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Repeater: Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
ISSN : 30467284     EISSN : 30467276     DOI : 10.62951
Core Subject : Science,
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan berisikan naskah hasil penelitian di bidang Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Articles 44 Documents
Implementasi dan Analisa Sistem Pencegahan Intrusi pada Aplikasi Web Menggunakan Web Application Firewall Deski Ari Sandi; Agus Tedyyana
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.196


In the era of information technology advancement, web applications have become a means of seeking information. However, with technological progress, they have become increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks such as SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This research aims to implement the Teler-waf Web Application Firewall (WAF) to protect web applications from such attacks. The research methodology includes the implementation of the Teler-waf WAF, analysis of web application security, and testing the speed of attack detection. The results show that Teler-waf is effective in preventing attacks, and its integration with Telegram bots provides real-time notifications to system administrators, enhancing security responsiveness. This research contributes to strengthening web application security and understanding the role of the Teler-waf WAF in addressing cyber threats.
Implementasi Metode Mccall Pada Pengujian Kualitas Website Diskominfotik Kabupaten Bengkalis Nurul Aini; Fajar Ratnawati
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.203


The Communication, Informatics, and Statistics Agency (DISKOMINFOTIK) of Bengkalis is a government institution focused on information and statistics. One of the media used for information dissemination is the DISKOMINFOTIK Bengkalis website. The website of the Communication, Informatics, and Statistics Agency of Bengkalis District offers several information options such as the agency profile, work units, public information, agendas, announcements, contact details of DISKOMINFOTIK Bengkalis, as well as news published by DISKOMINFOTIK Bengkalis. Therefore, the DISKOMINFOTIK Bengkalis website is considered a significant medium for both the agency itself and the public. Hence, software quality becomes an important consideration as it directly affects the website's performance. For this reason, testing needs to be conducted on the DISKOMINFOTIK Bengkalis website. This research addresses 11 factors in McCall, namely Correctness, Reliability, Usability, Integrity, Efficiency, Reusability, Portability, Interoperability, Maintainability, Flexibility, and Testability. Testing is done in two ways: with testing tools and with questionnaires submitted to users and system developers. The results of testing conducted with questionnaires yield quality scores of Correctness 77,66%, Reliability 77,8%, Efficiency 79,01%, Integrity 77,31%, Usability 77,67%, Portability 77,31%, Maintainability 90%, Testability 90%, Flexibility 93,3%, Reusability 95%, Interoperability 90%, so the average quality is 84%.
Aplikasi Pengaduan Tumpukan Sampah dengan Algoritma Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk Menentukan Prioritas Layanan Ergie Suhendri; Jaroji Jaroji
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.204


Waste is a waste product of human activities that continues to increase along with the increase in population, activities, and consumption levels. In Bengkalis Sub-district, Bengkalis Regency, there are many waste accumulation points that have not been handled properly, mainly due to the lack of information about the location of waste accumulation. This causes the Bengkalis Regency Environment and Hygiene Agency (DLHK) to have difficulties in managing waste transportation, even though it is carried out every day. There are still many complaints from people who are outside the waste collection point. To overcome this problem, this research aims to develop a mobile application-based garbage pile complaint application focused on the Bengkalis District area. This application is designed to assist DLHK in monitoring environmental cleanliness more effectively. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to determine the priority of handling waste complaints, which will be implemented in a web platform to ensure optimal handling. Application development uses a prototype approach to ensure that the resulting application is in accordance with user needs and expectations. With this application, it is hoped that waste management in Bengkalis Regency will become more efficient and responsive to community complaints.
Aplikasi Marketplace Penyewaan Mobil Berbasis Website menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development Arfando Saputra; Fajar Ratnawati; Elvi Rahmi
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.205


