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Need analysis of interactive karaoke multimedia to improve early childhood’s verbal communication ability Estu Miyarso; Ariyawan Agung Nugroho; Rina Wulandari
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study was aimed at determining 1) the relationship between the familyculture and the children interactive karaoke multimedia product development needs, and 2) the needs level of the multimedia interactive karaoke for early childhood to improve their language skills. This study was a survey involving early childhood teachers and parents in Bantul Regency, Kulon Progo Regency, and Yogyakarta City using purposive sampling to obtain the respondents. Data were collected by means of questionnaires, observation sheets, and interview sheets. The data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results showed that 88% of early childhood teachers and 79% of early chilhood parents agreed to the need of the development of multimedia computers to improve early childhood’s language skills. Children’s language abilities are infl uenced by their habits in listening, speaking, singing, and also drawing. The facilities and infrastructure availability also affect the children’s language abilities. Family culture is not only a structure, but also an interaction and communication pattern between a family component, especially the children-parent relationship. The most infl uencing factor that affects a family culure is the family socio-economic factors. A good-enough economic families are likely to have a good literate culture which will affect the children’s language ability, because it is supported by a good access to the facilities
How do the Darmasiswa students learn Indonesian language in Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia? Nuning Catur Sri Wilujeng
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study was aimed at investigating the language learning strategies(LLSs) employed by students of Indonesian as a foreign language (IFL) at YSU. The study was descriptive analytical. The participants were nine students granted the Darmasiswa (DS) scholarship who undertook their study at YSU. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed descriptive qualitatively. Findings of the study showed that (1) the compensation and social LLSs were the highest employed by the students and the memory strategy was the lowest, (2) female students took more od the affective strategy and male students took more of the metacognitive strategy, and (3) there was no infl uence of cultural or personal background and nor different level of Indonesian language profi ciency on the application of LLSs
Grammatical errors analysis in the descriptive writing of the semester 3 students of English Education Department of STAIN Gajah Putih Sungkawati Kardi Wahyuningsih
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study was aimed at describing: (1) the types of grammatical errors in the descriptive writing of the semester 3 students of English education department of STAIN Gajah Putih, and (2) the causes of the grammatical errors in the descriptive writing of the semester 3 students of English education department of STAIN Gajah   Putih. The participants were 60 students of the Semester 3 of English education department of STAIN Gajah Putih in the academic year 2013/2014 chosen randomly. The study consisted of fi ve steps, namely: data collection, error identifi cation, error  quantifi cation, error description, and error explanation. The research instrument was in the form of a writing assignment. The data were obtained from the students’ writing products. The results of the study are as follows. The total errors found in the students’ writing test are 688 that divided into fourteen types of errors, namely: errors in production of verb (57%), miscellaneous errors (21%), errors in the use of preposition (15%), errors in the use of articles (4%), and errors in the distribution of verb group (3%). Then, the causes of errors are as follows: interference (32%), ignorance of rule restriction (21%), incomplete application of rules (19%), false concepts hypothesized (16%), and overgeneralization (12%).
