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Aisyah Pratiwi
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EEdJ: English Education Journal
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
Aim: EEdJ: English Education Journal publishes a majoring of multidisciplinary educational scientific articles in English language teaching, language teaching and learning, language teaching methodologies, pedagogical techniques, teaching and curricular practices, curriculum development and teaching methods, program, syllabus, and materials design, second and foreign language teaching and learning, language education, teacher education and professional development, teacher training, cross-cultural studies, bilingual and multilingual education, translation, language teaching for specific purposes, new technologies in language teaching, and testing and evaluation. Articles can be in the format of a of a research report, conceptual paradigm, or book review. Scope: EEdJ: English Education Journal welcomes papers about theory, method, and research in: English Education; English Teaching and Learning; Curriculum Development; Material Design; English for Specific Purposes; Cross-Cultural Understanding; Technology in Language Learning; Teaching and Learning Evaluation.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Vol. 2, No. 2 (October 2022)" : 5 Documents clear
The Effectiveness of Journalist Questions Technique on Teaching Writing Aisyah Pratiwi; Zeli Wahyuni; Indrawati Indrawati
EEdJ: English Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Vol. 2, No. 2 (October 2022)
Publisher : English Education Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/eedj.v2i2.2741


The aim of this study was to find out the significant difference of the skill in writing of recount text between the students who were taught by using Journalist Questions Technique and those who were not. In this study, the researcher used quantitative approach with quasi experimental design which was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang in academic year 2021/2022. The researcher used purposive sampling technique and two classes were taken as samples, while the samples of this study were 77 students. The result of the test was analyzed by using statistical analysis of Paired sample t-test and Independent sample t-test. The finding showed that the students who taught by using Journalist Questions Technique got higher score than those who taught by non using Journalist Questions Technique. It could be seen from the result of the mean score of post-test in the experimental group was higher (85.68) than the mean score in the control group (80.00). Furthermore, the result of independent sample t-test stated that t-obtained (3.605) was higher than critical value of t-table (2.00) and the p-output or the significant (2-tailed) was 0.001, lower than computation with significant level 0.05. Thus, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted, while the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Therefore, there was a significant difference between who were taught by using Journalist Question Technique and the students who were not.. In conclusion, Journalist Questions Technique has a moderate effect in improving students’ writing ability.
The Correlation Between Teacher’s Strategies and Reading Comprehension Achievement of the Tenth Grade Students of SMKN 4 Pangkalpinang 2020/2021 Dody Sugiarto; Hena Oktaliana Nur Imani
EEdJ: English Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Vol. 2, No. 2 (October 2022)
Publisher : English Education Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/eedj.v2i2.2748


The objective of this study was to find out the teacher’s strategies, the personality differences between male and female students, the students’ reading achievement, and the correlation between students' personality and their achievement in reading at the tenth grade students of SMKN 4 Pangkalpinang. Furthermore, the limitation of this study were 1) the purpose of reading focused on reading to search for simple information, reading to learn from texts, and reading for general comprehension, 2) type of reading was intensive reading, extensive reading. The research method used was quantitative with a correlational design. The population of this study was 2 classes consisting of 33 students at the tenth grade of SMKN 4 Pangkalpin ang. The data were analyzed by using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. The result showed that the ????????????(0.945) was higher compared to ???????????????????????? at significant level 5% (0.344). Thus, the alternative hypothesis (????????) was accepted and null hypothesis (????????) was rejected. Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between teacher’s strategies and their achievement in reading. In conclusion, teacher’s strategies influenced their achievement in reading.
Students’ Perception of English Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic ihda husnayaini; Dzihan Salsabila
EEdJ: English Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Vol. 2, No. 2 (October 2022)
Publisher : English Education Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/eedj.v2i2.2774


This study was aimed to obtain the students’ perception towards English online learning during Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, especially in a private junior high school in Bangka province. The research method used in this study was a descriptive research design with a quantitative approach. The data were obtained with an interview, questionnaire, and documentation. The subject of this study were 34 members of eighth-grade students in Dendang village. especially in English subject. Based on the analysis of the data did by the researcher, the researcher found that learning English through online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic got positive perceptions in the aspect of the dimension of teaching material with 16 respondents strongly agreed at the highest percentage of 47.1%, the dimension of atmosphere/environment with 17 respondents strongly agreed at the highest percentage of 50%, the students’ interaction with 18 respondents strongly agreed at the highest percentage of 53%, and the benefits of learning English through online learning with 21 respondents strongly agreed at the highest percentage of 61.77%. Thus, it concluded that the students perceived that they can adjust the learning process to all aspects contained in the online learning process.
Using Team Assisted Individualization Method to Improve Students’ Writing Skill Utin Mutia; Deby Mariska
EEdJ: English Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Vol. 2, No. 2 (October 2022)
Publisher : English Education Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/eedj.v2i2.2775


The aim of this study was to know the implementation of Team Assisted Individualization Method in improving students’ skill in Writing Skill of Recount text and to find out the significant difference of the skill in Writing of recount text between the students by using Team Assisted Individualization and those who are not. The subject of this study were the students of eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Kelapa in academic year 2021/2022. In this study, the researcher used quantitative approach with quasi-experimental design. The population of the research are the students among the eight grade of SMPN 4 Kelapa which consist of 53 students. and the sample is the class VIII grade students which also consist of 53 students. Based on the fact, it could be concluded that there was a significant difference between the samples significantly, and Team Assisted Individualization improved the students’ skill in Writing of recount text. Therefore, the result of this study is expected to contribute to the development of the process of English teaching and learning, epecially for teaching and learning writing skill.
Using Extending Concept through Language Activities (ECOLA) Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill Riyadi Pratama; Supiah Wagiyo; Priyanggo Karunia Rahman
EEdJ: English Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Vol. 2, No. 2 (October 2022)
Publisher : English Education Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/eedj.v2i2.2778


The objective of this study was to find out whether there is a significant difference in students’ reading comprehension between the experimental and the control group. The sample of this study were taken from two classes of the second year of a private high school in Bangka Belitung province. This study is an experimental study with quasi-experimental design. The data were collected through Observation and Test. They were then analyzed by using T-Test.The result showed that the rxy (17.16) was higher compared to rtable at significant level (0.432). Thus, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. Furthermore, there was a significant difference between students’ reading skill of the experimental class and those of the control one. In conclusion, the students’ reading comprehension in narrative text has been improved by using Extending Concept through Language Activities.

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