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Sistem Pemerintahan Berdasarkan Atas Undang - Undang Dasar 1945 Dalam Prospek Perkembangan Demokrasi Lusia - Indrastuti
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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ABSTRACTThis research aims to analyze and to respond to the implementation of constitution 1945 (UUD 1945) based governmental system in indonesia, particularly in the light of democractic development prospect. The main topic raised in this research is the implementation of Constitution 1945 (UUD 1945) which is established as a Supreme Law which consultitutionally bounds by PPKI (Indonesian Committee for Independence) that has been amended four times.
Uji Kualitatif Pewarna Rhodamin B Pada Jajanan Anak-Anak Sekolah Di Wilayah Kecamatan Banjarsari Akhmad Mustofa & Yustina Wuri Wulandari
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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ABSTRACTThe Number of school's children were large enough in surakarta. It was a big market potential for various companies and traders to sell their products.
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah BKK Dengan Kepuasan Sebagai Variabel Intervening Ernawati & Mulyono
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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ABSTRACTPD BKK Gondangrejo karanganyar a banking service providers, it is no wonder if the PD BKK Gondangrejo karanganyar while respecting the quality of the services at this institution, because we know that the survival and success of service companies such as banking services to customera in an effort to improve customers satisfaction in improving customer loyalty.
Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap In-Role Performance dan Extra-Role Behavior Dengan Collectivism Sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi pada Tenaga Dosen dan Karyawan di Lingkungan Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta) Lamidi Lamidi
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) pengaruh komitmen organisasional terhadap kinerja in-role dosen dan karyawan; (2) peran collectivism sebagai variabel pemoderasi pada pengaruh komitmen organisasional terhadap kinerja in-role dosen dan karyawan; (3) pengaruh komitmen organisasional terhadap perilaku ekstra peran dosen dan karyawan; (4) peran collectivism sebagai variabel pemoderasi pada pengaruh komitmen organisasional perilaku ekstra peran dosen dan karyawan.Penelitian ini menggunakan sample sebanyak 78 orang dosen dan karyawan dari seluruh fakultas di lingkungan Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta, yang diambil dengan teknik proportional sampling. Untuk menguji hipotesis, peneliti menggunakan moderating regression analysis dengan metode standardized residual, selanjutnya pengolahan data menggunakan program SPSS  Release 12.Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa (1) komitmen organisasional berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja in-role dosen dan karyawan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari uji t dengan nilai p (0.004) < 0.05, berarti mendukung hipotesis 1; (2) collectivism memoderasi pengaruh  komitmen organisasional terhadap kinerja in-role dosen dan karyawan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari uji t dengan nilai p (0.014) < 0.05, berarti mendukung hipotesis 2; (3) komitmen organisasional berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku ekstra peran dosen dan karyawan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari uji t dengan nilai p (0.019) < 0.05, berarti mendukung hipotesis 3; (4) collectivism memoderasi pengaruh  komitmen organisasional terhadap perilaku ekstra peran dosen dan karyawan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari uji t dengan nilai p (0.002) < 0.05, berarti mendukung hipotesis4. Key words: komitmen organisasional, collectivism, kinerja in-role, perilaku ektra peran.
Kualitas Kerupuk Udang Goreng Dengan Substitusi Tepung Ubi Jalar Selama Penyimpanan Quality Fried Shrimp Chips With Substitution of Sweet Potato Flour During Storage Merkuria Karyantina & Linda Kurniawati
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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ABSTRACTNutritions of fried shrimp chips can improve with sweet potato floursubstitution. Weakness the chips are lost of crispy during storage, it can inhibit with sweet potato flour substitution which can bind water content. Object this research are to observe quality of fried shrimp chip s during storage, which making from shrimp waste and sweet potato flour substitution . The product storage in room temperature. Research design was faktorial complete random sampling with 2 factor : sweet potato flour substitution level (0%, 10% and 20%) and days of storage (14, 21 and 28 days). Parameter research are moisture content, ash content and beta carotene level. Result showed moisture content during storage had tendency to increase; sweet potato flour substitution showed various tangible toward moisture content of fried shrimp chips. Increasing of sweet potato flour substitution, ash content would tangible effect toward ash content dan beta carotene level.Highest of beta carotene level on shrimp chips with sweet potato flour substitution 20% per gram of dough with 2 week storage, and so long storage beta carotene level had decrease. Fried shrimp chips can consume until 28 days of storage and beta carotene level are high.Keywords : shrimp chips, sweet potato, storage
Persepsi Masyarakat Tetang Keberadaan Videotron di Manahan Surakarta Bedjo - Sukarno
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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ABSTRACTThe existence videotron located in the middle of the highway intersection is assumed to disrupt protokuler Manahan Surakarta public attention at the time of road users to drive a vehicle. studies to test the public perception of videotron has a meaning as a medium of information, education, entertainment or other functions. Formed the perception of the meaning of the stimulus that was caught by humans through three components, namely cognitive, affective and connotative, which is associated with the process of achieving meaning and understanding of a particular object. This study uses qualitative research conducted in a natural situation and triangulation. Inductive data analysis that stresses from these generalizations. The informant understood the meaning of the messages being presented at videotron still monopolized for the benefit of a particular product. In general, public perception of the existence development videotron does notfunction as a source of general knowledge or entertainment.   . Key words: Perception, Meaning and function videotron
Pengeseran Kekuasaan Legislatif sebelum dan Setelah Amandemen UUD Negara RI 1945 Dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Sugiaryo - -
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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Kajian Yuridis Terhadap Peraturan Menterial Pendidikan Nasional No 28 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penugasan Guru Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Sutoyo & Dora Kusumastuti
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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ABSTRACT A head master is the highhest leader of educational organization, as it is written in Act No. 32 Year 2004. The Act said that the authority of a head master’s transfer or mutation is in the hand of local government. As a result, the born of this act carries political issues. Permendiknas (Act of National Education Ministry) No. 28 Year 2010, for example. There’s a change about teacher’s apponmentt to replaces the authority of mutating headmaster from government to local government. Besides that, therefore, the aim of this research is to understand Permendiknas No.28 Year 2010 is against the act No. 32 Year 2004. This research is anormative /doctrinal law research that analysis the secondary data in act no. 32 Year 2004 about local government. From this research, it can conclude that Permendiknas No. 28 year 2010 about teacher appoinment to become headmaster doesn’t take the authority from local government. It only has the authority to arrange the mechanism of a headmaster’s appoinment meanwhile, it is the authority of a government to prepare, to train and to appionment a headmaster. Keywords: permendiknas, Headmaster’s mutation, local government  Act.
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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ABSTRACTPrinciple of due process of law related with child criminal have been regulated in UU No.8 Tahun 1981 about Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP) jo UU No.3 Tahun 1997 about Pengadilan Anak. In KUHAP, there are ten principles must be basic in criminal justice system and in UU No.3 Tahun 1997 requirment for criminal justice system to child criminal likes special investigator, prosecutor , and judge. Beside that there is society conceling from Social Departement. Investigation of this case by familiar, have to spiltsing from adult criminal, ect.Key words: Due Process of Law, UU No.8 Tahun 1981 tentang KUHAP,UU No.3 Tahun1997 tentang Pengadilan Anak.

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