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Peran Kekuatan Karakter terhadap Resiliensi Wartawan Mitha Adisty Putri; Marty Mawarpury; Dahlia Dahlia; Irin Iriamanda
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 15, No 1 (2023): Mei 2023 : in press
Publisher : Jurusan Psikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/intuisi.v15i1.29662


Wartawan seringkali berhadapan dengan berbagai tantangan dan risiko ketika melakukan kegiatan jurnalistik sehingga memerlukan kemampuan resiliensi untuk dapat bertahan. Salah satu faktor untuk mengembangkan resiliensi adalah kekuatan karakter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kekuatan karakter terhadap resiliensi wartawan di Aceh. Sejumlah 168 wartawan yang tergabung dalam Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) Aceh menjadi subjek penelitian melalui metode total sampling. Penelitian menggunakan alat ukur Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) 25 yang diadaptasi dari Ramadhan (2018) dan Virtues in Action (VIA) 72 Scale-short dari VIA Institut. Analisis data menggunakan simple linear regression analysis dengan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan karakter memiliki peran yang signifikan terhadap resiliensi wartawan (R2 = .367, β1 = .781, p = .000; ≤.05). Kekuatan karakter yang berperan signifikan terhadap resiliensi yaitu curiosity, social intelligence, dan hope. Selain itu, kekuatan karakter dominan yang dimiliki wartawan Aceh yaitu hope, forgiveness, dan appreciation of beauty and excellent. Journalists are often faced with various challenges and risks when carrying out journalistic activities, so they need resilience skills to survive. One factor in developing resilience is character strength. This study aims to determine the role of character strength in the resilience of journalists in Aceh. A total of 168 journalists who were members of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) in Aceh were included in the study using the total sampling method. The study used the Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) 25 adapted from Ramadhan (2018) and the Virtues in Action (VIA) 72 Scale-short from the VIA Institute as the measurement tools. The data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis, and the results showed that character strength significantly contributed to the resilience of journalists (R2 = .367, β1 = .781, p = .000; ≤.05). The character strengths of curiosity, social intelligence, and hope were found to have a significant impact on the resilience of journalists. Moreover, the dominant character strengths among journalists in Aceh were found to be hope, forgiveness, and appreciation of beauty and excellence Journalists are often faced with various challenges and risks when carrying out journalistic activities, so they need resilience skills to survive. One factor in developing resilience is character strength. This study aims to determine the role of character strength in the resilience of journalists in Aceh. A total of 168 journalists who were members of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) in Aceh were included in the study using the total sampling method. The study used the Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) 25 adapted from Ramadhan (2018) and the Virtues in Action (VIA) 72 Scale-short from the VIA Institute as the measurement tools. The data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis, and the results showed that character strength significantly contributed to the resilience of journalists (R2 = .367, β1 = .781, p = .000; ≤.05). The character strengths of curiosity, social intelligence, and hope were found to have a significant impact on the resilience of journalists. Moreover, the dominant character strengths among journalists in Aceh were found to be hope, forgiveness, and appreciation of beauty and excellence.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy untuk Menurunkan Kecemasan dalam Masa Quarter Life Yuan Yovita Setiawan; Andrian Pramadi
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 15, No 1 (2023): Mei 2023 : in press
Publisher : Jurusan Psikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/intuisi.v15i1.40545


