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Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu Pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
ISSN : 30325862     EISSN : 30325854     DOI : 10.62383
Core Subject : Social,
Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia in particular include the study of Communication, Politics, Government, International Relations, and Social Affairs.
Articles 61 Documents
Implikasi Etika Bisnis Dalam Perdagangan Benih Lobster Menurut Hukum Internasional Elvina Fardila
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.134


The aim to be achieved in this research is to find out the importance of business ethics in the lobster seed trade according to international law. The method used in this research is normative law using secondary data in the form of journals and books related to the chosen research theme. The results of this research show that international law is a benchmark in covering various business actions which contain various ethics that must be adhered to by various countries. international law that regulates which is contained in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an international law that emphasizes the preservation of future generations where this leads to extinction which can result in losses for the next generation
Menilai Kembali Kebijakan Hukum Perlindungan Lingkungan Hidup Dalam Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Untuk Mendukung Kelestarian Ekologi Isti Puspitasari; Erviyanti Rosmaida; Christloy Totota Karo Karo; Irwan Triadi
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.137


The purpose of this article is to find out how to change environmental legal policy into environmental law into the Job Creation Law and to find out the appropriate efforts to address changes in environmental legal policy from the environmental protection perspective of the Job Creation Law. The research method presented in this article uses a normative legal approach, namely descriptive analysis. The results of the study in the article show that the concept of environmental law has become a legal policy that activates various instruments that regulate environmental problems in Indonesia, both regulatory and planning instruments. Finally, the aim of environmental legal policy is to ensure the implementation of sustainability in Indonesia from an environmental perspective. Efforts that must be made to address changes in environmental legal policy from the environmental protection perspective of the Job Creation Law are: 1) Simplification of permits; 2) Strict responsibility and 3);Restrictions on environmental rights. These three things cannot be taken lightly, so as not to have the worst impact on the quality of the environment. The Job Creation Law and its derivatives already existed until legal action was taken to revoke them. This is an important consideration where the Government must continue to develop good faith partnerships with the community to implement the Work and its consequential provisions.
Disgorgement dan Disgorgement Fund: Pemulihan Kerugian dan Perlindungan Investor Monica Fitriyani Purba; Adi Sulistiyono
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.139


This research is conducted to analyze the comparison of disgorgement in the US and Indonesia and the regulation of POJK No. 65 /POJK.04/2020 in legal protection for investors. This research is categorized as normative legal research with a statute approach and comparative approach and uses library research techniques from primary and secondary legal sources. The results showed that POJK No. 65 /POJK.04/2020 has the potential to recover investor losses. Nevertheless, the risk of loss still exists mainly due to crimes and violations in the capital market. By implementing the regulation, it is expected to increase investor confidence and strengthen the integrity of the capital market. However, to achieve optimal implementation, further education to investors, transparency in the disgorgement determination process, and an effective monitoring and evaluation system are needed.
Analisis Yuridis Kedudukan Hukum Nota Kesepahaman Dalam Pranata Hukum Kontrak Di Indonesia Azamta Besnata Mutiara; Arief Suryono
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.141


The lack of regulation regarding the position of a memorandum of understanding often causes disputes between the parties who make it. The position of the memorandum of understanding is very important because it affects the legal consequences. The position can be studied through several aspects, namely based on classical and contemporary contract law theories, the Civil Code, civil law and common law legal systems, and UNIDROIT arrangements. The result of this research is that Indonesia tends to adhere to classical contract law theory by adhering to Article 1320 of the Civil Code. Furthermore, as a civil state (not fully), Indonesia regulates good faith in the nomenclature of legislation, namely Article 1338 (3) and 1965, but has not specifically regulated the good faith of the memorandum of understanding. Indonesia has also ratified UNIDROIT, so that the memorandum of understanding needs to be adjusted to the principles of good faith and fair dealing contained in Article 1.7 of UNIDROIT.
Penerapan Pelaksanaan Going Concern Oleh Tim Kurator PT Star Prima (Dalam Pailit) Dina Fiddaniah; Arief Suryono
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.144


In the Bankruptcy Law and PKPU, there are two steps in proposing a going concern, namely after the bankruptcy decision (solvent), which is regulated in Article 104 of the Bankruptcy Law and PKPU, and after insolvency, which is regulated in Article 179 paragraph (1) of the Bankruptcy Law and PKPU. This research uses an empirical juridical approach. Empirical juridical research is data that is first examined, namely secondary data, followed by research on primary data in the field or in the community. This research is descriptive empirical normative legal research. Types and sources of research data include primary data and secondary data consisting of primary and secondary legal materials. The approaches used in this research are the statute and case approaches. The research results show that the implementation of going concern carried out by the PT Star Prima Curator Team (in bankruptcy) is by the Bankruptcy Law and PKPU, namely 1) obtaining approval/permission from the supervisory judge and the creditors accepted, 2) proposed when the debtor is in a state of insolvency, 3) regularly 3 (three) months once reported to the supervising judge.
Tindak Pidana Pencurian Data Dan Privasi Pengguna Dalam Transaksi E-Commerce : Studi Kasus Pada Aplikasi Tokopedia Akila Nuranisa; Diana Lukitasari
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.145


