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Journal of International Relations seeks original manuscripts that provide theoretically informed empirical analyses of issues in international relations, as well as original theoretical or conceptual analyses. The journal represents no particular school or approach, nor is it restricted to any particular methodology. Instead, it seeks to foster an awareness of methodological and epistemological questions in the study of International Relations, and to reflect research and developments of a conceptual, normative and empirical nature in all the major sub-areas of the field.
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Upaya Indonesia dalam Menangani Permasalahan Perdagangan Manusia di Benjina Kepulauan Aru Maluku Permatasari, Tavera; Farabi, Nadia
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Human trafficking in the fishing industry is one of the threats of human security and also tothe security of Indonesia’s sea. PT. Pusaka Benjina Resources (PBR) conducts its activities by illegally employing ABK in the territorial waters of Indonesia. This study aims to explain the efforts of Indonesia as the main actor in addressing human security issues. In this regards, the Indonesian government involved IOM as a non-state actor to solve human trafficking problems in Benjina. To analyze these efforts, this study uses the concept of human security, the theory of state-centric, and the concept of rational actors. This research uses a qualitative research methodology based on data collection through a literature study. The results show that the Indonesian government’s efforts in dealing with human trafficking by PT. PBR were divided through handling the defendant according to UU No. 21 Tahun 2007 and the victim handled with assistance that facilitated by IOM.
Analisis Kebijakan Amerika Serikat Dalam Menangani Fenomena Human Trafficking dari Meksiko Periode Tahun 2010 – 2014 Tofah, Towafful Akbar; Windiani, Reni
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Human trafficking was born as a form of modern slavery in this century. This crime is committed by traffickers using false promises and forms of coercion that force victims to work forcefully. In recent years, Mexico has been listed as a transit country and a supplier of trafficking victims. The United States is here as one of the countries that initiated the Antitrafficking policy. The Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) is a law made by the United States as an initial step to combat human trafficking. This thesis seeks to explain and analyze TVPA policy in Mexico-United States using Policy Theory and Concepts of National Interest with the aim of providing an understanding of the objectives of this TVPA policy. The analysis that was built sourced from sources in the form of reports, journals, books and other sources of literature that can support the writer's argument in this analysis. Based on data processed using selected theories, the United States built this policy as a security measure from the Mexican state that brought outbreaks of human trafficking to the United States and also to gain influence from other countries in combating human trafficking.
Kepentingan Ekonomi Dibalik Respon Pemerintah Cina Terhadap United State Trade Representative (USTR) Notorious Markets List Tahun 2016–2018 Trisnawati, Ananda Fitria; Putranti, Ika Riswanti
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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The United States and China are the two largest economic powers in the world today. Therelationship between the two countries always change from time to time in accordance withthe circumstances. Despite the cooperation in various fields, concerns and disputes remaininevitable. One of the disputes between the two countries is the protection of intellectualproperty rights. The dispute is more or less due to differences in the application of intellectualproperty rights protection regimes in each country. The United States had implemented theintellectual property protection regime long ago before China implemented the intellectualproperty protection regime. The United States institution in charge of handling this matter isthe United State Trade Representative (USTR). USTR gave its recommendations through theNotorious Markets List which then often targets the largest e-commerce from China, Taobaowhich is a subsidiary of the Alibaba Group. This study then aims to analyze the reasons behindthe response given by the Chinese government to the USTR's Notorious Markets List, especiallyin 2016-2018. These factors will be analyzed using the concept of national interest. Thisresearch argues that the response given by the Chinese government to USTR's 2016 NotoriousMarkets List is not only about the intellectual property agenda but there is an economic interestbehind it.
Dampak Propaganda PEDIGA atas Refugee Terhadap Keamanan dan Kestabilan Jerman Welas, Ibnu Rasyid; Rosyidin, Mohamad
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Islamophobia was an issue that came to be abig concern around the time the incident of 9/11and it became a concern against when there are a big wave of immigrant from Middle East,which mostly Moslem, moving towards the European country especially towards country’s thataccept refugee like Germany. The issue of big wave of migrant from moslem majority countries,that seek refuge because of war, famine etc, trigger the emergence of social organization likePEGIDA that have certain hatred toward moslem refugee in German. PEGIDA itself inprevious research and recent article, it was explained that they show their hate toward them(Moslem refugee) without hiding it. This is the result of their fear toward big changes that mayor may not happen toward German that have different believes and religions. The result of thisresearch shows the impact of PEGIDA’s rejection and hate towards Moslem refugee towardgerman’s security and stability which is pretty significant. The impact of action and believesfrom PEGIDA towards Moslem refugee in German itself influence social, culture and economicvalues in German.
Peran World Wide Fund for Nature dalam Menangani Kejahatan Transnasional di Bidang Lingkungan: Kasus Perburuan dan Perdagangan Ilegal Orangutan Tahun 2014-2018 Syahputra, Teuku Haris; Utomo, Tri Cahyo
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Orangutan is an endangered species from Indonesia. Orangutans faced problems include poaching and illicit trade. On the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, two islands in which are orangutan natural habitats, conflicts between orangutans and humans continue to occur. Orangutans were hunted and traded illegally, which let it on the verge of extinction. To prevent this, various international non-governmental organizations (NGO) such as World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), are keen to take an action. This study analyzes the role of WWF in orangutan protection activities through the perspective of the World Bank in defining NGOs. The perspective explains that the role of NGOs is divided into two, namely the operational role and the advocacy role. WWF's operational role can be seen from projects such as the Wildlife Crime Initiative (WCI) and field programs such as direct supervision of orangutan habitat in various national parks on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Meanwhile, WWF's advocacy role is in the form of awareness raising activities targeting the government and the citizens. The result of this study, WWF's role in protecting orangutans increase in orangutan populations at the end of the study period.
