used case diagrams and class diagrams for modeling online queuing systems for patient visits in Puskesmas. It can be used during the application program development and implementation stage of an online queuing system for outpatient visits in Puskesmas. Limitations: This research is only for designing and developing guidelines for patient online queuing system applications. Contribution: This research contributes to the program to develop an online patient queuing system application for an android smartphone-based health centre.
Pemanfaatan Software Bone dalam Pembuatan Sistem Kasir pada Percetakan Kingprinting Muhammad Dika Febrianto; Wartariyus Wartariyus
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v1i2.2316


Purpose: In this era of technology has a very important role in the progress of society, we are forced to adapt to an era that has fast-paced information, this is because the development of information technology can provide fast and accurate information and can even affect several businesses, one of which is the printing industry business even in the printing industry alone. Methodology: The financial information department has a very important role, on the other side of the job manuals that have a relationship with numbers sometimes have a big risk of miscalculation from employees (Human Error) by utilizing bone software for cashier systems which are expected to help printing companies to manage financial transactions and goods transactions related to printing. Results: This research has succeeded in utilizing the Bone software in the transaction of goods and buying and selling. The conclusion of this study is the use of bone software in manufacturing the cashier system was successfully built according to the agreed changes, proven by the test results as being as expected.

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