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Articles 13 Documents
Pengaruh latihan senam aerobik terhadap kekuatan otot lengan, otot perut dan otot tungkai Noortje Anita Kumaat,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 8, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract : This study examined the effects of aerobic exercise training on muscle strength arm, abdomen and legs. The purpose of this study is to determine empirically the influence of the difference before and after aerobic exercise training to increase muscle strength arm, abdomen and legs. Population in this research is member or a member of Gymnastics SSFC Unesa. The number of samples taken were 25 people with a purposive sample. The method used in this study is to experiment with the design method pre test and post test group design. The number of samples consisted of one group.The data in this study was taken by using a push-up test instruments to measure arm muscle strength, sit ups to measure abdominal muscle strength and half Squat jump to measure leg muscle strength. After the data processing of descriptive data obtained as follows: 1.         In the variable arm muscle strength before the training given value:  = 11.86 and S = 5.52 and after the training given value:  = 16.06 and S = 5.37, and after the t test, t values obtained counting 14, 852 and t-table value = 2.064 (0:05:24). Because the value t count > t table is rejected and HA Ho accepted or there is a difference arm muscle strength before and after aerobic exercise training was given. 2.         In the abdominal muscle strength variables were given training before the value:  = 8.88 and S = 4.37 and after the training given value:  = 13.9 and S = 4.8 7, and after the t test, t values obtained counting 14.338 and t-table value = 2.064 (0:05:24). Because the value t count > t table is rejected and HA Ho accepted or there is a difference abdominal muscle strength before and after aerobic exercise training was given. 3.         In leg muscle strength variables were given training before the value:  = 1.56 and S = 4.5 and after the training given value:  = 17.76 and S = 4.89, and after the t test, t values obtained counting 22.122 and t-table value = 2.064 (0:05:24). Because the value t count > t table, so Ho rejected and HA received or there is a difference limb muscle strength before and after aerobic exercise training was given.   Key words : aerobics, arm muscle strength, abdominal, legs 
Relokasi cedera sendi bahu anterior dengan metode kocher Roy Januardi Irawan,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 8, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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The shoulder joint is the most easier joint which got injured, especially in sports that predominantly using arm swing such as badminton, tennis, volley ball, etc. But there were many other sports type could injured the shoulder joint which caused by an collision withanother object. One of the injured type is shoulder joint dislocation. When the dislocation happened on athletes, the “RICE” method is the first aid for reduce the pain or avoid the Injured getting worst. One of method to relocate the shoulder joint dislocation was Kocher’s method. This article will discuss about shoulder joint dislocation using Kocher’s Method.   Key Word:  Anterior Shoulder dislocation, Kocher’s method
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 6, No 2 (2010): vol 6 no 2 Agustus 2010 ISSN : 1693 - 9921
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract : The respiratory system accomplishes exchange of air between the atmosphere and the lungs through the process of ventilation. Exchange of O2 and CO2 between the air in the lungs ang the blood in the pulmonary capillaries take place across the extremely thin walls of the air sacs, or alveoli. Alveolar ventilation may increase up to 20 fold during heavy exercise to keep pace with the increased demand for O2 uptake and CO2 output. It would seem logical that changes in the three chemical factors such as decreased PO2, increased PCO2 and increased H+, could account for the increase in ventilation, but there are many other factors play role in the ventilatory respons to exercise such as reflexes originating from body movements, increase in body temperature, epinephrine release and impulses from cerebral cortex. Regular aerobic exercise can improve max VO2 by making the heart and respiratory system more efficient, thereby delivering more O2 to the working muscles.   Key words : ventilation,VO2max, exercise

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