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ENDLESS : International Journal of Future Studies
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Focus & Scope ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies is a globally-oriented, trans-disciplinary refereed journal. Its mission is to develop high-quality, future-oriented research and thinking, based on the evolving knowledge base of Futures Studies / Foresight. The Journal’s approach is: - Trans-disciplinary; - Epistemologically diverse, seeking articles from empirical, interpretative, critical and action learning research traditions, and; - Multi-methods based, including, for example, methods such as emerging issues analysis, scenario and alternative futures development and analysis, age-cohort analysis, causal layered analysis, visioning and backcasting. As well as refereed articles, the Journal publishes essays, book reviews, symposia, and art on the following topics: - Epistemologically focused futures studies on the construction of possible, probable and preferable futures; - Methodological innovation in futures studies, including not only integrated, layered, and critical approaches, but also empirical, interpretive, or action-learning based approaches; - Applied Futures (for example, case studies in using and practicing futures thinking for organizational change, development, and transformation); - Alternative futures on a variety of subjects (see topic categories below). ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies, Futures, Foresight, Technological Forecasting, and Social Change, The European Journal of Futures Research, World Future Review, On the Horizon) as well as futures material contained in books, monographs, other field related journals, including visual resources and web resources. Editors strongly advise authors to cite at least two or more works in the futures field: Social sciences, Law, Economics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Marine, Agriculture, Materials, Life sciences, Education, Physics, Geography, Biology, Medicine, Power, History, Chemistry, Atmosphere, Mechanics, Geology, Technology, Applied sciences.
Articles 33 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies" : 33 Documents clear
Social Network Analysis of the Government's Mobility Restriction Policy in Indonesia During Covid-19 Pandemic Bangkit A. Wiryawan; Satria Aji Imawan
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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In order to mitigate the adverse effect of Covid-19 pandemic, the government of Indonesia enforced mobility restriction policy (PSBB) between April and July 2020. This policy was met with various responses from the fastly growing digital space. We capture 8000 Indonesian twitter conversation on the issue. Social Network Analysis is applied to identify different role of users in amplifying the policy either positively or negatively. We identify three main actors with government related actors and the media positioned closely. However, contrasting opinion by the opposition dominates the conversation and they affect public perception on the government’s PSBB policy. The findings recall the current debate of the need for content moderation by social media user community to mitigate public opinion manipulation by influencers.
The Bride Wealth of the Ambai Serui Tribe Marriage: A Christian Faith View Selvie Indriani; Pantjar Simatupang
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i3.222


A bride wealth is a package of cultural items and money given to the bride and her family by the groom family as a prerequisite for a formal wedding. Bride wealth is practice is ubiquitous, increasingly expensive and creates various marriage related personal and social problems. The objective of this study is to describe the process of determination, material elements, delivery and cultural meanings of bride wealth in the Ambai tribe traditional wedding. The study was conducted using autoethnography methodology supported with in-depth interviews with two emic resource persons, and documentary, photos and videos as secondary sources of data and information. The study shows that in the Ambai tribe tradition, the bride wealth is a prerogative request of the bride nuclear family but it goes through a collective negotiation process that makes it remain reasonable and acceptable to all parties. The bride wealth related processions strengthen the social bonding and the materials reflect indigenous wisdom of the Ambai tribe. Christian education on bride wealth is expected to strengthen the existing culture. Christian education should be able to maintains indigenous culture without in conflict with the principles of the Christian faith.
The Existence of Akonipuk and the Role of Christian Education in Educating the Hubula Community in Balim Valley Wamena Papua Elys Lusiari Papuana Toam; Demsy Jura
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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The Existence of Akonipuk and the Role of Christian Education in Educating the Hubula Community in Balim Valley Wamena Papua is a cultural study from the perspective of Christian Education. The effort is aimed at educating the community so they can make informed choices and attitudes regarding the cultural beliefs associated with Akonipuk. Indonesia, as one of the countries rich in culture and diversity, has brought its existence on the international stage as one of the largest multicultural countries in the world. This article highlights the presence of Akonipuk in the lives of the Hubala community in the Balim Valley of Wamena Papua and the perspective of Christian education regarding its existence in educating the community. It is hoped that through this study, the people in that area will have a correct understanding and be able to appropriately situate the cultural aspects related to Akonipuk within the culture of the Christian community. The research approach employed is descriptive qualitative.
Strengthening the Role of Christian Education in Families as an Effort to Address Human Trafficking in the City of Jayapura Papua Province Rendy Christian Lande; Demsy Jura
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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The article, titled "Strengthening the Role of Christian Education in Families as an Effort to Address Human Trafficking in the City of Jayapura, Papua Province," is a study on efforts to address human trafficking crimes through the role of Christian education within families. The intended strengthening of roles involves all elements within the family itself. The article highlights the expectation that, through this study, the community in the city of Jayapura, Papua Province, can gain a true understanding of human trafficking crimes and comprehend how the role of Christian education in the family can contribute to reducing the crime rate. The research approach employed in writing this article is qualitative, based on literature review.
Redefining HRM in the Digital Age: Leveraging Technology for Effective Talent Management Fajar Pasaribu; Masriadi; Kristina Sedyastuti; Nur Hamzah; Alfin Reza Syahputra
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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In response to the transformation of the human resource management (HR) paradigm in the digital era, this research explores the impact of technological change on talent management and employee performance in the context of modern organizations. This research aims to identify emerging challenges and opportunities and formulate effective strategies for managing diversity as a source of innovation and productivity. This research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach with data derived from research results and relevant previous studies. The data collection process involved a thorough literature review, and the results of the data analysis provide a comprehensive picture of the role of technology in the transformation of talent management. The research results found that the transformation of the human resource management (HR) paradigm in the digital era has had a significant impact on organizational dynamics. The evolution of management models from traditional to digital, the use of technology in recruiting and developing employee skills, and the use of technology-based performance management are critical shifts in responding to changing demands. Employee diversity in the digital era brings challenges that need to be managed carefully. Managing the risk of inequality and increasing inclusiveness are key aspects of creating a competitive work environment.
Empowering Tech-Savvy Youth Education in Society 5.0: Transforming Learning for the Digital Future Erni Murniarti; Bintang R. Simbolon; Reza Yuridian Purwoko; Endang Fatmawati; Hariyanto
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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Dynamic changes in the digital era demand an educational approach that is responsive to student needs and the demands of an increasingly connected society. Lack of student involvement can be an obstacle to achieving learning goals that are holistic and relevant to technological developments. Therefore, there is an urgency to understand and optimize youth participation in Society 5.0 through innovative education. This research aims to investigate the positive impact of innovative education on youth participation in Society 5.0. Through a descriptive qualitative approach, this research uses data from previous research and studies that are still relevant to the phenomenon being observed. By understanding the role of teachers, innovative learning models, and student skill development, this research is aimed at illustrating how innovative education can increase student engagement and prepare them to face a dynamic future. By analyzing the role of teachers, innovative learning models, and student skills development in the context of Society 5.0, this research finds that innovative education has a significant positive impact on youth participation. This emphasizes the importance of the role of teachers as agents of change in adopting innovative approaches, to create a learning environment that motivates and supports student creativity. The integration of technology, particularly through a project-based approach and the use of virtual reality, has proven effective in increasing student engagement and preparing them to face future challenges.
Defining the Future: The Role of Blockchain Technology in Monitoring International Aid Funds Lumastari Ajeng Wijayanti; Avid Leonardo Sari; Mutia Pamikatsih; Tuti Dharmawati; Bagus Setya Rintyarna
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i3.228


