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MARAQDIA BALANIPA (Studi Pergeseran Peran di Polman Provinsi Sulawesi Barat) Muhammad Asdar A.B
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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Commitments in holding and maintaining adat/custom has become one of the factors triggering a shift in the role of the Maraqdia Balanipa in Tinambung District of Polman Regency of West Sulawesi Province. While the modern era is transformed into something that should be acted upon and dealt with, the roles in holding and maintaining custom including maintain the existence of maraqdia in the Mandar region shifted. Regional autonomy in forms of decentralization, also affects the role shift of maraqdia values. As if chasing with time, everybody competes to get positions available. It is undeniable that the maraqdia circles are also taking parts in practical politics which, as a matter of fact, transgressing the norms and values of decency to the commitment of maintaining and preserving the arrajangan Balanipa.Keywords: Maraqdia, Elite, Role Shift
An Examination of Brentano’s Intentionality and Moore’s Sense-Data Conception of Reality Isenyo Solomon Ogaba
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 9, Nomor 2, Juli – December 2021
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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It’s not very easy to assert or claim that our knowledgeof reality is direct or indirect,so,it becomes difficult to establish that which constitutes our objects of knowledge. Equally, the fact that, it has not been objectively proven that the human mind has a precise location in or outside the body, doesnotinvalidate the existence of the human mind. As such, this paper attempts at exposing the nature, character and objects of the mind in process of cognition by critically analyzing the distinction between Brentano’s conception of intentionality which exposes the character of the mind to be about something (aboutness) and possible mental objects of thought and Moore’s sense-data conception of reality which exposes the process by which cognition(perception) takes place. Consequently, the research uncovered that, the meta-epistemological outlookofboth Brentano and Moore are more convergent than divergent because they hold strongly to the analytical, phenomenological and rationalistic approaches to knowledge formation .The paper,however, concludes that Moore was basically concerned with how the physical world and things in it appears or are given to us via theprocess of  mind’s cognition, while Brentano was concerned with what constitutes objects of   the  mental (mind).
The Ammatoa Traditional Village Government System in Organizing Indigenous Peoples at Kajang District Bulukumba Regency Fadli Hidayat; Muh. Nur Yamin
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 9, Nomor 2, Juli – December 2021
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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 This study aims to find out how the Ammatoa Traditional Village government system in managing indigenous peoples in Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques were carried out by interviews, observation and documentation. The technique of data analysis are using domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis and cultural themes. The results show that the Ammatoa Traditional Village government system in structuring indigenous peoples by using pairs of ri kajang as regulations, customary law and as a guide in the life of indigenous peoples is still effective in structuring indigenous peoples, and with the existence of regional regulations number 9 of 2015 about concerning inauguration, recognition of rights and protection of rights that strengthen protection in the arrangement of indigenous peoples. The inhibiting factor in managing indigenous peoples is the existence of pressure from people outside the customary area who have begun to enter by bringing modernization and social changes that has begun to affect the Ammatoa indigenous people.
Philosophical Foundations And Its Relation With Education Samuel Aloysius Ekanem
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 9, Nomor 1, January-June 2021
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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The foundations of the curriculum are the values, traditions, factors, and forces that influence the kind, quantity, and quality of experiences the school offers its learners. The curriculum has many influential forces which have engendered a tremendous impact upon the construction of the curriculum. In other words, philosophical foundations are those elements of philosophy which have a bearing on choices made with regard to the purposes and contents of the school. It is in the area of curriculum planning that philosophy in education reflects itself. The goals or objectives of any educational effort can only be implemented through a curriculum that translates them into subjects, units of instruction, themes, or topics that enter the classroom. They are to be reflected in the reading, the instruction, and the activities of the pupils under the guidance and direction of the teachers. For understanding the concept of philosophical foundations, there is a need to know the relationship between philosophy and education. In this work, I will be reviewing three philosophical foundations: idealism, naturalism, and pragmatism, and their relationship with education.
Impelementation Of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) in Improving Family Welfare at Lilirawang Village Bengo District Bone Regency (Case Study : PKH In Education) Arlina Arlina; Muhammad Guntur; Umar Nain
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 9, Nomor 2, Juli – December 2021
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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This journal discusses the implementation of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) in improving family welfare in Liliriawang Village, Bengo District, Bone Regency. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) in improving family welfare in Liliriawang Village, Bengo District, Bone Regency, especially in the field of education is not implemented properly. This is because of the four indicators of successful policy implementation by Cheema and Rondinelli, only one indicator is running well. In addition, one of the supporting factors is the assistance provided on time and the amount in accordance with CCT provisions. for the inhibiting factor is the data used is old data, namely data from 2005 and there is no data update until now.
