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Ahmad Shofiyuddin Ichsan
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Quranic Edu
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28092481     DOI : 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.526
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education (E-ISSN 2809-2481) is a national journal published by the Faculty of Tarbiyah Institut Ilmu Al Qur’an (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta, posted twice a year on February and August. The journal focuses its scope on the issues of Islamic Education. We invite scholars, scientists, researchers, teachers, as well as profesionals in the field of Islamic Education to publish their researches in our journal.
Articles 7 Documents
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Edupreneurship untuk Mewujudkan Madrasah Mandiri Berprestasi melalui Pendirian Badan Usaha Anis Sulkhan Fadlil
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.526


Madrasah independence must always be pursued both in relation to attitudes (soft skills) and funding. As an alternative solution, edupreneurship which is interpreted as entrepreneurship education or entrepreneurship in the education sector needs to be presented to bridge this problem. MI Ma'arif Garongan implements the edupreneurship concept by creating a Madrasah-Owned Enterprise (BUMM) in the form of a minimarket called MIMAGA MART. The existence of MIMAGA MART has had a significant impact both on madrasah finances in general, improving salaries for honorary teachers and educational services. The aim of preparing this paper is to examine the steps towards madrasah independence and its impact on madrasahs. The preparation method used is qualitative research with a focus on literature study and field study. The sample used was madrasa heads by collecting data through interviews and field studies. The data that has been collected is then processed using content analysis. This paper concludes that of the many edupreneurship implementations, the establishment of Madrasah-Owned Enterprises (BUMM) is quite effective and realistic to implement in realizing madrasa independence.
Peningkatan Critical Thinking Mahasiswa dalam Mata Kuliah Akhlak Tasawuf melalui Pendekatan Problem Based Learning pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Bantul A. Badaruddin; Muh Subhan Ashari
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.631


This research aimed to analyze in improving students' thinking in morals and Sufism courses by using problem-based learning approach and discussion method. This research was a mini research study using qualitative research methods and a case study approach. Data collection methods with observation interviews and documentation. There were two sources of data obtained, namely primary data obtained from observations and interviews, while secondary data was obtained by analyzing assignments made by students.The data analysis technique used the Miles and Huberman model. The results of this study were in the lecture of morals and Sufism by using a problem-based learning approach and discussion method succeeded in improving students' critical thinking. It was evident from the way of presenting material and student discussion from group one to group four continues to increase.
Peningkatan Keterampilan 4C Mahasiswa PAI melalui Model Project Based Learning Rido Awal Pratama; Muqowim; Ali Mustaqim
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.636


This research contains the application of the Project Based Learning model as an effort to improve 4C skills, especially students. The problems in this research are the lack of interest in learning, creativity, students' skills in developing thinking abilities and the learning model applied by lecturers is always monotonous using the lecture method. The aim of this research is to explain the process of implementing the Project Based Learning model and analyze the improvement of students' 4C skills. The method used is qualitative with data reduction analysis techniques, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research explain that implementing the Project Based Learning model can improve students' 4C skills. This is indicated by the assignment of learning videos which can improve critical thinking skills in terms of material selection, location placement and exchanging ideas. Creative in terms of video positioning, video editing, video packaging. Collaborative in terms of working together and respecting each other's opinions. Communicative in terms of discussing by conveying ideas that can maximize the results of the learning video assignment.
Analisis Validitas dan Realibilitas Kualitas Soal Pilihan Ganda Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Menggunakan Pendekatan Model Rasch Nuri Syifa Azzahra; Sri Sumarni; Himawan Putranta
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.681


This journal article discussed validity and reliability analysis research in determining the quality of multiple choice questions of Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) in Islamic Education subjects that focused on inheritance material in Islam using the Rasch approach model. This study aimed to explain the results of the analysis carried out descriptively by utilizing the QUEST program and using the content validity instrument sheet using Aiken'V formula. The multiple choice questions were ten in number, consisting of five literacy AKM questions and five numeracy AKM questions with five alternative answers which were then distributed to thirty student respondents. This type of research was quantitative research that used a descriptive study approach method. The results of the research analysis showed seven question items were appropriate and three question items were not appropriate and all items were valid.
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran NHT (Numbered Heads Together) dalam Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Hasil Belajar Siswa MTs Negeri 8 Kebumen Siti Salimah
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.780


This research aimed to increase student activity and learning outcomes by implementing the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) cooperative learning model. This research was conducted using the PTK (Classroom Action Research) method with 2 cycles. Each cycle was carried out in four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects of this research were 34 students in class VIII E MTs N 8 Kebumen. The results of the research showed that student activity in the learning process increased pre-cycle by 15%, cycle 1 by 64.88% and cycle 2 by 81.99%. The average student score in pre-cycle was 62.65, in cycle 1 it was 72.06 and in cycle 2 it was 77.06. Students experienced learning completeness with scores above the KKM in the pre-cycle of 15%, cycle 1 of 68% and cycle 2 of 91%. Based on these results, this PTK research could be said that the application of the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) type cooperative learning model could increase student activity and learning outcomes.
Nilai Karakter Birrul Walidain dalam Film Gara-gara Warisan Karya Muhadikly Acho dan Relevansinya terhadap Pendidikan Islam Reza Umami; Ahmad Shofiyuddin Ichsan
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.781


This research aimed to reveal the value of Birrul Walidain's character in the film "Gara-Gara Pahlawan" by Muhadikly Acho. Not only that, this research also showed its relevance to the world of Islamic education today. This research method used descriptive qualitative with library research type. Data was taken from primary and secondary sources, while the data analysis technique in this research was content analysis technique. The research results showed that there were several values of Birrul Walidain's character in this film, including: guarding his words, maintaining his attitude, being obedient and doing good, and carrying out his parents' will. The relevance in Islamic education today was the emphasis on the importance of family education and always obeying parents, because these two things were one of the core things in reconstructing the three educational centers in Indonesia in the future.
Analisis Program Ketakhassusan dalam Meningkatkan Sikap Religius dan Disiplin Siswa SMK Takhassus Al-Qur’an Kalibeber Wonosobo Farkha Alfiyanti Wahidah; Muchotob Hamzah; Vava Imam Agus Faisal
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.782


The aim of this research was to find out how students were doing in improving religious attitudes and discipline at Takhassus Al-Qur'an Vocational School Wonosobo, how the implementation of the takhassus program was in improving students' religious attitudes and discipline, and what were the inhibiting and supporting factors for the takhassus Al-Qur'an program in improving attitudes toward religious and disciplined vocational school students. Researchers used a descriptive approach with a type of field research. The research subject was a purposive sampling technique, while the data collection techniques were observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research concluded that the condition of students at Takhassus Al-Qur'an Vocational School in participating in the Takhassus Al-Qur'an program was quite good. Meanwhile, the implementation of the takhassus program could improve students' religious attitudes and discipline through habituation. Not only that, the inhibiting factor for takhassus program was that there were still many students who were lazy, while the supporting factor was that there were many Islamic boarding schools around the school, so they could support the program.

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