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International Journal of Research in Counseling
ISSN : 29645743     EISSN : 29645735     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
International Journal of Research in Counseling is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing novel research in the field of Counseling. Details on our focus and scope can be viewed here. International Journal of Research in Counseling is published 2 issues per year (June-December) and accepts current research articles that have the potential to make a significant contribution to the exploration and development of counseling and and behavioral sciences. Articles submitted to this journal must display a well-thought-out study design, appropriate data analysis, and interpretation.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 29 Documents
Student Resilience After Parental Death Miftahul Ulva; Sri Putri Rahayu; Desmita Desmita; Rafsel Tasadi
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v1i1.3


Being a student will not be separated from the learning process and the necessity to complete existing assignments and learning demands. There are many factors that can affect the learning process, including the death of parents. For every child, the death of a parent is not a situation that can be taken for granted, the incident can have both psychological and non-psychological impacts on the child. Not infrequently children can blame themselves, stress to decrease children's learning achievement. This situation that makes children have to survive, is called resilience. Resilience is one of the abilities possessed by a person to survive in difficult situations or suppress. The method used in this study is Descriptive Qualitative. The research subjects in this study were three final-level Islamic Psychology students who experienced the death of one of their parents during college. From the discussion and the results of the researcher's interviews with the three informants, the researchers found that: (1) the ability of students to determine what they want, especially when they feel sad, is to flee to God by means of worship such as prayer, prayer, and prayer, believing in God's destiny, and seeking social support. (2) the student's ability to reveal the emotions of the three informants to allow themselves to cry to express their feelings of sadness, as well as to ask for motivation from the family and the environment. (3) the three informants in the study already had a good future orientation after the death of their parents. Based on the information provided by the three informants, the loss of parents had no effect on their education. Thus, all three informants already have the ability for resilience.
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Communication Anxiety in Adolescents Oktaviani Oktaviani; Ardimen Ardimen; Desmita Desmita; Rafsel Tasadi
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v1i1.4


Communication anxiety often occurs among society, especially in adolescents which is indicated by communication disorders such as feeling uncomfortable when communicating such as feeling afraid and anxious, avoidance in communicating, withdrawal and excessive communication so that they only care about the quantity of communication quality, therefore emotional intelligence is needed to reduce the effects of communication anxiety felt by adolescents. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between emotional intelligence and communication anxiety in adolescents. The research method used is a quantitative method with a correlational type of research. The subjects were juveniles with a population of 115 adolescents. The data analysis technique is the Product Moment correlation test. The sampling technique used the method of taking 10% of the population, namely 53 adolescents. Researchers used the likert scale to obtain needed data on emotional intelligence and communication anxiety. The results of the study found that there was a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and communication anxiety in adolescents. This is evidenced by the correlation test results of 0.685 and the r-table value of 0.276. Thus, it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the nilil hypothesis (H0) is rejected. This means that emotional intelligence has a significant relationship with communication anxiety.
Data Collection of Students' Social Relationships with Sociometry and Its Implications for Improving Interpersonal Skills in Counseling Services Irman Irman; Tuti Yamila Sari
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v1i1.5


Students' Social Contact Is One Of The  Problems That Are Often Faced In Schools.  The Relationship Is Related To Social Relations With Friends And Social Relationships With Teachers. The Purpose Of Writing This Article Is To Reveal Empirical Data Related To The Data Collection Of Students' Social Relations With Sociometric Instruments And Their Implications For Improving Interpersonal Skills In Counseling Services. The Research Was Conducted Through A Classroom Action Research Approach. The Research Instrument Is The Application Of Sociometry. The Respondents To The Study Were 32 High School X Students. The Research Data Is Processed Based On Quantitative Sociogram Data. The Resultsshowed That In The Classroom There Were 9 Isolated Students, 4 Popular Students And 17 Students Chose Each Other.  To All Students In The Class Are Provided With Classical Guidance Services, As Many As 2 Cycles.  In The First Cycle, Classical Guidance Services Are Provided With Storytelling Materials In Front Of The Class. In This First Cycle It Is Seen That Of The 32 Students The Interpersonal Level Of His Skills Is In The Category , While The Other Four People Are Still Isolated. In The Second Cycle, Based On Observations, Already All Six Isolated Students Can Blend In The Classroom. Based On The Results Of This Study, It Can Be Concluded That Data On Social Relations In The Classroom Can Be Drawn Through Sociometric Instruments, Based On These Data Can Be Provided Classical Guidance Services To Improve Interpersonal Skills.
Theoretical Review Of The Group Guidance Model With The Muhasabah Approach To Increase Relijiusity Meyla Tessi Karyati; Zubaidah Zubaidah; Garik Petoukhoff; Jessica Papaioannou
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v1i1.6


Guidance counseling teachers in schools are required to have insights and skills related to group guidance, including various theories of group guidance researched by researchers in the field of guidance and counseling to improve various psocological aspects. One of the very important psychological aspects in life is religiosity. The purpose of this study is to formulate a group guidance model with a muhasabah approach to improve religiosity. This research method uses the study of your literate. Data are collected from reference books, journals, proceedings and reports of research results. Analisis data through contentanalysis techniques which are then described and balanced by researchers. The results showed that the group Guidance modelwith the Muhasabah Approach (BKp-M model) is one of the guidance models and consesualling through integrative and interconnective group guidance services with the muhasabah approach by utilizing group dynamics to facilitate optimal and comprehensive individual development in various aspects of development  individual self to face the challenges of change in life.  The research method is a literature review. Data is obtained through various analysis of books, journals and proceedings. Data analysis through content analysis. The results showed that group guidance of the muhasabah approach can be used to improve religion. For various parties who want to increase religiosity can use the guidance of the muhasabah approach group. Likewise, for subsequent researchers, they can use this theoretical data to be experimented with
Correlation of Parenting with Religious Awareness and Its Implications for Counseling Syarifah Syarifah; Kasmuri Salamat
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v1i1.7


