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ENDLESS : International Journal of Future Studies
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Focus & Scope ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies is a globally-oriented, trans-disciplinary refereed journal. Its mission is to develop high-quality, future-oriented research and thinking, based on the evolving knowledge base of Futures Studies / Foresight. The Journal’s approach is: - Trans-disciplinary; - Epistemologically diverse, seeking articles from empirical, interpretative, critical and action learning research traditions, and; - Multi-methods based, including, for example, methods such as emerging issues analysis, scenario and alternative futures development and analysis, age-cohort analysis, causal layered analysis, visioning and backcasting. As well as refereed articles, the Journal publishes essays, book reviews, symposia, and art on the following topics: - Epistemologically focused futures studies on the construction of possible, probable and preferable futures; - Methodological innovation in futures studies, including not only integrated, layered, and critical approaches, but also empirical, interpretive, or action-learning based approaches; - Applied Futures (for example, case studies in using and practicing futures thinking for organizational change, development, and transformation); - Alternative futures on a variety of subjects (see topic categories below). ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies, Futures, Foresight, Technological Forecasting, and Social Change, The European Journal of Futures Research, World Future Review, On the Horizon) as well as futures material contained in books, monographs, other field related journals, including visual resources and web resources. Editors strongly advise authors to cite at least two or more works in the futures field: Social sciences, Law, Economics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Marine, Agriculture, Materials, Life sciences, Education, Physics, Geography, Biology, Medicine, Power, History, Chemistry, Atmosphere, Mechanics, Geology, Technology, Applied sciences.
Articles 250 Documents
Improvement of Small and Medium Businesses Through the Utilization of Good Human Resources Management Alifian Nugraha; Avid Leonardo Sari; Irwandi
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.44


The importance of national development to improve the quality of people’s lives is quite essential because the welfare of its people indeed measures the development of a country. One of the steps to improve this welfare is to improve the quality of SMEs. Enhancing SMEs’ quality can be implemented by utilizing good human resource management. This study aims to see how the state operates human resource management to be able to increase SMEs owned by the community. This research will be carried out using various data obtained from the results of the study and previous studies that are still related to this research. This study found that weak human resource management often causes SMEs to be afraid to use new technologies, so their development is relatively slow. With the government’s intervention in improving the management of existing human resources, it is hoped that SMEs in Indonesia can develop quite quickly.
Comportamiento, Actitudes Y Prácticas Alimentarias Y Nutricionales En Mujeres Embarazadas. Pamplona Alta, Red Sjm-Vmt. Desa II. Lima-Sur, Perú Jose Selva Suarez
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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Introducción.- El bajo consumo de alimentos, la anemia y las frecuentes infecciones durante el embarazo son causas de desnutrición materna; por eso es importante conocer actitudes y prácticas durante el embarazo para diseñar mensajes a favor de la nutrición de la gestante. Objetivo.- Contar con una línea básica de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de las gestantes de Ollantay (zona suburbana pobre) que nos permita realizar intervenciones educativas. Método.- Se aplicaron 156 encuestas, divididas en 6 ejes: (i) datos generales; (ii) conocimientos sobre nutrición; (iii) actitudes nutricionales; (iv) prácticas nutricionales; (v) otros alimentos; (vi) hábitos. Resultados.- El estudio se realizó en el año 2006. El 86% sabe que debe tomar leche, sin embargo solo el 35% la toma todos los días; el 33%, dos o tres veces por semana y el 27%, algunas veces. el 85% sabe que debe tomar sulfato ferroso; El 91% que deben consumir 3 comidas principales y 1 merienda. El 59% sabe qué alimentos facilitan la absorción del hierro y el 47% cuáles son ricos en hierro. Huevo: el 44% lo consume alguna vez, el 38% dos o tres veces por semana y el 13%, todos los días. El 58% consume pollo asado, el 30% hamburguesa, el 79% helado, el 56% tortas y dulces, el 66% gaseosas. Conclusiones.- Las mujeres embarazadas saben cuántas comidas al día deben realizar. El medio sabe qué alimentos son ricos en hierro y cuáles facilitan su absorción. Los alimentos ricos en hierro no son de su agrado. Un alto porcentaje tiene malos hábitos de alimentación. Los alimentos ricos en proteínas son poco consumidos por las mujeres embarazadas.
Estrés laboral y factores de riesgo psicosocial Ivan Dominik
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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La resolución 2646 de 2008 tiene como objetivo dar los parámetros en la identificación de los riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo, este como producto del estrés laboral, este artículo presenta de manera concisa y comprensible para el trabajador en general, el significado de los factores de riesgo psicosocial y las repercusiones que éstos pueden tener en su salud. El Ministerio de Protección incluye las patologías derivadas del estrés laboral en el cuadro de Enfermedades Profesionales, y para ello se apoya en el protocolo para determinar el origen de las patologías derivadas del estrés y en la batería de instrumentos para evaluar los factores de riesgo psicosocial y contribuir a la toma de decisiones de los profesionales del trabajo en la determinación del origen de las enfermedades derivadas del estrés, ya sean de origen común o profesional. Para este caso, las empresas deberán destinar recursos humanos y económicos para la identificación, evaluación, prevención, intervención y seguimiento de dichos riesgos psicolaborales, es responsabilidad del empleador velar por la salud de sus trabajadores, incumpliendo lo establecido por la el Ministerio será sancionado de conformidad con lo dispuesto en los incisos a y c del artículo 91 del Decreto - Ley 1295 de 1994
Political Orientation of Women Legislative Candidates in the 2019 Election: A Case Study of Elected Women Legislative Members of Padang City Riri Izzatul Farmila; Indah Adi Putri; Jendrius
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.49


