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Prof. Wimpy Santosa, Ph.D
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Jurnal Transportasi
ISSN : 14112442     EISSN : 26151146     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Transportasi adalah jurnal ilmiah di bidang ilmu transportasi yang diterbitkan tiga kali setahun oleh Forum Studi Transportasi antar-Perguruan Tinggi (FSTPT). Makalah-makalah yang dimuat di jurnal ini merupakan makalah-makalah terbaik dari Simposium FSTPT yang diadakan setiap tahun. Selain sebagai wadah komunikasi ilmiah, penerbitan Jurnal Transportasi juga bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan bidang ilmu transportasi. Jurnal Transportasi terakreditasi yang kedua kali berdasarkan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia, Nomor 51/DIKTI/ Kep/2010 tanggal 5 Juli 2010.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 17 Documents
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Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract Traveling decision was part of activity scheduling process which to be basis of activity demand modeling. In activity-based modeling, traveling was defined as movement with sequential process concentrating to through segments starting from home and back to home which more realistic than old model, trip based which used by four stages model. Using this approach model, the transport passenger modal split which was usually done by the people are analyzed in order to answer why recently the use of motorcycle was increased in number. The proportion of motorcycle which was increased  in composition of roadway traffic reflect to the condition of modal split which done by the people from the available mode.  Modal split was conditional decision on choosing decision in previous level, i.e. pattern of acitivity, time of the day, destintion and number of stop. The results of this study was expected to provide detail description of variables which were very influence to transportation modal split process.Keywords: mode choice, activity-based
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract This paper describes some urban transportation problems faced by big cities in Indoniesia. Several problems related to sustainable transportation are described and alternative solutions are presented. Transport Demand Management Policy is recommended as one alternative for solving the problems.Keywords: sustainable transportation system, transport demand management.
ANALISIS KONDISI BONDING ANTAR LAPISAN BERASPAL SECARA TEORITIS DAN PENGUJIAN DI LABORATORIUM Hariyadi, Eri Susanto; Siswosoebrotho, Bambang Ismanto; Kosasih, Djunaedi; Subagio, Bambang Sugeng
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract The condition of bonding between asphalt pavement layer can influence the behaviour of pavement structure in supporting vehicle loading. In strong bonding condition, the adjacent pavement layers will act together to support pavement loading and the other way in weak bonding condition the layers will act independently with the result that stress in every layer of pavement become higher and will decrease pavement life consequently. This study described the investigation of bonding condition using teorethical model and laboratory test. Those are developed using CIRCLY5-SAP2000 Program and Modified Direct Shear Test respectively. The results shown that there is the range of bonding parameter which starting from weak bonding until full bonding using theoretical and laboratory model. Futhermore the analysis shown that ignoring bonding condition between pavement layer will become one of factors which cause early damage in pavement structure.Keywords : Bonding, Direct Shear Test, SAP2000, CIRCLY5
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract A rapid increase of motorcycle ownership in the last twenty years made a decline to the road safety. This condition led Jakarta government to announce a policy for motorcycles to ride on leftmost lane on the road effectively by January 2007. Therefore, this paper analyzes the obedient of motorcyclist to the policy after about 4 months officially announced in various traffic conditions. This paper analysis is based on the 24 hours observation on both directions of Letjen. S. Parman Arterial Road using video recorder. First of all the distribution of motorcycles across the lanes are analyzed. Furthermore, the percentages of motorcycle in the leftmost lane on different time periods and different V/Cs are compared using t-test. Additionally a Pearson correlation analysis is also conducted between the percentage of motorcycle in the leftmost lane and several other variables. The results shows about 46 percent of motorcyclists obey the policy. The analysis also shows that there are significant differences between the obedience of motorcyclists in the 10.00-16.00 observation periods and in the 22.00-06.00 observation period.Keywords : lane distribution, motorcycle, Jakarta
