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AGROLAND: The Agricultural Sciences Journal
Published by Universitas Tadulako
ISSN : 24077585     EISSN : 24077593     DOI :
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Agroland: The Agricultural Sciences Journal (Agroland: The Agr. Sci. J.) is an Open Journal System published by Tadulako University and Indonesian Society for Major in Agriculture (PISPI), is published twice a year in June and December. This journal provides a multi-disciplinary and international platform in which young and senior researchers can present their work on all aspects of tropical agriculture to other researchers, policymakers, and professionals. The journal welcomes primary research papers, reviews, and short communications on tropical Agriculture research. Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields: Agronomy & Crop Science, Agribusiness, Agriculture economics, Agriculture Engineering, Agriculture genomics, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Horticulture, Hydrology, Bioclimatology, Plant protection, Plant biochemistry and biotechnology, Seed technology and research, Soil science research, Soil restoration, Weed biology, Water management.
Articles 159 Documents
The Competitiveness Analysis of Cocoa Commodity in The District of Sigi Andika Ibrahim; Marhawati Mappatoba; Yulianti Kalaba
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 3 No 1 (2016): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v3i1.317


This study aims to determine the competitiveness of cocoa commodity in the district of Sigi and the impact of government policies by analyzing the effects of cocoa price changes, cocoa’s input price and cocoa production to the competitiveness of cocoa. Data collection is done in Sub-district of Palolo with the number of respondents 31 farmers and also data supported by data from other related agencies. The research objective answered by using analytical tools Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). Results of the study found that cocoa in Sigi District has comparative and competitive advantages with the value of Domestic Cost Ratio (DCR) and the Private Cost Ratio (PCR) i.e. 0.45 and 0.50. Results for Nominal Protection coefficient of output value (NPCO) is 0.88 and Nominal Protection Coeffisients of Input (NPCI) is 0.80 respectively show the government's policies are protective for cocoa farmers in the district, while the EPC value is 0.89 indicates the policy is inhibiting the production of farmers with effect of ratio 0.09. The sensitivity analysis of changes in production, the price of cocoa bean and Subsidized- fertilizer prices, shows that the change in production is an indicator that most influence the competitiveness of cocoa in Sigi District.
Cocoa Processing Industry Feasibility Analysis (Case Study in House of Chocolate Department of Industry Central Sulawesi Province) in Palu Evyana Marwati Bangkele; Made Antara; Lien Damayanti
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 3 No 1 (2016): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v3i1.318


This study aims to determine the appropriateness of the establishment of cocoa processing industry (Rumah Coklat Office of Industry and Trade of Central Sulawesi Province) in Palu based on market aspects, technical aspects, aspects of the organization and management as well as financial aspects. The research was conducted in the city of Palu, namely Rumah Coklat Industry and Trade Office of Central Sulawesi province were carried out from July to September 2016. The method used was survey used data sourced from Rumah Coklat Department of Industry and Trade of Central Sulawesi province and institutions associated with the study and the results of research conducted by the Center for R & D relating to the cacao processing. Data collected was processed and analyzed the aspects of the market, technical, organizational and management aspects and financial aspects. The results showed that the business of processing cocoa into chocolate and chocolate converture liqour from the aspect of the market is feasible to set up because it has a fairly large market opportunities, both domestic market and overseas markets. Based on a technical aspect, the business of processing cocoa into chocolate liqour and chocolate converture feasible to implement in Palu because of the availability of raw materials, labor, buildings and facilities equipment, the need for production machinery and equipment, the capacity of production capacity and the production process is relatively easy to be fulfilled and realized. Based on the aspect of organization and management, processing of chocolate is feasible. Because the needs of the labor management section and production section is obtained in accordance with the wishes of the company, as well as the maintenance of legality companies easily obtained. Financial aspects of the analysis results obtained by period of return on investment or payback period is 7 years. NPV is Rp. 182,141,428. IRR is about 14 and PI is 1.08%. BEP amounted to 58.28% of total sales or Rp. 323,561,529. as well as the results of the sensitivity analysis shows that this cocoa processing business into chocolate liquor and converture very sensitive to the price of raw materials cocoa and the amount of the sale. Based on the calculation and analysis can be concluded that the cocoa processing industry namely Rumah Coklat Office of Industry and Trade of the Province of Central Sulawesi in Palu meet the eligibility criteria and eligible to be run the business.
The Affecting Factors of Maiz Farming Production in Rarampadende Village West Dolo District Ellyani Ellyani; Made Antara; Lien Damayanti
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 3 No 1 (2016): June
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v3i1.319