Quarter life crisis merupakan sebuah keadaan ketika individu berada di usia dewasa awal dan mengalami banyak ketidakstabilan dalam hidup. Banyak individu yang terdampak quarter life crisis ini, ditunjukkan dari beberapa penelitian baru yang membahas hal ini. Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan dari quarter life crisis adalah kecemasan. Kecemasan yang intens membuat individu semakin tidak produktif dan mengganggu pencapaian hasil. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy dalam menurunkan kecemasan individu yang sedang mengalami quarter life crisis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif single-case experimental design. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 2 orang dengan jenis kelamin perempuan, memiliki usia dalam masa emerging adulthood dan keduanya sedang mengalami quarter life crisis, dibuktikan dengan pengukuran menggunakan Quarter Life Crisis Scale (Agustin, 2012). Pengukuran dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi sebagai metode asesmen utama. Data observasi akan dianalisis menggunakan analisis tren. Selain itu, data juga diambil dari skala Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) (Toledano-Toledano et al., 2020) untuk pengukuran kecemasan dan Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) (Gu et al., 2016) untuk pengukuran mindfulness, guna melengkapi hasil observasi. Intervensi dilakukan 5 sesi pertemuan selama 5 minggu dan setiap sesinya memiliki durasi 60 menit. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy efektif menurunkan kecemasan partisipan penelitian, ditinjau dari analisis tren yang dilakukan. Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy memperbaiki penilaian ulang individu terhadap situasi kecemasan dan kemampuan individu untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Penurunan kecemasan yang dialami partisipan diharapkan mampu membentuk persepsi yang baru terhadap quarter life crisis dan meningkatkan optimism.Quarter life crisis is a phase where emerging adults experience a lot of instability in life. Many individuals are affected by quarter life crisis, marked by the emergence of new studies that discuss this topic. One of the effects of a quarter life crisis is anxiety. High level of anxiety makes individual less productive and interferes with their achievement. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy in reducing the anxiety of individuals who are experiencing a quarter life crisis. This research was conducted using a quantitative single-case experimental design method. There were two female emerging adulthood participants in this study and both were experiencing a quarter life crisis, as proven by assesment using the Quarter Life Crisis Scale (Agustin, 2012). Measurement in this study uses observation as the main assessment method. Observational data will be analyzed using trend analysis. In addition, data was also taken using Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) scale (Toledano-Toledano et al., 2020) for measuring anxiety and Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) (Gu et al., 2016) for measuring mindfulness, to complement the results observation. The intervention was carried out in 5 meeting sessions for 5 weeks and each session had a duration of 60 minutes. The results of this study indicate that Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy is effective in reducing the anxiety of research’s participants, based on the trend analysis. Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy improves the individual's reappraisal of situations that evoke anxiety and the individual's ability to solve problems. Hopefully, the degression in anxiety experienced by participants will be able to form new perceptions of quarter life crisis and increase optimism.
Unveiling Online Self-Disclosure: A Comparative Study of Adolescents and Young Adults in The Digital Age Sesty Arum Pangayuninggalih; Avin Fadilla Helmi
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 15, No 1 (2023): Mei 2023 : in press
Publisher : Jurusan Psikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/intuisi.v15i1.38986


Tingginya penggunaan media sosial mendorong pergeseran aktivitas pengungkapan diri dari offline ke online. Padahal, perilaku pengungkapan diri online memiliki beragam risiko yang rentan dialami pengguna yang mayoritas berada di tahap perkembangan remaja dan dewasa awal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan tingkat pengungkapan diri online di media sosial antara pengguna remaja dengan dewasa awal. Desain penelitian survei kuantitatif digunakan dengan convenience sampling sebagai teknik pengambilan sampel. Sebanyak 532 pengguna media sosial remaja dan dewasa awal, baik dari Pulau Jawa maupun dari luar Pulau Jawa terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis independent t-test menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada pengungkapan diri online remaja dan dewasa awal. Akan tetapi, ditemukan perbedaan pengungkapan diri online ditinjau dari wilayah domisili dan durasi akses media sosial. Pengguna dari Pulau Jawa dan pengguna yang mengakses media sosial selama 6-8 jam perhari memiliki tingkat pengungkapan diri online yang lebih tinggi. Temuan ini memperkaya pemahaman mengenai perilaku pengguna media sosial di Indonesia. Masyarakat perlu berkolaborasi untuk mengelola perilaku bermedia sosial guna menghindari risiko penggunaan media sosial yang tidak terkontrol. The high use of social media encourages a shift in offline and online self-disclosure activities. Whereas online self-disclosure behavior has various risks that are prone to be experienced by users, most of whom are in the developmental stages of adolescence and early adulthood. This study aims to determine whether there is a difference in the level of online self-disclosure on social media between adolescent and early adult users. The quantitative survey research design was used with convenience sampling as the sampling technique. This research has 532 adolescent and early adult social media users, both from Java and outside Java, who were involved in this study. The results of the independent t-test analysis showed that there was no significant difference in online self-disclosure of adolescents and early adults. However, differences in online self-disclosure were found regarding the domicile area and duration of social media access. Users from Java and users accessing social media for 6-8 hours daily have higher online self-disclosure levels. These findings enrich the understanding of the behavior of social media users in Indonesia. Communities need to collaborate to manage social media behavior to avoid the risks of uncontrolled use of social media.

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