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AGROLAND: The Agricultural Sciences Journal
Published by Universitas Tadulako
ISSN : 24077585     EISSN : 24077593     DOI :
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Agroland: The Agricultural Sciences Journal (Agroland: The Agr. Sci. J.) is an Open Journal System published by Tadulako University and Indonesian Society for Major in Agriculture (PISPI), is published twice a year in June and December. This journal provides a multi-disciplinary and international platform in which young and senior researchers can present their work on all aspects of tropical agriculture to other researchers, policymakers, and professionals. The journal welcomes primary research papers, reviews, and short communications on tropical Agriculture research. Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields: Agronomy & Crop Science, Agribusiness, Agriculture economics, Agriculture Engineering, Agriculture genomics, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Horticulture, Hydrology, Bioclimatology, Plant protection, Plant biochemistry and biotechnology, Seed technology and research, Soil science research, Soil restoration, Weed biology, Water management.
Articles 159 Documents
Analysis Extension Program and Development of Artificial Insemination Forage Production on The Improvement of Beef Cattle in District Bondowoso Niken Dyah Kusuma Dewi; Rizal Rizal; Hariadi Subagja
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 2 No 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v2i2.344


To improve farm products particulary cattle production, The goverment ofBondowoso District did through some policy : (1) extension program, (2) artificial insemination and (3) forage development.Although the program has been launched, there are still many problems occured. It is indicated by decreasing population of cattle, the declined result of artificial insemination and decreasing of meat production. The purpose of this research to find out the effect of extension program, artificial insemination and the development of forage on the increasing of beef cattle in Kabupaten Bondowoso. This research used explanatory research with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The result showed that the extension program didn’t effect improvement of beef cattle production, but the production can be improved by artificial insemination and forage development.
Market Segmentation Analysis of Central Sulawesi’s Processed Chocolate Product at Palu City Muhammad Rizal Faiz; Wildani Pingkan H; Yulianti Kalaba
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 2 No 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v2i2.345


By observing the development of cacao as one of the Central Sulawesi’s best commodity that widely processed as chocolate, thus studywas conducted withobjective to give the information about Central Sulawesi’s processed chocolate product market segments. Location determination is conducted deliberately, with the amount of respondent of 102 people that proportionally distributed among 5 districts, which is 21 people at Palu Barat District, 24 people at PaluTimur District, 21 people at Palu Selatan Disctric, 14 people at Tatanga District and 22 people at Mantikulore District that determined using Proportional Stratified Random Sampling method. It is done with the consideration that the respondents can represent Palu City’s residents. Analysis that wasused in this studyisTwoStep Cluster analysis for market segment determination. Result from this study showed that Palu City’s resident splittedinto 3 segments, which is segment 1 as the largest segment but has low processed chocolate consumption, segment 2 as the smallest segment with moderate consumption and expenses for processed chocolate products and segment 3 as the second largest segment which is the most potential segment because of their high consumption and expenses for processed chocolate products.
Analysis of Rice Production In Karawana Village Dolo Sub - District Sigi Delly Sriyati; Max Nur Alam; Yulianti Kalaba
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 2 No 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v2i2.346


