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The Relation Dynamics Between Javanese Migrants And Lampung Community Of Lampung Selatan Regency, Lampung Province (A Study of Intercultural Communication) Khomsahrial Romli
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober

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This research is inquiring the relationship between Javanese immigrant and indigenous Lampungese community phenomenon in South Lampung concerning to intercultural communication. This research uses qualitative paradigm (case study) in which in-depth interview, participant observation, documentation studies are used as data compilation method. The data gathered is then analyzed descriptive qualitatively. The research concludes that Javanese immigrants use three strategies in adapting Lampungese : formal adaptation, natural adaptation, and ethnic identity manipulation. Other than expecting being accepted as Lampungese community, Javanese immigrants use manipulation strategy for economic and politic orientation. In the process of adaptation Javanese faces language, psychological and socio cultural barries. In the interaction, every individuality from each ethnic group has his own perspective and different attitude on their existence and relation toward other ethnic group. Some of Javanese and Lampungese perceive  that all ethnic groups are similar and willing to have equivalent relationship, behave openly and having no distance with other ethnic group. Such type of Javanese and Lampungese are called inculusive Javanese and inclusive lampungese. On the other hand, exclusive Javanese and Lampungese are those who think that his own ethnic group is better than the other one and asking for special treatment for that reason. The research also concludes that communication  and interaction dynamics between Javanese and Lampungese is going on circularly in various aspects of life, such as religion, economics, politics and social. The on going communication between the two ethnic groups can be colored by cooperation and competition. Competition is only psychological, it is not resulting conflict. Cooperation is motivated by politics, economics and relegion. For the reason of achieving the same interest, they can break the border of different ethnic group. Javanese and Lampungese ethnic groups in transmigration area in South Lampung are able to manage cultural differences so wisely that they can communicate harmoniously.
TVRI Sebagai Medium Pencitraan Politisi Dalam Pemilu Legislatif 2009 (Studi Kasus Terhadap Caleg Dalam Acara Dialog Warta Pemilu Periode Februari s.d Maret 2009) Bambang Widodo
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober

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Televisi sebagai alat komunikasi massa yang berbentuk media massa memegang peranan penting dalam penyebaran informasi baik itu politik, bisnis maupun sosial budaya. Selain itu, televisi sebagai media massa juga berfungsi sebagai memberikan informasi, pendidikan dan hiburan. Pada momen pemilu legeslatif 2009 lalu, media massa, khususnya televisi, menjadi salah satu pilihan para politisi sebagai medium atau alat/sarana membentuk pencitraan diri. Bagaimana para kandidat Anggota Dewan itu berupaya untuk lebih dikenal dan mencari simpati audience atau masyarakat luas dengan tampil dilayar kaca,  merupakan keseluruhan proses komunikasi massa. Proses Komunikasi Massa ini melalui rangkaian teori Komunikasi Massa dan model Media massa yang berlangsung satu arah, seperti teori S-O-R, Stimulus-Organism (Komunikator)-Respon, serta teori media massa linier yang merupakan model audio visual (televisi), yakni Komunikator Pesan (melalui media massa sebagai medium) Komunikan (khalayak luas). Permasalahan yang diteliti adalah media massa (TVRI) digunakan sebagai medium atau alat/sarana pencitraan politisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketertarikan dan banyaknya animo para politisi terhadap TVRI yang seakan saling berlomba untuk tampil di layar kaca. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan melakukan field research terhadap studi kasus caleg dalam acara "Dialog Warta Pemilu" periode Maret hingga April 2009. Selain itu, penelitian juga menggunakan paradigma "post- positivis" tidak melihat dari konstruksi Dialog Warta Pemilu, akan tetapi lebih kepada proses Dialog Warta Pemilu. Momen pemilu legislatif menimbulkan suatu fenomena perilaku para politisi untuk dapat terkenal dengan tampil dillayar kaca pada kemasan Dialog Warta Pemilu. Hasil penelitian pada Dialog Warta Pemilu dapat disimpulkan bahwa media TVRI diminati para politisi sebagai medium pencitraan diri, di mana dengan pencitraan dimaksud agar individuil politisi dapat dikenal dan terkenal di masyarakat luas dengan membahas beragam topik aktual terkait dengan "Pemilu Legeslatif". Penetapan hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan atas kekuatan dan keunggulan Media Massa yang bersifat tersebar luas dengan serempak serta mempuyai daya pesona dan daya tarik tersendiri
Komunikasi Pemasaran CV Laktatridia Dalam Memasarkan Susu Kambing (Studi Kasus Komunikasi Pemasaran dalam Mengenalkan dan Meningkatkan Penjualan Susu Kambing di CV Laktatridia Ciwidey, Bandung) Iis Saidah
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011): April