School principal leadership style in improving teacher performance of the junior high school in Banda Aceh - Musriadi
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The leadership style of the school principal is one of determinants factor inimproving teacher performance and education success in the school. This research study is aimed at describing the leadership of principals toward improving teachers’ performances refl ected on their responsibilities, discipline, and commitment as the performance indicators. The study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data are collected by observation, interview and documentation. The subjects of the study are school principal and teachers. Findings show the following. 1) In improving teacher responsibilities, the principal of Junior High School in Banda Aceh maintains togetherness and socializes vision and mission of the school through discretionary leadership style and consultative leadership style. 2) In improving teacher disciplines, the principal of Junior High School Banda Aceh uses the discretionary leadershipstyle such as acting in ways that have been agreed upon and achieving goals setmore by subordinates. 3) In improving teacher commitment, the principal of Junior High School in Banda Aceh is being fair in distributing the duties or welfare which is directed to the regulation and program through discretionary leadership style which has the ability to infl uence another to work together in achieving goals set by various activities which is much more given to the subordinate
Needs analysis in teaching learning process for developing teaching Arabic language syllabus of Islamic Religion Education of STAIS Sumatera Andika Hariyanto Surbakti
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The study was aimed at describing: (1) the target needs of the students inlearning Arabic language of STAIS Sumatera, (2) the learning needs of the students in learning Arabic language of STAIS Sumatera, and (3) the development at the teaching Arabic language syllabus. The subjects of this study were 70 students of the semester 2 of Islamic religion education department of STAIS Sumatera in the academic year 2013/2014. The study consisted of data collection, data identifi cation, data quantifi cation, data description, and syllabus development. The Arabic teaching syllabus were developed based on the needs analysis data. The research instruments were questionnaires and interview guides. The results of the study are as follow. The target needs of the students of STAIS Sumatera in learning Arabic are to improve their Arabic language skills; the students’ profi ciency is in the elementary level;learning Arabic language is useful for their next career; the most popular topic is religion; the input is picture illustration; the learning activity is reading thenanswering comprehension questions; the teacher role is as a feedback giver; thelearners role is as active learners; and the setting is group work
Student factor infl uencing Indonesian student reading literacy based on PIRLS data 2011 Safitri Yosita Ratri
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The study was aimed at (1) examining how student factors (home parental involvement, students’ perceptions of reading, reading outside school, and information and communications technology [ICT] use) infl uenced readingliteracy, and (2) investigating how the factor interacts with reading aspects (reading experience, process and comprehension, and reading attitudes and behaviours). The subjects was quantitative research and applied Rasch and hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) analyses. The subjects were 4779 Primary-School students nested within 158 schools sampled using a random sampling technique. The study used Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) 2011 data that was categorized as secondary data. Findings of the study revealed that (1) there were signifi cant relationships between a number of student factors and reading literacy in both 2011 and (2) there were identifi able signifi cant correlations between reading literacy and home parental involvement, students’ perceptions of reading, reading outside school, and information and communications technology [ICT] in 2011
Developing microcontroller–based sorting and placing robots in automation practice subject of vocational high school - Sukir; Sigit Yatmono
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study was aimed at developing microcontroller–based sorting and placing robots as training kit of Otomation Practice subject in Vocational High School. The study was research and development involving six steps: need assesment, planning, developing, testing, repairing, and fi nishing. The subjects were10 teachers of Industrial Electronic Study Program of Vocational High School.Data were collected using an observation guide, and analyzed quantitatively usingdescreptive statistic in the form of means. Findings of the study showed that themicrocontroller–based sorting and placing robots had been developed with goodfeasibility degree, which was shown by expert validation average score of 2.93
Anxiety among football school students in “Rector UNY Cup 2014” national tournament - Sulistyono
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The study was aimed at explaining the anxiety level of Football School students who competed in “Rector UNY Cup 2014” national tournament. The  study was descriptive quantitative using purposive random sampling to obtain the subjects. Data were collected using the SCAT questionnaire. The results showed that, of the research participants, 43.27% had low anxiety, 53.13% had moderate anxiety, and 3.61% had high anxiety. On the average, the level of anxiety among the students who competed in the tournament was in the medium category. A possibleexplanation was that these students already had adequate experience from previouscompetitions. It seemed to be the case that these experiences had helped them toreduce anxiety despite the pressure to win the game
The effectiveness of English as a general course program in Yogyakarta State University - Jamilah
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study was aimed at fi nding out the effectiveness of English as a general course program in Yogyakara State University using a survey technique. The population covered students, teachers, and program managers. Respondents from  students were selected by the cluster random sampling technique while respondents from teachers and program managers were purposively selected. Data were collected using questionnaires, interview guides, and documents, and were descriptively analyzed. Findings showed that English as a general course program in Yogyakarta State University was ineffective since there were a lack of management support and teacher’s support, no coordination among the parties involved, no sound curriculum to guide the teachers in implementing the program, a lack of teaching staff development, and low work satisfaction among the teachers and students 

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