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Az Ziqri: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan
ISSN : 16939360     EISSN : 27148750     DOI :
Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI menawarkan platform internasional untuk membangkitkan potensi peradaban warisan Islam. Tujuan dan ruang lingkup Jurnal mencakup tema-tema luas dan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan studi agama dan peradaban, dan mencakup kajian Islam dan pendidikan , kajian Islam konvensional , hukum keluarga Islam, ekonomi Islam. Ini mengakomodasi beragam pendekatan dalam studi peradaban termasuk revitalisasi sinergi antara Islam dan peradaban. AZ ZIQRI mengundang kontribusi ilmiah dari artikel penelitian, sudut pandang dan resensi buku, yang sebagian besar bersifat holistik dari akademisi dan mahasiswa Indonesia dan internasional.
Articles 42 Documents
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 5 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v1i1.385


This paper explains that in terms of process, education is a mature effort that marks the success or generation of its success include a change of behavior. But in terms of sociology, education is the effort of a generation and pass on cultural traditions and ways to develop the successor generation. In this regard it isessentially the same education history with the history of cultural inheritance between generations. This applies to various levels humans, whether individuals, groups, communities, tribes, or nations. Tradition and culture in generalrely on view live together. In Indonesia with a view of life so it is Pancasila. Proportionally when the history of education in Indonesia since independence, and instead of before, until now, various factors and educational activities are always associated with religious values. Because the first foundation of the nation and state in the Pancasila is prefixed with the Belief in God Almighty
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 5 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v1i1.386


This essay studies the influence of neosufism on the continuity of tasawuf doctrine and new tarekats emerged during the last two centuries of medieval Islamic period. The raise of the fourteeth century neosufism movement had greatly influenced the nature and the characteristics of the new tasawuf and tarekats of the succeeding era. In addition to giving impetus in ‘purification’ of the doctrines to avoid the tasawuf and tarekat from intrusion of unIslamic elements, the neosufisme has provided with guidance so that they should be kept under the syariat control. This new tendency has forced the tasawuf and tarekats to weaken their support to the doctrin of immanation of God toward His creatures, and replaces it with the transcendent doctrine. The return to the original stipulations of the Qur’an and the Sunna liberated the tasawuf and tarekats from their un islamic characters. The Neosufism movement had succeeded in changing the orientation of the new tasawuf and tarekas to be more responsive to the worldly interest.
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 5 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v1i1.387


The most rapid development of science in Islam occurs when the Muslims met with the culture and civilization has advanced from the nations they conquered. The development is increasingly clear since the beginning of the reign of Bani Abbas in the mid 8th century. The transfer of the capital Damascus (Damascus) located in the Arab neighborhood of Baghdad that was in the Persian neighborhood who already have a high scientific culture and are familiar with Greek science and philosophy, became the tool trigger splendor scientific spirit that has been owned by the Muslims. There is a phenomenon that appears in society, Islamic education is a utopian concept that cannot be realized, really this is a wrong view of understanding in understanding Islamic education. Because Islamic education runs within a clear and realistic frame of reality in society. However, Islamic education is based on Islamic ideals which are sometimes misunderstood by the implementers of Islamic education. As a result, the idealism of Islamic education is seen as an institution that prioritizes the values of hereafter and does not care about the existing reality. Strictly speaking, Islamic education is education that goes hand in hand with developments in society and still maintains Islamic values as its foundation.
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 5 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v1i1.388


