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MERAJUT PERSAUDARAAN KOMUNITAS LEWAT KONFLIK (Studi Suporter Turnamen Sepak Bola Komodo Cup Manggarai NTT di Makassar) Arda Senaman
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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Conflict prevention among the fans of Komodo Cup Football Tournament is achieved by the ability of officials to open upa discussion for the fans with the goal of controlling the actions that they undertake before and after the game. Conflict resolutions applied are: synchronization between the officials and the security officers so that every conflict can be prevented by persuasive approach, as well as by collaborations with the Government of Makassar. Moreover, conflict resolution was intensified by interactional approach with focused and unfocused interaction. Focused interaction is facilitated by officials through a meeting to discuss activities that they will do during a match. Meanwhile, unfocused interaction facilitates the interaction among supporters to make them feel needed and cared for. And the actors of the conflict are not grudge risk one each others.Keywords: Fostering Brotherhood, Football Fans Conflict, Persuasivbe Approach
Peran Elit Adat dalam Politik Praktis di Sulawesi Selatan Pasca Orde Baru Sudirman Muhammadiyah
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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The research focused on the provincial executive board of political parties, based in Makassar, while the unit of analysis was five political parties (PAN, PDI-P, PKP, PBB, PKB). This is a qualitative research emphasizing deductive empirical data obtained from interviews with a number of indigenous elites involved in political parties in South Sulawesi, documentation study, and participant observation. The data were then processed and analyzed using the steps, namely: reduction, abstraction, unitization, categorization and coding. Verification on the validity of the data and interpretation using verstehen method indicates that the role of indigenous elites in South Sulawesi is still dominant in political life due to the prevalent paternalistic view in the society. The role can be observed in the activities of political parties in the form of recruitment, mobilization of masses and the establishment of new parties. Similarly, in the efforts to uplift the parties as well as in the conflict resolution, political education, the implementation of the party programs and platforms, the involvement of indigenous elites is rarely absent.Keywords: Indigenous Elite, Political Parties, South Sulawesi
Jurnal Dialektika Kontemporer Beranda Tentang Kami Beranda Pengguna Cari Terkini Arsip Tesis Abstrak Beranda > volume 1 nomor 1 Tahun 2013 > Rongrean DINAMIKA SOSIAL PRAMURIA ( Studi Kasus di Pharos Nite-Park, Makassar) Benyamin Rongrean
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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The choice to become a nightclub hostess arises from conflicts at home. The situation forces a woman to find a job just to run away from the issues surrounding her weight. Disappointment to the family environment causes the informants escape in order to meet the needs of their dependents. They had had no options but to obtain money instantly as prostitutes. External factors such as friends and family environment also contribute to their decisions.Keywords: Social Dynamics, Nightclub Hostess, Environment
RIVALITAS POLITIK LOKAL Perspektif Sosiologi Kekuasaan atas Hegemoni Parpol Terhadap Calon Perseorangan dalam Pemilihan Walikota Kendari 2012 Ambo Upe
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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The Region head elections have been undergone changes significant towards consolidation democrace, it is began from the representation system, the directly elections with giving chance for the politics the couple of independent candidate. The fenomena of the independent candidate at the new local politics area have began in the fith years late. So the sociological studies regard with the politics revility its limited. Therefore it is not found yet the scientific publication held. So this study aims to explain the construction of the politics party hegemony of the independent candidates and to understand the voters tendention in occur the politics revality at the Kendari Mayor elections in the years 2012. To achieve the aims is used the qualitative descriptive approach that based in the natural background and the politics setting in Kendari City. The result of this research showed the couple victory Asrun Musadar that to discrip the manifestation of the hegemony counstruction of the politics party and the incumbent politics party structuration. Beside that the couple of La Ode Geo- Oscar Silverius as the independent candidate failure in the hegemony counter that coused by the internalisation politics was not optimally and the institutional is not force to the lowers people organization. Moreever the couple candidate independent failure its also coused by the vouters tendention of election that have been hegemony by the politics party persuasived. Thus the conclution of this case are the politics revality in region heads elections is following with the pattern dialectically include; the hegemony, counter hegemony, new hegemony, and the re-counter hegemony and so on.Keywords: Election, Local Politic, Hegemony, Politic Party, Independent Candidates
KAOMBO (Kearifan Lokal Buton tentang Hutan dan Lingkungan) La Ode Muhammad Deden Marrah Adil
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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Management of land, forest and environment by companies (corporations/investors) and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) under the guise of legislation such as Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) and Forest Management License (HPH) are operated at the expense of the local people. As a result, the local people are economically segregated since the land that they had cultivated for generations has been taken over by the owners with large capital who influenced the making of policy. Even worse, land annexation, logging, theft and inappropriate management of forest continue to occur as forms of public resistance. Illegal logging and hunting widespread on the basis of economic trouble along with difficulties in life that forces them to great lengths to exploit the available natural resources in the forest.Keywords: Kaombo, Forest,Butonese Local Wisdom
ISLAMOPHOBIA (Analisis Sosiologi Trust Terhadap Islam di Barat) Syahrir Ibnu
