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International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
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Core Subject : Economy, Science,
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJEBIR) is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal. providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies. This journal focuses on every research discipline related to social behavior science, entrepreneurship and business management such as human resource management, marketing management, financial management, production/operational management, strategic management, sharia business management, halal industry management, tourism management, banking management, industrial management, agribusiness management, business administration, entrepreneurial activities, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), consumer behavior, purchasing decisions, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty and several areas of business behavior, also includes community social research
Articles 53 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ" : 53 Documents clear
Taxpayer Awareness, Tax Services, Taxpayer Counseling, Tax Audit, Tax Rates And Tax Sanctions On The Compliance Of Individual Business Public People (case study at Regional Office of DGT East Java II) Muhammad Primbang Apriliyanto; Hwihanus Hwihanus
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This study aims to analyze taxpayer awareness, tax services, taxpayer counseling, tax audits, tax rates and tax sanctions on individual entrepreneur taxpayer compliance at the Regional Office of DJP East Java II. The population in this study are all individual business taxpayers who are registered at the Tax Service Office (KPP) in the East Java II Regional Office of DJP. With a research sample of 3 businessman OP taxpayers with descriptive qualitative methodological techniques. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study prove that partially taxpayer awareness, tax services, taxpayer counseling, tax audits, tax rates and tax sanctions have a positive and significant effect on individual entrepreneur taxpayer compliance at KPP-KPP in the Regional Office of DJP East Java II. This means that the increasing awareness of taxpayers, good tax services, counseling of taxpayers, tax audits, tax rates and tax sanctions, the taxpayer compliance will be better (increased).
Mediate Work Ability And Burnout Personal Resources, Job Resources And Job Demands On Work Engagement Yanita Hendarti; Hwihanus Hwihanus
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Human Resources (HR) in the current era of modernization are required to be able to adapt to world developments, adaptations are made so that companies can compete globally. Human resources are considered as a very valuable organizational asset, human resources can be continuously developed to achieve sustainable success for every organization. personal resources, job resources and job demands are matters related to HR, HR is the center of attention and support for the organization in order to survive because HR plays a major role in every activity and activity of the organization in order to achieve organizational goals. What is the relationship and influence of personal resources, job resources and job demands with burnout and work ability as mediation on work engagement becomes a problem that must be revealed, this is the aim of this research. The method of writing this research is by using qualitative methods and literature studies or library research. Reviewing theories and reviewing literature books that are in accordance with the theories discussed, especially the scope of human resource management (HRM). Besides that, it also analyzes reputable and non-reputable scientific articles and journals. All scientific articles are sourced from Google Scholar. Based on the discussion, the researcher found several findings related to the relationship and influence of personal resources, job resources and job demands with burnout and work ability as mediators on work engagement.
The Role of Investment, Infrastructure, Migration of Employment Opportunities; Study Literature Review Rustam Rustam; Hwihanus Hwihanus; Muhammad Bayu; Darmono Darmono
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Labor problems are not only micro-scale problems but have macro-scale coverage. Because labor problems if not touched with the right policy will lead to conflict: both horizontal conflict and vertical conflict. High unemployment rates can create problems at the social and economic levels. So this research aims to examine how the role of investment variables, and other control variables in providing influence on employment opportunities aimed at community welfare. The methodology/approach in this research uses a descriptive approach, which is focused on secondary data sources. Secondary data is collected through books, newspapers, journals, articles, and government websites. The results show that the variables that affect the level of community welfare through employment opportunities are economic growth, investment, infrastructure, education, migration. In particular, in increasing employment opportunities, the government has an important role in opening policy taps that are able to improve the welfare of its people through employment opportunities. Meanwhile, wages have a negative relationship in influencing employment opportunities.
Building a K3 Culture in Realizing Zero Accident & Zero Environmental Complaint Yulita Maria; Hwihanus Hwihanus; Muhammad Bayu; Darmono Darmono
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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PT PLN (Persero) is one of the State-Owned Enterprises engaged in the Electricity sector. Work in the electricity sector is a high-risk job, if there is negligence in its management it can result in enormous losses for the company. Moreover, if it causes casualties, it will cause a human tragedy for the families left behind and have a negative impact on the company's performance and image. As stipulated in Law No. 30 of 2009 Article 44 paragraphs 1 and 2 that every electricity business must comply with electricity safety provisions, which aim to create conditions that are reliable and safe for installations, safe from harm to humans and other living things and eco-friendly. Concern for the safety of the life of the workforce encourages the company to build an K3 culture to realize zero accidents and zero environmental excellence so that it has an impact on increasing system reliability and quality of customer service. Habits in cultivating a K3 culture start from oneself, namely starting from the heart, thoughts, and actions and starting from the leadership to all workers, both employees and work partners. To realize the habit of implementing K3 culture (Occupational Safety and Health), PT PLN (Persero) Berau carries out activities including: Establishing K3 Policy, Occupational Safety and Health Planning, K3 Plan Implementation, K3 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, K3 Performance Review and Improvement . In its implementation, this activity focuses on 3 main elements, namely: Increasing HR Risk Awareness and HSE competence (Occupational Health and Environmental Safety), Implementation of K3 Management Systems, K3L Infrastructure Improvement.