The purpose of this study is to analyze the political orientation of 6 female legislative candidates who were elected in the 2019 election in Padang City using the political orientation theory by Almond & Verba which consists of cognitive political orientation, affective orientation, and evaluative orientation. This research is a qualitative research with data collection through direct interviews with female legislators in the city of Padang. Cognitive political orientation in which female legislators of the city of Padang conveyed the importance of the political parties that nominate, this was proven by several female legislators of the city of Padang. The number of female legislative members of the City is 6 people, in political orientation there are several ways that the female legislators of the City of Padang have. Affective political orientation is a feeling towards the political system, its roles, actors and appearances that make a person accept or reject a political system. The political orientation of the female legislators of the City of Padang is how to believe in the community that we are able to convey the aspirations of the community and can solve the problems that the community complains about. Evaluative political orientation Decisions and opinions about political objects that typically involve a combination of value standards and criteria with information and feelings. Affective orientation talks about women's feelings towards political aspects. While the evaluative component talks about the assessment of the political system and its parts. From the results of interviews with researchers, in general, the 6 female legislative members of Padang City who were elected had 3 political orientations, namely cognitive, affective, and evaluative. The tendency of affective orientation is reflected in statements of liking or disliking that say or show women's political parties based on the fulfillment of only 30% quotas. The tendency of evaluative orientation is the ability to evaluate the process that is being implemented, namely the election process and the process as a member of the legislature.
Communication, Resources, and Dispositional of Implementation Minister of Health Regulations Pudentiana Rr. R. E.; Ita Astit Karmawati; Ita Yulita; Eka A.
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.51


From the perspective of George C. Edward III's research in Policy Implementation Research, this study examines how the Permenkes (Factor Communications, Resources, and Disposition) and related theories are implemented from the perspective of a researcher. The Executive Officer of the Department of Dental Health in 18 polytechnics in Indonesia was interviewed using primary data in a cross-sectional descriptive study. The Head of the Department/KAJUR and the Secretary of the Department/JKG were present for each data gathering. Sample data is collected using a nonprobability sampling approach. SPSS version 17 Complex Sample was used to analyze the data. Chi-square and multiple linear regression are used to analyze the data. The statistical tests revealed that none of the factors gathered throughout the communication process had a statistically significant relationship with the implementation. 1192/MENKES/PER/X/2004 is also a consideration in terms of resources and disposition. Lester and Stewart Jr. say that implementation is both a process and a result (output). Regardless of whether or not the aims are reached, the implementation of a policy can be judged or observed by the process and its outcomes (results). This is not dissimilar to what Merrile Grindle expresses. In addition, the results of the correlation test show that the three independent variables have a strong link and a favorable pattern of interaction. Communication requires gaining essential resources, creating strong relationships, and discovering positive patterned variables that have the disposition of a stand/disposition correctly, and it will increasingly be achieved through policy implementation.
Improving Ability in Reading the Qur’an for Students at Hidayatullah TPA Bogor Through the Art of Learning the Qur’an with the Tilawati Method Rustamaji
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.52


