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The Use Of Drills And Picture To Vocabulary Mastery Of The Sixth Year Students Of Sd Negeri 1 Gedung Sari, Anak Ratu Aji, Lampung Tengah In The Academic Year Of 2011/2012 Muhammad Kristiawan
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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Teaching vocabulary successfully needs a good method. The method of teaching vocabulary is always changeable. It is due to teaching itself is a complicated process that never possible gives absolute rule, which will ensure success. At this point, teacher is necessary to use best guide. The drill and picture method represent a multisensory multifaceted approach suitably needed by different students. The benefits from this research are: (1). to know the scaffold of the drill and picture method to vocabulary mastery of the students. (2). to develop and enrich knowledge in method of vocabulary mastery. (3). to add discourse of effective studying English for increasing students achievements in general and vocabulary mastery in particular.The object of this research is the population of academic members of SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari, Anak Ratu Aji, Lampung Tengah in the academic year of 2011/2012. The sample of the study is the second year students of SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari and it is called as total sample because it just consists of one class. There are 24 students in this class. To get the data for writing down this thesis, the writer applied several methods and can be divided into three types, there are: document study, field research, and statistical methods.Document study applied by studying about documents which are available in the second year of SD Negeri I Gedung Sari in the academic year of 2011/2012. Field research consists of questioner, test and observation. The researcher used the data from field research to analyze the problems which will be answered in this article. The last analysis is statistical methods.The writer uses formula of product moment correlation to measure how significant the influence eclectic reading method toward reading comprehension achievement. (1). Based on applied several methods above, the researcher discovered the result that: The score of eclectic reading method of the second year students or SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari according to the writer is significant, proven from the percentage questioner scores. It is 66 % (2). The English reading comprehension achievement of the second year students of SD Negeri I Gedung Sari is significant, proven from the percentage of English reading comprehension score. It is 71, 67%. (3). The next statistical hypothesis that says there is no correlation between eclectic reading method (X) and students English reading comprehension achievement (Y) is refused because after consulting the critical r in the level of significant of 5% found that critical r for the number of samples 24 is 0,404. In other words, it can be said that research hypothesis says there is significant correlation between eclectic reading method and students English reading comprehension achievement is proved.
A Functional Model Of Language, Interrelations Of Language, Text And Context, And The Implications For Language Teaching Baginda Simaibang
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The purpose of this research is to explore the interrelations of language, context and text and the implications for language teaching. In this investigation, the children were recorded and their conversations were transcribed. The transcription of the conversation and the language of advertisement were analysed using the Halliday and the Jacobson models of language functions. How the functional model was used in the assessment of texts and how were language, context and text were interrelated will lead us into a linguistic thought that the practical uses of the language could contribute to the teaching and education developments. The results indicated that the children conversations and the language of advertisement do reflect model of language functions. For example; the functions can be identifying, encouraging, offering and requesting. These findings show an understanding that functional model actually contribute to communicative teaching approaches. This is an approach that may be adopted by teachers of foreign language teaching where learners are not exposed to the target language.
The Study On The Acquisition Order Of English Morphemes In The First Semester Students In English Education Study Program At Bandar Lampung University Yanuar Dwi Prastyo; Mirza Azhari
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The aim of this research is to find out the order of morphemes acquisition in the first semester students at English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Bandar Lampung University. The subjects of this research are twenty-one students in the first semester at English study program at Bandar Lampung University. Their ages ranged from 17-35 years old. They studied English as a subject in their schools for more than 7 years. To obtain the research data, picture based story is used and the subjects of the research are asked to write a story based on the picture given. From their writings, the acquisition of five English morphemes is analyzed. The result shows that the order of morphemes acquisition on the subjects of the research are 1) Plural (90.4%), 2) Past regular (85.7%), 3) Progressive (83.8%), 4) Past irregular (82.7%) 5) Third person singular (50%).
Satu Tinjauan Diskripsi Tentang Modalitas Bahasa Inggris Dan Bahasa Indonesia . Eryon
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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Modalitas adalah sikap pembicara atas keterlibatannya terhadap kebenaran proposisi tuturannya. Sikap ini bisa dimarkahi dengan pemarkah leksikal yang berbeda yaitu dalam bentuk kata, frasa, atau klausa. Modalitas ada dalam tataran semantik yang berarti  bisa muncul dalam semua bahasa dengan bentuk pengungkapnya masing masing. Modalitas bisa dinilai dan diukur berdasarkan perangkat prinsipyang dikemukakan oleh Perkins. Dengan perangkat prinsip inilah subkategori modalitas semua bahasa bisa diamati, dinilai, dan diukur. Melalui perangkat prinsip ini, serta ditambah teori-teori lain dari Perkins, Palmer, Coates, dan Quirk et al dan Alwi subkategori modalitas Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia didiskripsikan
A Comparative Study Between Child-Centered And Teacher-Centered In Teaching English To Elementary School Students . Musiman
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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This experimental study used two groups, randomized subjects, posttest-only design. It was conducted to know whether Child-Centered method is more effective, more efficient, and more enjoyable than Teacher-Centered method in teaching English to elementary school students. Thirty students taken randomly from the population were randomly grouped into one experimental group and one controlled group, consisting of 15 students each. The experimental group was taught using Child-Centered method, while the control group was taught using Teacher-Centered method, by the same teacher, using the same material.Observation and interview were done during the research process to collect the data about studentss feeling. Post-test was given after 10 meeting (treatments) to know the learning result. The t-test analysis to the data indicates that Child-Centered method is more effective, more efficient, and more enjoyable than Teacher-Centered method in teaching English to the fourth grade of elementary school students in SD Negeri 1 Beringin Raya, Kemiling, Bandar Lampung.
The Use Of Pictured Stories In Improving Students Vocabulary Achievement Budi Kadaryanto; Emi Handayani
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The objective of this research was to find out whether there was any significant improvement of the students’ vocabulary achievement at the eighth grade of SMP Tunas Harapan, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung after they were taught by using pictured stories and to investigate the process of teaching vocabulary by using pictured stories. This research used one group pre test post test design. The sample of this research was VIII A at Tunas Harapan, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, in academic year 2010/2011. Objective vocabulary test was used as the instrument of the research. The data were analyzed by using repeated measure t- test in which the significance was determined by p<0.05. The result suggested that the difference of the mean score from pretest and posttest was 16.4. Under SPSS test, the difference was significant, in which the p value was 0.000, which was less than 0.05. This indicates the significant improvement of students vocabulary achievement. In addition the teaching learning process using pictured stories indicates that can improve the students involvement and students activeness in the process of teaching learning vocabulary.

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