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Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
ISSN : 26846993     EISSN : 26565234     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy, Education,
Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation): an open access journal to publish research results in the fields of economics and education. Managed and published by the Economic Education Study Program, Insan Budi Utomo University, with ISSN Numbers: P-ISSN 2684-9663 and E-ISSN 2656-5234. This journal is published three times a year; in April, August and December. The scope of this journal: Economic Education, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Entrepreneurship.
Articles 8 Documents
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Pengaruh Term of Payment terhadap Customer Loyalty dengan Electronic Word of Mouth sebagai Variabel Moderating Ufi Rumefi
Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Insan Budi Utomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/ecoducation.v3i2.1320


This research was conducted to find out and explain the influence of Term of Payment dependent variables on independent variable Customer Loyalty with Electronic Word of Mouth as moderating variable. Samples in this study were customers of UD SUMBER AGUNG which amounted to 37 respondents, the research method used is quantitatively described with a tool SPSS.16 aids, the results of the study showed nillai t sig. the effect of Term of Payment on Customer Loyalty before moderating test of 0.000 is less than 0.05 this means that Term of Payment affects Customer Loyalty before moderating test for percentage of R-Squares effect of Term of Payment on Customer Loyalty of 57.3% the remaining 42.7% is influenced by other variables such as: complaint handling and good quality product. The test result of t. sig variable Term of Payment to Customer Loyalty after moderating with Electronic Word of Mouth as moderating variable is AbsX1_X2 (0.789>0.05) this explains that Electronic Word of Mouth as moderating variable is not able to strengthen the relationship between X to Y.
Ekonomi Industri Pertahanan: Konsep Dual-Use Technologies (Spin On & Spin Off) Sebagai Upaya Percepatan Kemandirian Industri Pertahanan Indonesia Endro Tri Susdarwono
Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Insan Budi Utomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/ecoducation.v3i2.1347


The purpose of this study discusses the concept of dual-use technologies (spin on and spin off) in an effort to accelerate the economic independence of the Indonesian defense industry. This research is a qualitative research, the type of research uses a comprehensive analytical study and analytical normative approach. The development of defense technology in addition to aiming at production independence that can compete with other countries' products, must also provide a multiplier effect. The strategy is clear: optimize the added value of the defense industry. To that end, the first step that must be taken is to encourage import substitution for the defense industry and, after the industry develops, the final step is to commercialize or spin off the spillover effect or defense industry multiplier effect in the form of products that can be used for civil benefit. Defense provides a direct advantage of technology and its influence on other sectors, where the spin-off is used by the civil sector which can increase growth. In developing countries, defense spending can increase growth if some portion of expenditure is used for the provision of social infrastructure. Defense spending provides protection for citizens, where internal and external security will increase exchange in the market.
An Analysis of Online Model Learning in Educational Seminar Courses at IKIP Budi Utomo Hermina Noviana Hoar; Novi Eko Prasetyo; Titik Purwati; Deni Nugroho Setyabudi
Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Insan Budi Utomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/ecoducation.v3i2.1368


Corona virus (covid) has disrupted the learning process directly. So the government has issued regulations to maintain distance and social distancing. So a solution is needed to answer this problem. Online learning is one way to solve this problem. The objectives of this study are 1) To determine the implementation of the application of online learning models in educational seminar courses. 2) To find out what obstacles are the problems in the online model learning process in seminar courses. 3) To find out the development of online learning in educational seminar courses. 4) to find out the skill aspect in online model learning in educational seminar courses at IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. The research subjects are lecturers of educational seminar subjects and students of the 2018 economic education study program class A and B IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis technique. Analysis of research data obtained from the process of searching and compiling systematically, data obtained from observations, interviews and the field, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, conclusions and verification. The results of the study show that (1) the implementation of the application of online model learning in the educator seminar course has been effective; (2) the obstacles that become problems in the online learning process in educational seminar courses are the internet network, communication between lecturers and students, lack of effectiveness and time efficiency, lack of enthusiasm of students in understanding the material; (3) students are able to make proposals and journals and then able to carry out educational seminars online.
An Analysis of the Effectiveness and Contribution of Regional Original Revenue for Regional Expenditures in Magelang Regency 2015-2019 Jaka Prasetya; Nuwun Priyono
Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Insan Budi Utomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/ecoducation.v3i2.1369


The purpose of this research is to observe in detail related to how the level of effectiveness and contribution of Regional Original Income (PAD) to Regional Expenditures in Magelang Regency in 2015 - 2019. The data used by researchers in conducting this research is secondary data. which comes from a review of the financial information of the Regional Government of Magelang Regency in the 2015-2019 period. This study uses descriptive methods or rules. This study produces several findings which state that the Magelang Regency Government in realizing Regional Original Income in the 2015-2019 period has been considered very effective with the calculation results of an average effectiveness rate of 109.56%. While the PAD contribution to Regional Expenditures remains low because, on average, the rate of contribution (contribution) is only 15.05%.
The Development of Problem Solving-Based Learning Modules on Economic Activity Materials for Class VII Students of Marsudi Siwi Catholic Junior High School Teodorus Dangga Wewu; Melisa Wahyu Fandyansari; Heru Sofian
Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Insan Budi Utomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/ecoducation.v3i2.1370