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract This study intended to investigate the traffic accident cost in the city of Makassar.  Analysis performed in this study used two components of accident costs, namely resource and non-resource costs. The Resource costs include cost for repairing vehicles, hospital costs, and production loss. The non-resource costs include costs related to pain, grief and mourn, and other costs paid by family and friends. In this study, the Gross of Output Method was used for analysis. Data for traffic accident victim were collected from hospitals and accident cost data were obtained from the victims, using interview techniques and questionnaires. The results of this study show that the costs for every victim accident category in the city of Makassar are for victim die is equal to Rp. 114,516,00,-, Rp. 60,008,599,-, Rp. 1,525,990,-, and Rp. 517,500,- for fatality, serious injury, slight injury, and property damage only, respectively.Keywords: traffic accident, traffic accident victim, fatality
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract Many problems in transport planning and management tasks require an origin-destination (O-D) matrix to represent the travel pattern. However, O-D matrices obtained through a large scale survey such as home or road side interviews, tend to be costly, labour intensive and time disruptive to trip makers. Therefore, the alternative of using traffic counts to estimate O-D matrices is particularly attractive. Models of transport demand have been used for many years to synthesize O-D matrices in study areas. A typical example of this is the gravity model (GR); its functional form, plus the appropriate values for the parameters involved, is employed to produce acceptable matrices representing trip making behaviour for many trip purposes and time periods. Four estimation methods have been analysed and tested to calibrate the transport demand models from traffic counts, namely: Non-Linear-Least-Squares (NLLS), Maximum-Likelihood (ML), Maximum-Entropy (ME) and Bayes-Inference (BI). The Bandung’s Urban Traffic Movement survey has been used to test the developed method. Based on several statistical tests, the estimation methods are found to perform satisfactorily since each calibrated model reproduced the observed matrix fairly closely. The tests were carried out  using two assignment techniques, all-or-nothing and equilibrium assignment.keywords : transportation model, O-D matrices, estimation method, trip distribution, trip assignment
KAJIAN PARK AND RIDE UNTUK BUSWAY JAKARTA Prayudyanto, Muhammad Nanang; Tamin, Ofyar Z.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract As one of the TDM alternative for improving bus public transport services, park-and-ride (P&R) could support a larger mode shift from private car users. Experience from other developed countries proves that P&R could bring more passenger uses mass transit system. Two important parameter for the successful of P&R services are location and tarif.  In Jakarta, the successful implementation of Blok M-Kota first busway corridor could not be followed by others, due to low quality of transfer facilities. This paper reviews the theoretical ideal P&R and practical measures to be discussed for the Jakarta busway corridors.keywords: park and ride, private car users, busway
ESTIMASI PELAYANAN OPERASIONAL BUS LANE DI BANDUNG Kusuma, Gatot Perdana; Sutandi, A. Caroline; Santosa, Wimpy; Joewono, Tri Basuki
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract As a way to improve the service of public transportation, there is a plan to operate bus lane in the city of Bandung with Cibeureum-Cibiru as a selected route. The aim of this study is to estimate the number of passenger and also the operational characteristics of bus lane for 20 years, i.e. from 2007 up to 2027. By employing deterministic approach, several operational characteristics, i.e. frequency, headway, and number of bus, are estimated. Two types of bus are employed, i.e. medium and regular bus with 55 and 85 passengers. Number of passengers for the year of 2007 and 2027 are 1,562 and 2,321 passengers per hour per direction, respectively. In 2007, frequency for medium and regular bus is 14 and 10 bus per hour, while the headway is 4.3 and 6 minutes. Number of medium and regular bus for the year of 2007 is 27 and 20 units.Keywords: bus lane, pelayanan operasional, estimasi, angkutan umum.
ESTIMASI PELAYANAN OPERASIONAL BUS LANE DI BANDUNG Kusuma, Gatot Perdana; Sutandi, A. Caroline; Santosa, Wimpy; Joewono, Tri Basuki
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.806 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v7i2.1823.%p


Abstract As a way to improve the service of public transportation, there is a plan to operate bus lane in the city of Bandung with Cibeureum-Cibiru as a selected route. The aim of this study is to estimate the number of passenger and also the operational characteristics of bus lane for 20 years, i.e. from 2007 up to 2027. By employing deterministic approach, several operational characteristics, i.e. frequency, headway, and number of bus, are estimated. Two types of bus are employed, i.e. medium and regular bus with 55 and 85 passengers. Number of passengers for the year of 2007 and 2027 are 1,562 and 2,321 passengers per hour per direction, respectively. In 2007, frequency for medium and regular bus is 14 and 10 bus per hour, while the headway is 4.3 and 6 minutes. Number of medium and regular bus for the year of 2007 is 27 and 20 units.Keywords: bus lane, pelayanan operasional, estimasi, angkutan umum.
Cover Kulit dan Daftar Isi 7-2 Isi, Cover Daftar
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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