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International Journal of Technology and Education Research
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29860733     DOI :
Core Subject : Science, Education,
International Journal of Technology and Education Research( IJETER) is  a peer-reviewed journal which welcomes submissions involving a critical discussion of policy and practice, as well as contributions to conceptual and theoretical developments in the field. It includes articles based on empirical research and analysis (quantitative, qualitative and mixed method) and welcomes papers from a wide range of disciplinary and inter-disciplinary perspectives. The journal embraces the broad range of settings and ways in which vocational and professional learning takes place and, hence, is not restricted by institutional boundaries or structures in relation to systems of education and training. This journal covers the topics of the educational profession, curriculum, educational philosophy, educational technology, learning strategies, educational management, educational psychology, student development, general issues in primary, secondary and higher education, educational foundations, teacher professional development, out-of-school education, and excellent education, the study of curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment, as well as economic, cultural and political aspects related to the role of vocational and professional education and training in society.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 15 Documents
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UniKL Business School: The Opportunities Towards Becoming A Preferred University Arman Hj Ahmad; Professor Dr Wan Sabri Wan Hussin
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Becoming the first and ultimate preferred institution for pursuing higher degree or tertiary education in Malaysia became an ultimate dream of every university or higher learning institution of this country. This paper focuses on some higher learning opportunities need to be highlighted by Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School’s management in order to become the preferred university among Malaysian simultaneously be the best in the country. In this competitive environment, be the best is crucial. Thus, one of the ways of becoming the best is by grabbing as much as opportunities that lie in the market. There are several opportunities found important for UniKL Business School and those are the new target market opportunities (working adult), modular learning due to strategic location and high number of target market, recognition for the current degree program by professional bodies, professional certificate embedded the current degree program (added value) and becoming an accredited learning center for professional course. Careful analyses of eighteen articles with different themes on business opportunities in higher learning institution yield some insights on issues prevalent in the matter. Finally, this paper proposes an integrated model for the suggestions on how UniKL Business School could grab those opportunities (creating, shaping, recognizing and seizing). The model is constructed based on insights drawn from the analyses of the articles. The model may be used as a guide for UniKL Business School and may be useful tools for consultants to use in handling tasks relating to the developing of the preferred higher learning institution in Malaysia
Analysis Study Of Leadership Strategies In Implementing Improvement Concept Quality In Higher Education Suzanni Suzanni
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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The issue of quality in higher education is important to be made into a special study in an effort to improve education which will have an impact on Indonesia's development in various fields, because it is in higher education that policy makers, scientists, artists, and technological engineers should be born with no regard for intelligence, but more than that character building for the next generation of the nation in the future. Many factors make the quality of higher education low, one of which is the non-implementation of higher education quality assurance. Quality assurance itself should be a separate system that guarantees the continuity of quality higher education. According to Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, there are three components that regulate issues of quality assurance in higher education that currently exist, including the Ministry of National Education through the Directorate General of Higher Education, the National Education Standards Agency, and the National Accreditation Board. Each one should form a system that coordinates with each other, but in reality each seems to still stand alone. This problem will certainly have an impact on higher education as an autonomous institution that organizes higher education, the public who use higher education services, as well as the business and industrial world as users of higher education graduates. Higher education as an autonomous institution has the task of running an internal quality assurance system, reporting its internal quality assurance to the Director General of Higher Education to then carry out an external quality assurance system.
Madrasah Management In Improving Teacher Professionals At MTSN I Kerinci Pirmanuddin Pirmanuddin; Ali Marzuki Zebua; Yuni Fitri
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Related with with implementation management quality in the environment MTsN I Kerinci, head of the madrasa who became leader in environment Madrasa of course have important role _ in print a professional teacher . Teacher too very determine Where to direction And at a time objective participant educate . As for task headmaster as leader And at a time as a supervisor is obliged help teachers at school For develop profession And at a time help teachers to be able see problem he faces Good in class nor outside class . A must try thought And run To use enhancement quality education is learning process improvement very teaching depends to teacher professionalism as source Power human. Teachers are required For own various Skills in deliver student For reach planned goals. Quality management something institution education seen of inputs include: students, power teachers, administrators, funds, facilities, infrastructure, curriculum, books library And tool learning. Process includes : management institution, management activity Study teaching, interaction academic And other. Results includes: graduates, publications findings scientific and results other .