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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Islamophobia is a symptom of a doctrine that has existed in the Western societies. The justification for Islamophobia escalates following the great tragedy of the WTC bombing in New York on September 11 2001. Islamophobia is not a rootless issue but a scheme of trying to break the trust of the west against Islam. Islamophobia is an issue raised in the campaign for elections in the European countries and the United States to win votes. Islamic people should make efforts to fight against this issue by using the media to show the true peaceful Islamic life and should not make violence as the only choice to resolve clash of civilizations.Keywords: Islamohobia, Clash of Civilizations
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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The research conducted in Bantimurung District of Maros Regency aims to (1) analyze the impact of the Kecamatan Development Program (PPK) on the improvement of family income and increased job opportunity in Ban timurung District of Maros Regency, and (2) describe strategies for people economic improvement. Data were collected through field surveys by interviewing 100 people receiving community revolving fund loan of the Usaha Ekonomi Produktif (UEP) (=Productive Economic Business) and the Women’s Group Savings and Loans (SPP) as respondents who were selected by using cluster random sampling method from 8 villages/sub-district in Bantimurung District of Maros Regency. Descriptive analysis of pre and post design and SWOT analysis were used. The result suggests that the program gives a positive and significant impact for the community in terms of the improvement of family income and increased job opportunities. However, there are a number of people who have not been able to increase their revenue and still unemployed. In order to improve the local economy, strategies such as development of natural resources and improvement of people’s skills for technological adaptation are needed.Keywords: Income Family, Employment, Technology Adaptation
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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Social rehabilitation process of drug users in terms of coaching in Lapas Narkotika (Narcotics Penitentiary) Class IIA Sungguminasa covered a) rehabilitation of social behavior which consists of mental and spiritual coaching, discipline, religious coaching, education, law enforcement, skills development, guidance and counseling, structured guidance and personality development, b) social rehabilitation in forms of legal actions such as remission and rewards or penalty against infringement, c) financial aspects concerning the operational cost of the penitentiary, and d) process of integration during mapeling (admission orientation), skills development and religious activities. On the other hand, the increasing number of inmate indicated that social rehabilitation programs in the narcotics penitentiary has not functioned optimally as a correctional institution. The process of social reintegration covers: a). prevention, b). therapeutic efforts, c). enforcement d). alternative efforts. Social reintegration undertaken in the Narcotics Penitentiary includes all parties ranging from officers, inmates and the public in order to prevent illicit trafficking or abuse of drugs in the penitentiary. Inhibiting factor in the development of the social rehabilitation efforts is the lack of infrastructure and human resources in specific field such as psychologist and counselor.Keywords: Coaching, Social Rehabilitation, Drug Users
Jurnal Dialektika Kontemporer Beranda Tentang Kami Beranda Pengguna Cari Terkini Arsip Tesis Abstrak Beranda > volume 1 nomor 1 Tahun 2013 > Kawengian KOMUNIKASI PERKAWINAN ANTAR ETNIK (Studi Kasus Perkawinan Antar Etnik Mana Deetje Anna Kawengian
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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The purpose of this study is to identify the functional relationships of inter-ethnic families of Manado-Java couples; to determine the pattern of inter-ethnic communication in Manado-Java marriage; investigate factors that affect the survival Manado-Java inter-ethnic families. The results showed that: the functions of relationships were played by each member of the family with respect to situations and conditions in the household; Bahasa Indonesia is a language used as a means of communication in inter-ethnic marriages of Manado-Jawa tribes because it is easily understood by the whole family and easy to learn and tendency of people around informants using Bahasa Indonesia as the first language. Moreover, the factors that affect the survival of inter-ethnic family, namely: the income, established social strata, education of children, implementation of religious teachings and social environment.Keywords: Communication, Inter, Ethnic Marriage
SILARIANG (Studi Konstruksi Sosial pada Etnis Makassar di Kecamatan Pattallassang Kabupaten Gowa) Nurmi Nonci
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1 Nomor 02 Periode Juli-Desember 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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Penelitian ini akan mengkaji tentang perkawinan silariang pada etnis Makassar khusus di Kecamatan Pattallassang Kabupaten Gowa. Silariang ditengah masyarakat masih menjadi fenomena sosial yang sampai hari ini dipahami sebagai sistem norma yang menata serangkaian tindakan untuk memahami kebutuhan dasar masyarakat. Didalamnya berisi peran tertentu untuk menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya dari sistem norma tersebut.Dalam etnis Makassar, penyimpangan terhadap norma sosial seringkalai sangat dilematis apalaagi jika penyimpangan tersebut berkaitan dengan hal-hal sakral, seperti dalam kasus perkawinan yang dapat menciptakan ketegangan dan konflik-konflik sosial (Konflik antar keluarga). kawin lari adalah suatu perkawinan yang dilakukan setelah pemuda/laki-laki dengan gadis/perempuan pergi meninggalkan keluarga atas kehendak berdua. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, maka permasalahan yang akan diangkat adalah "Konstruksi sosial perkawinan silariang". Fokus Penelitian "Konstruksi sosial komunitas Makassar atas perkawinan silariang menyangkut struktur/institusi dan aktor". Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, analisis dokumentasi, dan pengamatan. Metode penelitian digunakan adlaah deskriptif kualitatif. Mengutakanan wawancara mendalam terhadap fenomena dan informasi, serta tokoh masyarakat yang mempunyai pengetahuan luas tentang kawin silariang.