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International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL)
ISSN : 23031417     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
This Proceedings contains papers submitted and presented at the International Conference on Education and Language in 2013 and 2014. 2nd International Conference on Language Education hosted by the University of Bandar Lampung on 20-22 May 2014, at the graduate campus, the University of Bandar Lampung (UBL), Lampung, Indonesia.
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Articles 31 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013" : 31 Documents clear
The Development Of Guidelines For The Arrangement Of Character-Based English Language Lesson Plan For The Teachers Of Junior Secondary Schools In Surakarta City: A Preliminary Study Joko Nurkamto
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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The final objective of this research is to produce guidelines for character-based English language lesson plan for the teachers of Junior Secondary Schools in Surakarta city.This research employed Research and Development (R&D) method comprising three phases, namely: exploration phase (Year 2012), model development phase (tahun 2013), andmodel evaluation phase (Year 2014). In the first phase, the existence and quality of the prevailing guidelines for the lesson plan arrangement were studied as a basis for drafting a prototype of the guidelines for the arrangement of character-based English language lesson plan.As many as 56 English teachers of Junior Secondary Schools in Surakarta city were involved in the research.The results of the research show that (1) the guidelines for the lesson plan arrangement made by the government are designed for all subject matters and are general in nature; (2) the lesson plans arranged by the teachers of Junior Secondary Schools in Surakarta city still contain many weaknesses; and (3) special or specific guidelines for the arrangement of character-based English language lesson plan are required for the teachers of Junior Secondary Schools in Surakarta city.
The Implementation Of The ICT-Based Thesis Supervision At One Of Postgraduate Programs In Indonesia Ujang Suparman
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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The development of information, computer and technology (ICT) has affected all sectors and activities including education from elementary school through university. However, even though the use of ICT has been widespread including in the University, its use in thesis supervision processes is still very limited. Only few lecturers have used it optimally. By contrast, many students and lecturers in certain universities get difficulties in determining an appropriate time for both parties because of the business of either lecturers or students. This study is intended to find out a new effective and efficient strategy to supervise students writing thesis in a postgraduate program and to investigate the implementation of the ICT-based thesis supervision. Therefore, there are three major objectives of the research: 1. To investigate how to implement the ICT-based thesis supervision; 2. To trace the opinion of Masters students of English Education Program on the implementation of the ICT-based thesis supervision; and 3. To find a new effective way of thesis supervision. The research is qualitative bynature. The data were gathered by means of questionnaire, interview, and documents. Based on the data analysis and discussion, some conclusions are drawn.  It has been found that the use of ICT in supervising students writing theses was very effective, and efficient. The students and lecturer are not limited by space and time, that is, they can communicate by means of internet anytime and anywhere; the advice that the supervisors provide is easily understandable and very neat. The students feel easy to follow what the supervisorsuggests. And what is more important is that the students writing products are much better, more comprehensive, and neater.  
Communicative Approach in Teaching English As A Foreign Language Bertaria Sohnata Hutauruk
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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This study concerns on the teacher’s communicative approach in teaching English as a foreign language which was taken at English department in FKIP UHN Pematangsiantar.  The problem of the research is what are teacher’s techniques used in teaching English as a foreign language?  The writer used some theories related to the Techniques of Teaching English and communicative approach theory as the following:   Allen (1965), Abbot (1981),  Billow (1961),  Byrne (1976), Lado (1979),  Larsen (2000), This research is a qualitative research which based on the reality teaching and learning process in English class at FKIP UHN Pematangsiantar. The methodology covers the research design, instrument, technique of collecting data, data analysis and interpretation. The teacher‘s communicative approach are mostly use direct method, cooperative learning and audio lingual method. To be communicative in teaching English, the teacher also recommended use communicative competence and some variation technique in teaching and learning process.  The teacher should try himself best in teaching English as a foreign language so the students understand more easily the materials. The writer gives suggestion to deal with the teacher’s techniques in teaching English in the classroom to make them more active in interaction. The good teaching will be done using communicative approach, techniques, preparing lesson before starting the lesson, knowing the background of the students and giving motivation to communication accuracy and fluently directly