This study aims to determine the influence factors of land production, fertilizer, labor, seed and Dummy (seeds) as well as the agricultural extension to the production of maize in the village of Rarampadende, west Dolo District. The population in this study is the farmers who became members of farmers who run the farm corn amounted to 120 people, the number of samples is as many as 52 people, while the data were analyzed using multiple linear analysis of Cobb-Douglass. Results of the analysis showed that the production of the independent variables (Xi) together can have a significant effect on the dependent variable (Y). F-count value is equal to 27.103> F-table 2.44 (Significantly, 0,000 α 5%), in addition to the value of the coefficient of determination (R2 adjsSq) of 0.754 means that 75.40% of the variation in maize production (Y) can be explained by variable land area (X1), the number of seeds (X2) labor (X3), the amount of fertilizer (X4), seeds (D1) and agricultural extension (D2), while 24.6% can be explained other models. Land use, fertilizer, labor, seed, seeds and labor will simultaneously be able to affect the production of maize farming in Rarampadende village, West Dolo district.
The Growth of Kiwi Shoot (Actinidia deliciosa) on Various Kinds of Gelling Agents Mardiana Mardiana; Zainuddin Zainuddin; Mahfudz Mahfudz; Hawalina Hawalina
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 5 No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v5i2.320


Kiwi fruit takes about 25 weeks from flower bloom until it reaches physiological maturity, so the time required to produce kiwi seeds from seeds in large quantities and uniform is very long. Tissue culture is one method that can be used to obtain a lot of kiwi seeds and uniforms with large quantities in a faster time. The purpose of this study was to examine various types of media compaction materials for the growth of kiwi shoots in vitro. This study was prepared based on Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 5 treatments and repeated 4 times so that there were 20 experimental units, each experiment using 2 explants so that there are 40 eksplan. The treatments were: MA 1: Agar Swallow Globe 8 g / l, MA 2: Agar Swallow Globe 4 g / l + Agar Nutrijell 4 g / l, MA 3: Agar Swallow Globe 4 g / l + Agar Nutrijell 5 g / l, MA 4: Phytagel 2.2 g / l, MA 5: Agar Nutrijell 11 g / l. Observation variables are When shoots appear, Number of shoots, number of leaves, Number of Roots, number of root hair. The results showed Swallow Globe 4 g / l + Agar Nutrijell 4 g / l treatment gave the highest average number of shoots, the highest number of leaves and roots, this proved that the combination of Swallow Globe and Nutrijell agar gave a good condition for shoot growth kiwi plant.
The Effect of Application of Rice Dishwater and Manure as Organic Fertilizer to the Growth of Mustard (Brassica Juncea L.) Amalia Noviyanty; Chitra Anggriani Salingkat
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 5 No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v5i2.321


One of the recommended concepts of organic agriculture is the use of organic fertilizers and minimizing the use of inorganic fertilizers in farming activities or crop cultivation. Manure is one of the organic fertilizers that are often used as fertilizer, one of which is goat manure. In addition, there are several types of household waste that can be used as liquid organic fertilizers such as the waste rice washing water that can be applied to plants. The research objective were to determine the effect of giving rice washing water waste and manure to the growth and yield of mustard plants. This research was conducted from February to April 2017. This study used a randomized block design with two factors consisting of 16 treatments and repeated three times. The first factor isto control rice washing waterwith a concentration of 10, 20 and 30 ml/liter of water and the second factor is manure consisting of control, manure 5, 10 and 15 grams. This study uses quantitative data analysis techniques. Analysis of quantitative descriptive data used is plant height and number of leaves.Observation results of plant height showed that the highest average of plant height was experienced by 20 ml/liter rice washing water and 15 goat manure treatment. Likewise, the average number of leaves of mustard plants was not significantly different from the treatment of rice washing water, but the number of leaves in mustard plants was not significant. The results showed there were no significant interactions between the concentration of rice washing water and manure doses on growth and yield of mustard greens The rice washing water did not have a significant effect on plant height and number of leaves. The difference in the results of this study was thought to be caused by differences in the types of rice used.
Effect of Immersion Time of Shallot Extract and Atonicon Seed Germination of Shallot Bahrudin Bahrudin; Muhammad Ansar; Abdul Rahim Thaha
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 5 No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v5i2.322


The need for raw materials of fried onions derived from 'lembah palu Shallot tubers variety is high enough and can not be fulfilled, because the productivity is still low. This study aimed to find the type of plant growth regulator substances (PGR) with a long period of proper immersion to improve the germination of Shallot tuber. The research was conducted on Mei until June 2017 in Bulupontou Village, Sigi Regency. The study used two factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD). First factor of type RGS: (Z1) onion extract 100 g/l water, and (Z2) atonic 5 ml/l water. The second factor was long seed immersion in PGR: (T1)=30 min; (T2)=60 minutes; (T3)=90 minutes, and (T4)=120 minutes. Each treatment was represented 20 plants and repeated 3 times, so it was used 480 plants. The results showed that (i) red onion tubers soaked with Shallot extract 100 g/liter of water for 30-90 minutes yielded 100% Germinations, and tubers soaked in red onion extract for 30 minutes resulted in germination rate 31.3%/etmal, (ii) the type of growth regulator of shallot extract and atonic (PGR) effect was not significant on the germination of shallot; and (iii) the 30 minute long growth regulator immersion produced the highest hypothetical vigor index.
Initiation of Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) on Different Sterilization Techniques Ratu Mentari Dewi; Ramal Yusuf; Sri Anjar Lasmini; Hawalina Hawalina
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 5 No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v5i2.323


