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ENDLESS : International Journal of Future Studies
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Focus & Scope ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies is a globally-oriented, trans-disciplinary refereed journal. Its mission is to develop high-quality, future-oriented research and thinking, based on the evolving knowledge base of Futures Studies / Foresight. The Journal’s approach is: - Trans-disciplinary; - Epistemologically diverse, seeking articles from empirical, interpretative, critical and action learning research traditions, and; - Multi-methods based, including, for example, methods such as emerging issues analysis, scenario and alternative futures development and analysis, age-cohort analysis, causal layered analysis, visioning and backcasting. As well as refereed articles, the Journal publishes essays, book reviews, symposia, and art on the following topics: - Epistemologically focused futures studies on the construction of possible, probable and preferable futures; - Methodological innovation in futures studies, including not only integrated, layered, and critical approaches, but also empirical, interpretive, or action-learning based approaches; - Applied Futures (for example, case studies in using and practicing futures thinking for organizational change, development, and transformation); - Alternative futures on a variety of subjects (see topic categories below). ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies, Futures, Foresight, Technological Forecasting, and Social Change, The European Journal of Futures Research, World Future Review, On the Horizon) as well as futures material contained in books, monographs, other field related journals, including visual resources and web resources. Editors strongly advise authors to cite at least two or more works in the futures field: Social sciences, Law, Economics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Marine, Agriculture, Materials, Life sciences, Education, Physics, Geography, Biology, Medicine, Power, History, Chemistry, Atmosphere, Mechanics, Geology, Technology, Applied sciences.
Articles 250 Documents
Lost in the maze? Husserl, Ortega and Gaos facing the challenges of cultural diversity Yazid Hisyam
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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This article tries to show the way in which three prominent 20th century philosophers –– Edmund Husserl, José Ortega y Gasset and José Gaos–– have dealt with cultural diversity. Linked to each other by strong intellectual ties, the protagonists of the text propose three different ways of approaching this crucial and thorny issue in which the role assigned to reason is of special relevance. Husserl will trust her fully. Ortega, even the most Husserlian Ortega, will considerably lower such claims. And Gaos, radicalizing the perspectivist theses of his teacher, will consider that it is better to assume his impotence. The set of mirrors that the essay intends to create with the intersection of the three proposals aims to highlight the relevance of the philosophy made in Spanish in the most pressing debates of the present.
Subpolítica Reflexiva no Contexto da Mundialização Informativa aplicada à Regulação Supranacional da Internet Bruna Pinotti Garcia
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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A rede mundial de computadores desponta não somente como um meio de comunicação, mas confere o caráter instrumental ao exercício de direitos, inclusive o de participação na subpolítica, de modo que passa a ser de interesse do indivíduo colocar -se como ator participativo no processo de discussão sobre a sua regulação. Nestes moldes, propõe-se a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: é possível identificar no cenário comparativo da atuação de múltiplos atores na regulação da Internet traços de uma subpolítica reflexiva? Mostra-se relevante compreender a posição dos múltiplos atores no cenário de discussão sobre a regulação da Internet, o que somente é possível mediante o estudo de direito supranacional comparado contextualizado no que tange à subpolítica. A base empírica repousa em consultas sobre conferências da Organização das Nações Unidas, da Organização dos Estados Americanos, da União Europeia e do Conselho Europeu. Já a base teórica concentra-se em Ulrich Beck e Anthony Giddens e o conceito de modernidade reflexiva associado à política, conformando o que se denomina subpolítica reflexiva. Associando tais bases empíricas e teóricas apresenta-se uma pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa desenvolvida pelo método hipotético-dedutivo. Concluiu-se provada a hipótese de que, quanto à regulação da internet, percebe-se a emergência de agendas sobre a sua regulação que cada vez menos se restringem aos tradicionais atores regulamentares, permitindo uma maior participação do indivíduo nesse processo, com a verificação do delineamento da subpolítica em um conceito mais simplificado de mundialização, distanciado porém do que idealmente seria a subpolítica reflexiva. O artigo fornece à comunidade científica e à sociedade fundamentos cognitivos necessários para a sua inserção como atores sociais em espaços virtuais no campo da regulação supranacional das novas tecnologias da informação, apresentando um panorama teórico-fático desses processos de interação subjetiva. Os termos globalização e mundialização possuem múltiplos significados, o que não diminui a importância de compreendê-los cientificamente. Por seu turno, evidencia-se que o fenômeno da mundialização impõe o reconhecimento de que não cabe falar na política – e na atividade de regulação – como algo restrito aos Estados. A relevância do tema a ser pesquisado não é acompanhada de uma produção científica suficiente na área, eis que raríssimas são as abordagens sobre a governança digital na regulação da rede em âmbito supranacional.
