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Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
ISSN : 30315026     EISSN : 30313481     DOI : 10.61132
Engineering Science Clump. include the sub-groups of Civil Engineering and Spatial Planning, Industrial Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering. The Research Journal of the Engineering Science Clump
Articles 119 Documents
Pengaruh Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Pengembangan Digital Marketing Terhadap Minat Beli : (Studi Kasus : Toko Sumber Usaha Sumba Barat Daya) Robertus Tamo Ama; Delsiana Kette; Ancelina Bili; Meriana Milla
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Juni : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i3.352


This research aims to investigate the influence of human resources in digital marketing development on consumer purchasing interest, at business source stores. The research method used is quantitative using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The sample for this research is consumers of business source stores who have made online transactions. Data analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression to test the relationship between digital marketing human resource variables and consumer buying interest. The research results show that human resources who are skilled and experienced in digital marketing have a positive and significant influence on consumer buying interest. The managerial implication of this research is the importance of investing in developing quality human resources in the digital marketing field to increase consumer buying interest and strengthen the competitive advantage of business resource stores in the market.
Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Disiplin Terhadap Kinerja Guru Yulius Lende; Erniati Lende; Arsensius Fandi; Antonius Umbu Tawil; Norliana Kaka; Ardianus Ambe Kasa
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Juni : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i3.353


This research aims to analyze the influence of motivation and discipline on teacher performance in secondary schools. Motivation and discipline are two important factors that can influence teacher work effectiveness and productivity. This research uses a quantitative method with a survey approach, where data is collected through questionnaires filled out by a number of teachers. The results of data analysis show that both motivation and discipline have a significant influence on teacher performance. High motivation and strict discipline contribute positively to increased performance. These findings show the importance of effective management of motivation and discipline to improve the quality of education in schools.
Menganalisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Konsumen Dalam Pembelian Sepeda Motor Arnoldus Ngongo; Jefrianus Adi Ama; Agustinus Samba Lalo; Norbertus Bili; Angela Marici Wendelin Lete Boro; Anggriani Eti Bulu,; Emerliati Dappa Bussa
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Juni : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i3.354


Changes in society and technological developments that occur in the current era of globalization have resulted in the emergence of new products from various companies. This has an impact on companies competing with each other to get consumers who are the targets of each company to market their products. It is not easy for companies to get consumers because they often face problems, especially related to efforts to market their products to the market. Seeing what is described above, marketing is one of the activities carried out by a company to maintain its survival, develop and gain profits and can strengthen its position in facing competing companies. This research aims to find out whether the factors price, image, model, quality, service and spare parts can significantly influence consumers to be loyal to Honda brand motorbikes partially or together, and between these factors. What factors have the most significant influence on consumers. This research was carried out by providing a simple service by giving questionnaires to 100 respondents who were considered to represent this research
Analisis Pengaruh Musim Penghujan Dan Musim Kemarau Terhadap Kualitas Wilayah Sungai Brantas Vikhory Bagus Wahyu Nugroho; Juan Vincent Elfonda; Tuhu Agung Rachmanto
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Juni : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i3.360


The Brantas River is a large river in East Java that has an important role for the community. Seasonal changes have an impact on the quality of the Brantas River in Indonesia. Testing is conducted by comparing samples taken twice a year, representing the dry and rainy seasons. The river's quality is analyzed based on several parameters such as Dissolved Oxygen (DO), BOD, COD, NO3-N, and Phosphate. The results are then compared with the standard river quality according to Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021. The analysis results indicate that the season has a significant impact on the river water quality, as seen from the different parameters in each season.
Pengaruh Perubahan Massa Roller dan Konstanta Pegas Sistem Cvt Terhadap Daya dan Torsi Pada Sepeda Motor 109 Cc Muhammad Fikri Alifudin; Purwoko Purwoko
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Juni : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i3.364


The development of the automotive industry is now experiencing a very rapid increase in the type of motorcycle. One of them is a motorcycle with automatic transmission or automatic motorcycle or CVT (Continously Variable Transmission). Matic motorcycle users often experience a lack of performance when used on daily trips. The mass of CVT rollers and springs is the main factor in the lack of performance of the matic motorcycle which is less efficient for its users. This research was conducted to determine the effect of increasing power and torque on motorcycles that are now declining in performance. The method used in this research is experimentation. Tests were carried out using a dynamometer tool to determine the comparison of the results of the variables carried out and compared to obtain maximum power and torque. The data obtained will be analyzed using statistical methods to evaluate the relationship between changes in roller mass and spring constant to power and torque. The results showed that the maximum power generated was at a roller variation of 11 grams and a spring constant of 33.78 N/cm of 7.19 HP at 6500 rpm engine speed. While the maximum torque is generated from the variation of roller 13 grams and spring 28.83 N / cm of 8.00 Nm at 6000 rpm engine speed.
Rancang Bangun Double Hull Unmanned Surface Vehicle dengan Pengiriman Data Melalui LoRa M. Daffa El-Khaq; Diana Alia; Diyah Purwitasari
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Juni : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i3.365