Science Learning Model for Kindergarten Denny Setiawan; Sri Tatminingsih
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Science education is essential to the development of kindergarten students. Integrating science education into education from an early age, intended to help children understand the world around them and improve critical thinking skills. Science can not be taught to children in a way like other knowledge that is to tell the children directly yield discoveries in science. This is because on the one hand, science is observation and exploration of the world around us, including questioning, investigating, analyzing, and drawing conclusions. On the other hand, children are often eager to know and they are intuitive. They try to understand the reasons why things happen and busy looking for answers. In other words, they seem to have a natural aptitude for science. Thus, children should be actively involved in the learning process of science. This research isthe development ofa modelthat aims to makescience learning strategy forkindergartenchildrentodeveloptheir potentialas a researcherin the future. The research beganwith capturing the habits, needs, and hopes ofkindergarten teachersin the teaching ofsciencethrough a questionnaire. The resultstogether withthe results ofliterature studyonthe teaching of science, usedto make a prototypeofsciencelearningmodel in kindergarten. Then theprototypewastestedin a limited areain somekindergartenstoget inputas a revisionmaterial. This guide wasthenrevisedand will bewidely disseminatedtootherkindergartens asan innovation inscience learningin kindergarten
Project-Based Instruction Guided Lesson Study Improve The Achievement of Learning Outcomes on Educational Research Methodology Course at Department of Biology Hadi Suwono
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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The research of impact project-based instruction guided lesson study in Educational Research Methodology course has been conducted in 2010 until 2012. The research was focused to improve student achievement of learning outcomes in Educational Research Methodology course at Department of Biology, State University of Malang. The learning outcome was defined on three skill levels, understanding of educational research basic concept, creating of research proposal, and final grade. The research approach was classroom action research guided lesson study. The data is analyzed by comparing student score with the minimum requirement score and the improvement of score from cycle 1 to cycle 2 and cycle 3. The mean score of understanding research basic concept increase from cycle 1 to cycle 3. The implementation of project-based instruction guided lesson study improved the ability of students to create research proposal. The percentage of studentswho gotthe final gradeof A andA- increased from priorresearchtocycle1, cycle 2and cycle 3. On the contrary, percentageof studentswho have final gradeC, D,andEwere reduced.  The study showed that project-based instruction guided lesson study improved the ability of students to achieve learning outcomes, comprehend research basic concept, creating research proposal, and higher final grade
Infix {-UM-} as Verbal Former in Muna Language: Morphology, Semantic, and Syntax Analysis La Ode Nggawu
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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This paper is concerned with study of infix {-um-} in Muna language as verbal former. The using of Muna language found mostly in Muna regency and a part of Buton and Kendari regencies of Southeast Sulawesi. The objectives of the study are to describe the morphology system, the function and the meaning, and the syntax aspects of infix {-um-} in Muna language. The data of this study come from some informants and the writeras native speakers of Muna languages. The data which have been collected through noting and recording weretabulated and analyzed by using morphological, semantic, and syntactical analysis in descriptive qualitatively method. Further, it uses [20] of morphology and semantics, and[10] of transitive and intransitive verbs (syntaxes). Based on the writer interpretation, the result of the study shows that (1) infix {-um-} has four allomorphs are /-um-/, /-im-/, /m-/, and /ø/, (2) the use of each allomorph depends on the initial and the second phonemesof certain base verbal word, (3) infix {-um-} has inflective function which means ‘will’, and (4) infix {-um-} with all allomorph forms can be inserted or infixed both in transitive and intransitive verbs. 
Assessment for Learning: Charting a Future in The Malaysian Higher Education Mohamad Sahari Nordin
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Assessment for learning is a significant driver of student learning.  It serves as a catalyst for reform in instructional practices, and hence, the centerpiece of educational improvement. This presentation reports an intervention programs designed and implemented by an institution of higher education in Malaysia to capitalize on the potentials of assessment for learning.  In addition, it discusses conditions that would enable assessment to facilitate meaningful learning among students of higher learning institutions in particular, and create a vibrant learning ecosystem, in general.              