Modules are forms of teaching materials that are made in detail with standard language and understood by students, according to age and student learning abilities, so that the level of independent learning can be increased and followed by teacher guidance Responding to the lack of teaching materials, currently it is necessary to use learning models to improve students' learning abilities and can add insight or knowledge that is not boring for students. The right teaching materials in overcoming students' boredom include learning resources in the form of teaching materials. Problem Solving is a teaching and learning activity that scientifically students can think critically, and find solutions in solving a problem. The main purpose of this learning research is to investigate and solve a problem as well as master the learning objectives and be independent in teaching and learning activities in solving problems in learning activities. The type of research used in this research is development research with a Problem Solving approach. This research was conducted for two months starting from February 22, 2021 to April 22, 2021. Based on the results of the research, the results of the presentation of the module developed got a score of 93.47% from material experts and 83.92% from media experts. Based on the results of presentations from media experts and material experts, the developed module is feasible to use.
The Development of Comics as Social Studies Learning Media in International Trade Materials for Class VIII SMP Putra Bernadus Banilo; Yulita Pujiharti
Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Insan Budi Utomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/ecoducation.v3i2.1383


This study aims to develop comics as a medium of learning with the subject matter of international trade for class VIII SMP. The approach used is research and development (R & D). This research method is mixed methods design. The subjects in this study were students of SMP 'Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and observation. The comic developed refers to the stages of development by Thiagarajan (1974) namely the development of a modified 4D model according to research needs. The results of the study show that thelearning media is comic very feasible to be applied in social studies learning with the subject of international trade for class VIII SMP. Quantitatively, the assessment of the material expert is (3.27) with a very valid category. The expert assessment is based on the suitability of the curriculum, the truth of the content and the method of presenting the material is included in the very valid category), and the media expert's assessment obtained a score of (3.20) with a very valid category. The media expert's assessment is based on considerations of visual design, language in the media and the quality of graphics, the score (3.20) is in the very valid category. Meanwhile, the student response sheets that were distributed to measure the level of attractiveness ofmedia comics received a response of 84.5% with a very good category. However, the pilot phase in this study could not be carried out as a whole, this was caused by the constraints experienced by the researchers. The percentage level of attractiveness of the media obtained from the student response sheets shows that the learning media for comics is in a very good category, which means that the learning media for comics is effectively used in the subject matter of international trade for class VIII SMP. Qualitatively,media comics as learning media on the subject of international trade are able to attract students' attention to study, facilitate student learning, and assist students in relating international trade material to everyday events.
The Development of Canva as an Economic Learning Media at Tholabie Islamic Boarding School Malang Siti Kholifa Amini; Yulita Pujiharti
Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Insan Budi Utomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/ecoducation.v3i2.1384


This study aims to develop Canva as a learning medium with the main subject of economics, namely consumer households for class VIII SMP. The approach used is research and development (R%D). The research method taken is Mixed methods design. The subjects in this study were students of SMP Pondok Pesantren Tholabie Malang. Data collection techniques used by researchers are observations and questionnaires. Canva is developed using the ADDIE development model that has been modified by researchers. The results showed that the Canva learning video media was feasible to be used and applied in economic learning with the subject matter of consumer households for class VIII SMP Pondok Pesantren Tholabie. The researcher uses descriptive quantitative data analysis techniques and shows the assessment of media experts (4.75) with proper and valid categories. This assessment is based on the presentation of material, language, and graphics in writing. In the assessment of material experts (5.0) with a very valid and very feasible category. This assessment is based on the presentation of the material, language, and graphics in writing the content of the material. The researcher also received a response from students of 77% which could be categorized as worthy. The results of these student responses are distributed to obtain results and measure the validity and achievement of students. In this study, researchers were only able to retrieve data online online using the google form as a data collection tool, this was due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the PPKM. The result of data analysis that has been owned by the researcher shows that the percentage level is in a feasible and valid category, this means that Canva's learning video media is effective for use in Tholabie Islamic Boarding School Junior High School.
The Influence of Learning Environment and Learning Motivation on Learning Achievement in Economics Subject Class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Satap Aesesa Asterius Yoseph Polo; Miftah Rakhmadian; Putri Vina Sefaverdiana
Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Economic and Education Journal (Ecoducation)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas Insan Budi Utomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/ecoducation.v3i2.1797


Any school at all levels, from the lowest to the highest, expects that every student who studies at the school can obtain satisfactory achievements. If this can be realized, it is a matter of pride for students and for the school. Learning achievement is changes in knowledge and understanding, as well as values, attitudes and skills possessed by students after they are involved or experience the learning process. Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers on February 10, 2020 at the State Junior High School (SMP) Satap 2 Aesesa, it showed that the learning achievement of class VIII students in terms of the Final Semester Assessment (PAS) 1 economics subjects was still unsatisfactory, because the majority of the average grades the average class is still below the Minimum Learning Completeness Criteria (KKM) set by the teacher. This study aims to analyze the effect of the learning environment, learning motivation, on learning achievement. The sampling technique used is random sampling. The main data analysis technique used to test the research hypothesis is using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are the independent learning environment variable has a positive and significant influence on the learning achievement variable. The independent learning motivation variable also has a positive and significant influence on the learning achievement variable on learning achievement. These two variables together also have a positive influence on learning achiev ement with a percentage of 53.6%, while the rest is influenced by other factors not included in this study

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