This research will be carried out to know how to implement the tilawati method for students at TPA Hidayatullah Bogor in studying the Qur’an and various factors that influence this implementation process. This research was carried out using various data obtained from various research results and previous studies related to this research. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the increased learning of the Qur’an through the tilawati method for the students at the Hidayatullah TPA went quite smoothly. This success is due to the good understanding possessed by the teachers in implementing this tilawati method, sufficient supporting facilities and infrastructure, adequate time allocation, and a fairly conducive environment for learning so that the students possess a spirit to be able to learn Al-Qur’an well through this tilawati method.
Crisis Handling and Conflict Resolution in Papuan and Local Communities in Demonstration Cases Commemorating the 2019 New York Agreement Habibi Za’idatul Ma’muriyah; Maulina Pia Wulandari; Bambang Dwi Prasetyo
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.53


Conflicts and crises are situations that cannot be predicted, can come at any time, and cannot be avoided, so crises management actions and conflict resolution are needed from demonstration conflicts to commemorate the New York Agreement in August 2019 in Malang City. The situation that occurs is a government crisis situation that requires conflict resolution and crisis management by Malang City so that crises and conflicts can be muted so that they do not continue. The research to see how Malang City handles this crisis and conflict resolution uses a constructivist paradigm with a qualitative research type. This study aims to find strategies to reduce crises and reduce ongoing conflicts. The method of data collection carried out in this study was an interview with the Public Relations of Malang City Government, supported by data collection, which was carried out through documentation. The Apologia theory and the conflict theory used in this study show that Malang City uses the deny strategy, conciliation strategy, transcendence strategy, and bolstering strategy. Malang City Government also conducts negotiations and acts with the Papuan people who live in Malang, so the strategies used are conflict resolution and crisis management strategies that produce win-win solutions so that conflicts are reduced and not prolonged.
Implementation of the Peer Tutor Model as an Effort to Increase the Effectiveness of Reading and Writing the Qur'an Titih Rohilah
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.54


This study's objective was to assess the application of the peer tutor model in an effort to improve the capacity to read and write the Qur'an. This study employs a qualitative case study methodology. This research utilizes both primary and secondary data types. Observations and interviews with research respondents provided preliminary data for this study, which was done at State Senior High School 1 Cilaku, Cianjur district using the peer tutor approach. The Qur'an Reading and Writing Program with a peer tutor model implemented at the State Senior High School 1 Cilaku, Cianjur, was considered successful because it showed a significant change in students' ability to read the Qur'an. Those who initially were not fluent in reading the Qur'an, slowly but surely, their ability to read and write the Qur'an increased. This can be seen from their attendance list (who often attend Qur'an Reading and Writing, progress is also fast) compared to before participating in the Qur'an Reading and Writing program or those who rarely attend Qur'an Reading and Writing (because of permission or illness).
Training in Simulation of Marriage Contract Processes for State Vocational School Students (SMKN) 1 Cikalongkulon During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Islamic Religious Education Practices in School Ai Didah Hamidah
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.55


This research was carried out to conduct a marriage simulation for students of SMK Negeri 1 Cikalongkulon during the COVID-19 pandemic on Islamic religious education at their school. This research was carried out using a qualitative approach using data sources derived from previous research and studies that are still relevant to this research. The results of this study help reach the broader community in providing marriage education and forming synergy between Islamic universities and the community. The simulation carried out on the practice of marriage, especially in terms of fulfilling the administration and marriage contracts, is very urgent in the general public, especially young people and parents who want to carry out marriages. The high enthusiasm of the community and the effectiveness of the simulation carried out by facilitating students made this activity quite an impression to be continued on a broader stage.
Implementation of Public Service Quality Improvement Policies in the Framework of the Bureaucratic Reform Program within the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Pribadi Jatmiko; Eko Prasojo
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i1.56


Indonesian Armed Forces or TNI is military organization that has main task and function to conduct national deffence to grant sense of security to people. Beside that, as goverment institution TNI to be charged to implement government policy of enhancement of public service quality. Enhancement of public service quality is part of bureaucracy reform or administration reform agenda through Eight Area Reform Program. The aim of the study is to analyze how TNI interpret this policy by using the variable implementation of contens and contex policy theory. The methode of this reasearch is qulitative with a post-positivst approuch. Collecting data was conducted by in- depth interview, study document and literature review. The site of research is in Indonesian Army or TNI AD which is the biggest part of Indonesian Armed Forces. Analyzing data was done by reduction, presentation, conclution and verification. The research showed that the enhancement of public service quality in contex of TNI is not significanly developed. The actors of implementation in TNI facing obstacle to understand and to interpret language, naration and terminology of this policy which is formulated tend to civil organization. They experienced dificulty to find out the equivalent terminology in TNI operational unit.

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