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Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 1, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009
Publisher : Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah

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This research is aimed to know the factors which cause smoking behavior on student of Roudlotul Falah Moslem school, and how their smoking behavior: Subject of this research are six students of Roudlotul Falah Moslem School who smoke. Results from interview, observation, documentation, and graphic test (DAM and HTP). The results show the factors which cause smoking behavior of the students are psychological factors (one of way to be consider free and adult person among their friends who smoke, pass the free time, happiness, conformity, and considered manly, less confidence, and also education about disadvantages of smoking for health), environment factors (parental, siblings, peer group), cigarette advertisement, artist of cigarette advertisement, Moslem school regulation factor and society factor. In addition the result also shows that three is a cognitive dissonance in student who smokes. Three is inappropriate between cognition “I m a smoker" with cognition that smoking is makruh and it isn’t good for health.
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 1, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009
Publisher : Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah

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The objective of the study is to know the problems that back ground enuresis interference happen to a college student in Yogyakarta. The test-taker is subject who does certain activity / prominent subject of the study, that is the subject who undergoes enuresis interference that give some exact and clear information. The number of subject of the study is one (N:1). The data collected from interview, observation, psychological test (DAM, HTP, Baum) and self monitoring as the method of collecting data. The result of the study shows that the major factor of the subject who undergo enuresis interference is because of less harmonious relationship with family. The overwhelming problem experienced by the subject made her feel depperessed. The pressure influences hypothalamus work, otonomical nurve system, and adrenal cortical system, but since of the pressure takes chemically, and subject could not overcome it so it attack the weakest part of the body, that is ureter, so enuresis happens
KETIDAKPATUHAN PENDERITA DIABETES DALAM MENJALANI PENGOBATAN (Studi Kasus Di Desa Kaligayam Kecamatan Talang Kabupaten Tegal) Ekawati, Rini
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 1, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009
Publisher : Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah

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The research is aimed to find out what are the factors that influenced non adherence of diabetics regiment behavior, to find out the kinds of non adherence diabetics behavior, and to find out what is the reason that caused diabetics does not adherence to take a medical treatment. The subjects of this research were 2 people; they are diabetics, who do not have adherence behavior to experiencing medication, they are more than 50 years old, and have suffered from diabetes for more than 3 years. The data were collected with 3 methods that are observation and interview methods and psychological testing (DAM), and tested with interview and observation result transcript analysis, and interpretation of psychological test result. Based on the result, there are 7 factors that influencing non adherence behavior of diabetics on taking the medical treatments, they are patients have wrong understanding of diabetes experrancing disease, lack of knowledge about a risk if impinge the treatment regiment (medication), difficulties of communication between the doctor and patients, the wrong belief and perception about the disease, family and social (significant others) supports, attitude towards health treatment system, and individual characteristic of the patients, The result of research also shows that kinds of non adherence behavior of diabetics on experiencing treatment regiment (medication) can be seen from 5 matters, they are the irregular schedule of doctor control, stopping consuming medicine that not following the rules, impinge the rules of eat pattern which doctor has suggested, irregular exercise, and irregular and even undone bloods sugar levels checking. The reasons of non adherence diabetics on experiencing treatment regiment (medication), they are abundant trust of traditional medicine, feeling slack and tire feeling of the patient, bad communication between doctor and patients. Also, the diabetics personality such as less confidence level tendencies, less acceptance of challenge and reality, and unstable emotional condition influence a non adherence diabetic s behavior in experiencing treatment regiment (medication).
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 1, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009
Publisher : Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah

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The research is aimed at examining the correlation between self-esteem and academic dishonesty behavior mediated by peer pressure, as proposed hipothesis. The subject of this research were 212 students of FIP UNNES graduation of  2006 to 2008. Sampling technique which is used is stratified proportional random sampling. The data collection was done using academic dishonesty behavior questionnaire, self-esteem scale, and peer pressure scale. Hypothesis is tested by mediator analysis. The result indicate that there was significant correlation between self-esteem dan academic dishonesty behavior mediated by peer pressure (b= -0,1173, p<0,05) at FIP UNNES students. Low peer pressure will lower academic dishonesty behavior and the opposite.
KOMITMEN ORGANISASI DITINJAU DARI TIPE GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN MENURUT LEWIN (Studi Komparatif pada Fungsionaris Lembaga Kemahasiswaan Intra Universitas Negeri Semarang Tahun 2007) Dzakiyati, Fiki
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 1, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009
Publisher : Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah

