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Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital
Published by Goodwood Publishing
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29867312     DOI : 10.35912/jisted
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital (JISTED) is a national, open-access and peer-reviewed journal welcoming high-quality manuscripts of original articles, reports and literature reviews in the field of software engineering and information technology. Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital (JISTED) aims to mediate the fresh ideas of researchers and practitioners to accelerate technology and cyber development.
Articles 20 Documents
Manajemen Risiko Teknologi Informasi Pada Aplikasi CMS di PT. Sarana Citranusa Kabil - Batam Menggunakan ISO31000:2018 Suroto, Suroto; Friadi, John
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i1.2351


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to assist PT SCN in improving its ability in risk management, by minimizing the risks contained in the CMS application. In addition, it aims to provide recommendations some risk action for risks that have been identified. Methodology/approach: Object of this research is PT Sarana Citranusa Kabil – Batam. In order to support its business activities, PT SCN uses a application, called Cash Management System (CMS). This study was conducted using method of case study research. Technique of data collection is in the form of observation. The procedures of this research follow the ISO31000:2018 standard. Results/findings: This study found that (i) there are 20 possible risks, which can disrupt the performance of the CMS and business activities; (ii) 2 possible risks with high level; (iii) 10 possible risks with medium level; (iv) 8 possible risks with low level. Limitations: This research focuses on risk management in the use of CMS applications. The research does not address risks outside of information technology, for example, health and safety environmental issues. Contribution: The result of this risk analysis is a proposed action recommendation based on the impact and frequency of occurrence. Finally, PT SCN can prevent and minimize risks so that the function of the CMS application can run optimally.
Hubungan Fear of Missing out dengan Social Media Addiction pada Pengguna Instagram Salim, Ahmad; Jatnika, Ratna; Yudiana, Whisnu
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i1.2372


Purpose: This study aims to see the relationship between fear of missing out and social media addiction among students of the Faculty of Psychology, Padjadjaran University who use Instagram. Methodology/approach: Researchers used the fear of missing out scale (FoMOS) and the Bergen social media addiction scale (BSMAs) to measure the two variables. This research is a quantitative study using a non-experimental correlational study design. The sample collected was 94 people using stratified sampling technique which was divided into four strata (batch 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020). The Spearman test was conducted to see the correlation between the two variables. Results/findings: The results obtained show a significant correlation between the two variables with a positive relationship. This shows that the higher the level of anxiety (FoMO) of an individual, the higher the tendency for the individual to show addictive behavior towards social media (SMA), Instagram. Limitations: The limitation of this research lies in the number of participants, as the researchers were unable to study a broader population. Contribution: This research contributes to our understanding of the relationship between fear of missing out and social media addiction and provides valuable insights for promoting responsible social media usage.
Rancang Bangun Game Edukasi Bencana Alam Menggunakan Metode MDLC Nisya, Intan Sofiatun; Wulansari, Ossy Dwi Endah; Wartariyus, Wartariyus
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i1.2374


Purpose: Educational games about natural disasters in Indonesia, as a provision of learning tools to foster children's interest in learning knowledge and emergency response efforts to natural disasters, through digital games that make children happy and easy to understand material. Research Methodology: In making this Natural Disaster Educational Game, the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) system development method is implemented which consists of six stages, namely concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing. and distribution (distribution). This research involved elementary school students and teachers as well as employees of the national disaster management agency in the city of Bandar Lampung. Result: A multimedia-based "Natural Disaster Educational Game" (Case Study for Elementary School Students) has been successfully created as a natural disaster education medium which is a complement to material related to natural disasters in Indonesia, a digital game that makes children happy and easy to understand the material. Limitation: Educational games about natural disasters in Indonesia, including floods, landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes including an introduction to natural disasters in Indonesia, the pre-disaster phase, the emergency response phase. Contribution: Educational games are interactive learning media in terms of knowledge fun, useful for improving language and thinking skills, increasing concentration and solving problems.
Analisis Pengukuran Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi Helpdesk Menggunakan Metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) pada UIN Raden Fatah Palembang Aswadi, M.; Sutabri, Tata
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i1.2655