This study aims to determine the effect of land area, number of seeds, labor, fertilizer, and pesticides on rice production in the Village Karawana Sub District Dolo. The population in this study are all farmers who cultivate rice farming rice fields totaling 417 farmers, farm consisting of 279 people using certified seeds and 138 people who use the seed is not certified, with a sample size of 60 people that is considered representative of the population, of which 40 people who use certified rice seeds and 20 people use rice seed is not certified. Data were analyzed using multiple linear analysis Doglass Cobb. The results of the production analyzes show that the independent variable (Xi) jointly significant effect on the dependent variable (Y) it is indicated the value of the F-count equal to 96.734> F-table 2.034. the coefficient of determination (R2Adj sq) of 0.925, meaning 92.5% of the variation rice production that use certified rice seeds (Y) can be explained by the variable land area (X1), seeds (X2), labor (X3) fertilizer (X4), and pesticides (X5), while the other 7.5% can be explained other models. Area of land, seed, labor, fertilizer, and pesticides simultaneously can affect the production of paddy rice farming that use certified rice seeds in the Village Karawana District of Dolo. T-test results showed independent variables (land area (X, labor (X3), fertilizers (X4), and pesticides (X5), very significant effect on production (Y), except for number of seeds (X2) had no significant effect. While for seed which is not certified the results of production analysis showed that the independent variable (Xi) jointly significant effect on the dependent variable (Y) it is indicated the value of the F-count equal to 84.902> F-table 2.009, the coefficient of determination (R2Adj sq) of 0.957, meaning 95.70% variation of rice production that use certified rice seeds (Y) can be explained by the variable land area (X1), seeds (X2), labor (X3), fertilizers (X4), and pesticides (X5), while the other 4.3% can be explained other models. The land, seed, labor, fertilizer, and pesticides simultaneously may affect rice production which uses rice seed is not certified in the Village Karawana District of Dolo, the t-test results shows the independent variables (land area (X1), the number of seeds (X2), labor (X3), fertilizers (X4), and pesticides (X5), very significant effect on output (Y). Rice production that use certified seed significantly different compared to rice production which uses seeds were not certified in the Village Karawana District of Dolo.
Propagation of Lembah Palu Shallot Somatic Embryosas Effortsto Provide Good Quality Seed Maemunah Maemunah; Ramal Yusuf; Hawalina Hawalina; Yusran Yusran
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 2 No 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v2i2.347


Shallot (Allium wakegi Arakic.v. Lembah Palu) is a horticulture commodity prospective as a very good business opportunity, since becomes the major ingredient of fried shallot, the most unique souvenir of Palu. The productivity however, is generally low due to lack in availability of good seed and seed production technology. The purpose of this study is to develop seed production technology through multiplication of somatic embryos. This assessment is the second part of research stages regarding the development of shallotsomatic embryo technology in Central Sulawesi. The first stage of the research is setrilization and callus induction of Lembah Palu shallot. This second stage is maturation dan germination of somatic embryos.The experiment was arranged as factorial completely randomized design, comprising of two factors. The first factor was 2,4-D concentration; consisting of three levels i.e 0.00, 0.25 and 0.50 mg/L. The second factor is kinetin concentration with the same levels as in 2,4-D. Each treatment combination was replicated three times, thus there were 27 experimental units. The result showed that addition of kinetin in MS basal media strongly affected the percentage of mature embryos and the percentage of mature embyos producing shoots, with the highest rate was obtained from the media fortified with 0,50 mg/L kinetin (26,913% and 43,318% respectively). Addition of 2,4-D to the MS basal media tended to inhibit the rate of regenerating shoot from the embryos. There is no interaction between 2,4-D and kinetin concentrations in affecting maturation and germination of the somatic embryos.
Feasibility Livestock of Broiler (Gallus domesticus) in Wadaslintang District Subdistrict Wonosobo Zulfanita Zulfanita; Uswatun Hasanah; Hanung Dhidhik Arifin
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 2 No 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v2i2.348


This study aims to determine : Feasibility of broiler farming in Wadaslintang District, the method basic was used in this research is survey method with the research location Wadaslintang District Subdistrict Wonosobo. Sampling technic was used 43 farmers. Based on the results that broiler farming in Wadaslintang the needed total average cost is Rp 8,927,929.77 average total revenue is Rp 20,653,290.70, the average income is Rp 13,487,185.60, an average profit is Rp 11,725,360.93. Rated R/C ratio is 2.31, productivity of capital π/C ratio is 131.33%, labor productivity Rp 544.223,71/HKO, farmer income is Rp 13,487,185.60 > land rent value is Rp 1,353 per production period 488,37, meat chiken production > BEP value of meat chiken production1744.54 > 403.00, Income > BEP value of income is 20,653,290.70 > Rp 4,759,218.42, meat prices > BEP prices Rp 11.838,77 > Rp 5.117,62, if the price decline is not exceed 56.78%, the farmers do not losses, its mean that broiler farming is feasible to grow up
Maximization Income of Fishermen Pancing Ulur in The Vilage Tete B Tojo Una-Una Dafina Howara
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 2 No 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v2i2.349


