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Opportunity as a Threat to Academic Integrity Anna Armeini Rangkuti
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 4, No 01: November 2011
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study is aimed at determining the factors most responsible for academic dishonesty in the education students as prospective teachers. Using the quantitative research method, 518 students participated as respondents. Findings show that chances/opportunities have direct and significant impacts on academic dishonesty. Opportunity allows students to commit academic dishonesties without being detected. Opportunities may also be due to ignoran­ce of educational institutions and faculty members to the phenomena of academic dishonesty that occur. Actually, the educational institutions and teaching staff have primary authority in creating academic integrity on campus. Therefore, it is important to create some policies that aim to reduce and even eliminate the opportunities of students to commit academic dishonesties. These policies include: types of exam questions or assign­ments, clear rules concerning the implementation of evaluation of learning outcomes, as well as a firm associations with academic dishonesty, especially on the part of teachers as those who interact directly with students.
Respect Training of Instructional Design Development for Teachers to Prevent Bullying in Elementary Schools Ariefa Efianingrum
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 4, No 01: November 2011
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The purpose of this study was to develop an instructional design and respect training modules for teachers and school principals to create conducive school cultures, seed non-violence values, and prevent bullying in the elementary school. The study was development research using Thiagarajan’s Four-D model consisting of the four stages of define, design, develop, and disseminate. This present study was limited on the first three stages of the model. The subjects of the study were elementary school teachers and principals in Sleman District. The results of the define stage showed that there had been various forms of violences that happened in schools. At the design stage, the instructional design of training was developed based on the competence standards and basic competencies that were expected to be mastered by school teachers and principals. The design included all ability aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. At the development stage, expert appraisals/ judgments and trial training were conducted. The Kirk Patrick’s model of training program evaluation showed that the respect training not only transferred knowledge of cognitive aspect, but also the transferred values as affective aspects, as well as developing the skills of participants in applying the respect attitudes into practice in school life.
Students’ Conscientiousness and Environments at the Civil Engeneering Education Department of Engineering Faculty of Yogyakarta State University Suparman Suparman
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 4, No 01: November 2011
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study aims at revealing the conscientiousness and environ­ments of students (CES) at the Engineering Faculty (EF) of Yogyakarta State University (YSU). A sample of 160 students was chosen randomly from a population of 600 students. The data of the study were collected by questionnaires. The instrument was a Likert-scale model with four options. The data were analyzed by  descriptive statistics. The research results  are as follows. (1) The conscientousness of Civil Engineering and Planning Education students of  EFYSU is quite high (69.5%). In details, the conscientiousness of S1 (Strata 1 Level) students is high (69.7%), D3 (Diploma 3 Level) students is quite high (69.3%), and the male students tend to be higher on the conscientousness than female students (66.9% vs. 62.4%). (2) The students environment is conducive enough (63.7%). In details, the environment is conducive for S1 students (65.1%), fairly conducive (62.4%) for D3 students, and the environments for male students tend to be more conducive than female students (64.6% vs. 58.5%). (3) The unconducive environment of students is low (35.3%). In details, the unconducive environment for S1 students is low (32.7%) for D3 students is  low (37.7%), and the unconducive environment for male students tend to be higher than female students (52.7% vs. 31.7%).
An Application of Digital Chemistry Telling (DCT) in the Basic Inorganic Chemistry Course to Improve Students’ Listening and Speaking Skills Dyah Purwaningsih; Hari Sutrisno; Kun Sri Budiasih
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 4, No 01: November 2011
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study aims to design implementation strategies of DCT in the Basic Inorganic Chemistry course, develop an appropriate course to increase students’ active participation, and develop an evaluation system capable of providing an integrated assessment (both the learning process and outcomes) in the course. This study was conducted in two cycles for one semester during the academic year of 2008/2009. The implementation applied the principles of classroom action research consisting of four stages, i.e. planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. The data were analyzed by grouping them into categories. The findings were as follows. Qualitatively, the classroom obser­vations showed an increasing active participation of students, both in making the DCT and in conducting discussions in English. Quantitatively, the results of the observations on the learning activities showed an average value of 4 (scale 1-5) for several aspects of DCT.
Influences of Librarians’ Service Qualities on Academic Library E-catalog Use Mahendra Adhi Nugroho
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 4, No 01: November 2011
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study is aimed at knowing the influences of librarians’ service qualities on E-catalog use. It tries to split service quality into two main blocks, i.e. physical service quality and process service quality, and synthesizes service quality constructs in four different constructs based on SERQUAL constructs. A total of 220 valid samples from four universities with almost similar academic library E-catalogue systems were used for testing 5 hypotheses by means of the Smart PLS 2.0 software. The results show that reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy positively influence librarians’ service qualities. However, librarian service quality does not significantly influence E-catalog use.
Blended Learning Model for Improving Learning Effectiveness on Techniques of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Course Hartoyo Hartoyo
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 4, No 01: November 2011
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This article was aimed at examining the effectiveness of the blended learning model, namely the combination of face-to-face learning and web-based e-learning. The study was classroom action research. The subjects were students who took the Technique of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Course in the second half of the Year 2008/2009. Methods of data collection were questionnaire, observation, and tests. Data were analyzed descriptively. The findings of this study were: (1) blended learning model can improve the effectiveness of the learning process: make learning fun and challenging, able to increase enthusiasm, improve students’ involvement, provide a conducive learning athmosphere, make learning more meaningful, and increase learning flexibility (with a mean score of 3.096 and 3.219 of a score range of 1-4 respectively for the cycle I and II); (2)Learning achievement increases, all students can achieve and exceed the minimum criteria (B-). Cycle I: The score of A= 3 people (18.75%), score A-= one person (6.25%), score B+= 4 people (25%), score B= 5 students (31.25%), and the B-= 3 people (18.75%). Cycle II: The score of A= 4 people (25%), score A-= 5 people (31.25%, score B+= 1 person (6.25%), and the B= 6 people (37.50%).
Implementation of Educational Values as a Model of Academic Supports in Characters Education (A Case Study in Indonesia Education University) Sardjiyo Sardjiyo
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 4, No 01: November 2011
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The main question for this study is whether the General Course Program (GCP) contributes to the achievement of the vision, mission, and objectives of the Indonesia Education University (IEU) in order to form the personality of students through the educational value as an academic support of Character Education. This study applied the qualitative research method involving lecturers, students, and officials of IEU as the research respondents. Techniques of data collection were in-depth interviews with the respondents from the five schools of Education, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Languages and Arts, Sports and Health, and Engineering. The study findings suggest that GCP contribute greatly to the formation of personality of students through values education as an academic support of character education as stated in the content of the course materials. More specifically, values are not explicitly emphasized in each of the lecture but are integratedly loaded in the course materials; the role of lecturers is to further reinforce the application of values in everyday life; the GCP contributes to giving the strengthening of values as academic support; some lecturers are not as much concerned with the personality development of students but just looking for survivals for themselves.

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