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Az Ziqri: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan
ISSN : 16939360     EISSN : 27148750     DOI :
Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI menawarkan platform internasional untuk membangkitkan potensi peradaban warisan Islam. Tujuan dan ruang lingkup Jurnal mencakup tema-tema luas dan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan studi agama dan peradaban, dan mencakup kajian Islam dan pendidikan , kajian Islam konvensional , hukum keluarga Islam, ekonomi Islam. Ini mengakomodasi beragam pendekatan dalam studi peradaban termasuk revitalisasi sinergi antara Islam dan peradaban. AZ ZIQRI mengundang kontribusi ilmiah dari artikel penelitian, sudut pandang dan resensi buku, yang sebagian besar bersifat holistik dari akademisi dan mahasiswa Indonesia dan internasional.
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Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 8 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v4i2.473


Thoughts on the development of Islamic education to encourage critical analytical thinking,creative and normative in the face of various practices and current issues in the field ofeducation weeks to be studied and analyzed from its foundational dimensions so as not to losethe spirit or the spirit of Islam and / fragility philosophical foundation, as well as the face of thetrend. Emphasis on the importance of students to live by the values of goodness, spiritualityand morality as neglected. In fact the opposite is happening. Nowadays, many educationalinstitutions have been transformed into industrial business, which has a pragmatic vision andmission. Education geared to deliver pragmatic individuals who work to achieve materialsuccess and social professions that will prosper themselves, companies and countries. Insecular Western culture, a person's high education does not correspond to the goodness andhappiness of the individual concerned. The impact of the hegemony of Western education onMuslims is that many Muslims have a high education, but in real life, they have not becomegood and happy Muslims. There is still a gap between the high degree of education achievedand the low morals and morals of Muslim life. This is due to the pragmatic vision and missionof education. Actually, Islam has a more comprehensive and integrative goal than the seculareducation system which solely produces students who have a pragmatic paradigm. they havenot become good and happy Muslims. There is still a gap between the high degree of educationachieved and the low morals and morals of Muslim life. This is due to the pragmatic vision andmission of education. Actually, Islam has a more comprehensive and integrative goal than thesecular education system which solely produces students who have a pragmatic paradigm. theyhave not become good and happy Muslims. There is still a gap between the high degree ofeducation achieved and the low morals and morals of Muslim life. This is due to the pragmaticvision and mission of education. Actually, Islam has a more comprehensive and integrativegoal than the secular education system which solely produces students who have a pragmaticparadigm.
HADITS WANITA TERCIPTA DARI TULANG RUSUK (Analisis Pemahaman Kontekstual) Muslim
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 8 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v4i2.606


Penelitian ini adalah Pemahaman secara kontekstual terhadap hadis penciptaan perempuan dari tulang rusuk mengarah pada pemahaman bahwa perempuan berada di bawah dominasi lelaki. Posisi ini menyebabkan gerak dan hak-hak perempuan menjadi sempit dan terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman hadis tersebut dengan pertanyaan: 1). Bagaimana kualitas hadis wanita tercipta dari tulang rusuk laki-laki? 2). Bagaimana sebaiknya memahami hadis wanita tercipta dari tulang rusuk laki-laki?. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka yang bersifat deskriftif. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan metode dokumentasi kemudian dikelola melalui pendekatan kontekstualtekstual. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa hadis wanita tercipta dari tulang rusuk laki-laki merupakan hadis shahih baik secara sanad maupun matan. Pemahaman yang tepat terhadap hadis wanita tercipta dari tulang rusuk laki-laki adalah kontekstual pendektan bahasa Makna kiasan seperti tulang rusuk‖ adalah kiasan tentang seseorang yang kaku dan keras kepala,yang jika dipaksakan akan patah,tetapi jika dibiarkan akan keras seperti tulang. Jadi bukan soal penciptaan yang faktual perempuan dari tulang rusuk laki-laki. Melainkan kiasan metaforis tentang karakter perempuan/ istri dan relasinya lelaki /suami dalam kehidupan rumah tangga,seringkali kaku,tidak sabar,dan mudah marah. sabda hadis tersebut wanita tercipta dari tulang rusuk yang bengkok jika lelaki ingin meluruskan nya maka patah.
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 8 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v4i2.642


Ma'had Aly was formed in order to prepare cadres of scholars' who have scientific integrity, amaliah and khuluqiyah quality and have strategic value with justice-oriented,equality, openness, honesty, trust, and democracy. Ma'had Aly based on Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah with an Islamic basis means that Ma'had Aly is held, organized, and developed departing (point of depture) from Islamic teachings, the process of managing them in an Islamic way and towards what is idealized by Islamic education. The dynamics of Islamic boarding school education explained that the development of Islamic boarding schools has experienced a shift or change in several aspects along with the progress of the times and the development of science and technology. The discourse that develops in the dynamics of thought and practical experience of pesantren alumni seems to emphasize that pesantren are part of the community infrastructure which at a macro level has played a role in awakening the community to have ideals,

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