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This Researchs purpose is knowing about organization commitment difference between autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire leadership style on students organization activist in Semarang State University year 2007. The method of research is comparative quantitative. Technique sampling used is proportional stratified random sampling. Instruments of research used are leadership style scale and organizational commitment scale. Technique of analysis used is one way anava. The Result shows there is different organization commitment between autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire leadership style on student organization activist in Semarang State University year 2007 with coefficient correlation getting Fo 54,664 with significan 0,00. Democratic leadership style has the highest organizational commitment than autocratic and laissez-faire leadership style.
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 1, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009
Publisher : Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah

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Perilaku prokrastinasi penyelesaian skripsi nampaknya dilakukan oleh mahasiswa strata 1 FIP UNNES angkatan 2001 dan 2002. Fenomena ini tentunya harus segera diatasi mengingat efek buruk dari prokrastinasi yang tidak hanya dialami oleh pelaku sendiri, tapi juga jurusan dan pemerintah. Langkah pertama untuk mengatasi fenomena ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya prokrastinasi. Melihat fenomena tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyabab prokrastinasi penyelesaian skripsi pada mahasiswa S1 FIP UNNES angkatan 2001 dan 2002. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan total sampling. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 63 orang. Pada saat pelaksanaan penelitian ternyata hanya terkumpul data dari 55 orang. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah skala prokrastinasi penyelesaian skripsi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan persentase. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa faktor eksternal lebih mempengaruhi perilaku prokrastinasi penyelesaian skripsi. Sub faktor yang paling menyebabkan perilaku prokrastinasi penyelesaian skripsi dari faktor eksternal adalah kontrol lingkungan rendah, disusul banyak tugas, kurang informasi tentang tugas, kurang tersedia alat, dan kemampuan yang dimiliki diragukan orang. Sedangkan, sub faktor dari faktor internal yang paling menyebabkan perilaku prokrastinasi adalah relaxted type, disusul learned helpleness, tense afraid type, pasif, locus of kontrol external. Berdasarkan simpulan di atas maka disarankan bagi mahasiswa berkepribadian tense afraid type untuk mengatasi ketakutan akan kegagalan dengan mengubah sudut pandang masalah. Mahasiswa dengan tipe pasif disarankan untuk lebih asertif. Mahasiswa berkepribadian relaxted type disarankan untuk mencari teman yang rajin melakukan bimbingan. Mahasiswa dengan leamed helpleness disarankan untuk mengamati gaya bimbingan dosen pembimbing. Mahasiswa dengan locus of control external disarankan mengubah persepsi akan hasil. Dosen pembimbing hendaknya mampu memberikan motivasi agar pengerjaan skripsi bisa menjadi pengalaman menarik. Jurusan disarankan agar mampu mengoptimalkan peran sebagai pengontrol yang baik. 
Studi Deskriptif Resistensi Individu Terhadap Perubahan Peraturan di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Candisari Semarang Ratnawati, Yulia
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 1, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009
Publisher : Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah

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According to the Financial Minister Decree No. 132/PMK.01/2006   Organization and Work Order of Vertical Instance of Tax General Directorate, the Semarang Pratama Tax Service Office had changed. Despite of the universal and inevitable nature of a change, it rarely took place smoothly, readily and proportionately. A resistance toward a change was a behavioral or emotional respond to the real work or desired change. The sample at this research were 50 employees of Semarang Pratama Tax Service Office of Candisari. The instrument used was psychology scale. For the validity test, the writer employed the formula of product moment correlation. Meanwhile, for the reliability test, used the Alpha Cronbach technique. The data were analyzed, used descriptive statistics. The overall data was processed using the assistance of program computer of SPSS version 12.0 for Windows. The resistance rate of the employees of the office experienced was bipolarization. The research, result shows that the logical resistance rate was of 40%, sociological of 38%, and psychological of 24% on the highest criteria. It suggested that in general, the reaction or attitude displayed by the employees tended to be based on the logical or rational aspect in facing the change. And it was caused by the lack of information and knowledge about the change. Based on the research result, it was proposed for the Semarang Pratama Tax Service Office of Candisari to socialize further more to its employees the whole information about Pratama Tax Service Office, since the unwillingness to support the regulation change of Pratama Tax Service Ojfice was due to the lack of understanding of it wholly in most of them.  

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