Marketplace system is a means of meeting sellers and buyers online, in this case service providers and car renters. With this information system, renters no longer need to bother looking for the required car that matches the criteria, and service providers are also easier in marketing and expanding their marketing reach. This system was built using the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method of development which allows customers to place orders, select vehicles, eliminating complexity in the traditional process involving visits to rentals. In car rental services there are several problems that need to be resolved. First, there is no web-based information system service that makes it easy for customers to access car rental service company information. Second, conventional services are still fairly slow. Currently, reservations are made in two ways, namely coming to the place or contacting the telephone number on Whatsapp so that prospective tenants have to wait for a response from the rental provider to get information about prices and available cars. Therefore, a car rental information system is needed that specifically serves fleet rental with online booking to display transaction information in the form of car rental and return on the system dashboard to support strategic purposes. This research focuses on building a car rental information system using the PHP programming language with the CodeIgniter framework.
Pengelompokan Menggunakan Metode Clustering Pada Pola Hidup Pengguna KB Dio Fani Prakasa; Novriyenni Novriyenni; Lina Arlianan Nur Kadim
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.206


Healthy lifestyles are habits of doing something, be it food, healthy behavior so as to avoid the disturbance of all kinds of diseases, both physical and non-physical diseases, as well as birth control users must also strive for a healthy lifestyle, such as managing a healthy diet, rest, exercise, eating vegetables and fruits, doing optimal physical activity, not consuming alcohol, and maintaining a healthy body. In this problem, many family planning users do not pay attention to a healthy lifestyle because they think that the family planning tools used have no risk to health, but the use of family planning has side effects on health such as menstruation is not smooth, the body is obese, the body feels warm or feverish, there are blood clots, nausea, bloating, changes in vision, difficulty in getting back to normal, headaches, and others. To be able to attract the attention of the community in implementing a healthy lifestyle for family planning users, it is very necessary to have a system that can help people in changing their unhealthy lifestyle to a healthier one by grouping family planning user data based on variables that have been determined using the clustering method, to group data on healthy lifestyles for family planning users which later the results of this study can be used as input and guidance for a healthy lifestyle for family planning users, so that family planning users are more careful and have a healthy life. Of the 20 data, there are 3 groups, namely group 1 there are 4 data and group 2 there are 4 data and group 3 there are 12 data from the above results it can be seen that in cluster 3 is a group on family planning users based on a lot with a total of 12 data and is located in the contraceptive type group (X) is injectable birth control, and for the lifestyle group (Y), namely Frequent Night Baths and Risk (Z), namely Decreased Bone Strength.
Pengelompokan Data Penerima Bantuan untuk Disabilitas di Kota Binjai Menggunakan Metode Clustering Algoritma K-Means Eninta Rahayu Barus; Novriyenni Novriyenni; Suci Ramadani
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.207


In Indonesia, people with disabilities are often overlooked and underestimated because they do not have perfect physical abilities to do certain jobs or activities. The majority of them come from underprivileged families and are often underdeveloped. The unstructured process of distributing assistance can result in the assistance provided is not in accordance with the needs, so it is not optimal in improving the welfare of persons with disabilities. In addition, without a clear grouping, it is difficult for the government to design a more specific and targeted assistance program. Therefore, to overcome this problem, the agency needs to have an additional system to be able to assist in overcoming the problem of disability assistance recipients, namely by using the clustering method to group beneficiary data based on age, type of disability, and type of assistance. Thus, this clustering is expected to provide information and a clearer picture of the needs of each disability group, so that the assistance program provided can be distributed more optimally according to what people with disabilities need. After calculating using the existing cluster formula4, iteration 2 is the same as in iteration 1 and there is no data that moves groups anymore so the calculation can be stopped. So that a cluster graph can be made grouping data on beneficiaries of assistance for disabilities in Binjai City using the K-Means algorithm clustering method.
Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Hipertrofi hidung Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Andini Andini; Novriyenni Novriyenni; Rusmin Saragih
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.208