The Development Strategy of Sustainable Competitive Advantageat Indonesian PHEIs Muhammad Yusuf S Barusman
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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The competition amonghigher education institutionsin Indonesia has been becoming tougher since a decade ago, especially in new student enrollment period. This phenomenon is very interested to be studied because PHEIs (PHEI),which had operated less or more than ten years, could hold out in the situation. The objectives of this research are to analyze the determining factors that influence the sustainability of the PHEIs (PHEI), to analyze future scenarios regarding dynamic of external environmentof PHEIs (PHEI), and to develop the best strategy to face the most possible scenario occurred. Data collection was done by textual analysis, in-depthinterview, focus group discussion and questionnaire. Data was analyzed descriptively through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Participatory Prospective Analysis (PPA) and Exponential Comparison Method (ECM).  The study finds that there are four internal and five external determining factors that influencesustainability of PHEIs. In addition, there are 72 scenarios concerning the dynamic of external environment that could be happened in the future. To overcome the most possiblescenario that could be happened in the future, PHEIs could develop strategy by combining the main internal factor, namely leadership effectiveness, financing availability, effectiveness of human resource management and curriculum relevance
Mispronounced Consonants Of Basic Listening And Speaking Students Of Universitas Klabat Billy Melvin Sakul
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Oral proficiency has been one of the important goals in teaching English as a Foreign Languange (EFL) since it is important not only in communication, but also in other language skills such as reading and writing, which obviously overlay the path to student’s academic achievement.   A study was conducted to examine mispronounced words by 34 EFL Freshmen FKIP students at the Klabat University who were taking Basic Listening and Speaking Subject.  More specifically, this study aimed to find out the mispronounced voiced and voiceless consonants. To analyze the obtained data, a descriptive-quantitative method was used.  The study is based on findings derived from a list of selected 397 English words taken from the students’ textbook.  The words chosen appeared with their minimal pairs.Findings showed that the students could produce voiceless /p/, /k/, and /s/ sounds correctly but mispronounced the other five voiceless sounds: /t/, /k/, /f/, /θ/, /ʃ/, /ʧ/ and voiced consonant sounds: /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /ð/, /z/, /ʒ/, /ʤ/.  The mispronunciation occurred elsewhere regardless the position of the consonants: initial, middle or final position.  
The Effectiveness of Using Dialogue and Prose Passage Techniques Improving Speaking Ability of The Students at Muhammadiyyah University Tangerang Destiani Rahmawati
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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The researcher realizes that speaking ability is difficult to be achieved because it depends on many factors. Sometimes, the student speaks English because the teacher tells them to speak and to get good marks, but they communicate outside the classroom with their mother tongue. , It can be stated that there are only a few students who have ability in speaking English. The problem of this research are: (1) is there an effect of the use of dialogue on the students’ speaking ability in Muhammadiyah University Tangerang, (2) is there an effect of the use of prose passage on the students speaking ability in Muhammadiyah University Tangerang, (3) is the use of teaching speaking through dialogue more effective than the use of teaching speaking through prose passage.Based on the identification of the problem above, the objectives of this study are to investigate: a. There is an effect of the use of dialogue on the students’ speaking ability, b. There is an effect of the use of prose passage on the students` speaking ability, c. The use of teaching speaking through dialogue is more effective than the use of teaching speaking through prose passage In this research, the instrument of collecting data was speaking test by an open interview. An interview is used to measure how far the students’ ability in speaking English. The researcher used cluster random sampling, thus one group was A.1 selected in the experimentalal groups and the control class was A.2 for control group.The description of data can be seen that mean in experimental class (A.1) was 75.25. It means that the mean is higher than the mean in control class (A.2) was 69.50. The minimum scores in experimental class were 55, and the minimum scores in control class is 50. The maximum scores in experimental class were 90, and the maximum scores in control class were 85. The ranges of the scores were 35 point. The median in experimental class (A.1) was 75, and the control class (A.2) was 70. The mode of the data in experimental class (A.1) was 75, and the control class (A.2) was 70.Based on data analysis and comparison of the result of the pre-test and the post-test in experimental class (A.1) and control class (A.2), it was found that:  (1) there was an effect of the use of dialogue on the students’ speaking ability in Muhammadiyah University Tangerang rang, (2) there was an effect of the use of prose passage on the students speaking ability in Muhammadiyah University Tangerang (3) the use of teaching speaking through dialogue is more effective than the use of teaching speaking through prose passage. The writer puts forward some suggestions that might be useful for any teacher who teaches English as a foreign language. The lecturer should present dialogue activities by giving clear instruction to the students in order to help them in implementing it. Secondly, to eliminate boring situation, the lecturer should take the dialogue for appropriate level of the students. Next, the lecturer had better not to be involved in the role dialogue activities but the lecturer should just guide and control them. Finally, The lecturer should choose the appropriate approach, method, and techniques in speaking.The result of this research is expected to be beneficial for all English lecturers who teach in the speaking class. The result showed that both dialogue and prose passage were important in students speaking ability. However, introducing the topic and chose a suitable speaking material preferable to make the students’. Becoming aware of their speaking ability in comprehend of the speaking ability through dialogue and prose passage, this research was hoped to be as the bases of the reader to identify their most appropriate technique based on their own speaking ability.

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