Analysis of Online Sales Applications in Rendang Mala Business at Payakumbuh City Andi Putra; Khairul Annisa; Arif Rizki Marsa
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Rendang Mala is one of the rendang businesses in the city of Payakumbuh. So far, the business of selling Mala rendang is still done manually, that is, buyers go directly to the store to get the product. In today's all-online digital era, internet-based innovation is needed that can support the business world to facilitate buying and selling transactions, streamlining time and distance so that buyers don't have to come to the store to get products. The web-based online sales application is designed to make it easier for consumers to get Mala rendang products. Web-based online sales application for Mala's rendang business developed with use Language programming databases, PHP, and MySql. For know satisfaction user to application This done study with use model PIECES analysis. Based on the results of the study using PIECES analysis, an average score of 4.4 . Which showing that application online sales give results "Very Satisfied" for user.
Implementation Of The Think Pair Share Model (Tps) In Improving Learning Outcomes Of Islamic Culture History To Students Of MTSN 1 South Aceh Edi Saffan; Muhammad Ali Akbar
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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The research in this thesis is motivated by a phenomenon in the learning process that exists at MTs Negeri 1 Aceh Selatan , students are weak in mastering and understanding the lessons of Islamic Cultural History . This is because most teachers only use the lecture method when teaching. So that it can cause students to become bored in responding to the lessons delivered by the teacher, and also cause student learning outcomes to decrease in Islamic Cultural History lessons with an average percentage of 58.83% and completeness of student learning outcomes 33.33% in the pre- cycle. The purpose of this study is to increase student activity in class as well as improve student learning outcomes through learning models Think Pair Share (TPS) in Islamic Culture History lessons at MTS Negeri 1 South Aceh . This research uses Class Action Research in two cycles . The subjects of this study were students of class VII I MTS Negeri 1 Aceh Selatan totaling 24 students taken by total sampling in the study. Data collection techniques used are observation, questionnaires and tests. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes with an average value of 87.38 % . This proves that with the use of learning models Think Pair Share (TPS) in Islamic Culture History lessons can improve student learning outcomes for class VII I MTS Negeri 1 Aceh Selatan . Based on this conclusion, it is suggested to fellow teachers to master and try to apply the latest learning models such as models Think Pair Share (TPS) so that the learning atmosphere can be lively, varied and proven to be effective in increasing learning outcomes
Image Processing Application Uses An Adaptive Algorithm On Android Cellphone Camera.docx alwendi alwendi; Andi Saputra Mandopa
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Todays, digital image processing is widely used in various fields to facilitate humans in doing work by analyzing videos or images for use in decision making in the industrial world. The use of industrial machine technology is one of the most important factors in efforts to facilitate human work, but an industrial machine is inseparable from work failure that can hinder the production process and cause harm to the industry. This study aims to detect a failure in industrial machinery by using video data of industrial machine movements recorded using a webcam camera Image processing technology has advanced significantly over the last decade. Its application to low-power mobile devices has attracted many research groups in relation to new contexts such as augmented reality, visual search, object recognition, etc. As general purpose computing emerges for embedded GPUs and their programming models such as OpenGL ES 2.0 and OpenCL, mobile processors will gain more parallel computing capabilities. Therefore, adapting these advances to accelerate mobile image processing algorithms has become a hot topic. In this paper, our interest is based on a review of the current challenging tasks associated with mobile image processing using serial and parallel computing in several new application contexts.