At the time of Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq basically not much different with future educational Prophet. However, since the Caliph Umar bin Khattab more education increases, the teachers have been appointed and in salaries to teach in areas newly conquered. At the time of Uthman education handed over to the people and companions (to lift the teacher) and then spread to teach every aspect of the area. While at the time of Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib, the education received less attention due to polical conflicts that always happens. The Umayyad Dynasty (661-758 AD). The pattern of education during the Umayyad Dynasty seems to be different from the pattern of education during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and KhulafaurRashidin, because during this period various advances have been made, including in the economic field. Some of the teachers' life conditions at that time began to get attention, because among the authorities (government) paid or paid teachers to teach their sons, there was even a place to live in the palace. But for teachers who teach students with weak economic backgrounds, whose places are in the mosque grounds, they are not as big-paying as teachers who teach children of rulers in the palace, but only get appreciation from the community. The pattern of education at that time was still the Kuttab system centered on mosques, palaces, and teachers' homes. On the other hand, Islamic civilization, especially Arabic, has been able to go international as the official language of the country, especially on the continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 5 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v1i1.389


Thoughts on the development of Islamic education to encourage critical analytical thinking, creative and normative in the face of various practices and current issues in the field of education weeks to be studied and analyzed from fondasionalnnya dimensions so as not to lose the spirit or the spirit of Islam and / fragility philosophical foundation, as well as the face of the trend. Emphasis on the importance of students to live by the values of goodness, spirituality and morality as neglected. In fact the opposite is happening. Nowadays, many educational institutions have been transformed into industrial business, which has a pragmatic vision and mission. Education geared to deliver pragmatic individuals who work to achieve material success and social professions that will prosperity themselves, companies and countries. In secular Western culture, a person's high education does not correspond to the goodness and happiness of the individual concerned. The impact of the hegemony of Western education on Muslims is that many Muslims have a high education, but in real life, they have not become good and happy Muslims. There is still a gap between the high degree of education achieved and the low morals and morals of Muslim life. This is due to the pragmatic vision and mission of education. Actually, Islam has a more comprehensive and integrative goal than the secular education system which solely produces students who have a pragmatic paradigm.
IBNU THUFAIL AL HAYY BIN YAQHAN (Kehidupan Pemikiran Tentang Filsafatnya) M. Solihin
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 7 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v3i1.390


Thufail philosophical thoughts contained in the story of Ibn Hayy ibn Yaqhan give us a barometer of that nature and it is merely an imagination to seek the truth that comes from revelation must reach some sensory objects specifically to the thoughts that are universal, without teaching and guidance of human reason can know God's creation is by the markings on its inhabitants and try to understand its form to the philosophical thought of Ibn Thufail humans sometimes experience torpor in the story of Hayy Bin Yaqhan can not reveal the arguments in mind that depict keazalian mutalak , qadim, huduts (new) and the like. Then Ibn Thufail eastern philosophers criticize that what has been explained to them it is not given satisfaction thus to achieve the desires of people who ask for satisfaction always imagined. By philosophy and mysticism.
دور المستَشرين في تربية الدين الإسلامي لمنع الراديكالية باسم الدين (بحث عن المجموعة والحركة الدينية في منطقة تاوانج مانجو كارانج أنيار جوي الوسطي) Muhammad Solihin; M.Rofik Junaidi
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 6 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v2i2.392