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This research uses case study metode wich would give such as comprehensive description of all marketing communication of the CV Laktatridia, complete with its implementation and problems that they are facing in doing the marketing of the goats milk.The research decides that the main target objective of the marketing Laktatridia product which is developed under the name "ETTA" is the people who understands, care, and middle up class. Laktatridia sells the goat milk using oral and write communication, through advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and trade expo. The media uses by CV Laktatridia are face to face communication, telephone, brochure, banner, website, and expo which information about goat milk brand, name and address of the company, and the quality of the product. Laktatridia develops fresh goat milk in cup with original taste.The marketing communication division "ETTA" goat milk has a lots of barrier such as they didn't have marketing professional employee and less general employee, Gaot milk is less familiar on the public, and less awareness of the public about the benefit of milk. The model of marketing communication which is developed by Laktatridia has six steps communication processes; they are evaluate the objective, stake message communication content, selecting the right channel, generate credidble sources,  and eliminating the flaws design.The conclusion of the research decides marketing communication which is developed by Laktatridia less effective, need to optimalization and new innovation in doing marketing communication to more effective in the future.The suggestions of the research are Laktatridia need to access information of goat milk more large reach, recruit professional employee, compromy with supermarket or distributor, strive for stable organization structure and doing development product with innovatif method so it will be easy in marketing and increase of audience interest to goat milk.
Intercultural Communication In The Inheritance Urang Pulo The Myth Euis Hermawati
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 3, No 3 (2011): Oktober

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Communication is an essential aspect fo Urang Pulo to preserve their mythical culture. One of the myth preserving method is to inherit in the myth to upcoming generation. The inheritance involves both interaction and communication among Urang Pulo s society. Who share similar cultural backgrounds, which called intracultural communication. This study defines intracultural communication within Urang Pulo society. In the myth preserving method. The society of Kampung Pulo is unique, they are Sundanese sub-culture with matrilineal system where the ones who privilege to stay in this traditional village is the daughter of motherhood family, tree who happen to be the descendant ofAmbah Arif Muhammad. Kampung Pulo s society is bind to myth, thet has been inherited through generations.This study is a qualitative research using etnography communication approach, data collecting method is introspection, policipani observation, deep interview and document analytical.The result show that 1) intracultural communication in the main family at Kampung Pulos society has an important role in the myth to the next generation. The role of parents is done by implanting, and teach whatever myths prevailing in Kampung Pulo, by telling stories and perform traditional rituals. Mother or grandmother is the main is the main source of information for the whole family, they were not separated by historical, that the people of Kampung Pulo known for matrilinealnya system. These myths are the legacy of Kampung Pulo ancestor society that must be maintained and preserved. 2) The symbols that are being used are divide into two, Symbols tangible thas is house tradition, offerings, nyuguh, padaringan, and symbols intangible that is, myth (pamali), kuruhun, and mamala. These symbols are not picked by the informants, instead has already been provided throughout generations based on cultural tradition. Languange is a symbol of the most frequently on myth preserving method. 3) Currently Urang Pulo, conceptualizing the inheritance of myth. Diversity in various ways of meaning is influenced by many things, such as education, experience, environment, age, generation, interaction with outsiders. Researcher categorized the meanings the were told by informants as process in myth preserving method to other generations; a) Gratefulnes to God. b) An honor to the ancestors. c) Fear of punishment. d) Direction of life to their descendants, and, e)Local wisdom. 4) Intacultural communication model of Urang Pulo is vertical, where the mechanism of communication is done from top to bottom, from one generation to next generation, intraculture communication Urang Pulo is done in the process of inheritance of myth, everyting is done face communication.
Program Acara Kesenian Tradisional Di Radio Swasta Lokal Di Diy (Studi Komparatif Tentang Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Eksistensi Program Acara Kesenian Tradisional Di Radio Siaran Swasta Pada Frekuensi FM Dan AM Di Yogyakarta) Noning Verawati
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 4, No 4 (2012): April