Beliefs about profitability of different locations and the decision of how long to fish in a particular location are likely to affect the variability of fishermen’s incomes. This paper examine the Maximization of income of the fishermen fishing In the village of Tete B Tojo Una-Una. Data analysis using LINDO analysis. The population in this research are 54 house hold from fisherman pancingulur. Respondent performed by using simple random sampling method, therefore the number of samples in the study are 37 families. The analysis showed that the maximum income of fishermen fishing in the village Tete B is Rp 40.036.480,00 with the total production of 15.667 kg produced for one month period of catching. Resources used to obtain the maximum income is 4.856,67 liters of gasoline, lubricants or oils 47 liters, ice is 3.446.67packs, consumption is Rp 6.000.333,33 and cigarette is 1.096,67 wrap.
Callus Induction and Propagation of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao l.) Clones Sulawesi 2 in Various Concentration of 2,4-D, BAP Adding with Coconut Water Haliani Haliani; Wardah Wardah; I Nengah Suwastika
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 2 No 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v2i2.350


The goals of this experimen were to obtain the best concentration of 2,4-D with 15% coconut water to induced cacao callus, and the best concentration of BAP with 15% coconut water in callus propagation. This was experimental research which arranged by Completely Randomized Design, consists of two steps, callus induction and callus propagation. Callus induction from cacao flowers used several concentrations of 2,4-D combined with 15% of coconut water. In callus propagation, the medium treated by various concentrations of BAP with 15% of coconut water. This research was undertaken during period of time February until April 2016 at Laboratory of Forestry Biotecnology Forestry Faculty of Tadulako University. Data was analysed with analysis of variance and difference between treatment were determined by using BNJ at 5%. The result showed that the best medium for callus induction was 2.0 mg/L of 2,4-D with 15% of coconut water (K3). This medium produced callus in 13.50 days after induction with 99,17% of explants producing callus. Treatment of 2 mg/L of 2,4-D + 1.0 mg/L of BAP + 15 % of coconut water (SK6) was giving best response in callus propagation. This medium produced 0.55 ml volume of callus, white-yellowish callus with crumb textured which were active in cell proliferation
Indonesia Home Country Indegenious Knowledge and Tradisional Wishdom for Growing Season of Land Paddy Abd. Syakur; Sayani Sayani
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 2 No 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v2i2.351


The aim of this research is to determine growing season land paddy with use tradisionally climate prediction base on indegenious knowledge and tradisional wishdom from society where they live on remote area. The data of growth and yield of land paddy was collected at Powelua Village, Donggala regency, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The method of this research use survey and interview in depth to farmer who planted land paddy. The result show that their knowledge to predict climate for growing season land paddy has to used both the climate data
ACUTE TOXICITY OF MERCURY CHLORIDE TO TRICHOPTERA LARVAE Hasriyanty - Hasriyanty; Alam Anshary; Shahabuddin Saleh; Moh. Yunus
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 7 No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v7i2.398


Mercury waste from gold mining activities that contaminate the environment is very harmful to the living organisms including aquatic insects. This study aims to analyze the acute toxicity of mercury on Trichoptera larvae that commonly used as a bioindicator of water quality.The study was arranged in a completely randomized design with six-levels of mercury chloride (HgCl2) concentrations, namely: 0.00; 0.001; 0.005; 0.1; 0.2; and 0.3 mg / l HgCl2. A total of 20 insects larvae were used for each concentration and the insect mortality was observed in four times (30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes). The results showed that the mortality of Trichoptera larvae had occurred at 30 minutes after observation. The LC-50 value of mercury chloride against Trichoptera was 0.048 ppm. Larval mortality increased with the increase of the mercury concentration and the exposure time. These results indicate the acute toxicity of mercury chloride to Trichoptera larvae. The effect of mercury on morphological changes of the Trichoptera larvae is also observed and discussed.
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 8 No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v0i0.399


The role of nutmeg in traditional and international trade is very significant because it is able to supply around 60-75 percent of the world's market share needs. The government as one of the market players has a role in creating strategic agricultural product price stabilization, and while there are still weaknesses of the agribusiness structure prevailing in Indonesia, integration analysis is very important given the benefits of knowledge about market integration. Market integration is useful to facilitate monitoring of price changes and support government policies on price stabilization and predict prices in the domestic market. Analysis of the market integration of this research uses the Vector Autoregression (VAR) model in difference determined through data stationarity test. Meanwhile, to determine the impact of the response of each variable due to shock (impulse response analysis) and Variance Decomposition. This research has three equations in the VAR analysis model and the results are all significant. The benefit of this research is to help determine the forecast of nutmeg prices in the domestic market and the impact of the response of each variable due to shocks.

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