Purpose: This research aims to assess the satisfaction level of students with the online helpdesk application at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, employing the End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) approach. The study involves the collection of data through questionnaires distributed to 100 users of the Helpdesk UIN Raden Fatah Palembang website. Research Methodology: Data analysis is conducted using the IBM software SPSS Statistica 26, involving initial stages of validity testing, reliability testing, and multiple linear regression. Five variables are explored in the research: content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. A total of five hypotheses are tested, each associated with a specific variable. Results: The analysis reveals that out of the five hypotheses tested, two are considered insignificant as the t-values are smaller than the critical t-values. The t-values for content (X1) and timeliness (X5) are 1.105 and 1.888, respectively, leading to the conclusion that these two variables are not significant. From the multiple linear regression results, the independent variables (content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness) collectively influence the dependent variable, attachment, by 91.7%, while the remaining 8.3% is influenced by other unexplored factors in this study. Limitation: It is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study. The research is confined to the specific context of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang and may not be universally applicable. Additionally, the study does not delve into certain factors that could contribute to user satisfaction. Contribution: The findings contribute insights into factors influencing user satisfaction with the helpdesk application. In conclusion, the research employs rigorous testing procedures, including validity and reliability tests, and utilizes multiple linear regression for hypothesis testing.
Exploring Aplikasi Gojek dalam Mencapai Laba Organisasi Hertati , Lesi; Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i2.2730


Purpose: This study aims to determine e-commerce and organizational performance in terms of organizational profits. As a form of e-commerce, e-commerce has become an integral part of modern business strategies. Organizational performance, which includes operational efficiency and goal achievement, is a key factor in achieving business success. Research methodology: The research method used in this study uses primary data from a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The research sample was randomly selected from 43 Gojak users at Indo Global Mandiri University. The data used was an exploratory statistical method that measured the relationship between variables. Results: The results indicate that e-commerce and organizational performance contribute to increasing organizational profits. The use of technology can improve customer accessibility, operational efficiency, and an organization's ability to reach global markets. Organizational performance also plays an important role in determining profit levels. Organizations that perform well tend to achieve higher profits by providing a better understanding of the impact of e-commerce. Limitations: The importance of organizational performance in achieving profit goals and managerial roles can help organizations optimize strategies to improve their overall organizational performance and achieve better profits. Contribution: Follow-up studies could explore other aspects of e-commerce and organizational performance as well as consider additional variables to deepen the understanding of this relationship.
Evaluasi Tingkat Capability Keamanan Sistem Informasi PT. CPPI Menggunakan Framework COBIT 2019 Suroto, Suroto; Friadi , John
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): November
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i1.2945


Purpose: This study aims to determine the capability level of information system security in PT. CPPI.  In addition, it provides recommendations for enhancing IS security. Methodology: This study used a qualitative approach. The objective of this study was PT. The CPPI, a company in Batam, operates in the fields of Forwarding, Transportation, and warehousing. The interviews were directed to personnel in the IT department. Framework for evaluation using the COBIT 2019 framework. Results: The study results show that the capability level value in the APO12 process reaches level 2 with an average value of 67%, which is the fully achieved level. In addition, in the APO13 process, the capability level reached level 2, with a value of 64%. In the DSS05 process, the capability level is at level 2, with a value of 71%. Finally, in the DSS06 process, the capability level was level 3, with a value of 86%. Limitations: Some management practices and activities from each process domain were not used as questionnaire material. For example, in the APO12 process, only one management practice is revealed, namely APO12.01, Collect Data. Meanwhile, other practices were not disclosed, such as APO12.02 - Analyze Risk, APO12.03 - Maintain a Risk Profile, etc. The author suggests that other research reveals these management practices. Contribution: This study can help companies increase their level of capability in IT governance, especially in the area of information technology security. Achievement targets for capability levels can be realized according to COBIT 2019 standards.
Sistem Administrator Debt Recording Berbasis Website pada Toko Serunai Sekayu Syahril, Muhammad; Ramdhani, M.Ficky
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i2.3278


Purpose: This article aims to develop and implement an administrator system for website-based debt recording that can be used by Toko Serunai Sekayu. Method: The system development method is carried out using a web-based software development approach. Development stages include requirements analysis, system design, implementation, and testing. Results: The result of this research is the successful implementation of a website-based debt recording administrator system for the Serunai Sekayu Shop. This system allows users to record customer debts efficiently and manage this data well. Limitations: The limitation of this system is its dependence on a stable internet connection for optimal access and use of the system. In addition, there may be challenges in integrating with the store's existing systems. Contribution: The main contribution of this article is the development of a specific and applicable system for debt management at Serunai Sekayu stores. This system provides a practical solution for these stores in managing and monitoring customer debt effectively through an easy-to-access web platform.
Clustering Data Stok Penjualan Sparepart Mobil Toyota Bengkel Multi Topindo Menggunakan K-Means Haris, Yusril; Friadi, John; Frederick, Aurora Elsa Shafira; Huda, Dwi Nurul; Romdoni, Mochammad Rizki
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i2.3308