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This research is a case study research that revealing how is the existence of traditional art program (Wayangan) on four private broadcast radios at Jogjakarta with different frequency that consist of Frequency Modulation (FM) and Amplitude Modulation (AM) in Unisi Radio 104.5 FM, Retjo Buntung Radio 99.4 FM, Swara Konco Tani Radio and Swara Kenanga Jogjakarta Radio. Appropriate with case study, so this research will answering the question ‘how’ and ‘why’ about the factors that influenced to the traditional art program on the private broadcast radio at Jogjakarta. The traditional art program, especially wayang was being a research object because this program has a high historic value in order to maintaining the origin culture of Indonesia. Initially, this program is ‘creation’ government program as one of broadcast requirement. But after the reformation on 1998, this program is no longer being a requirement so that there are many the private broadcast radios in FM frequency is not broadcasting it, but there are also still broadcasting it although in limited duration. Today, the traditional art program can listened on the private broadcast radio in AM frequency that has taking over these programs. This research result is Unisi Radio 104.5 FM has been removing the art program because it is not agree with their audients and segment that is young generation. While Retjo Buntung Ra dio on the contrary is choosing to maintain the traditional art program because they were committed to maintaining Indonesian culture. Meanwhile, two radio that placed in AM that consist of Swara Konco Tani and Swara Kenanga instead carrying the traditional art program as their main broadcast, so that they are famous as radio that based on culture.
The Construction of Media Reality on Judicial Mafia News (Critical Discourse Analysis Study of Bibit and Chandra Case on Bang One Show) Aden Hidayat
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober

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Purpose of the research is divided into four, which are, the curiosity on discourse that is done by Bang One Show in judicial mafia presentation, the editorial reason for choosing judicial mafia, editorial concern or market condition, considered social-culture factors. This research is using the criticism of paradigm with critical discourse analysis qualitative approach. This critical discourse analysis adopts Fairclough model. This model emphasizes on four levels, those are; text, production, consumption, and social-culture. On text level, the result of this research of Bang One Show's presentation in expressing judicial mafia, shows advocacy to Bibit and Chandra and boxes Anggodo into a corner. This becomes editorial's political attitude to take sides to Bibit and Chandra. Editorial selection on production level about judicial mafia discourse of Bibit and Chandra case, can not be separated from economical interest that is seen both from market and social interests. However, unfortunately, on production level, the social interest is inconsistently done forever, which is proved, there is not even a single program relates to the stockholder news that is assumed it has damaged public interest. On the discourse level of consumption that wins Bibit and Chandra, the editorial staff has concerned with public attention. Social-culture, as the last level in Bang One Show, concerns the social condition at that time, as judicial mafia of Bibit and Chandra case was on aired, the public opinion tended to Bibit and Chandra advocacy, and cross examination on Anggodo. From the four levels, it can be concluded that the reality or meaningful discourse, is certainly influenced by internal factors and media external.
Pewarisan Budaya Organisasi Dalam Konteks Komunikasi Organisasi (Studi Kasus Pewarisan Budaya Organisasi di Ma'soem Group Bandung) Agustin Rozalena
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011): April

