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ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL (E-ISSN: 2747-1934) is a journal published by the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Banking State Islamic Institute of Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung. This journal first published in 2020 (electronic edition) to facilitate the publication of research, articles, and book review about Islamic family law. The Journal issued biannually in June and December.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
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Internalisasi Nilai Keadilan dan Kesetaraan Gender dalam Hukum Keluarga Islam (Sebuah Strategi Pembangunan Indonesia Emas Berkelanjutan 2045) Firqah Annajiyah Mansyuroh; A Hashfi Luthfi
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v3i02.2755


In line with Indonesia's Golden Vision 2045, many aspects must be considered, including gender equality and awareness. Until now, the level of gender equality in Indonesia is still low. Islam is often the scapegoat in the issue of gender equality in the family and society in Indonesia. Whereas in the Compilation of Islamic Law it is clear that the values of justice and gender equality should be the reference for Indonesian society. This paper wants to explain that the internalization of the values of justice and gender equality in Islamic family law can be one of the development strategies of Indonesia Gold for Sustainable 2045. It can be concluded that KHI is sufficient to show equality between men and women in family life and apply it in everyday life, becoming the key to Indonesia's development.
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v3i02.2756


The judicial system in Indonesia has recognized mediation as an alternative dispute resolution. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia through Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) Number 01 of 2016 concerning Mediation Procedures in Courts has integrated mediation into the proceedings in court. as an instrument to overcome the accumulation of cases. This mediation is applied as part of the event in civil cases in the religious courts and general courts. All civil disputes submitted to the court of first intance must first be resolved throught reconciliation with the help of a mediator, namely a neutral party who assists the parties in the negotiation process in order to seek various possible dispute resolitions without resorting to a way of deciding or completing a case settlement. This study uses a normative juridical approach by using data collection techniques through library research methods. The results of this study is factors that influence the success of mediation include the disputing parties, the problem that causes the dispute and the quality of the third party or mediator.
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v3i02.2757


Pencatatan perkawinan seringkali ditentang dan dianggap tidak penting dalam pelaksanaan perkawinan. Bahkan muncul istilah “sah secara negara” dan “sah secara agama”. Istilah pertama merujuk kepada pengertian bahwa perkawinan tersebut telah dilaksanakan dengan memenuhi ketentuan agama dan telah dicatatkan di Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA), sedangkan istilah kedua ditujukan untuk perkawinan yang memenuhi ketentuan agama namun tidak dicatatkan. Adanya pemisahan antara kedua hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pencatatan perkawinan dianggap sebagai hal yang baru, tidak ada di masa nabi, dan tidak ada nash yang mewajibkannya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjawab anggapan tersebut, bahwa pencatatan perkawinan ternyata memiliki dasar hukum yang kuat dan seharusnya tidak dianggap sebelah mata, dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah. Pendekatan sejarah ini digunakan untuk memahami konteks sosial, zaman, dan tempat ketika nas muncul. Dengan itu kita dapat mengetahui dalam keadaan seperti apa nas muncul serta kemudian dapat mengontekstualisasikannya ke dalam kehidupan di masa kini. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa sebagai bentuk dari kemajuan zaman dan mundurnya tingkat amanah masyarakat, dimana suatu hal yang dapat dianggap sebagai bukti adalah hitam di atas putih (tertulis), maka pencatatan perkawinan mutlak diperlukan. Oleh karena itu, pencatatan perkawinan dapat disejajarkan dengan saksi dan walimahan yang merupakan syarat dan rukun perkawinan. Kewajiban adanya saksi berdasarkan pada perintah nas asli, sedangkan keharusan mencatatkan perkawinan merupakan kontekstualisasi sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman.
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v3i02.2772


This article is aimed to examine the effectiveness of the prospective bride and groom course policy in reducing the divorce rate in the work area of ​​the Office of Religious Affairs, Tanjung Bantu District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the implementation of the prospective bride and groom course policy at the KUA Tanjung Batu District has been running since the issuance of the regulation although its implementation is still not optimal due to the lack of human resources, lack of facilities and lack of funds. Furthermore, the effect of the implementation of the prospective bride and groom course policy (suscatin) at the KUA Tanjung Batu District has had a positive influence in efforts to form a prosperous family and reduce the divorce rate in the KUA working area of ​​Tanjung Batu District as evidenced by the low percentage of complaints about divorce in the KUA Tanjung Batu District and the low percentage of cases going to the Kayu Agung Religious Court, but with improved facilities and maximum implementation the positive impact will be more visible and felt.
Memahami Pencatatan Perkawinan di Indonesia dalam Paradigma Hukum Islam Kontemporer Muhammad Aziz; Athoillah Islamy
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v3i02.2776


The phenomenon of unregistered marriages is still rampant in Indonesia. Regardless of the various reasons that trigger it, empirical facts show that unregistered marriages cause many legal problems, both for the life of the family concerned, society and the state.This quality research in the form of a literature review intends to re-understand the existence of marriage registration in the Islamic legal paradigm through the contemporary sharia maqasid approach conceptualized by Jasser Auda. This research uses a normative-philosophical approach. Primary data of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage and compilation of Islamic Law. Data collection techniques through documentation techniques. Meanwhile, data analysis through reduction, presentation, and verification. The results showed that the construction of the paradigm of marriage registration rules in Indonesia is in line with the contemporary Islamic legal paradigm that emphasizes holistic legal arguments, namely involving various perspectives, both normative, social, buddhist, developmental and state regulations for the realization of the benefit of marital life. The results showed that the construction of the paradigm of marriage registration rules in Indonesia is in line with the contemporary Islamic legal paradigm that emphasizes holistic legal arguments, namely involving various perspectives, both normative, social, buddhist, developmental and state regulations for the realization of the benefit of marital life. This can be proven through the various paradigms of system philosophy features elaborated by Jasser Auda as a contemporary sharia maqasid approach. The theoretical implication of this research is that a holistic Islamic legal paradigm is needed, namely through multi-perspectives, not a monolithic paradigm in understanding the implications of the benefits of marriage registration rules. The limitations of this study have not examined the Islamic legal arguments of Islamic religious leaders in Indonesia who tend to be apathetic or permissive to the phenomenon of marriage without being registered in society.

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