A Comparative Analysis of Descartes’ and Spinoza’s Notions of Intuition Elias Ifeanyi Uzoigwe
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 9, Nomor 1, January-June 2021
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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This study aims at Comparatively Analysing Descartes’ and Spinoza’s Notions of Intuition. The rationalists employ logico-mathematico (logical and mathematical) model as the foundation of their epistemological pursuit, while the empiricists in opposition to the rationalists hold that knowledge is derived from sense experience. Because the rationalists are in unism in their argument against the empiricists and vice versa; it is important to note that there are variations in their approaches to those features they have in common. However, the rationalists among other things based their argument and judgement on intuition as a clear, certain and reliable strand of cognition. It is their conviction that only a living being can think, and so, they conceive intuition as an authentic and most certain route to knowledge. The variation in their arguments to uphold intuition as their common feature is what this work describes as epistemic sustainability. These scholars’ variegated position on one issue brings about new insight, creativity and productivity within the epistemic circle. It shows that epistemology is on-going, interesting and indeed, a continuous process. This study employed analytic, historical, textual and contextual methods of research.
The Role of the Dinas Sosial in Handling Beggars at Makassar City Nur Aprilyanti; Muh Nur Yamin; Andi Cudai Nur
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 9, Nomor 2, Juli – December 2021
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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 This study aims to determine the role of the Dinas Sosial in Handling Beggars at Makassar City and the factors that influence the rise of beggars at Makassar City. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Dinas Sosial in handling beggars at Makassar City is less effective, this can be seen from the three role indicators according to Gede Diva, namely the government has not acted as a facilitator, has not acted as a regulator and has acted as a catalyst. Based on the results of the study, two of the three indicators have not played a maximum role in handling beggars. This is due to the unavailability of facilities in the form of advanced rehabilitation homes for beggars to receive guidance and the lack of skills training provided by the Dinas Sosial of Makassar City to beggars. The internal factors of the rise of beggars at Makassar City are migrating with desperate capital, lazy to do business, and physical disabilities while the external factors are the absence of jobs, expensive prices of basic necessities, poverty and acute economic problems. 
The Concept of Happiness in Aristotle’s Politics: A Reconstructive Adaptation for Contemporary Nigeria Prince Nwinee TamBari; Francis Iroryakpo Igben
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 9, Nomor 1, January-June 2021
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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The nature and character of the state are central to the enterprise of Aristotle’s political philosophy. His conception of politics is derived from, and influenced by, his firm belief in political realism, in which case, his idea of the state and political institutions is anchored and hinged on the understanding of political realities or actualities. Aristotle argues that the state is natural and conceives of it as a logical extension of the family. From his own perspective, the state is a unit writ large. This paper, therefore, examines the place of happiness in Aristotle’s politics, showing its implications for politics and governance in contemporary Nigerian body-politics. It looks at why the state was set up in the first place and how it fits into the modern Nigerian search for good governance. It adopts a qualitative research method, which is basically descriptive. It also employs the method of textual analysis using the matrix of hermeneutics. It serves as a blueprint for public policy with a view to enhancing good governance in Nigeria. It posits, in conclusion, that governance and its institutional agencies are meaningful to the extent that they promote citizens’ happiness through the instrumentality of state power. It recommends an adaptation of Aristotle’s concept of happiness as a theoretical construct to guide fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policies in contemporary Nigeria. It also recommends that state power be used as an apparatus for enhancing the common good of all Nigerians.
Philosophy of Education: A Brief Analysis from Modernist and Post-Modernist Perspective Samuel Aloysius Ekanem
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 9, Nomor 2, Juli – December 2021
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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For a very long period, the philosophy of education has been an important area of study. It is important because it explains how educational theories evolve. An understanding of philosophy is therefore essential in guiding and critiquing the development of educational theory. The purposes of education are articulated and expressed at a practical level through the curriculum. Philosophy sets the ground for the development of education. The inherent and interpretative meaning of education can be realized only through philosophy. Another important aspect of this relationship is the impact of various philosophical epochs in the field of education, like pre-modernism and post-modernism, on education. Both modernism and postmodernism have brought drastic revolutions in the fields of philosophy in general and philosophy of education in particular. The rapid changes in the social and economic spheres were thus paralleled by equally dramatic changes in the world of theory and ideas. The essence of this paper is to trace a brief analysis of the philosophy of education from the modern to the post-modernist strand.
Drug Abuse and the Nigerian Youth Enamhe Dorn Cklaimz; Maxwell-Borjor Achuk Eba
Jurnal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer Volume 8, Nomor 1, January-June 2020
Publisher : dialektika kontemporer

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The incidence of drug abuse has become a problem that affects every country across the globe. The intake of substances affects both the physical and mental health of the users and the general public. Many people suffer from various health impairments such as hepatitis, heart attacks, respiratory infections, cancer, and neurological problems that lead to incapacitation and even death. The same thing applies to mental health issues like schizophrenia, anxiety, neuroses, psychoses, depression, and other mental illnesses. These problems have occurred due to the frequent intake of illicit drugs such as opioids and prescription over-the-counter drugs. The available literature reviewed shows the prevalence of drug abuse in the global sphere and Nigeria in particular. The study also shows how the problems become out of control as a result of either corruption among the security agents, drug trafficking and smuggling, or the amount of money involved in the business, which makes the drug barons devise many ways of accessing the drugs whenever the law enforcement agencies try to stop them. The present study investigates the effects of substance abuse on the health of users in Nigeria; the health consequences; the recent trend of substance abuse among youth; and the measures taken by the government to stop the menace. Both primary and secondary sources of data were utilised to collect data through textbooks, journals, internet sources, government and non-governmental agencies' reports, newspapers, and periodicals..