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This research aim to knowing the pattern of the inheritance of the organization culture Ma'soem Group, especially in PT Ma'soem that manag the product Pertamina, and Yayasan Pendidikan Al Ma'soem, that is involve in formal education. This research method is qualitative with the case study plan. The field data is receiv from the informant, technically the data collection that is us that is the interview, observation, as well as the analysis of the document of non participation.Results of field work show that (1) the orientation and the manifestation from spiritual values and philosophy Sundanism in the organization culture Ma'soem Group is clarify  in the point of view and the mission, business strategy, structure and work procedure, system and the rule, the name, the form, and the symbol, the anecdote, the creed, and organization jargon, as well as ritual.(2) Ma'soem Group had the typical organization culture, strong, and be proud of. In this case, the values of the culture that is invest by the leader can increase the will, loyalty, and pride as well as more far creat the effectiveness of the work. The orientation of the values that are apply this including the value of the achievement that honesty, discipline, and the characteristics is believed. (3) The involvement of the leader is very big is cause by the hero factor that is strong from the founder and the first generation of the founding continuer of the organization. (4) Through the pattern of vertical communication with the communication channel in the spreading of the centipede through the story, ritual, and the rule is not written and written show that the organization Ma'soem Group is the organization that is open with input, criticism, new ideas, as well as the spirit in developing the similarity of the perception work as religious duties.(5) The inheritance of the organization culture Ma'soem Group is begun from the founder and the leader is dropp off to the managements ranks and the manager through the communication channel interpersonal, the group, and the public. Both formal and informal media.
Kegiatan Sosialisasi Telkom Solution Business Partner (TSBP) Dalam Meningkatkan Sikap Karyawan Menangani Kasus Pelanggan Telkom Solution Dian Dwiyane
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011): April

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PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. is the largest company engaged in communications services, to full fill the needs of telecommunications in a growing business world. PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (Telkom) launched "TELKOM Solution", an InfoCom service which is integrated with the main target corporate market (high-end market). "TELKOM Solution" concerned the quality aspects and highlight the benefits also value to the business world. This research, examine socialization activities taken by the management of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. about "TELKOM Solution". The socialization gives information about the services offered by "TELKOM Solution". The socialization of "TELKOM Solution" is being concept in a message or subject matter given by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, tbk. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, tbk. gives message about the system of "TELKOM Solution" service , the goal is to avoid the acknowledge about the excellence and function of "TELKOM Solution" service.
Empowerment of Government Public Relations Office Post Restructuring ( Case Study on Informatics and Public Relations Office of Jakarta City Administration) Tria Patrianti
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 3, No 3 (2011): Oktober

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This research aims to seek better understanding on the empowerment of the public relations office following the restructuring conducted by Jakarta City Administration.  Involving 11 respondents, the research utilizes qualitative research method with case study approach.The background issues in the research are as followed: (1) Why the role and function of public relations office at Jakarta Administration remain insignificant regardless of the restructuring; (2) What the public relations office’s role and function are in the attempts to empower public relations following the restructuring; and (3) What the ideal pattern of the empowerment of government public relations office at Jakarta City Administration is. The research shows that (1) The restructuring has been quite efficient, but the public relations office has yet to be effective in promoting Governor’s policies; (2) Following the restructuring, the public relations office has yet to be empowered optimally and is consdered weak in carrying out its tasks and function.  The weakness was attributed to, first, the complicated problems and organizational structure at the Administration, as well as the ego of different institutions.  Second,  the slow service in providing public information due to the low pace of coordination between offices.  Public relations officers do not have the full authority to dictate the Governor related to this public image.  Third, public reltions is still positioned as technical support, instead of managerial or strategic position; (3) The Governor has high commitment in supporting public relations’s function.  It is up to the public relations office itself to implement it well; (4) The quality of human resourcs is subject to improvement through training or education ; (5) Public relations budget is still modest; and (6) The infrastructure to provide public information are readily available, suc as news website, hotline service and social media.
Simbol dan Identitas: Kajian Tentang Negosiasi dan Konsolidasi Terhadap Simbol Budaya Dalam mempertahankan Identitas Masyarakat Riau Noor Efni Salam
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 4, No 4 (2012): April

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This research is aimed at analyzing the process of negotiation and consolidation on the symbol of clothing and architecture of Riau Malay, and different perceptions in its intepretation. This is done as an effort to unify the meaning of these symbols as cultural identity of the people of Riau. This is a qualitative research with Riau people as informants which purposively selected. The results showed that the clothing symbols negotiated and consolidate, while architecture symbol still in the process of consolidative.

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