Faktor Penyerangan Korea Utara terhadap Korea Selatan di Sekitar Pulau Yeonpyeong pada Tahun 1999 dan 2002 Abidin, Firdausia Zeta; Paramasatya, Satwika
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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It is essential for every country in the world to have national interests for their own prosperity,even though at some points it may be contradicting the other countries. North Korea is one ofthe countries which national interests are contradicting with its neighbor country, SouthKorea. North Korea’s effort to achieve its national interests is also disturbing other countries’common goal, the world peace. This research aims to explain North Korea’s reason inYeonpyeong Island 1999 and 2002 attacks, through neoclassical realism theory. There are twofactors explained in the neoclassical realism theory, the external and internal factor. The resultof this research showed that the attacks happened because North Korea is weak in theinternational system and its political system is focusing on military. Those are the reasons whyNorth Korea used military forces to meet its national interests.
Efektivitas (RPOA) Regional Plan of Action Dalam Penanggulangan IUU Fishing Studi Kasus: Penyulundupan Ilegal Benih Lobster Indonesia ke Vietnam Adhiatma, Faisal; Putranti, Ika Riswanti
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Lobster is an animal that has a lot of nutrition and has a high price because it is classified as an animal that is difficult to catch and only lives in the deep sea. So many benefits are produced from one Lobster that makes it much sought after connoisseurs of Lobster. Indonesia with its vast sea area makes the potential as the largest Lobster seed producer and exported to countries in Southeast Asia. But this was exploited by irresponsible parties by smuggling lobster seeds from Indonesia abroad in large numbers. The illegal practice continues, although the Government of Indonesia through a joint team continues to intensify the hunt for the perpetrators of the smuggling of this valuable marine biota. This research wants to explain the smuggling of Lobster seeds into various countries using the Green Theory approach. Specifically research uses the concept of Human Centered. This research argues that the government has been cheated by the practice of smuggling Lobster seeds, in this case the state is obliged to protect what is contained in the Indonesian territory is the full ownership of the state because it is a crop which is also contained in the law.
Pengaruh Konflik Pemerintah Sipil dan Militer Myanmar terhadap Kebijakan Myanmar dalam Penanganan Kasus Rohingya tahun 2015-2019 Susanto, Normawati; Utomo, Tri Cahyo
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Rohingya is a minority ethnic in Myanmar that has been discriminated since the reign of the military junta (tatmadaw). In the era of Aung San Suu Kyi which the Rohingya crisis has not handled well, places Myanmar in a difficult position internationally. In the domestic sphere, conflict between the civilian government and tatmadaw related to Rohingya handling policies occured because the position of tatmadaw in politics remains strong, as stipulated in the 2008 Myanmar Constitution. This study discusses how the conflict influences Myanmar policies towards the handling of Rohingya crisis. The civilian government formed an Advisory Commission on Rakhine State to handle the case, while the tatmadaw carried out a clearance operation in handling it which caused instability in Myanmar. This study will use a decision-making model on bureaucratic politics by Graham T. Allison to analyze how the conflict within Myanmar government influences Rohingya policies by looking at two contested actors, tatmadaw and civilian government. This research uses qualitative and descriptive methods by using literature study in data collection. The result of this study shows the fact that the conflict between the civilian government and tatmadaw of Myanmar has been detaining the process of handling Rohingya case.
The Fox and The Dragon : Proyek Kereta Cepat (HSR) Laos Sebagai Strategi “Bandwagoning for Profit” Ammar, Faishal; Rosyidin, Mohamad
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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In 2013, China announces a mega project called Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI). This megaproject contain an investment up to US$ 1,6 trillion, in a bid to increase connectivity betweenAsia, Europe, and Africa. This research aims to review one of BRI projects in Laos, which isHSR (High Speed Rail). The HSR run between Kunming and Vientiane, with investment up toUS$ 6 billion. Many views that this project is nothing but a waste and unnecessary. Theburden of debt that Laos had from this project alarmed several entities, such as the WorldBank, and Asian Development Bank. For this project, Laos must contribute in a staggeringamount of US$715 million, many were acquired with loans from China. It is not mentioned ifLaos can’t repay the debt. Nowadays, China is Laos’s biggest trading partner. In thepresence of a rail connection, it is possible that Laos fall into economic dependency withChina. This research aims to prove Laos using bandwagoning as a strategy to gain economicbenefits. This is a qualitative research, with congruent method. The hyphotesis of thisresearch is Laos doing bandwagoning for economic gain. Laos is considered as Jackals inSchweller’s category. Laos take such big risk to increase what it achieved, a big economicgrowth. The result of this research is the hyphotesis is not fully true, as Laos considered asFox, not Jackals.
Cyber Terrorism: Strategi Propaganda dan Rekrutmen ISIS di Internet Dan Dampaknya Bagi Indonesia Tahun 2014-2019 Putri, Santi Dwi; Wahyudi, Fendy Eko
Journal of International Relations Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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In a world runs by the use of technology, ISIS combines its radical interpretation ofIslam with the modernity of the internet and social media to expand its influences that havenever been reached by other extremist groups. Refers to social cognitive theory and theconcept of supernova by Thomas L.Friedman, this study finds further indicator of therelationship between internet and individual’s radicalization, and aims to answer aquestion; How ISIS spreads its ideology and recruits their members by using online mediaplatform especially in Indonesia?. In order to answer the research question, the author usesqualitative research method using observation technique and interviews the former ISISradicals who would add perspectives on how Internet changes and makes their radicalizationprocess. This phenomenom by ISIS classified as a Cyberterrorism, especially HybridCyberterrorism, which means the use of the Internet for activities such as propaganda,recruitment, radicalization, communication, training, and planning for actual terroristattacks.

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