Islamic Boarding School Challenges for Alpha Generation Student Qiyadah Robbaniyah; Syaiful Anam
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Islamic boarding schools as Islamic educational institutions are serious in assisting the nation's children. So the researcher is interested in exploring the challenges of Islamic boarding schools for the alpha generation of students. With a place of research at the Islamic Center Bin Baz Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta. This research method is a qualitative method by collecting interview data, observation and documentation. The results of this study are; Generation Alpha is a term for people born in 2010 and after, this generation has advantages and characters that are different from the previous generation because they are very close to technology. Adolescence has a complete dynamic towards adulthood. ICBB Islamic Boarding School in facing the challenges of the alpha generation of students, namely; 1) Mission Crisis Youth; 2) Adolescents who do not know themselves, their roles and what their duties are; 3) the orderliness of Congregational Prayer Worship; 4) Trend and Youth Idol; 5) competent educators; 6) Emotional control; 7) Changes in community needs; 8) Fulfillment of Obligations on Property Issues.
Multicultural Education In Social Perspective Afi Parnawi; Abdullah Idris
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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This article discusses the concept of multicultural society from a sociological perspective, using the Indonesian state as a historical aggregator of diverse ethnic groups, nations, religions, and beliefs as a case study. There are times when variety in Indonesia leads to conflict, but there are other instances where the nation's diversity serves as a source of strength to shield each other from being crushed by the progress of time. Equipped to understand multiculturalism is not limited to intellectuals or community leaders; rather, knowing multiculturalism is required at all levels, layers, and tiers of society. As a result of the media's exaggeration of SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group) concerns, the Indonesian populace is currently extremely vulnerable to catastrophic social changes. To prevent a recurrence of "bloody conflict" tragedies, it will always be necessary to discuss diversity, keeping in mind that generations are always changing. This research aims to reintroduce the concept of multiculturalism to the younger generation, as well as to all levels of society in general, and not simply academic debate. This paper's methodology involves library research and the presentation of incidents that have occurred in Indonesia. Based on the results of the study presented in the discussion chapter, it can be inferred that the concept of multiculturalism in Indonesia does not originate from the outside, i.e., that old indigenous knowledge helped strengthen the condition of multicultural society. But, because community members do not have equal access to education, the potential for horizontal conflict has always persisted. In the context of the repercussions of a pluralistic society in Indonesia, the seeds of conflict inside a diversified structure might become dormant dangers to the social order. Because there are no longer any constraints on the public's ability to absorb information, local concerns will rapidly become national ones.
UD.Sumber Rejeki Re-Branding Strategy To Increase Sales Turnover Harry Sumantoro; Muhammad Imam; Sabri
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Business Model Canvas aims to help companies to recognize what is the company's value proposition, as well as how to build and run key activities and key resources in creating value propositions and getting revenue streams, understanding how the products and services offered by the company can be well communicated to consumers. Data from report documents in the form of hard copies and soft copies in UD. Sumber Rejeki is also as a company under study. The primary type of data is data that comes directly from data sources that are collected specifically and are related to problems that are examined by means of observation, interviews. Meanwhile, secondary data types are obtained through literature reviews, reviews of previous relevant research, documents and routine company reports. The result can be known the position of the company based on a review of SWOT and 5 Forces Porter, which shows that the company is UD. Sumber Rejeki still has a good enough opportunity to seize the market or consumers, where the strategy that can be used is to take advantage of the remaining processed soybeans with a selling value and change the branding of the product packaging and expand marketing. That way a new business model canvas remodeling can be made that is in line with the SWOT position and a new strategy that supports the implementation of the new business model canvas created.
Professional Growth And Staff Development (How To Encourage Employees To Pursue Professional Development Muhammad Bambang Purwanto
International Journal of Technology and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): March : International Journal of Technology and Education Research (IJETER)
Publisher : International journal of technology and education research

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Professional growth is seen as an overall developmental process that takes place during one’s career and lifespan and understood as an umbrella term, and an overlapping term, to other related concepts. Furthermore, we argue that professional growth is dependent on the social and institutional contexts as well as personal attributes and circumstances. Following this, a model containing three dimensions related to learning in professional contexts (formal–informal, situated–unsituated and individual–social learning) is presented. The model is formed to illustrate that promotion of professional growth in workplaces is connected to formal and informal practices, versatility of working environments, as well as social relations. The chapter concludes with discussion and future research suggestions related to conceptual issues with regards of professional growth and contemporary challenges of in working life.

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