In the era of maritime technology, Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) are becoming the main vehicles on the water surface, controlled from land and capable of transmitting live data. USVs have a wide range of survey and exploration applications, relying on hydrographic knowledge for accurate mapping. USV development has adopted a double hull design, improving stability and wave resistance. Survey data transmission requires advanced technology, with Long Range (LoRa) technology being the solution for long distance data transmission with low power consumption. LoRa utilisation is expected to increase the efficiency of USVs in hydrographic surveys. The research and development (R&D) research method is used as the main approach in this research with the aim of creating and developing USVs that can increase efficiency in hydrographic surveys. The USV is equipped with an RPM sensor and flowmeter used to monitor the movement control of the USV in the waters. In addition, a depth detector is used to monitor the topography of the seabed. In order for this USV to run using a remote control that is controlled from land. The USV drive consists of a BLDC motor connected to the propeller and a servo motor connected to the ship's rudder. Furthermore, the data taken from the sensor is sent via LoRa to be delivered to the ground station. From the USV test results, it was found that the data transmission range with LoRa Ra-02 under Line of sight (LOS) conditions was 340 metres while under Non Light of sight (NLOS) conditions it was around 200 metres. The average speed travelled by USV is 0.616 km/hour in operational survey conditions and can be faster in non-operational survey conditions. The error value of the RPM sensor is obtained at 1.604% with a reading accuracy of 98.936%.
Pemetaan Perubahan Permukaan Tanah di Kawasan Pulau Nias dengan Menggunakan Data Sentinel - 1A IW: Studi Kasus: Pulau Nias, Provinsi Sumatera Utara Suseni Hasibuan
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Juni : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i3.368


The determination of changes in the land surface is an event caused by changes in the volume of the rock layer below. and geological processes such as tectonic and volcanic activity, removal of material from the subsurface such as mining and natural causes such as the occurrence of holes in limestone. The purpose of this study is to determine the magnitude of land surface changes that occur in the Nias Island area caused by earthquakes. The data used in the processing stage with the DinSAR method in 2022 recording, with specifications of dual polarization VV + VH, beam mode IW (interferometric wide) and flight direction ascending. Sentinel 1 data used in this study are 4 pairs of scans, where each pair of scans consists of one scans being the master and another scans being the slave. The master image is the SAR image before the earthquake, while the slave image is after the earthquake. The magnitude of land surface changes that occurred on Nias Island, based on the 2022 earthquake, the largest uplift was the earthquake on December 30, 2022, with a range of values (1.012042) mm with an area of 72,641,981 Hectares. The largest subsidence occurred in the earthquake on December 30, 2022, with a range of values ranging from (-1.373125) mm to (-1.235427) mm with an area of 61347,891 Hectares.
Analisa Pengaruh Katalis Terhadap Gas Buang Pada Kendaraan Roda 2 Akbar Ramadhan Firman Al Abrari; Listiyono Listiyono
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Agustus : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i4.375


The impact of the increase in motorized vehicles is air pollution from vehicle exhausts. Exhaust gas is a polluting substance that pollutes the air where the gas is created from exhaust gas or gas from the combustion of vehicles. One alternative way to reduce the content of harmful exhaust gases such as carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrocarbons (HC) produced by motorized vehicles is by adding a catalytic converter. In this study, the catalytic converter uses Aluminum (Al), Brass (Cu-Zn), and Copper (Cu) materials. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of using a catalytic converter made of Aluminum (Al), Brass (Cu-Zn), and Copper (Cu) on exhaust gas. In addition, this study aims to determine the material used as a catalytic converter in order to get the lowest level of exhaust gas. Furthermore, the research data are presented in tabular form and then analyze them using one way anova and graphs. The results showed a decrease in CO by 50% at 1500 Rpm and 59.6% at 4500 Rpm, HC by 72% at 1500 Rpm and 55% at 4500 Rpm, CO2 by 3.22% at 1500 Rpm and 7.91% at 4500 Rpm, and O2 by 5.53% at 1500 Rpm and 1.66% at 3000 Rpm.
Rancang Bangun Smart Doorlock Kamar Mesin dan Anjungan Berbasis RFID dan Arduino Thariq Arifun Nathiq
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Agustus : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i4.376


This research develops a smart doorlock system for engine rooms and platforms based on RFID technology and the Arduino platform. This system is designed to increase security and efficiency in managing access to important areas on a ship or industrial installation. The method used involves the integration of an RFID module as an authentication medium and an Arduino microcontroller as the system control center. Users can open the door simply by holding the registered RFID card close to the RFID reader, which then sends a signal to the Arduino to activate the door lock mechanism. This system is also equipped with an access data recording feature that allows real-time monitoring and review of incoming and outgoing activities. Test results show that the system functions well in various scenarios, demonstrating high reliability and responsiveness. Thus, this RFID and Arduino based smart doorlock system can be an effective solution in improving security and access control in critical environments.
Analisa Jartest Untuk Mengetahui Dosis Optimum Harian Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) di PDAM Krian Muhammad Hisyam Fauzan; Munawar Ali
Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik  Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Agustus : Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/venus.v2i4.385


Clean water is one of the most basic needs of humans as it is constantly needed in their daily activities to survive. The aim of this study is to ensure the correct dosage of Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) for at a certain level of rigidity and to avoid chemical waste. Overall, data analysis shows that the water quality in IPA Krian is well awake and in line with applicable standards. This reflects an effective water quality management and monitoring system at the site, with proper adjustment of the fluorescent dosage and the implementation of an efficient water management system.

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