The Effect of Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty in Shopping Centers in The City of Solo Erni Widiastuti; Sukesi Sukesi; Asih Handayani
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This study aims to determine the effect of customer experience, customer satisfaction and brand image on customer loyalty in shopping centers in the city of Solo. Where the shopping center is a company that carries the concept of one stop shopping, namely Solo Grand Mall, Solo Square and Solo Paragon. The population of this study were visitors to Solo Grand Mall, Solo Square and Solo Paragon where the number could not be counted exactly so using the Cochran calculation basis, it could be seen that the number of respondents was 385 respondents with ages greater than or equal to 18 years, and had shopped in one month final. The sample was selected by non-probability sampling method. The results of the study show that customer experience, customer satisfaction and brand image have a significant effect on customer loyalty at shopping centers in the city of Solo.
The Effect Of Competitive Advantage, Digital Marketing On Supply Chain Management On Tourism Business Performance In Indonesia Warti Ratnasari; Hwihanus Hwihanus; Muhammad Bayu; Darmono Darmono
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The Indonesian tourism industry, which contributes significantly to the national economy and people's welfare, has experienced a decline in performance in recent years. Although it still shows growth compared to other countries, its performance is lower compared to the last two years. This decline was largely attributed to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which disrupted the global economy. The consequences of this decline in performance have a negative impact on the benefits this industry generates for Indonesian society. Therefore, appropriate strategies and techniques are needed to improve the performance of the tourism industry and restore its benefits for the people and economy of Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of competitive advantage and digital marketing on tourism business performance. The indirect effects of supply chain management (SCM) are also considered in this study. This study used a quantitative research approach and data collection was carried out through a survey instrument.
Descriptive Evaluative Study – The Use Of Artificial Intelligence Features Reflected On The Performance Of The Company's Employees Budi Winarno; Hwihanus Hwihanus
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) provide a significant impact on technological progress, increase performance in various sectors, and improve the quality of human resources. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been applied to various fields to facilitate human activities such as study and work. This study aims to evaluate existing studies related to the use of AI features associated with daily activities in several fields and formulate directions for further studies that must be carried out from the evaluation of the literature. This study uses a systematic review method on case study journals with keywords “Voice Assistant, Virtual Mentor, Smart Content, Presentation Translator” obtained through the Google Scholar database with a range of 2021 – 2023. Based on the researcher's search, there were 6 journals according to the criteria which were then evaluated based on the parameters Voice Assistant, Virtual Mentor, Smart Content, Presentation Translator from case studies of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in everyday human activities. The results of a systematic review show the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) features Voice Assistant, Virtual Mentor, Smart Content, Presentation Translator mostly used in education. The use of these features is proven to have a positive effect on teaching and learning activities. Most of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) features focuses on application in the education sector, so further research is needed regarding the application of these features to other fields.
The Effect Of Brand Awareness, Promotion On Purchase Decision With Customer Satisfaction As A Moderation Variable study on shopee users at Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggeneng High School) Yuliana Tri Ratnasari; Muhammad Dzikri A; Siti Musarofah; Didik Puji Wahyono
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This study aims to test and analyze the influence of brand awareness, promotion on purchasing decisions with consumer satisfaction as a moderation variable (study on shopee users at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Karanggeneng). The research sample was 125 students using non-probability sampling techniques. This type of research is quantitative research. The data was processed statistically using the SPSS for windows version 26 program. The results of the study based on respondents' responses show that brand awareness has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. This means that shopee e-commerce brand awareness can improve consumer purchase decisions. Promotion has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. This means that shopee promotions can improve purchase decisions. Persial Consumer satisfaction has a significant effect on purchasing decisions This means that shopee consumer satisfaction can improve purchase decisions. Consumer satisfaction does not moderate brand awareness of purchasing decisions. Consumer satisfaction does not moderate promotions against purchase decisions.
The Role of E-Commerce in the Management of Online Travel Agents Evada Rustina; Dwi Endaryanti; Ade Riawan; Hastuti Pertiwi Bima Putri; Sumarwanto
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The rapid development of technology encourages companies, especially in the hospitality sector, to follow the online sales market, one of which is Cavinton Hotel Yogyakarta. e-Commerce is part of Electronic Business which is carried out using electronic transmission by experts and business people. The purpose of this study is to examine how the role of E-Commerce in managing online travel agents at Cavinton Hotel Yogyakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods including observation, interviews, documentation and literature studies. From the results of the study, it was found that the role carried out by E-Commerce in managing an online travel agent to attract customers to book rooms at Hotel Cavinton Yogyakarta By Tritama Hospitality is very influential in increasing revenue.
The Effect Of Mudharabah Financing On Increasing Income Of Mikro, Small, Medium Business (MSMES) Customer Of BPRS Bhati Sumekar Sumenep Head Office Riskia Putri; Cahyaning Catur Utami
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 04 (2023): July, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJ
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This research is to determine the effect of Mudharabah financing and the magnitude of the effect of mudharabah financing on increasing MSME income for customers of BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep Head Office. The method used is a quantitative approach to collecting primary data by distributing questionnaires to 68 respondents. And the value of the influence of Mudharabah financing with simultaneous regression results shows that the t-count value is 12.622 and the t-table is 1.668 which means that t-count > t-table, then the sig value is 0.000 and the α value is 0 .05 which means the significance value is smaller than the value of α. The results of these calculations can be concluded that the independent variable (Mudharabah financing) partially has a significant effect on the dependent variable (income), then H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. From the results, the R Square value is 0.707 and if it is percentaged, it gets a value of 70.7%. able to indicate that the contribution to the dependent variable is 70.7% and the remaining 29.3% is found in other variables outside the regression model used.