Nasal hypertrophy is a swelling that occurs in the nasal concha. This condition is caused because the inferior concha has a larger anatomical size when compared to the other concha structures. The process of diagnosing nasal hypertrophy often requires high clinical skills and experience. RSU Putri Bidadari is one of the hospitals that treats Nasal Hypertrophy disease in patients. Nose hypertrophy disease has several symptoms that are felt which are usually caused by several factors such as exposure to certain allergens, chronic sinus infections, or a family history of similar nasal problems, so several diagnostic tests are needed that can confirm the diagnosis, such as nasal endoscopy to see directly the condition inside the nose, medical imaging such as CT scan or MRI to evaluate the structure of the nose in more detail, or allergy tests to identify the causative allergen. From the above problems, patients really need a system that becomes a recommendation in helping provide information about nasal hypertrophy disease that can diagnose early and take further action to prevent nasal hypertrophy disease. By using the certainty factor method, information from the steps above can be systematically analyzed to determine the level of confidence in the diagnosis of nasal hypertrophy. These factors can be assessed based on severity, presence of typical symptoms, correlation with risk factors, and results of physical examination and diagnostic tests. Based on the results of the CF calculation, the highest value is in the type of nasal hypertrophy disease with the type of Septal Deviation disease having a value of 1 or 100%, in the type of Rhinitis disease having a value of 94.24% and in the type of sinusitis disease having a value of 85.60%. From the results obtained, the system identifies that the patient has nasal hypertrophy with Septal Deviation type by 100%.
Rancangan Aplikasi Rekomendasi Produk Skincare untuk Ibu Hamil Menggunakan Metode Prototype Sri Wahyuni; Fajri Profesio Putra
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.209


This research aims to develop an application for recommending safe and suitable skincare products for pregnant women. The application is built using the prototype method and implemented with the Python programming language using the Flask framework. The study encompasses product categories from Drw Skincare, including serums, toners, shampoos, body care products, facial washes, and creams. The system provides options for users to select categories of skincare ingredients they desire. The application issues warnings about skincare ingredients that should be avoided during pregnancy, such as retinol and specific acids. The end result is a list of recommended skincare products containing ingredients that align with the user's selected criteria. Each product is accompanied by comprehensive information about its ingredients and advice. Users can utilize search and advanced filtering features to find skincare products based on product types and brands. The application offers clear user guidance and an intuitive interface, enabling users to navigate and use the application comfortably. It is expected that this application can assist pregnant women in choosing safe and effective skincare products while providing a better understanding of skincare during pregnancy.
Diagnosis Gangguan Permasalahan Layanan Telkom menggunakan Metode Dempster Shafer Putri Riswana; Novriyenni Novriyenni; Siswan Syahputra
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.228


The increasing complexity of public demand for telecommunication services, particularly internet services, has pushed PT. Telkom, as one of the state-owned enterprises (SOEs), to continuously enhance the quality of its services. One of its flagship products, Indihome, offers faster internet connectivity compared to dial-up services. However, Indihome has been frequently criticized by customers due to service disruptions. This indicates a need for developing effective strategies to address customer complaints. The primary issue faced by the public is the lack of knowledge regarding service disruptions, leading to difficulties in explaining the problem to technicians for repair. This research aims to develop a Telkom service disruption diagnosis system that can assist the public in identifying issues early without direct consultation with an expert. The system is developed using an expert system method, where information about service disruptions is processed to generate accurate diagnoses. With this system, customers can identify the type of disruption and provide clearer information to Telkom technicians. The research findings indicate that the most common disruptions are caused by faulty adapters or modems and disconnected configurations, with a density value of 54.49%. This system is expected to improve Telkom’s public service quality, minimize customer complaints, and expedite the repair process for Indihome services.
Penentuan Koperasi Terbaik pada Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Kota Binjai menggunakan Metode WASPAS Mira Asmara Zega; Imran Lubis; Kristina Anastasia Br. Sitepu
Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Repeater : Publikasi Teknik Informatika dan Jaringan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/repeater.v2i4.229


A cooperative is a business entity based on the principle of kinship. Cooperatives have the aim of improving the welfare of their members through the activities they carry out. The Binjai City Cooperatives and UMKM Service is a regional apparatus within the Binjai City Government for government affairs in the field of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises. The Binjai City Cooperatives and UMKM Department always carries out assessments of every cooperative in the city of Binjai in the form of an assessment of the best cooperatives which aims to increase the motivation of cooperative institutions and as an evaluation material for the performance of cooperatives recorded in the City of Binjai. In carrying out the assessment of the best cooperatives carried out by the Binjai City Cooperatives and UMKM Service, it took quite a long time. This is because the data collection and processing process is conventional and simple. To overcome existing problems, a decision support system was created to facilitate the management and calculations of each cooperative. In this research, the method used in the calculation process is WASPAS (Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment). The Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method is a method that is able to minimize errors or maximize the assessment to determine the highest and lowest values. The final result of this research is a decision support system that is able to produce decision recommendations in determining the best cooperative at the Binjai City Cooperative and UMKM Department.