تحاول هذه الدراسة الكشف عن حقائق حول التفاهمات والحركات الدينية في المنطقة تاوانجمانجو، وولاية كارانج أنيار جوي الوسطي وكيفية تأثيرها على الحياة الاجتماعية. فضلا عندور المعلمين في تربية الدين الإسلامي في هذه المنطقة. أما النتائج هذه الدراسة تشمل أنهناك تتسع معتقدات وحركات الدينية وتطوراتها بالمنطقة تاوانج مانجو كارانج انيار ريجنسيمقاطعة جوي الوسطى من بين هذه المفاهيم العديدة أن لكل منها تأثير على الحياة الاجتماعيةويمكن أن يؤثر فهم هذا المصنف على أنه راديكالي على الأفعال المتطرفة التي يمكن أنتؤدي إلى السلوك السلطوي. وفي الوقت نفسه، من حيث دور المستشرين في تربية الدينالإسلامي بمنطقة تاوانج مانجوكارانج أنيار ريجنسي له مساعدة كبيرة على تطور الثقافةالدينية التي تحدث.غالبا لا يكون أتباع الديانات الشاملين في دراسة تعاليمهم حتى يسيئون فهم الوحي الإلهي. ثميتم نقل سوء الفهم إلى أتباع آخرين بحيث يكون له تأثير السلبي. في النهاية ظهرت طوائفوحركات الدينية مختلفة اعتبرت أن مجموعتها هي الجماعة الصحيحة. يؤدي إلقاء اللوم حتىإلى درجة الردة والكفر لمجموعات أخرى من نفس الدين والأديان المختلفة إلى سلوكمتطرف لإضفاء الشرعية على التدفق.ألقت باللوم حتى على الردة والكفر إلي مجموعات أخرى من نفس الدين، وليس التسامح فيالدين حتى أن الفوضوية نفذت من قبل مجموعة من اتباع طائفة أو إيديولوجية معينة لإضفاءالشرعية على طائفتهم. وجود مستشرين في تربية الدين الإسلامي والداعي الدين في المجتمعلديهم دورا مهما في الحياة الدينية ويمكن أن يمنعوا تطور الراديكالي الذي ينتشر حولالمجتمع. هناك مجموعة من الأشخاص الذين يلومون مجموعات أخرى من نفس الدينويتحولون إليها، ولا يتسامحون مع معتقدات المجتمعات الأخرى بحيث يتم تنفيذ السلطوية منقبل مجموعة من أتباع طائفة أوأيديولوجية معينة لإضفاء الشرعية على طائفتهم. إذا، وجودمستشرين في تربية الدين الإسلامي والأستاذ في المجتمع دورا مهما للحياة الدينية ويمكن أنيمنع تطور الفهم الراديكالية الذي ينتشر في جميع أنحاء المجتمع
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 6 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v2i2.393


Guidance and Counseling teachers are professional educators with minimum academic qualifications of Bachelor of Education (S-1) in the field of Guidance and Counseling and have competence in the field of Guidance and Counseling with the task of carrying out guidance and counseling services, namely educating , guiding, and developing the abilities of students in solve problems experienced and all their potential through guidance and counseling services. A counselor must have good actualization in his field so that the services provided are truly part of the counselor's full work to his students. It is intended that students can achieve their competence according to the period of development. In this case the counseling teacher needsto provide various assistance services according to the needs of students so that they can act and behave in accordance with the demands and conditions of the school environment, family and community to achieve optimal development. Since the implementation of distance learning at home through the network (online), Counseling Guidance (BK) teachers often get less attention. In general, schools and teachers focus on providing material to students, while in its implementation, many problems faced by students demand the presence of BK teachers. BK teachers need to be involved in the online learning process because understanding of the BK disciplines is intended for solving problems that are often faced by students. The role of the guidance counseling teacher is very much needed in online learning today.
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 6 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v2i2.394


The phenomenon of the development of Hadith in the Shia and Sunni groups, we find that the Shia Hadith itself is actually not as complicated and complex as that in the Sunni tradition. This is because the Shia system has been writing hadith for a long time since the beginning of Islam. In addition, there are also differences in views between the two groups regarding the hadith itself. The source of hadith according to the Shia is not only the prophet Muhammad, but every ma'shum imam can also issue a hadith that is used as evidence. With the focal point of religious belief in the priests of the age (the Imamate system), it is very natural that thesystem of transmitting hadith among Shiites has begun to be used during the days of Ali bin Abu Talib. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Shia from the early years had a concern for isnad
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 6 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v2i2.395


This paper explains that in terms of process, education is a mature effort that marks the success or generation of its success including a change of behavior. But in terms of sociology, education is the effort of a generation and pass on cultural traditions and ways to develop the successor generation. In this regard it isessentially the same education history with the history of cultural inheritance between generations. This applies to various levels of humans, whether individuals, groups, communities, tribes, or nations. Tradition and culture in generalrely on view live together. In Indonesia with a view of life so it is Pancasila. Proportionally when the history of education in Indonesia since independence, and instead of before, until now, various factors and educational activities are always associated with religious values.