La corresponsabilidad fiscal en Estados federales: una comparativa del sistema español frente al alemán y al estadounidense Angelina Albira
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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Uno de los cimientos del federalismo fiscal es el principio de la respon-sabilidad tributaria. Tal y como se ha demostrado en la práctica federal, este principio asegura comportamientos fiscalmente responsables tanto de la federación como, sobre todo, de los entes subestatales. El presente estudio analiza la responsabilidad fiscal del sistema autonómico español en comparación con la responsabilidad fiscal en otros modelos federales como EE.UU. y Alemania. La comparación entre modelos federales tiene como objetivo la detección de posibles deficiencias en los diferentes modelos y la propuesta de posibles mejoras en la corresponsabilidad fiscal que pudieran corregir determinados comportamientos fiscales de los entes subestatales.
El welfare-mix español durante la crisis y la privatización del riesgo social: los casos de la sanidad, los servicios sociales y la atención a la dependencia Fernando Alrico
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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En las dos décadas anteriores a la llegada de la crisis, numerosos países comenzaron a poner en marcha iniciativas que implicaban la participación de otros actores distintos al sector público en el Gobierno y la gestión de las políticas sociales. La difícil situación económica de los últimos años ha revivido el debate sobre las fórmulas del welfare-mix, acerca de cuál deba ser su alcance y, especialmente, sobre sus consecuencias en políticas que, como las sociales, tienen un fuerte impacto entre los ciudadanos en épocas de crisis. El análisis de tres políticas sociales en el caso de España permite observar que el welfare-mix se ha transformado de distintas maneras durante la crisis, atendiendo a diversos motivos, incluida la percepción por parte de los responsables públicos de que se estaba produciendo cierta privatización del riesgo social.
O Big Data e os desafios da modernidade: uma regulação necessária? Victor Cravo
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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Este artigo objetiva apresentar ao leitor à revolução paradigmática representada pelo Big Data, além de incentivá-lo a imaginar como o direito poderá lidar com os desafios que advirão da modernidade tecnológica. O texto foi construído a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica destinada a explicar o fenômeno do Big Data e a problematizar, à luz da teorização de Immanuel Wallerstein sobre a modernidade, suas implicações no direito. O artigo apresenta as principais características do fenômeno inovador do Big Data, com ênfase nas potenciais implicações danosas à participação democrática no processo regulatório, para, em seguida, relacioná-las com os conceitos de modernidade tecnológica e modernidade da libertação, elaborados por Immanuel Wallerstein. O artigo serve como convite ao pesquisador interessado nas repercussões da modernidade tecnológica nas instituições jurídicas que modulam e legitimam o processo regulatório, com especial enfoque no Big Data. O estudo inova na pesquisa jurídica brasileira na medida em que auxilia na introdução, em língua portuguesa, da temática das implicações jurídicas do Big Data, cuja pesquisa, mesmo em língua inglesa, é ainda incipiente.
Preponderant agent, what is that? Clara Luz Álvarez
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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Preponderant agent is a new instrument for preventing and reverting adverse impact in competition due to highly concentrated markets. Therefore, this paper's objective is to present and analyze the preponderant agent concept in Mexico with emphasis on the broadcast sector, the telecommunication regulator decisions and the courts' interpretation. The objectives were achieved by researching and analyzing the main legal documents, the Congress reports and debates, the regulator's decisions and other relevant regulator's documents, as well as final decisions by the courts in connection with broadcast sector. Among the findings are that certain topics were not duly addressed by the Mexican regulator, or by the Congress, whereas the courts were more willing to hold decisions in favor of public interest based on constitutional intent and deference to the regulator's decision. This paper will be valuable for persons interested in telecommunications, broadcast and antitrust. Although the preponderant agent concept created in Mexico is not necessarily a “best practice”, it does provide an alternative. instrument in antitrust. Moreover, the courts decisions also provide criteria regarding regulatory deference for the regulator.