Purpose: Sales of car spare parts at the Multi Topindo Tanjungpinang Workshop play a vital role in maintaining customer satisfaction in after-sales services. Accurate data analysis is required to increase marketing effectiveness, inventory management, and customer satisfaction. One relevant approach is the application of the K-Means Clustering algorithm, which effectively groups car spare part stock data based on the initial stock and final stock. Using this method, workshops can segment stock inventory based on customer preferences by observing what spare parts are sold frequently by comparing them with the initial stock. This segmentation provides the basis for developing a more efficient sales process and precise stock management. Methodology/approach: The research was carried out at the Multi Topindo Tanjungpinang Workshop with system development developed based on the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology, which consists of four stages: identifying goals and information needs, working with users to design the system, building the system, introducing a new system, and carrying out classification. spare parts sales stock data by using the k-means method. Results/findings: The results of segmentation obtained through K-Means Clustering will help in identifying spare part groups based on the clusters that are built. In addition, this algorithm plays a role in managing inventory stock, minimizing the risk of excess or shortage of inventory, and increasing overall operational efficiency. Limitations: The system was developed based on the K-Means Algorithm with Python programming language and Django web framework as a sample of data using a car spare parts sales inventory. Contribution: This research contributes to the Multi-Topindo Tanjungpinang workshop, which can take more appropriate steps to meet customer demand, optimize inventory, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction.
Prediksi Pemakaian Pulsa Listrik Kamar Kos Menggunakan Metode Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Backpropagation Apriza, Delta; Sutabri, Tata
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i2.2654


Purpose: Electricity is a crucial necessity, serving as a prerequisite for the smooth, efficient, safe, and comfortable conduct of human life activities. The energy requirements for each household, especially in shared living spaces like dormitories, vary, with residents' behaviors and habits influencing daily electricity usage patterns. Wasteful electricity habits can lead to disadvantages for various parties. To address this, control technology has been developed to reduce the risk of injustice in billing and electricity usage among dorm residents, aiming to optimize electrical load usage. Research Methodology: This research utilizes the backpropagation method to develop a complex calculation model for predicting monthly electricity token expenditures based on daily electricity usage. The methodology involves understanding and analyzing the electricity consumption patterns of dorm residents, implementing the backpropagation algorithm, and testing the model's accuracy in predicting future electricity expenses. Results: The study presents insights gained from applying the backpropagation method, demonstrating its effectiveness in predicting monthly electricity token expenditures. Results include the development of a model that takes into account daily electricity usage patterns, allowing residents to better control and plan their electricity expenses. Limitation: It is important to note that this research is confined to the development of a predictive model using the backpropagation method. Practical implementation and testing of the model in real-world dormitory settings are beyond the scope of this study. Future research and application stages are warranted to validate the model's effectiveness and usability. Contribution: This research contributes by providing a predictive model using the backpropagation method, offering dormitory residents a tool to estimate and control their monthly electricity expenses. The model aims to reduce wasteful electricity practices and promote fair billing, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable electricity usage environment.
Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Asset TI Menggunakan GLPI & FusionInventory Software: Studi Kasus PT. SCN Logistic Group Suroto, Suroto; Yani, Dodi Putra; Fuad, Ahmad; Adyla, M. Faris; Fitrah , Fitrah
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i2.3279


Purpose: The rapid advancement of technology has led to continuous changes in the IT landscape, making it challenging to maintain an accurate and complete asset inventory. SCN Logistic faces difficulties in tracking the whereabouts of its assets. This study proposes a solution for IT asset management using GLPI software and explores the implementation process. The paper aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how GLPI software can be used to manage IT assets effectively. Research Methodology: A case study approach was used for this research, focusing on PT. SCN Logistic. Data and documents were collected from various sources. The hardware employed includes a Lenovo ThinkPad L14 with an AMD Ryzen 3 processor, 8 GB RAM, and a 256GB SSD. The software used comprises Linux Ubuntu 23.04, Apache2 web server, MariaDB, PHP, GLPI 9, and Fusion Inventory. Results: The GLPI and FusionInventory software successfully records IT assets, such as computers, automatically and stores them in a database. This outcome achieves the research objectives by providing an efficient IT asset management solution for companies using GLPI software. Limitation: A comparative analysis between IT asset management software was not conducted due to time constraints. Contribution: This study offers several benefits for companies: (1) Reduces security risks and gaps, (2) Improves efficiency and increases productivity, and (3) Minimizes overall costs, particularly in terms of updates and support.

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