The development of information and communication technology facilitates transactions, including through e-commerce, but has the potential to present criminal acts of data theft and violations of user privacy. This research investigates the case of data leakage in the Tokopedia application in criminal law and corporate liability by Tokopedia. The analysis shows that Tokopedia can be criminally liable for its negligence in maintaining the security of personal data, such as the weakness of the data security system (encryption) and the lack of vigilance against hacker attacks. Tokopedia has several obligations in protecting users' personal data. This case shows the importance of corporate criminal liability and the company's obligation to protect users' personal data. Using the normative juridical method and statutory approach, primary data is obtained from the Tokopedia 2020 case study, while secondary data comes from primary and secondary legal sources. The results show that the Tokopedia data leak in 2020 is a criminal offense due to the negligence of PT Tokopedia, which is in accordance with the criminal law principle of Culpa Lata Unconscious. The Personal Data Protection Law emphasizes the responsibility of PT. Tokopedia in protecting personal data. Law enforcement needs to take firm action against the perpetrators of criminal acts to provide a deterrent effect.
Analisis Yuridis Tentang Pencemaran Nama Baik : Studi Kasus Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan Stevanno Sebastian Entoh; Sari Mandiana; Jusup Jacobus Setyabudhi
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.146


This research discusses the defamation that has been committed by Haris Azhar (HA) and Fatiah Maulidyianti (FM) who in one of their YouTube video uploads entitled 'There is a Lord Luhut Behind the Economic-OPS Military Relations of Intan Jaya!!! General BIN Also There!! NgeHAMtam' has defamed and caused false suspicion against Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. It is known that HA and FM called Luhut 'lord'. Luhut also said that material losses do not need to be calculated, but morally, accusing me of being a criminal and being called a 'lord' is very detrimental to him and his family. This research will also discuss the defamation by Haris and Fatiah when viewed from the Criminal Code (KUHP), and Law Number 11 of 2008 which has been amended by Law Number 19 of 2016. This research uses normative / dogmatic juridical research methods. This research uses primary legal materials and secondary legal materials as the legal basis for completing this research. This research also uses the Statue Approach (approach through legislation), Conceptual Approach (conceptual approach), and Case Approach (case approach). In the results of this study, it can be concluded that the actions of HA and FM can be categorized as defamation because they have fulfilled the elements of Article 311 of the Criminal Code on slander and Article 318 of the Criminal Code on false suspicion. The advice in the form of legal opinion is that the prosecutor should be able to provide charges to HA and FM related to Article 311 of the Criminal Code on slander and Article 318 on false pretenses because this can later become the basis for the Judge's decision following the prosecutor's indictment.
Analisis Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Atas Pembelian Mobil Toyota Avanza Generasi Ketiga Akibat Adanya Cacat Produksi
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.147


This article aims to examine the form of legal protection for consumers on the purchase of third generation Toyota Avanza cars due to production defects. This research is a prescriptive and applied normative legal research with a statue approach and case approach. The sources of legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials, by means of literature study of documents or library materials, and syllogism and interpretation techniques using deduction thinking. The results of this study are the form of legal protection for consumers on the purchase of third generation Toyota Avanza cars can choose two forms of legal protection described by Moch Isnaeni, namely internal legal protection and external legal protection. In internal legal protection in the form of an agreement made in the agreement to purchase a third generation Toyota Avanza car. While external legal protection is protected by laws and regulations, government regulations, and ministerial regulations.
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak Ekonomi Pemegang Hak Cipta Atas Mechanical Rights Yang Dikomersialkan Tanpa Izin: Studi Kasus Putusan Nomor 35/Pdt.Sus-Hak Cipta/2021/PN.Jkt.Pst Ferdinand Yusuf Marcelino Sihite; Hernawan Hadi
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.149


This research aims to analyze the extent of LMKN's authority to act as a legal protection institution for the economic rights of copyright holders and legal protection efforts for copyright violations, especially Mechanical Rights. This research is normative legal research that is prescriptive and applied with a case approach, namely examining one case of copyright infringement by duplicating songs/Musik without permission from the Creator and Owner of Related Rights as stated in the Decision of the Central Jakarta Commercial Court Number: 35 /Pdt.Sus-Copyright/2021/PN.Jkt.Pst. The collection of legal materials was carried out by conducting library studies and research on the legal sources used, namely primary and secondary legal materials. The analysis technique that the author uses is the syllogism method which is deductive, by submitting a major premise and a minor premise that connect each other to create a conclusion. Based on this research, the results obtained show that the LMKN which was created by the Government as a legal protection institution for copyright holders cannot fully become an institution that accommodates the rights of the Copyright Holders themselves. This is due to the limitations of LMKN which only deals with song copyrights of the Performing Rights type, while for Synchronization Rights and Mechanical Rights they must obtain permission directly from the Creator and Owner of the Related Rights. For this reason, in this writing the author includes Decision Number: 35/Pdt.Sus-Hak Copyright/2021/PN.Jkt.Pst. where in this case the resolution efforts that can be taken if a copyright violation occurs will be analyzed.
Pengaturan Hukum Mengenai Gratifikasi Pelayanan Seksual Dalam Menanggulangi Tindak Pidana Korupsi Muhammad Alvito Dary; Supanto Supanto; Ismunarno Ismunarno
Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Amandemen: Jurnal Ilmu pertahanan, Politik dan Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/amandemen.v1i2.151


This gratuity is a practice that often occurs in a nation, which is carried out by state administrators or state officials. Gratification is one form given to state administrators or state officials to influence the performance of public officials which can create the potential for creating an economy at high costs and can affect the quality and fairness of services provided to the community. In the development of this gratification, initially gratification only took the form of money and goods, but in fact the practice of gratification has developed in the form of sexual services. This research seeks to answer the issue of limits on gratification as regulated in Article 12 B of the Corruption Eradication Law. Because the existence of gratification for sexual services must be regulated first so that the perpetrator can be subject to criminal sanctions. As a comparison for this research, it uses a comparative method by examining legal regulations regarding gratification in another country, namely Singapore.