Regulation of Telecommunications: The Choice Between Market and Regulatory Failures Dmitrii Trubnikov
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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The paper examines the main regulatory frameworks of the telecommunications industry through the concept of market failure and analyses how and why the policy often leads to undesirable outcomes that might be considered as regulatory failure. The research uses the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications as a base for the analysis of the main policy objectives through the prism of the market failure theory with an eye to the interests of the main market players in the telecommunications markets. About any aspect of regulation allows to find ways to create opportunities for some groups of the industry and stifle activity of others. Despite the theory of market failure provides reasonable justifications for regulation of telecommunications markets, it is possible to argue that many of these problems are mainly the consequence of the policy and could be better solved by market mechanisms. The results of the research allow to look at the problems of telecommunications development and issues of the high level of concentration of the telecommunications markets as regulatory formed problems rather than consequences of the inherited industry’s characteristics.
The Influence Of Cashmir Territory On The India-Pakistan Diplomatic Relations Prolay Malik
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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Conflict between India and Pakistan in Kashmir issue unresolved until recently seemed to have sunk from the international community. However the presence of kashmir issue has become one of the things that are the focus india - pakistan for many - years. The diplomatic relations between India - Pakistan determined by Kashmir case. In this research, the author uses the Nation – state analysis level which focused on decision making in any situation. This research uses realism perspective in international relations and theory of National Security. Kashmir is an area that lies between India and Pakistan. This area is famous for its natural riches contained therein. The soil is fertile, the rivers that flow throughout the year and their biological minerals make this region a source of conflict India and Pakistan. The conflict began when India and Pakistan officially separated since the announcement of the independence of both sides pidak in 1948. This separation is prolonged impact on the border region, especially in Kashmir, which is fertile. Realism have the assumption that one alternative way conflict resolution is a War. It was then known by the term “Civis Pasum Para Bellum” which is means if yo want to make peace them, be prepared for war. Based on the assumption of the theory of realism, the best way conflict resolution between India and Pakistan is a war.
Relaciones transatlánticas entre círculos republicanos radicales durante la era de las revoluciones: la centralidad de las mujeres Andres Bonito
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.42


Los movimientos migratorios entre las dos orillas del Atlántico han sido de gran relevancia, tanto por su cantidad como por su heterogeneidad, desde el momento en que estos territorios entraron en contacto. El flujo constante de personas, así como de bienes e ideas en este ambiente oceánico, hizo que en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII los círculos republicanos ingleses y estadounidenses estrecharan sus lazos, con algunas mujeres como destacadas activistas. La escritora inglesa Catharine Macaulay (1731-1791), además de escribir sobre los hechos cruciales del momento, cruzó el océano con el deseo de estar cerca y vivirlos en primera persona. Por otra parte, por intereses comunes, mantuvo una intensa relación epistolar durante más de veinte años con la escritora estadounidense Mercy Otis Warren (1728-1814). A pesar de las limitaciones que encontraron en áreas mayoritariamente masculinas, como la historia y la política, el aporte de estas mujeres no se limitó al apoyo esperado, sino que sus inquietudes quedaron reflejadas en algunos escritos importantes para la causa republicana. A pesar de ello y paradójicamente, estos movimientos revolucionarios no produjeron cambios significativos en la situación y los derechos de las mujeres.
Nurses' Experience in Providing Excellent Service to Patients Very Important Person at Panti Nirmala Hospital Antina Atik; Katmini
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.43


Service is the best service provided by hospital employees to meet or even exceed the expectations of hospital service users. With the increasing demands of patients and families, hospitals must provide quality, fast, and professional services, especially for nurses who are 24 hours with patients. Excellent service is needed because it has an impact on patient and family satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of nurses in providing excellent service to VIP patients at Panti Nirmala Hospital. This phenomenological qualitative study involved 15 nurses who worked in the VIP room, the sampling technique used purposive sampling to select informant according to the inclusion criteria of the nurses in the VIP room who had more than 5 until 10 years of experience, were able to communicate and speak Indonesian and were willing to become informant. The data were collected by in-depth interviews for 30-60 minutes with the researcher as the main instrument. The transcribed interview results were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. The results obtained 6 themes, namely the character of VIP patients facilitating the assessment process, the patient's critical thinking pattern requires nurses to be more careful in implementing actions, active client communication patterns require nurses to be more communicative, nurses are required to look attractive, nurses are required to provide excellent service, and the complexity of the challenges in caring for VIP patients. In the application of nursing care to VIP patients, nurses are required to provide more performance and improve therapeutic communication. And it is suggested that in improving the quality of nursing services, it is necessary to increase cognitive abilities and soft skills related to service excellence.

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