This research is motivated by various levels of religious awareness of students and inequality in parenting patterns in educating children. This study aims to see the relationship between parenting and religious awareness and its implications in counseling. The research approach used correlation research with a sample of 73 students. The data collection tools used are the scale of religious awareness and parenting.  The data analysis used anlysis product moment correlation.  The results of the study found that there was a significant relationship between parenting and religious awareness. The relationship between the two is in the low category. Meanwhile, separately, there is a relationship between democratic parenting and the religious basis of students and is in the moderate category. As for authoritarian and permissive parenting, there is no significant relationship. Implications in counseling counseling counselors can use various service techniques that are in accordance with the client's cultural conditions and one of them is through islamic approach counseling.
Overview of Role-Playing Techniques in Group Guidance Services to Improve Students’ Interpersonal Intelligence Dwiana Pratiwi; Mustapha Qureshi; Yassine Mohamed; Mounika Ardchir
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v1i1.8


Some students still have low interpersonal intelligence, so students have difficulties in their social relationships. It aims to reveal the effectiveness of role-playing techniques in group guidance services to improve students' interpersonal intelligence. The research method uses a quantitative approach, in particular experimental. To obtain data using the student's interpersonal intelligence questionnaire. The data were analyzed using a paired t test, because the study involved only one group of respondents. The results revealed that role playing techniques in group guidance services are effective in improving students' interpersonal intelligence. The results of the study are expected to be used by BK teachers in schools to improve students' interpersonal intelligence. It is also expected to be used by subsequent researchers to utilize role playing techniques in group guidance to improve other psychological aspects.
The Urgency Of Guidance And Counselling In The Process Of Cultural Enculturation Rezi Maswar; Irman Irman; Roy Lena; Kose Justine
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v1i2.10


Cultural enculturation should continue to develop from generation to generation. However, what happened was cultural acculturation and assimilation that made the enculturation process almost disappear as a legacy that must be passed down from generation to generation. This study aims to describe the urgency of guidance and counseling in cultural enculturation. This study uses a literature review method. From the results of these scientific works, it is explained that counseling guidance is very urgent in cultural enculturation. This is because guidance and counseling guides individuals to understand and understand themselves that they are unique individuals and have a culture that must be maintained.
Religious Counseling With A Cultural Approach "Basasandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah" to Improve Islamic Spiritualism Reri Syafitri; Zubaidah Zubaidah; Tuomi Carol; Gooding Steven
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v1i2.18


Counseling is an activity to help the counselee so that his daily life becomes an effective life. The current phenomenon that occurs in the West Sumatra region is the occurrence of moral decadence caused by many things and one of the causes is that people no longer apply "adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi Kitabullah". The method used in this study is the library research method or a method that explores articles or research that discusses the things the researchers are researching. The results of religious counseling research with the cultural approach of "adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi Kitabullah" are effective in helping counselee problems.
Theoretical Analysis of Pancasila Student Character and Implications for Counseling Guidance Romi Fajar Tanjung; Lativa Nurvadila; Muhammad Azizi; Mutiara Aldila Hanum; Rahmadani Rahmadani; Ardimen Ardimen
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v1i2.23


Character education is cultural wisdom from the diversity of values ??and social life to build a nation's civilization. To achieve this goal, the education system develops three subsystems, namely administration, education, and student assistance or coaching. Orientation and advice areas fall under student support or training areas. Increasing character education can be achieved through the provision of knowledge, teaching or training. Ensure the achievement of educational goals in the management of education, especially in strengthening student character education. The purpose of this article is to identify the reasons for the publication of the Pancasila student character program and to analyze the Pancasila character program and its implications for guidance and counseling services. The development of the era, especially in the field of technology, eliminates or shifts the culture and Pancasila values ??that characterize Indonesian society. The Pancasila character program aims to restore Pancasila values. Guidance and counseling services are one of the supports for the achievement of the Pancasila character program which focuses on the basic service components in achieving the six indicators of Pancasila character.
Guidance and Counseling in the Independent Learning Curriculum Nabilla Nur Amalina; Nina Isnia; Muhammad Fikri; Muhammad Rifky; Ardimen Ardimen; Romi Fajar Tanjung
International Journal of Research in Counseling Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Minang Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijrc.v2i1.25


The independent learning curriculum is a follow-up program or innovation from the 2013 curriculum. Guidance and counseling services take a role and make the 2013 curriculum successful because the independent learning curriculum focuses on talents and interests. The purpose of this research is to explore the independent learning curriculum policy and its implications for guidance and counseling services. The research method uses a literature review. Data analysis by reviewing various reference books, journals and other relevant documents. The finding is that the independent learning curriculum is the result of an evaluation of the previous curriculum and the cooperation of all parties is needed to make the independent learning curriculum successful so that it can be established as a tested national curriculum in 2024.

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