The most crucial step during the development of tissue culture is the method of explant sterilization. Especially, explants is sourced directly from fields that were more susceptible to microbial contaminations. This study aimed to obtain sterilization technique from several sterilant for reduced contamination and support growth of shoots grape in vitro. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tadulako, during January to April 2018. The study used a factorial completely randomized design, one factor was tested i.e S1 = Taft 8,3 g/L (0,1% carbendazim), S2 = taft 25 g/L (0,3% carbendazim), S3 = taft 41,67 g/L (0,5% carbendazim), S4 = Taft 8,3 g/L (0,1% carbendazim) + HgCl2 0,1%, S5 = Taft 25 gr/L (0,3% carbendazim) + HgCl2 0,1% dan S6 = 41,67 gr/L (0,5% carbendazim) + HgCl2 0,1 %. There were six treatment and each treatment was replicated three times to obtain 18 experimental units. Each experimental unit using two explant. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and followed by Honestly Significant Difference test at level of 5% if the treatment effects were significant. The results showed sterilization technique using taft 41,67 gram / L containing 0.5% carbendazim for 30 minutes, followed by 70% alcohol for 30 seconds and HgCl2 0,1% for 10 minutes gave free contamination for explant.whereas, Taft 8.3 g / L (Carb 0.1%) for 30 min, followed by 70% alcohol for 30 seconds is a sterilization technique that does not inhibit explant growth as indicated from the most callus formation.
The Growth of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.) Shoots on Various Concentration Benzylamino Purine (BAP) in Vitro Frisca Nanda Bulo; Enny Adelina; Ramal Yusuf; Hawalina Kasim
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 5 No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v5i2.324


The development of Central Sulawesi superior commodity,which is Tulo-5, the drough-resistant cultivars, through tissue culture technique can be used as an alternative, in addition to conventional breeding. This study aims to determine the growth of jackfruit shoots in various concentrations of benzylamino purine in vitro. The research has been conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Agriculture Faculty of Tadulako University, Palu. The research began on December 2017 and ended up on February 2018. This research used Completely Randomised Design of one-factor treatment which is BAP concentrations consist of 4 stage which is1,5 ppm BAP, 2,0 ppm BAP, 2,5 ppm BAP, 3,0 ppm BAP. The result showed that 6 weeks after planting, BAP concentration had significant effect on shoots time to emerge and shoots number but no significant effect on leaf number. The result of Tukey’s HSD test showed that concentration2,5 ppm gave the fastest shoot emergence with an average of 2,875 days after planting, in concentration 2,0 ppm gave the highest number of shoots with an average of 2.125 shoots per explant, and for the highest number of leaves found in the concentration of 2,0 ppm with the average number of leaves is 1 strand per explant.
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 5 No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v5i2.325


The aim of the study is to evaluate the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of beef meatball produced and circulated in Palu City. The study used a completely randomized design with 8 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) where sampling was repeated three times to obtain 24 research samples. Parameters of analysis included water, ash, protein, fat, borax, formalin and total microbial content. The results show that beef meatball circulating in Palu City had water content (66.56 - 72.99%), ash content (1.28 - 1.99%), protein content (8.93– 10.76%). ), fat content (1.16 - 5.84%) and total microbes (1.92–7.97 log cfu / g) and borax content and beef meatball formalin showed negative values.
Competitiveness of Soybean Business Farming Analysis in Grobogan Regency Central Java Province Nurul Widya Anggraeni; Wiludjeng Roessali; Hery Setiyawan
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 5 No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v5i2.326


Soybean is one of the strategic commodities. To fulfill the increasing of domestic demand, it must be supplied from imports because domestic production is unsufficient. In addition, lower price of imported soybean has effected in competition of domestic farmers to get profit. Demand of soybean in the international and domestic market has always increased. Indonesia has imported soybeans to fill domestic soybean demand. This condition will have an impact on the decline in farm income due to soybean import. The aims of this study were to analyze the level of private profitability and competitiveness of soybean farming in Grobogan Regency.This research used survey research method with number of samples taken through simple random sampling of 100 soybean farmers. Data were analyzed by Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The results showed that private profitability of soybean farming in Grobogan Regency was Rp1.690.393,22 per MT. Two indicators to measure the competitiveness were Private Cost Ratio (PCR) and Domestic Resources Cost Ratio (DRCR). PCR value was 0,75 which showed that soybean farming in Grobogan Regency was more competitive and Domestic Resources Cost Ratio (DRCR) showed 0,88. It showed that soybean farming had a comparative advantage.

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