This article presents an in-depth analysis of blockchain technology's role in international aid fund management. The authors outline a conceptual framework illustrating how blockchain can be applied to improve aid monitoring systems, focusing on critical aspects such as transparency, recipient identification, and automation of fund distribution. We also discuss the ethical, security, and technology readiness challenges that may be faced in blockchain implementation. This article provides in-depth insight into how blockchain technology can address existing problems in international aid fund management by detailing concrete case studies and describing the research methods used. Research findings show that blockchain implementation has succeeded in increasing transparency, speeding up the distribution process, and optimising the use of aid funds. The article's result underscores the importance of continuing to pay attention to ethical, security, and inclusivity considerations while developing and implementing these technologies. By taking a holistic approach, using blockchain to monitor international aid funds can bring about significant positive change, increase efficiency, and support global development goals.
Towards Global Food Security: Vertical Farming as an Innovative Solution Dedie Tooy; Encup Supriatna; Muhammad Imam Ma’ruf; La Mema Parandy; Khotimatul Barki
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i3.229


Vertical farming is becoming the focus of attention as an innovative solution to the challenge of global food security. Urbanization and rapid population growth give rise to the need for efficient agricultural approaches to land use. This research aims to investigate the potential and impact of vertical farming on global food security through a descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in the research comes from various relevant previous research and studies. This research method involves the process of collecting data from scientific literature and previous studies, which are then processed by researchers to produce relevant findings. Through descriptive qualitative analysis, this research highlights the contribution of land use efficiency, adaptation to urban environments, and integration of advanced technologies in the context of vertical farming. The results of this research then found that vertical farming is not only an alternative but also a significant step forward in the transformation of the global agricultural sector. Supportive agricultural regulations and policies, as well as adapting technology to the local environment, are critical challenges in implementing vertical farming. However, opportunities for developing innovations in vertical farming system design and active stakeholder involvement provide a strong foundation for the growth of this industry. This research highlights that vertical farming has great potential to have a positive impact on global food security, by understanding and overcoming existing challenges.
Problems Faced by Duty to Consult and the Protection of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada Nancy Kusbayanti; Bayu Kristianto
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i3.230


This paper attempts to analyze the problems faced by the duty to consult doctrine. As an implementation of Section 35 of the Constitution Act of 1982, the duty to consult was first used by the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of Haida Nation in 2004. This doctrine was employed five times by the Supreme Court between 2004 and 2010 to resolve disputes on land and its uses between indigenous people and the Canadian government. In 2018, in the case of Mikisew Cree First Nation v. Canada (Governor General in Council), the Supreme Court determined that this doctrine does not apply to the legislature. While welcomed by indigenous people and those fighting for indigenous people's rights, the duty to consult also raises other problems, namely the application of this doctrine and the legal certainty it creates, especially for businesses related to the use of natural resources.
The Impact of Increasing Surface Temperature on South America Ema Isidore
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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The escalating surface temperatures in South America present a multifaceted challenge with far-reaching consequences. This study investigates the intricate relationship between rising temperatures and their impacts on the continent's ecosystems, agriculture, and human populations. Through comprehensive data analysis, regional variations and potential causal factors are unveiled. The findings underscore the urgency of proactive measures and policy formulation to address the complex implications of climate change in South America.

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